
Workplace Culture Quotes

There are 607 quotes

"Every company should be doing this: Appreciation in the workplace."
"Radical truthfulness means that anybody can say what they really mean."
"Call me old-fashioned, I'd like to work for a company that outlasts me. I'd like to work for a company where I can feel like I can be myself when I go to work."
"The employees who loved their jobs more, who were most engaged, who were most productive, were one of the highest correlations with Revenue growth answered yes to the following question: 'My supervisor or someone at work cared about me as a person.'"
"Having a winning environment is fun; it motivates everyone to act like CEOs of their own roles."
"I imagine a world where the vast majority of people wake up every morning inspired, feel safe at work, and return home fulfilled at the end of the day."
"If you're the boss, the leader, the entrepreneur, and you lack enthusiasm, what the hell am I coming to work for? Your enthusiasm gives me enthusiasm."
"We take pride in our sense of humor here at the permit office."
"While at work, we can also disagree at work by the way on the work... but don't bring stuff into work that's just gonna create division."
"High performers want to work with high performers, and when a high performer is surrounded by mediocre performers, they want to leave."
"Tech workers are looking to work to fulfill their needs for identity, belonging, meaning, and purpose."
"Companies should look beyond simple economic incentives and motivate employees by appealing to more spiritual incentives."
"Maybe Tech employees are worshiping work because they feel work has become worthy of worship."
"The first characteristic of an indestructible workplace is that there is a sense of psychological safety."
"What we're doing tonight with this initiative is all about figuring out how can we work together, men and women both, to move from a culture of harassment to a culture of inclusion."
"This sort of environment is only possible when harassment, discrimination, and behavior that seeks to silence, intimidate, and dehumanize is not allowed."
"Treat people like people, and they're going to treat your job like a job."
"Be nice to your interns. Be nice to the people you work with."
"We try to apply a more holistic approach to our employees here."
"Great people are the key to a great work environment and excellent customer satisfaction."
"I enjoy my job at Classic American because it's like a big family here."
"You need to work for your employee... my secretary is my boss. If she's not happy, my company does not run."
"Hundreds of millions of Americans will now no longer be subject to the common tyranny of the workplace and will have a greater level of control over their life."
"We know that these things exist, we know that there are microaggressions in the workplace."
"We have an acronym we use a lot internally called API, which normally in tech stands for Application Programming Interface, but we use it to say Assume Positive Intent."
"Empathy is not just a nice to have at work, it's actually existential."
"The gaming industry is not a safe place for women."
"This workplace culture will never be safe, diverse, or inclusive. Get him out."
"It's not one little problem; it's not some culture or [___]; work is where people are spending their entire days, the majority of their waking hours."
"The DFEH says that the women they spoke to likened working at Activision Blizzard to working at a frat house."
"Despite the cultural perception that men are always responsible for creating hostile workplaces for women, you'd be hard-pressed to find a woman who hasn't had a workplace made miserable for her by another woman."
"I always feel for people working on any team... I'm saddened and sickened when I hear about workplace environments that cause such distress."
"My PA is so cute; she literally names this bag 'crap bag'."
"It's a commentary on how no one is really willing to sacrifice anything for any causes they believe in, as well as show just how replaceable each worker is in a system like Amazon's."
"It's our responsibility to ensure this type of behavior is not tolerated at Bungie at any level, and that we never excuse it or sweep it under the rug."
"I want Watcher to be a place full of good people that enjoy each other. I want it to be a place where people are happy to go to work."
"I always encourage people to just be a good hang. Who would I rather work with, the best guitarist I've ever met who's kind of a pain in the ass, or the really nice dude who I like hanging out with?"
"Employees do their best work when they're happy and are rewarded for doing their best work rather than feeling like their livelihoods are constantly at risk because of some shitty corporate system that encourages infighting rather than collaboration."
"Good quality employers find ways to add the most value through their benefits package because they know that's what retains employees."
"Management and workers ate together, and solved problems together."
"It all comes down to respect. These guys want to be respected. They want to be treated with respect. That's the bottom line."
"So many problems in the workplace, in real life in general honestly, could be fixed if people learned how to love themselves genuinely for who they are without being so critical of themselves."
"As we started to recalibrate, a lot of people started to look at it and say, 'Is the traditional model really for me anymore?'"
"A bad manager can take a good staff and destroy it, causing the best employees to flee and the remainder to lose all motivation."
