
Presidency Quotes

There are 1216 quotes

"No president can succeed without resilience. Every president confronts crises, defeats, and mistakes."
"Every president will face difficult choices; whether to intentionally commit a federal crime should not be one of them."
"We cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time."
"This is not your house, and the presidency is the people's... We have to be president for everybody."
"If you want to be President, realize it's about the people, not about you."
"If the president could do what Cassidy says from where he sat, I want that man for president."
"I don't think there should ever be a president that's above the law."
"The framers were concerned about charismatic rebels who might rise through the ranks up to and including the presidency of the United States."
"I see a country for all Americans, and I will always be president for all Americans."
"The framers of the Constitution would never have allowed an out-of-control president without a check or balance."
"I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States."
"One day, we will have a president who grew up on Johnny Johnny and elot, and after that, there'll be one who's raised on AI-generated content farms."
"He has been the most accomplished president in modern history."
"The presidency usually changes people who sit in that office; it hasn't changed Trump."
"Most Americans, if you say what do you want your president to do at the end of the day, he or she should do those things that make sure we're safe and then provide for the liberties and the bounty of democratic society."
"The purpose of having the presidency in the first place is so that someone would carry out the duties of the presidency. If one cannot do that, but rather brings destructiveness to the position and destructiveness to the nation, then that should be a disqualifier."
"The presidency is too big for one person, so you need someone who can take on real things and drive them."
"Words matter, and the president's words matter even more."
"He [Atchison] did, however, like to joke that his time in office provided the nation with 'the honestest administration this country ever had.'"
"Zachary Taylor made some serious statements as the 12th president, including telling the southern states... that if they did, he would order the hanging of anyone caught rebelling against the Union."
"The role of the president is to rise above that natural human inclination to protect, to do the US versus them, to protect the inner circle and empathize with the suffering of those that are not like you."
"There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."
"His objective is to strike exactly that balance and this is one of the reasons that he has been line editing the speech for the last week plus, to ensure that he is conveying that he is leveling with the American people."
"A federal appeals court has ruled Donald Trump does not have broad immunity from prosecution for the actions he took while he was president."
"Being president doesn't change who you are; it reveals who you are."
"Nobody elected Biden to be FDR, they elect him to be normal and stop the chaos."
"There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year."
"People are probably happier with Biden in office... being less engaged."
"The American people get the president that they want, the president that they deserve."
"Lincoln's arguably the greatest president we've ever had."
"We must elect a president who will bring something different, something better, and do the important work."
"Never again will an African-American child be born in America without believing they can be President."
"There's something audacious, maybe even a little bit obscene, about anybody looking at the Oval Office and thinking that's a job they can just walk in and do."
"America is ready for a different kind of president who's more about substance than form."
"I want to be President to restore liberty. I want a government that protects your privacy and exposes government secrecy."
"It's my honor to speak to you for the first time as president of the United States."
"He believes voting rights is a fundamental right, it will be a fight of his presidency."
"The only way to evaluate him is to understand the presidency as it exists right now."
"We need to think about the presidency so that we have better expectations for the job."
"The job of the presidency is a performance. That is what television did to the presidency."
"This is the most pro-union, pro-worker president I think we've had in at least since FDR."
"The real reason that I want [Biden] to be president... I'm tired of having a lunatic in the White House. I want to be able to unfollow the President on Twitter and not worry that I'm missing some crazy stuff."
"The presidency is a service role and not like running a business."
"I'll be a President not just for the Democrats, but for Democrats and Republicans."
"Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States."
"The presidency should be Hillary Clinton's destiny."
"The only honest answer is nothing is adequate preparation to be President of the United States."
"When you elect a president, you are not electing a king, you are not electing a dictator or a demigod."
"It's a political reality which is he is foregoing an opportunity to use the power of the presidency to help his re-election."
"It's got to be one thing, it's got to be who would be a good president. I mean, you always have to think that because, yeah, that is the number one thing."
"The VP position is very, very valuable because one, Trump's only going to be in office for the next four years if he wins."
"You don't measure Presidents by their ability to navigate steps; you elect presidents based on their ability to navigate problems."
"President Ulysses S. Grant ended his life very poor."
"Just reach out. He's the president of the United States. If he says let's go tomorrow, we'll be there tomorrow."
"Imagine you were asked to describe the perfect candidate for president. What qualities would you pick? Maybe you'd want them to be a scientist, someone who bases policy on evidence."
"Prior to 1928, the idea of a Hoover presidency would have seemed a utopia."
"He is certainly a wonder, and I wish we could make him president of the United States. There could not be a better one."
"So many of you are asking, Pat, if you were to become the president, what are some policies you would be passing? I got some ideas here to share with you."
"Debate it in the comment section, but these are my ideas if I were to become the president."
"The president of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws."
"The minimum bar we should have for someone to be running for President of the United States is that they're not indicted or convicted of felonies."
