
Self-comparison Quotes

There are 407 quotes

"You really are your only comparison group, especially as you get older because your life is so idiosyncratic and peculiar."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to other people."
"Business calls, and I'm the Batman of business."
"Stop comparing yourself to others and eliminate jealousy because comparison is the thief of joy."
"The real secret is to feel good, the secret is to love where you are in the moment, and not compare yourself to where you think you should be."
"What's the difference between me and Dream? Right, Dream on one hand, yeah, he has 20 million subscribers."
"Don't compare where you are to other people; you're exactly where you need to be."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not just who someone else is today."
"You're feeling confident. It's cautioning you not to compare yourself to others."
"If you really want to compare yourself to anyone, it should be with yourself. You can objectively compare yourself with yourself, find things that you can work on, and find things that you can improve on."
"Comparing yourself to your former self is so detrimental. You are exactly where you need to be right now."
"The underlying problem with impostor syndrome... is that you're comparing yourself to others, and that kind of comparison is not fundamentally productive for your own development."
"Stop comparing yourself and don't let others compare you."
"Once you've kind of climbed to that mountaintop in terms of where your physique can be, leanness-wise, you always even compare yourself to that, and that's not really a realistic comparison."
"Don't compare yourself to others; really allow yourself to be more selfish."
"The only person I can compare myself to is myself because everybody's got like a unique starting point."
"It's truly like the most important person to compare yourself to is yourself; he has the same starting position as you, he has all the same things going for him and against him, and as long as you're doing better than you were yesterday, you're making improvements."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today."
"One of the rules I think is rule four is compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today, and see, that's a game you can win."
"Don't compare yourself. It's toxic. Focus on your own journey, but also don't be super hard on yourself for the everyday things happening."
"Don't compare someone else's chapter 20 with your chapter 1."
"Don't compare yourself with others. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."
"Whatever you find fun, if that's fun to you and you don't lament the idea that 'well in the old build I had this and this,' then that's the only way you should do."
"We need to take a look at ourselves without comparison... our progress and our looks should never be compared to anyone else's."
"We're judging ourselves against too many people. You have to judge yourself against yourself."
"You're on your own path, and you shouldn't compare your own path to anyone else."
"Comparing yourself to others... there's almost always going to be somebody out there that is better at something than you... ideally you compare yourself to what you were yesterday."
"If you're comparing yourself... it actually gets you out of responsibility. A lot of us want a release of pressure more so than we want to take the responsibility for our own lives."
"Once you get off [the comparison train], you're going to be feeling so much better in your life because you don't have some false illusion that you're chasing."
"I think the hardest part in college is not comparing yourself to other people... you are there for your education."
"Don't compare yourself to others, just compare yourself to how you've been in the past."
"I have more in common with a dog than I have with you."
"Stop comparing myself to other people and instead compare myself to my previous selves."
"Compare yourself to your previous self. That's the best kind of regret."
"Comparing your journey to others can create tremendous pressure."
"Your angels also want you not to compare yourself to others... you guys will hit all your goals and more."
"Stop comparing yourself... If every single person in the world could make a ton of money from their blog then every single person in the world would be doing it."
"If some other son of a bitch can do it, I can do it."
"Stop comparing yourself to the girl next door."
"There are phases of life, and it's very easy to compare yourself to someone else in one phase and feel like, 'I wish I had what they had.'"
"Comparison is the number one killer of happiness."
"As long as I'm better than what I did yesterday, I'm happier."
"Stop comparing yourself to other people... find a different goal."
"It's hard for me to not think about them and compare myself to other people who also do this for a living."
"The problem is we're comparing ourselves to other people, and it has to stop."
"Stop comparing yourself to other youtubers, big or small."
"No, he's doing the same thing I'm doing but he's doing it better."
"Stop comparing your behind the scenes to other people's highlight-reel."
"It's never enough. My advice: compare yourself to yourself and be happy with what you have."
"It's human nature, also a common fallacy, to consistently compare oneself to others."
"The only person that you can really compare yourself to is your previous self..."
"Look at your own achievements and compare them to yourself."
"Engaging in comparisons is a slippery slope leading to dissatisfaction, resentment, and a distorted sense of self-worth."
"Be careful of comparing yourself to others, it only keeps you stuck."
"Yes, it will happen, but if you keep looking at when other things are happening for other people, you will always feel behind."
"You are comparing yourself not only to other people but to your previous self."
"Don't compare your journey with others... It's easy to think that you're the only one feeling that way when in fact, most people are feeling that at some point."
"Comparing yourself to other people will make you a lot happier, a lot sooner."
"You're at a different level of goat status when people start just comparing you to you."
"The only person you should compare yourself with is your past self."
"Everybody's at a different stage; don't compare yourself to somebody at the end of their journey."
"I literally felt like Cinderella with a glass slipper."
"Comparison steals your joy, gotta make sure that you run your own race."
"It's impossible not to compare yourself in that situation."
"I choose not to compare myself to somebody else."
"Stop running races against everyone else and measure yourself against your own self yesterday."