"Accountability, customer focus, and diversity are important values that align with my workplace practices because they promote a culture of excellence and respect."
"When men show that Competitive Edge that tenacity that Firepower all of a sudden it's appropriate but when women do it well now it's out of line."
"I do think that if you've got a good team around you that... that's the thing you look forward to in there going into work."
"Ellen Show emerged as more employees past and present say that they were working in a toxic environment."
"The relaxed attitude of the Yorks allowed the staff to have identities outside their roles in the house."
"It's not just your average workplace, it's definitely not your average office."
"Reward loyalty, don't be a jerk, don't abuse."
"Blizzard fostered a horrifically sexist workplace culture, pay disparity was everywhere and female employees were treated as second-class citizens."
"It’s not, and if we let our kindness and compassion drive us, not just for others but for ourselves as well, we can make the workplace, and the world, a little easier for everyone."
"You have to actually stop these people from taking over your workplaces."
"To see Leia, to see Luke, to be walking around and be hugged by Chewbacca at work in the morning is crazy."
"All of his employees...seemed to catch his enthusiasm."
"This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer who somehow found this job listing not intended for you... I am remaining as well."
"That sounds dehumanizing but I don't think it is. I think it's about creating actually a much healthier environment to work in."
"It's good for keeping the team connected but it's also nice to get a bit of accountability and a bit of community vibes around this idea of daily quests."
"Friday, Bitcoin is pumping, that's the mood right here in the office."
"I'll be more mindful of others and being inclusive while still maintaining a fun culture moving forward."
"Black people in corporate America have to spend an inordinate amount of time making white people feel comfortable."
"Being professional does not necessarily mean being overly formal and stifling your personality."
"Your job is not a family, you owe them nothing."
"Write down who you want to be in 24 months, get really detailed. Figure out where you want to be in two years."
"It is an amazingly rich place to work and it's reflected every year it's the best government agency to work in and there's a reason for that because we're a bit progressive and we really love what we do."
"The mind is more powerful than people think. You can manifest things, you can read certain things, you can communicate without talking. This man is living proof."
"This reminds me of The Office... not the show, The Office Space."
"People who are complacent, who lack urgency, who don't want to win, I cannot f*cking stand it."
"The truth matters, we think there's an eagerness in the less experienced employees coupled with a lack of disciplined and experienced management to steer them in the right direction and check for mistakes."
"Everyone just shows up and is like I'm on it, that's so cool."
"Most importantly, it makes work not feel like work."
"Anyone who’s worked in a job where they say 'we’re like family here' knows that that’s just an excuse your boss uses to guilt you into overworking."
"You need a system in which we are kinder and decent to each other, and in which your employment does a better job of taking care of you."
"Congratulations on joining the team! Let's work well together."
"I mean I don't think we could have imagined this 10 years ago where like a major corporate employer is like it's cool if you smoke weed and so what that's saying is we do not inhibit your performance."
"Excellence does not need to be abusive it's a myth and it's a harmful myth at that"
"How do you foster an environment... where people can freely give you constructive criticism?"
"And so people like really self-censor a lot in most organizations because they don't look stupid and they don't be sort of associated with just having all these like wacky bad ideas."
"We need more employees like Elliot here. He's got that get up and go attitude that we love."
"Swallowing that red pill has given me the opportunity to see that my education was compromised."
"It's pulling our teams apart at the seams and making it so difficult to feel safe, let alone enjoy my job."
"We have to laugh a lot while we're doing our work."
"Don't chase the sea of money. Chemistry and culture matter."
"I feel so lucky to work with such a passionate and reliable team."
"Does anybody think it's okay to just treat people like that? Yeah, that culture needs to be dismantled."
"There is a feeling that you get when you have a workplace with people that you enjoy... it's very hard to encapsulate that."
"The majority of my colleagues were all incredibly nice and hard working but there was definitely a clique culture, a certain group associated with the director basically made all the decisions."
"Preserving sanity, that's what we're about here."
"It was just every day was so much fun and everybody was so kind."
"I think there's a lot to learn from Facebook about being around excellence, how geography matters, working on problems you care about, working with people that impress you."
"I love having fun and that's the most important part of your job."
"Passion has become a [ __ ] word used in place of compensation or fair treatment."
"Chess.com needs your help and if you aren't willing to put in that effort and make something groundbreaking, leave your resignation notice on my desk."
"It's kind of a lit like workplace if I do say so myself."
