
Distress Quotes

There are 731 quotes

"When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of distress and anxiety. But if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without any pain."
"The greater the gap between our expectations and what our lives actually are, the greater the distress."
"It was hard for me to watch this. It still is right now."
"It's a living nightmare. They started off like any other, and I just want to wake up."
"A person cannot thrive very long in an atmosphere of distress; in fact, the minute you introduce distress into somebody's life, their well-being immediately declines."
"I always feel for people working on any team... I'm saddened and sickened when I hear about workplace environments that cause such distress."
"Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses."
"May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you."
"I was terrorized by officers, I was tased, and then they handcuffed me. Please understand, please."
"Janette was distraught, she was hysterical, she just screamed."
"She just looked totally distressed, like she was in trouble."
"This conversation might even cause some distress on Atreus's part."
"That's a league of his own, bro. That's messed up. Your wife gets smacked, smacked, bro, and there's nothing you can do."
"This is beyond distressing. This is not Who We Are. This is not the community that we live in."
"I don't know where my kid is, all I want is my [ __ ] kid."
"SCP-001 is a sapient entity capable of initiating and exerting control over anomalous phenomena, motivated by a desire to cause profound distress and suffering to humanity."
"It just felt like we was like literally like in hell bro like it felt like we was in a concert in hell."
"That was the most disturbing thing... I feel violated."
"She begged for her life, and for the life of the baby inside of her."
"He wasn't just upset. He was scared of something."
"There should be a nice night, so I call him and I'm like, 'How you doing?' He's like, 'I slept on the bathroom floor of the hotel. I just had a horrible night, just freaking out.'"
"Help me," she mouthed, tears streaming down her face.
"My last memory of Bryson is him crying loudly pacing up and down in front of my apartment block repeatedly hitting himself on the head with his gun."
"Gender dysphoria... describes distress at feeling like you're not the right gender."
"He just said put me on the ground choke I can't breathe. Okay? And then they end up finally pulling them out of the car."
"It felt like he was banging on the window for an eternity."
"It was a 45 second conversation in the lobby a handshake and we left I don't know I don't know what this is and it's running me crazy."
"He was dazed as hell started crying and then threw up all over the floor."
"People's faces looked like demons... it was very, very off-putting."
"There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and distress of nations with perplexity."
"I'm in hell, this is the seventh layer of hell."
"Most people only pay attention to your tail. Soft, I'm losing it, this is too much."
"The mothers were ushered into a room filled with waiting police officers who informed them that their children were now in state custody."
"That's how you grow up sometimes, humans make me distressing."
"It makes me crazy, it actually makes me a little bit weepy."
"Steve literally said 'help me, help me from hurting myself' and he said they just left me, they just left me with nothing."
"I didn't feel anything, but just seeing myself like that really upset me."
"It's like a living nightmare that never ends."
"Oh my gosh, it's been doing this a lot, I didn't know finally did something wrong for the glaze it's freaking me out."
"My heart felt like a wet sponge being thumped with a baseball bat."
"Her eyes were bulging open and her hands were up in her hair, pulling at it."
"The thoughts won't stop, help me." - Note found on Ethan Crumbly's desk
"Nightmares: distressing dreams triggering fear, sadness, or anxiety. Influenced by personal experiences and media consumption."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"I was ready to kill myself at least seven different times on that trip in a video game in a video game on a Nintendo DS cartridge I was playing Pokemon and I was gonna kill my own Pokemon I was so upset."
"Something is wrong, even if you're screaming at the top of your lungs."
"Human history is far more interesting than you've been led to believe but be warned Paradigm destruction can often be distressing."
"That was a nightmare. Bro, that was a nightmare."
"Why do you think you keep seeing Uyghur people across the world crying and saying, 'I haven't seen my father for like five years. I don't know what happened to him'?"
"Larry's transmissions using the CB radio sporadically switched between cries for help and a continuous transmission tone."
"Recognize the power of this dua and say it in moments of personal and community distress."
"I swear she mouthed 'help me' and then as I was leaving, I swear she also said 'call the police.'"
"We didn't hear from him for about a year he resurfaced by sending me a picture of him lying with his wrists cut."
"That is [ __ ] up, this is bad, it's giving me nightmares."
"There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of Nations."
"For many people, ending up at a Crisis Pregnancy Center when they're looking for an abortion can be deeply unsettling."
"I would get really bothered by people going through bad shit."
"We drove for about ten miles when out of the blue Ryan all of a sudden broke down in the car sobbing saying things like what was it guys what was it Oh God what did I see"
"One of the sickest, most deplorable mental states I've ever been in."
"Eventually turning into a scraping sound like fingernails on a chalkboard."
"I remember thinking this is a nightmare. I said that a couple times."
"It's horrible, it's a horrible feeling. You feel like you're in prison. You feel like you've done something wrong."
"She hardly spoke upon arriving home, spending most of her time sleeping and whimpering softly."
"My poor sister is on her hands and knees crying in the aisle completely humiliated and exhausted with her children while everyone else watched."