"I think we need to have like a strong leader rise up to be the president who can basically pull people together."
"The most normal part of our game is that you are the president of the United States. Our baseline only gets crazier from there."
"It's always fun to see a president with a sense of humor, not to mention one who can laugh at himself and his idiosyncrasies."
"President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone."
"I was thrilled to see the bust of Churchill there in the room."
"I'm running for president as a Democrat, but I'm not going to be a Democrat president. I'll be an American president."
"Donald Trump, the only president in modern American history to not start a new war."
"Presidents used to do fireside chats with the nation, and I actually think that was a good thing."
"I want a president who represents all the needs of Americans, minorities included."
"But you know by now this definition wasn’t accepted. Bush won and subsequently became the 41st President of the United States."
"It's a bold move... this has always been a bold president."
"Decency and compassion restored. Hallelujah, President Joe Biden!"
"President Trump delivered the best economy in our nation's history."
"Trump's presidency is over but the trauma isn't."
"If you fix the presidency, that gives a lot of leeway and a bigger bully pulpit to do stuff in the senate to do stuff in the house."
"Trump was actually made one of the greatest presidential debuts of all time."
"The president's ability...flows from the Constitution."
"Joe Biden understands that it is almost certain that he's one-term president."
"It's not fine that Donald Trump's president."
"They say Trump's going to undermine the Constitution okay, how? Trump's never going to leave office okay, he did last time."
"President Biden's poll numbers are showing some very positive signs."
"They're remembering just how awful that presidency was."
"How did Joe Biden become the president-elect?"
"The office of president will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications." - Alexander Hamilton
"We can't have a president that will impose a secure border."
"Trump is unambiguously the best president of the 21st century."
"Could President Biden be the least seen president in history?"
"President Biden vows that climate will be a primary focus of the national security council."
"Unlike some former presidents, Bush seems to enjoy the rest and relaxation of being out of office."
"It kind of sucks that the first female president is going to be by default and not elected."
"When someone says that a family member just got deported, I'm like Barack Obama was the Deporter in Chief."
"Only 38% of Voters think Biden will be alive at the end of his second term."
"The American people elected President Joe Biden."
"A president's alleged criminal scheme to overturn an election is the paradigmatic example of conduct that should not be immunized."
"That's a sad statement when we find out that the corporations are more powerful than the presidency of the United States, that's a problem."
"The fact is that this has Unleashed a huge bidding war between Europe and Asia which now naturally is contributed to skyrocketing prices."
"The president donates his salary to various noble initiatives."
"He has accomplished more as president in four years than anybody in my memory."
"Trump promises orderly transition after Biden certified as president-elect."
"Trump is a consummate performer. It's what he does for a living. He's not president for a living. He's a performer for a living who happens to be president. That's how he got here."
"He should endorse me, you know why? Because I had a great successful presidency."
"Donald Trump I believe was the best president of the 21st century it's a fact."
"There's no such thing as history which can be on your side."
"Jimmy Carter was elected the 39th president of the United States."
"Joe Biden's mistake is thinking he was elected to transform the country but actually everyone just wanted less drama."
"Here it is, first or hear it first, Trump will be president for another four years, God bless America."
"Biden is the first U.S president in the last 30 years with deep foreign policy experience."
"The danger of this President is difficult to overstate."
"It's the president of the United States of America, bro."
"It was a coup attempt to destroy the presidency before its tenure had expired."
"It costs me billions of dollars to be President and especially with all the money I could have made for the last three, four years and I didn't because I was being President."
"Temperament, intellect, and judgment are what matters in who is president."
"I'm the only president ever will never they got impeached for making a perfect phone call."
"The presidency doesn't change who you are... it reveals who you are... for eight years Joe was the last one in the room."
"It's just a remarkable moment in the George W. Bush presidency."
"It's just one of the many monumental hurdles facing the president-elect."
"This may be a historical moment. The president of the United States sent out a video, a press conference from literal doctors."
"President Trump, I believe, was the best president of the 21st century. That's a fact."
"Mike Pence would automatically become the next president the United States."
"If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."
"A president is not immune from the law solely because he's president."
"I whispered in his ear, 'Mr. President, I'm working with some good Canadians who are very worried.'"
"To the citizens of our country, serving as your president has been the honor of my life."
"It is very rare that a first-term president does not experience some sort of foreign policy crisis."
"Presidential terms end, but old grudges still fester."
"Trump is the most dangerous cult leader on Earth... he utterly desecrated the office of the presidency."
"Joe Biden is going to be the 46th president of the United States. It is over."
"Donald Trump is a one-term president officially."
"I just had a haircut, just became president because of that, and now my mom passes away."
"This whole election and his presidency has been nothing but a soap opera."
"William McKinley's presidency marked rapid economic growth and a decisive victory in the Spanish-American War."
"A portion of America was still so enraged with the concept of a black man was president."
"Despite Donald Trump's refusal to accept the result, Joe Biden will be sworn into office in front of the Capitol building on January 20th next year."