"The best times that I have in work is when I'm celebrating with co-workers."
"The truth is that if Ellen couldn't afford the currency of kindness to those around her, then it wasn't a price that anyone else was prepared to pay."
"Brett sounds like a manager at Ruby Tuesday's which apparently is a bad thing. Apparently it's terrible to work at Ruby Tuesday's. It means that you're unqualified for anything."
"Some of you paid vacation for some, look, payday."
"I'm not a perfect person, but I promise that I am absolutely committed to ensuring open comms, a positive work-life balance, and fair timely compensation for my team."
"I do not like crunch. I don't think it's a great healthy way to make a game."
"If you're treating your co-workers or your staff with respect and understanding they're gonna run through brick walls for you."
"Here's a fact for you: Google has over 15 cafeterias on its main campus."
"Learn how to take a 20-minute power nap without embarrassment."
"Bullying and intimidation actually produces worse results."
"Why can't we restore collegiality in this profession?"
"I think the worst risk at your job is just being bored and honestly they really don't care if you decide to screw around because that guy did it and got promoted."
"I'm all for work-life balance but please, this is pushing it."
"Quiet quitting is when organization lose skills and abilities without actually losing headcount because people aren't going above and beyond anymore."
"Crunch does not always lead to great products."
"Working at Naughty Dog means designing beloved critically acclaimed games alongside artists and engineers who are considered some of the best in their fields."
"Many who have worked at Naughty Dog over the years described it as a duality as a place that can be simultaneously the best and worst workplace in the world."
"You want to foster a meritocracy, foster diversity of ideas, and have real debates."
"Communicate like crazy... have some fun while you're doing it as well."
"I think people will be annoyed at first, really, they don't want to go back there, don't Apple employees love that spaceship?"
"We will not be silenced, we will not stand aside, and we will not give up until the company we love is a workplace we can all feel proud to be part of again."
"Where does that expectation come from? Where is the expectation that you have to work late? That's how you challenge it from the beginning."
"He loved bringing her to work, his colleagues would welcome her into their offices."
"Some people are only there to understand. They're not there to Gaslight. They're not there to please their sponsors. They are there to succeed on the quality of their work and nothing else."
"The great resignation is not a mad dash away from the office, it's the culmination of a long march towards freedom."
"The most important thing I learned is how much pride and commitment our employees have."
"Ignore the comments but if you're telling your co-workers to their faces that you don't like to be called Thugs and they're listening to you, yeah at this point in time you should have known nothing was going to change."
"I mean, this is mostly pretty loose and us just being in tune, and frankly, that to me is the difference between the people we like and don't like working with."
"Who are these people who are wetting their pants behind the desk?"
"It's a really fun place to work, people have a lot of fun here."
"It isn't even about saying something tone deaf or insensitive, a mere difference in opinion might get you fired from your job if enough people raise a stink about it."
"Self-criticism doesn't create an environment that fosters high performance."
"The iPod team’s open cubicle workspace made for a rowdy and playful environment."
"Avoiding crunch in all of our future projects is one of our top priorities."
"High-character CEOs create high-energy, positive work environments."
"Compassion actually makes productivity better."
"Real change will take time, but I am determined to do everything in my power to ensure everyone at Ubisoft feels welcomed, respected, and safe."
"If your boss respects you and people who work with you respect you, everything else can fall in line."
"Nobody gives a [ __ ] how good you are at your job, they care that you're enjoyable to be around while you do it."
"The right is at least rhetorically offering men something other than an HR department every time."
"Pam, you're the cool girl, you're one of the boys now."
"Sigmas have a strong sense of equality; the person at the top isn't better than the janitor."
"Encouraging mutual esteem and open communication between higher and lower ranks is a key ingredient."
"Culture is key... creating a safe space, a family environment."
"Thinking about the internal environment, treat it like it's fun."
"You can either win the issues that matter yes right or you can win this workplace game this nonsense game and if you play this word police game you're losing so many people."
"The camaraderie that we have up in our team group is unmatched."
"Meetings should feel like they increase productivity, morale, and accountability."
"We failed and I'm sorry... for the part I played in a culture that fostered harassment and inequality."
"Work is possible because there are people who support us."
"We wanted to send people home feeling valued, fulfilled."
"If somebody gets scared and quits VaynerMedia then they weren't able to see past the surface level."
"What's helpful is to recognize one another, men and women, as just working together."