"It was clear that Garland's cry for help was an urgent one."
"I sat up gasping for air, covered in cold sweat, salty tears rolled down my face."
"I wish I could my grandma got Men in Black now now she just now she just yeah she screams all the time and."
"I am beyond disgusted and I feel like I've... it makes me tremble."
"I'm in a lot of trouble, man. I'm in a lot of trouble."
"This is horrible, like this is horrible and it's countless other victims."
"I was emotionally involved, distressed at the end of it."
"Hearing the sound of a crying child or a child in distress is, I think, one of the worst sounds I can hear."
"A woman in distress pleaded for employees to help her; they then called the police."
"That's a cry for help if ever I heard one."
"Send SOS. It's the new call; it may be your last chance."
"Anything that would remind her of it would cause her a lot of anguish."
"Oh get me out of here, get me out of here!"
"My sleep paralysis was traumatizing."
"There are very few moments in a man's existence when he experiences so much ludicrous distress, or meets with so little charitable commiseration, as when he is in pursuit of his own hat."
"I felt like I was emotionally drowning."
"I'm traumatized living in my apartment."
"They've lost their mind, there's a lot of them lost man."
"Please, if you find this, know to tell my parents what happened to me."
"she still can't stand to hear them crying if she's disturbed."
"All we need is some help... majority of us are like screaming for help."
"She was severely distraught and not able to tell me what happened."
"She wept as she told the court that she was devastated at being accused."
"It's no secret that hair loss is very distressing to go through."
"Rumination is focusing your attention on your distress and on its possible causes and consequences."
"What did you bastards do to my baby?"
"I'm going through a lot right now."
"Oh please no, not now, not here," I muttered to myself again.
"...the cries take on a more literal sense."
"'Daddy, where are you? I'm scared. Help me.'"
"She looked up from the table, her eyes red and her lips pressed thin."
"I wanted to claw my skin off, I wanted to bang my head against the wall."
"It's terrible what's going on there. I get crazy, what's going on there."
"What the hell is that? Oh, it's a gorilla being forced to watch Humanity's trauma."
"Depression, anxiety, ADHD, suicidal thoughts, those self-critical thoughts, any kind of physical illness as well... are the nervous system trying to tell you something."
"It's freezing. I don't have clothes on. I have to get help right now."
"Hello and welcome back to my most inconsistent method for screaming for help."
"We've watched in recent days as we have abandoned our own citizens in Afghanistan. It's unprecedented in most respects."
"This is indicative of the heart of our nation, this is indicative of our character. It's what causes me such distress."
"roger declare emergency mayday mayday made a speed bird nine we have lost all four engines"
"It's causing a lot of anxiety and anguish for them because they didn't want to hurt you."
"Someone feels like they're losing their mind."
"That's him saying that he can't breathe."
"Crazy what I just witnessed. I need to de-stress after watching that."
"I just want to say that I am completely exhausted mentally messed up in the head by what I just experienced."
"She was scared and crying, something was strangling her."
"Allah answers the call of the distressed."
"I was dying like inside for sure."
"It was like I was stuck in a nightmare and I could see the tears rolling down my face."
"Oh my god, Spidey no! Oh no, this is so bad, this is so bad."
"All of New York is so distraught because people loved Billy, they did not want to see him exit, and certainly not like this."
"A distinct woman's voice from across the creek screamed in a gutter away, 'Help me!'"
"How can I watch him suffer like this? You're a doctor!"
"Oh no, help! Those winds lifted the flounder high into the air and onto the top of Jake's Mountain!"
"...the lights flickered off and I lost it completely."
"It's like hell, let me out. Hello, hello, let me out."
"He still has nightmares about that whole event."
"I excused myself from the table and called my boyfriend in tears."
"Emotional intelligence of the prophet salallahu is to meet people where they are to understand their level of stress at their moment of distress."
"We're stuck in that distressed sensation and we're robbed of our energy."
"Help me please help me like please help me."
"There's no more for it to butcher. It's been days since I've been able to feed it."
"It's just a nightmare, it really is a nightmare."
"These thoughts are completely irrational and intrusive."
"My heart sank after calling the cops and explaining everything."
"I couldn't tell you which staff were there when she was being resuscitated, I didn't want to look."
"I've pressed the beacon," Jessica said, her voice trembling. "Just stay with me a little longer. There must be a helicopter on its way."
"I felt like I just crapped out my intestines and stomach."
"Rolling along cuts wet grass, panting, scared out of my wits, I sat up, mouth opened to beg for help."
"I had been hiking for about half an hour when I then heard what sounded like a woman screaming for help in the distance."
"There's nothing about this that calms me down."
"I'm just genuinely freaked out right now."
"This whole thing is a total nightmare."
"The person who had been sending out the distress signal had literally slouched over the telegraph like their finger was literally on the telegraph."
"This person is overthinking, not sleeping, having nightmares because they're unable to function. They're unable to make amends or to do the right thing."
"But in those eyes was now something of consternation and distress dismay in those eyes as before with no valtion of mine my hand was gliding smoothly across the tabletop toward the book."