"Don't compare yourself or your success to anybody else."
"You can stand under my umbrella ella absolute finish! The finishes, it reminds me of me. That's as soon as he hit that I thought that that is how I would hit it."
"Remember why you started... remember that I'm training with you... don't compare yourself to anybody... only compare yourself against your yesterday self."
"Comparing yourself to what everybody else is doing isn't fair because everyone's path is individual."
"Don't compare yourself to others, just have fun."
"I just focus on being my best and lifting it to the best of my ability under my current situation and not comparing myself to anybody."
"Comparing yourself literally is the thief of joy."
"That you're better than someone else, that is the part that drives to madness."
"However you make it is how you make it. Don't compare yourself to others."
"The only person that you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday and I think that's that's greatness testing yourself..."
"Comparing yourself to the best possible outcome at all times in life is a certain way to remain very, very unhappy."
"Comparison is the death of joy. The only person you have to be better than is who you were yesterday."
"Don't compare yourself because you have your own path."
"Stop comparing yourself to BTS because that is a game that you are going to lose."
"Don't try to compare yourself with anyone else."
"Comparing yourself to the biggest artist in the world... is a bold statement."
"Comparison is the theft of joy... stay in your lane."
"When we isolate one part of our lives and compare ourselves in this one area to someone else in this one area, we commit a huge logical error."
"If dance is the poetry of the foot, then I'm Shakespeare."
"Don't waste time comparing yourself to others."
"Don't compare your start to someone else's finish."
"A real giant measures himself against himself."
"As long as you compare yourself to others, you will be walking in their shadows."
"Quote of the day: Don't compare yourself to other people, compare yourself to you one week ago."
"We're just comparing ourselves to others, unhealthy as hell."
"My definition of greatness is not comparing yourself to others and just being the best to your ability."
"Comparison is the thief of joy... find people that motivate and inspire you to be a better version of yourself."
"Find your groove via trial and error and don't compare yourself to anybody else."
"Comparison is an act of violence against the self."
"People compare themselves to the most extreme best transformations out there."
"Stop comparing your life to somebody else. Run your own race."
"Is this better? I guess like this is probably more like what other people's are."
"Confidence does not come from you comparing yourself to someone else."
"Instead of comparing myself I just celebrate."
"Comparison is the biggest killer of self-joy."
"Comparing yourself too much to others... focus all your efforts on just making a little bit of progress each week and month compared to yourself."
"Stop comparing yourself to other traders... everybody's journey is different."
"Comparison is the thief of joy. It robs you of your joy when you compare yourself."
"Do not ever, ever look at social media and then compare yourself to what this is. It's like comparing yourself to a model in a magazine that has been photoshopped."
"Spend hopefully less time comparing yourself to other people and hopefully less time determining worth based on physical appearance and more time investing that energy into making yourself happier."
"The only person I should be comparing myself to is me, and that's the best zipper I've ever done."
"Trust the timing of your life, not comparing yourself to where somebody else's chapter is."
"Comparing myself to my old self... I want to be better than who I used to be. I want to get better with age and I want to get better as I move forward in life."
"Comparing oneself to others highlights another person's highlights can foster feelings of falling short."
"It's so important not to compare yourself to other people."
"Comparing yourself to someone else, you're not gonna be happy, coz there's always going to be something that you can compare yourself to."
"The only person I try to compare myself to is the me of yesterday."
"You are like the Pokémon evolved version of me."
"If he can do it, why can't I? I know I'm smaller, but that's what it is, harder than anything."
"The only one you should be comparing yourself to is yourself."
"Your own pace cannot be measured against that of others."
"They always say that you should set your state standards by what the female version of you looks like."
"Everyone is guilty of that, don't compare yourself to others."
"True nobility is being superior to your former self."
"The person we need to compare ourselves to is ourselves."
"Don't compare yourself to other success, only compare yourself to where you were yesterday."
"Stop comparing and appreciate your own timeline."
"If there's one thing I want you to take away from this video it's to please remember that this kind of content is not something to strive for or something to compare yourself to."
"We're definitely right there next to the Bible." - Jerry Duggan
"Don't compare yourself to anyone else. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday."
"Never think that this is a measurement tool to compare you to anyone else, it's to compare you to the you that you were five minutes ago or yesterday or last week."
"Be careful about comparing yourself to others."
"Comparison is always a losing game and a thief of joy."
"The only difference between me and you is that I did not quit."
"Comparing yourself to others is sick. It's not nice."
"Everybody else has to try to fit into my shoes or my socks."
"Comparing yourselves to others doesn't make you happier."
"Creativity is not a competition. When other people do good work, they are not beating you. The only person's work you should try to surpass is your own."
"Don't ever compare yourself to someone on YouTube or Instagram."
"I'm Marvel's Jesus, which is like one of the greatest lines ever."
"People younger than me achieving more than me, no matter how small it is, it works all the time."
"It's all about His will be done. Don't also measure yourself off of others' blessings. Just remember that you asked for it."
"Comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on your love, period."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not where others are today."