"You're the best team anyone could ever ask for."
"Excellence wasn't rewarded. What was rewarded was loyalty."
"It was joyful in that you're so safe working with Chris... everyone feels that way."
"I've done nothing at work today, all I've done is play table tennis."
"The culture here is very iterative, which I like."
"Pay is not the most important thing. You keep people because you treat them well, with respect and dignity."
"The result: we all enjoy the work that we do because we know that in some small way we're making the world a better place."
"Detroit's auto plants were microcosms of the city itself, where everything happening in the streets was happening on the factory floor."
"The cardinal sin at Valve is that you cannot make work for other people who didn't agree to it."
"Laughter is key, man. I feel like, yeah, I mean, just being here for the last few hours, I feel like you kind of have a great environment for creatives here."
"The whole point of corporate cringe is to make sure employees are being treated right, being treated fairly, and not forcing anyone to do anything at work that they don't really want to do."
"Why are we trying to please the boss? She wants us to succeed, she doesn't give a [__] how we do it."
"Retention on the employee level is imperative, happiness is imperative, 'cause it leads to speed, and speed is the competitive advantage that you have against your competitors in your product and service."
"Everyone here is so nice, they're more like friends to me."
"The office is like a money-grabbing circus every day."
"Hey, who doesn't like being nice to their team? That's a good example right there."
"Let your boss know that the terror is already within. Let the boss know that this is not a fight that will fight and say, 'I'm sleeping.' No, no, no, no, no. You have to join together and strategize together."
"Empower good people in roles and make them happy and keep them employed."
"Terrifying to hire in America today if you ask the wrong questions in an interview you're going to get yourself a lawsuit but if you don't ask those questions you're going to get a bad culture fit and then you're going to get a lawsuit."
"They have to tow that party line and sing the song of allegiance to the approved narrative because if they don't, they'll either lose their job or never get promoted or just never get hired in the first place."
"We've changed the nature of how people work together and the process as well."
"The problem isn't the people, the problem is the situation and the systems and the overall culture and then the people."
"You're lucky my boss ain't here man because you know my boss would do. He'd be saying I know my boys won, even though we don't win."
"G4 F O, not surprising because everybody that works there seems to be an absolute [__] idiot."
"We can challenge as women how we should dress in the industries where it's predominantly a man's world."
"Being a boss is different from being a leader."
"Most people want to keep their job and they put their own career above doing the right thing."
"Everyone's pulling their weight, it's awesome."
"If we are not the type of company that you want to work for then we will give you a four to six month severance package."
"It's a great example of the American dream. The American dream happens at Precision Wire every day."
"I always want to create family. I do give backs to the people that work for me."
"Because if we roll in, you know, to the building later than everyone else or...but on the flip side of that, you know, people complain."
"Teamwork and cooperation beats meanness and sneakiness any day."
"It's sad how we even fantasize the workplace so much that employees feel the need to apologize for having personal lives."
"What we're doing is buying people's engagement into the suggestion system. We want you to engage your mind."
"In an MLM company, you cannot question anything; if you do, you're told to stop being negative."
"We try and keep a sense of humor here at Astra."
"In this regard I've been asking myself this question, trying to ask myself this as often as I can, what am I doing? Are my actions and inactions that perpetuate cultures where bullying, harassment and discrimination occur?"
"People... want help and I could go in there and say you know, part of the difficulties here that you know basically you know what you really need are more and more self-authoring employees."
"We've created a very positive culture of a can-do spirit and just get things done."
"Picked Bob J Peck... allowing himself to be Mao Mao by woke employees."
"There's no internal communication. Remember when we sit next to each other, there's a conversation going on underneath things."
"The power of positivity, that's what we do here."
"The teamwork and the cooperation and the enthusiasm has definitely gone back to a good place."
"You don't have to ruin your employees lives to make the stupid nonsense."
"Everyone is happy and excited and ready to get to work, of course."
"You can love people and not accept their behavior or what they believe necessarily."
"Isn't it true that really what we need here at the workplace is to have everyone respect one another?"
"If you're not okay with them being woke and them being all in on the feminism movement and you feel like you're being ostracized at work, get a new job."
"The story is still the same: bad leadership, lack of regard for developers, and parasitic entitlement."
"We want to create a place where people actually like working. And I think we're doing it." - Leila
"What makes the difference in companies that are able to execute? It's what people... Talent acquisition, culture, and people."