"He is a perfect yogi who, by comparison to his own self, sees the true equality of all beings in both their happiness and their distress, O Arjuna."
"Lawrence was stumbling backward, repeatedly whispering the word no to himself."
"On the evening of March 22nd, 1997, the Picton's neighbor heard a frantic knock on their front door."
"I feel so nauseous right now like all this fucking shitty ass food is making me feel like I'm dying like I feel like I'm dying."
"The kid burst into tears and screamed for her mom."
"'Jace didn't make it to El Paso,' I said, barely recognizing my own voice. 'I don't know how it happened, but somehow they've got my son.'"
"It's gut-wrenching, you know what I mean? It hurts."
"You could hear him crying and saying 'no, mommy'."
"Get the man on TV and please send out an SOS somebody Murphy police please somebody."
"Now, I have been falling for 30 minutes!"
"What have you done? You killed her!"
"Nene completely lost it and we've never seen Nene fall apart to this magnitude."
"Seeing his sister like that was too much."
"This is so bad for me. This is so bad for me."
"It's so upsetting to me, you know?"
"How is that not traumatizing to see the skull of like your best friend or your brother or lover or whatever?"
"It's just that it happened to me so many times and it wasn't like it wasn't like oh I don't care what happens to me it was like more like I can't take a single additional second of this so I have to get out of here or else I'm going to go crazy."
"You have no idea Olivia 911 fun Jason is throwing me out said he's calling the cops he's angry and drinking got upset with me because I sent you that message please help I don't know what message that she's referring to that she sent him."
"She is overwhelmed with sadness, fear, and guilt."
"You guys, I'm really having a very bad day."
"I was at work, and I got a call... my son had been in a car accident."
"I felt my world was crumbling around me."
"Yo, I'm about to go to jail... I'm in the back of a car, yo."
"I could barely register a conscious thought as I screamed for help."
"Emotion dysregulation is when it really does get you so upset that you can't think straight."
"I heard someone on the other end cry out, 'Please help.' It was a man."
"So what's going on with Jane? He's really confused about what's going on as well. So PTSD is not really there, conversion is not a problem, self-confusion, distress, angry intrusions."
"Oh, they mixed the Hawaiian flag with the police blue lives matter. You see the Hawaiian flag flowing upside down? That's a sign of distress, right?"
"They feel a strong emotional connection, they definitely feel this emotional connection."
"Police received a frantic phone call from Melissa Oxley. The first words out of her mouth were, 'It's really, really bad.'"
"He murdered him," a voice groaned.
"This is the kind of movie you get when you're lost in life something tells me they don't like this situation no they've been kidnapped and she's having a really bad acid trip."
"Their phones were discovered in a backpack down river fully intact along with a camera that had photos normal happy photos of them on the trail taken just an hour before their internal phone records showed they started trying to call 911 or equivalent for help."
"It was like out, out, out, great pain. I was crying."
"What we mean by trauma is a Greek word that means wound, any deeply distressing life experience that overwhelms our coping capacities."
"Oh wow, that does not sound good."
"When they let me in, we had a long yarn over some good whiskey, for I was shaken to pieces."
"Even in captivity, bears can lose their minds... as he is pushed over and falls to the ground."
"...what happens when you hit the SOS button."
"Automatic negative thoughts and intrusive thoughts are the most bothersome, causing significant distress in people's lives."
"Emotions are simply energy in motion, but negative thoughts can pull and amplify them, causing distress."
"We're taking every precaution that we possibly can, ultimately we won't know until we actually talk to him and we make contact with them but this could be just someone that's also very, very distraught and that's why we're taking our time to do this."
"Heathcliff, I shall die. I shall die."
"Making joke distress. This is making me want to cry."
"If you keep talking to me that way, I'm not gonna be able to see you as often because it is so distressing."
"Mind you, everybody on the ground, and I'm like, oh my god. At this point, I'm not crying, but my eyes crying 'cause everything burning, you my man."
"Help! There's something horrible, Zach!"
"So my whole family, man, is messed up right now. I don't even know what to do anymore."
"Watching Rosita have her final moments with her daughter is just oh man it's super rough."
"He's in deep distress about this."
"You have to learn to sit in distress a little bit."
"How do you respond to these distressing situations and you feel like I just can't tell anybody?"
"Addiction is any behavior that you're doing to distract yourself from being in pain and misery."
"This is horrible. I don't know what's going on."
"...how do you tolerate really stressful and distressing situations without doing anything to make the situation worse?"
"...people thought that experts and scientists were hiding many secrets from the general public and they wanted to know what Secrets lay behind this incident and why the doctors were so distressed."
"There's an accumulated misery that is piling up."
"I just felt the worst Panic dread."
"Your golden opportunity is gone, and I am distressed immeasurably because of it."
"She's not sitting there thinking 'Oh my god, is the way I'm feeling in my heart being perfectly represented on my face?' No, she's just trying to manage the fact that she's overcome with emotion and really distressed."