"Every day that Joe Biden is President, Donald Trump's legacy looks better."
"Reagan's presidency is typically hailed as a meaningful, successful administration."
"President Trump is the most masculine person to ever be president."
"What if you run for president and when you win you get four years?"
"I'm a proud Democrat, but I will govern as an American president."
"62% of Americans believe that if Trump is convicted he can't serve as president."
"Joe Biden has had the worst first year of any president in American history."
"If we allow a president to obstruct justice... that will set a precedent that generations to come will regret and lament."
"If you're a progressive and you nonetheless want to impose that and you can't win under the normal rules you've got to change the rules, yeah, so that involves removing the president who won."
"They have from the moment he was elected believed him to be an illegitimate president and been committed to simply removing him."
"For the first time in our history, a president tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."
"That seems to be the drugs that the president is taking, what has been prescribed."
"We've never had a president who has attempted to completely convert the government into an instrument of his personal will."
"This is about the American people this is for the office of the president what happened at Donald Trump can never happen again."
"Remember that Obama was the worst president the press ever saw."
"The fact of the matter is I don't think the chief justice presides because the president is not the sitting president; he's a former president."
"We broke the stock market record, I believe it's a hundred and thirty-two times during the course of less than three years as president."
"Nixon's Watergate scandal began 50 years ago today. Like Trump, his presidency ended in crime and chaos."
"The credibility of the presidency depends on action at home."
"I will be a president for all Americans, all Americans."
"A new president sits in the White House, and from his office in the West Wing comes some of the most important decisions in the world."
"A touch of romance lightened the gloom when President Grover Cleveland married Francis Folsom."
"Giuliani created the template for the Trump presidency."
"65 percent of respondents said Trump has acted in an unprecedented way since taking office."
"The president is the most powerful man in the world, but he's not more powerful than the Constitution."
"For any president, the line between official and personal can be elusive."
"If Donald Trump loses, what do you think he's gonna do with the last two months or three months or whatever of his presidency?"
"Barack Obama could have been a transformational president."
"Is he going to keep Cornell West from running for president?"
"What a nightmare it'll be for Trump if the independent monitor gets appointed."
"This is as close to a complete vindication on the question of collusion as you could get for the president."
"Joe Biden's economic plans address work, wages, and wealth."
"Just hours after being sworn in, President Joe Biden is already putting the pen to a number of executive orders, undoing some of Donald Trump's most controversial moves."
"We are going to win the state of Pennsylvania and we are going to win the White House."
"We have gone through a presidency that disregarded a whole host of basic institutional norms and expectations."
"There is no American president since Lincoln that has had the impact for black America that President Trump has had."
"I'm the greatest president in the history of America."
"Trump is the greatest president of my lifetime."
"Lincoln is relevant to the present because his presidency I believe offers the most vivid model of a leader of leadership."
"We have a president who is unhinged, mentally unfit for office, and that this is a clear and present danger to the country."
"If we don't have a Democrat in the White House and we have Trump or a Trump 2.0, we have real serious problems."
"Four more years! I think every single person here wants four more years of President Trump."
"Nobody thought it was possible. He has created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since his election."
"It is my greatest honor and privilege to have been your president. I will always fight for you."
"Trump took our economy to world record Heights."
"The Trump presidency is over, thank god, finally after four years."
"Donald Trump was the best president of the 21st Century."
"Nobody turns around and says, 'Hey, Joe Biden is right.' He added more jobs to this economy in two years than most presidents do in four."
"This November is about returning kindness, respect, empathy, and civility back to the White House."
"We have to support our president. We're seeing the country go back."
"A president by himself can't solve every challenge, but if we've got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House..."
"It is completely unthinkable that the President of the United States would be monetizing a hotel next to the White House."
"I had this old-fashioned idea that it really mattered what I would do as president."
"The system does not allow anybody to rise to the presidency unless they go along with the establishment narrative."
"The law applies to the President of the United States as well as everybody else in this country, you're not above the law."
"Joe Biden is going to be your president. I'm sorry if that causes you concern. There is no scenario."
"The president of the United States of America does have a certain number of powers, but their power is much more limited than many people realize."
"If you can't have a non-Christian president, then maybe one day if we're lucky."
"If anyone says Nixon was a bad president, look at the garbage situation that Lyndon Johnson handed him."
"Xi Jinping consolidates power: unanimously elected president for life."
"Donald Trump is officially the first former president of the United States in the United States history to officially be criminally indicted by a grand jury."
"The idea of a former president going to prison."
"You'll never have a better friend or a stronger ally in the White House because if I'm in the Oval Office, guess who's going to be there with me? Unions. Labor. You and Rich."
"The Tea Party movement happened because the president forgot that while he was elected by a majority of the population, it was a relatively narrow majority."
"Overwatch 2 isn’t just an expansion, or an upgrade, or collection of content drops. It’s a new game."