"Never want you to look at what I'm sharing on Instagram or YouTube or wherever and feel the need to compare yourselves to me."
"It really has nothing to it trying to just don't compare yourself to it I mean it's that's the worst thing you can do."
"You really really cannot compare yourself to other people."
"All that matters is being better than who we were yesterday."
"I guess you're just better than Panda, you just don't compete, but you are definitely on their level."
"Stop comparing yourself to other people... your moment is coming soon."
"The only person you should compare yourself to is who you were yesterday."
"Comparison is one of the most dangerous poisons that we drink from each day."
"He prides himself on the efficiency of the operation, he used to joke that he was the Federal Express of the drug business."
"Don't compare yourself to anyone because the path that you're on is yours and yours only." - Naomi Osaka
"It never helps to hear somebody compare you to a generational great, you know what I'm saying?" - Ryan Coogler
"Comparison is a thief of joy, it's just... everyone's different, so I mean how can you compare?"
"These girls are measuring themselves against them... but there's something missing, all that brain power, all that capacity."
"Comparison is the thief of joy... constantly comparing yourself to other people."
"Sometimes i just close my eyes and imagine a desert with nothing in it and then i open my eyes and i'm happy again always compare yourself above just compare yourself to below and you're the best."
"Don't focus on the bad so much focus on the good things and don't compare yourself to the next person and life would be a lot easier that way for you no matter what you do."
"You want to make sure that you are creating better work than what you did before."
"Do not compare yourself to my first video if you want that will make you feel better."
"I feel like I'm very much in that mold of like a Jurgen Klopp."
"Comparison is the great evil of Soul Beauty."
"Just compare yourself to you and you alone, no one else."
"We compare ourselves 24/7, and it's a tough cycle to get out of, but it's true."
"Comparing yourself to your own old art is probably a little bit more meaningful."
"It always makes me feel like mine was terrible too."
"Yours truly's Ariana Grande? No, she's way prettier."
"I might as well be fruit because I'm chill as a cucumber."
"Don't compare yourself to other people; your journey is not their journey."
"...everything comes from within... I don't compare myself to my sister anymore, my friends in my real life, people online... I am just my own self."
"See the end because there is an end in sight, and do not compare yourself."
"But it's also not healthy for the rest of us to try to compare ourselves to those standards."
"Live your life the way you want to live it, don't compare yourself to others."
"Quit comparing yourself to everybody else. What I do is I compare myself to the amount of money on the planet."
"The only person that I should be comparing myself to is myself."
"Let's compare ourselves to ourselves, our prior selves and where we've come from and how far we've come."
"Don't worry about the results, don't compare yourself to anyone else, and don't think that just because one day I was in this position I could never be in another position."
"I just love my Scotch bonnet, it's delicious and spicy, just like me."
"Remember to not compare yourself to others. It's your own life you are in control, so you should go at your own pace and just do your best."
"You can't compare yourself to anyone else."
"Let's be more like the tortoise, who's like I'm confident in myself, I know where I'm going, I don't need to compare myself to nobody, I just need to be me."
"Stop comparing yourself to others, stop feeling behind. Flowers are unaware of each other's beauty, they bloom regardless, and each flower is beautiful in its own unique way."
"Stop comparing yourself to others; it strips you of your individuality."
"It's a dangerous game dude it's a dangerous game when you're comparing yourselves to other and and even contemplating or thinking the idea of changing yourself just to make that other person happy."
"He made us all different, so He didn't make a long list of folks like you. Then you may have some reason to compare yourself. But since He made you uniquely different, there's nobody you can compare yourself with. Because God didn't intend anybody to be like you."
"It's so easy to compare ourselves to others but you absolutely can't do that because you're on your own journey."
"I compare myself to how I did last time, not to professional workout people. Just do better than you did yesterday."
"It makes no sense to compare yourself to other people, you know?"
"Wellness routine whatever you want to call it is comparing myself to when I was really healthy and in a really good Zone."
"Just stop comparing yourself to others. It does no good."
"I look like Bradley Cooper, thank you, take that, you look like Bradley Cooper."
"I'm basically like the real live ass Ketchum from Pokemon."
"Don't compare yourself to other artists."
"Don't compare yourself to other people and know that there is no right time to be doing something in your life."
"You need to stop comparing yourself to others."
"You gotta be faithful to who you are. You have any faithfulness to know what God has called you to do and you to be and not compare yourself to other people..."
"Don't compare your locks to other people's, especially people who are at like a mature stage... Comparing yourself to other people takes away the joy out of your own experience."
"Stop comparing yourself to white people because first of all they achieved as a group and you know but then second of all you should be comparing yourself to what you're capable of and looking to your people to help you."
"So compare your younger self to your older self, go back in time, and try to put a new perspective on where you are at this point in your life when you're feeling kind of down on yourself."
"I'm Mayweather in battle rap and I'm Mayweather in the ghetto."
"Stop comparing yourself to other people. Nothing is real online."
"Comparison really is the thief of Joy so don't let it take your joy because we're all on a different path."