
Elon Musk Quotes

There are 919 quotes

"You want to make your company like in proof what you want to do is expand a thousand X, apply Elon Muskian thinking to your vision."
"Think of him as the one friend we all have who's never satisfied with just one hobby. Except, in Elon's case, his hobbies include revolutionizing industries and launching cars into space."
"Elon Musk's journey from selling homemade video games to leading some of the most innovative companies in the world is nothing short of remarkable."
"Acquiring Twitter and rebranding it to X is a classic Musk move: ambitious, unexpected, and a little bit out there."
"This partnership between Elon Musk and YouTube is not just a collaboration but also a signal to the world that the future of digital content is about to get a major upgrade."
"The crowd falls into an eerie silence as Elon Musk delivers a stark warning about the current state of the world."
"Elon Musk drops a bombshell accusing OpenAI of deception and asserting that the concept of a digital God is far from benign."
"Musk emphasizes the urgent need for heavy government regulation to prevent AI from becoming a peril to the public."
"Musk emphasizes the Paramount goal, transforming Earth into a multiplet civilization with a self-sustaining City on Mars."
"Elon Musk officially became the richest man in the world, leaving Jeff Bezos from Amazon and Blue Origin behind."
"The greatest threat to our civilization is not AI, is not climate change, it is demographic collapse." - Elon Musk
"Musk recognizes it's a lot easier to go to a planet than to build one."
"Elon Musk aims to establish a multi-planet society, expanding human presence beyond Earth."
"Elon Musk believes that AGI poses a grave threat to humanity, perhaps the greatest existential threat we face today."
"Musk has stated that he believes becoming a multi-planetary species is essential for the long-term survival of humanity."
"Elon Musk is the most creative entrepreneur of our time by far, which is why he's the richest man in the world."
"Mr. Musk will be paid only if he reaches a series of jaw-dropping Milestones based on the company's market value and operations; otherwise, he will be paid nothing."
"Elon Musk... what he's achieved with Tesla is undeniable."
"One of the things I actually like about Elon as a person is that he actually sits there and considers the questions that you ask him in real time."
"Elon believes the tweets are in no way a violation of his agreement with the SEC."
"You just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. If other people are putting in 40 hour workweeks and you're putting in 100 hour workweeks, then even if you're doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve." - Elon Musk
"Elon Musk is terrified of artificial intelligence because he thinks by the time it becomes sentient, it'll be too late."
"As Elon Musk says, you get paid in proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve."
"Elon Musk is probably doing more for the environment than most people."
"So it might but I'm stuck in 2022 because I can't stop obsessing over the demented circus that has been the Elon Musk era of Twitter."
"It's pretty fascinating and exciting that Elon Musk is willing to put his money where his mouth is when it comes to backing free speech."
"Despite everything we've talked about, Elon Musk is still one of the most liked and respected people."
"Elon's willpower and the ability of one man with a righteous cause standing up to a mob... sometimes that's all it really takes."
"Just when we thought we had seen it all, Elon Musk drops a bombshell that could redefine geopolitical dynamics, environmental policies, and global commerce."
"Don Lemon really exposed how little Elon Musk knows on the topic of DEI."
"Elon's another guy, never diversified. PayPal was his only investment. When he sold PayPal, he only has three investments today, and no homes and no cash."
"One of the reasons that Elon is compelling to me is that I buy into the idea that the future of humanity is among the stars."
"StarLink could be key to SpaceX's success and Elon Musk's vision for a colony on Mars."
"Spacex CEO Elon Musk thinks that the holy grail to making life multi-planetary lies in humanity's ability to make a completely reusable rocket system that can carry a massive amount of equipment, supplies, and people deep into space."
"Techscape: I read Elon Musk's 12 files so you don't have to."
"It's a victory, a tremendous victory that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter."
"We're spiraling back into the same problem if Elon doesn't immediately just pull out the lightning bolt of Zeus and throw it."
"On 14th April 2022, the world’s richest man (and oldest teenager) Elon Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter for $44 billion."
"Wherever things stand when the dust settles, the very prospect of Musk potentially owning Twitter served to reignite ongoing and deeply visceral debates about how the internet is (and should be) governed."
"Interesting comments on Hardware three, four, and five, particularly Elon saying that Hardware 4 would not be economically feasible to retrofit."
"You hear that, Elon Musk? I know SpaceX is looking for new engineers, but if your rockets cost and weigh the same amount as a ham sandwich, I can throw them into orbit. You don't even have to have rockets anymore."
"Raise your hand for just a minute if you believe that Elon Musk, arguably the most intelligent person to walk this Earth right now, who runs arguably the largest car and aerospace companies in the world, just suddenly realized that Bitcoin uses electricity."
"There's going to be a value in that." - Elon Musk advising on careers in the context of AI advancements.
"Every time somebody opens their mouth and says 'that can't happen,' Elon shows up with, 'Oh, here, you want to look at that?'"
"At the end of the day, eventually, you're always going to lose, always. Especially if you're betting against Elon Musk."
"Elon was showing the investors and the world that Tesla is more than just him... highlighting all the very impressive people and the roles that they play... like a show of force."
"It's obvious to anybody with a brain that Elon Musk is not a checker player; he is a chess player."
"With Elon Musk, let's give credit where credit's due. He was just nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize."
"Elon Musk has talked about whether or not we live in a computer simulation."
"Elon Musk said that there's a 1 in billion chance that this is not base reality."
"It's all bad now. Elon's got Twitter and it's over for us. It's done, man, it's over."
"Elon Musk set to deliver an update presentation on the Starship program at SpaceX."
"Finally, after all these months where people just talked, Elon on Twitter about this, we are getting a presentation."
"Musk's vision is to transform humanity into a multi-planetary species."
"When Elon made a big bet on using deep learning for FSD, that's a 10x to me."
"Elon Musk even came out and said that it's a big year for AI."
"Elon Musk is going to Mars, man... 'There's no life there? We'll create it.'"
"As Elon Musk would say, there is almost no chance whatsoever that our universe is not a simulation."
"Elon Musk is out to prove that not only is this a possibility, but that it can be done and it may just be the reason for the survival of humankind."
"Imagine Elon Musk and his electric car revolution taking on the petrol states."
"If Elon Musk succeeds by keeping Twitter even just alive, in the next couple of months after gutting the workforce by over 75 percent, he's really shown a new standard for what an essential employee truly is."
"I think SpaceX and Elon Musk will be the ones that get the first human setting foot on Mars."
"The reason [Elon Musk] cares so much about AI safety is because he, more than almost anyone else, appreciates these amazing opportunities we will squander if we wipe out here on Earth."
"Thanks to Elon Musk, this future is closer to reality than we realized."
"Elon Musk: 'Sunlight is the best disinfectant.'"
"Elon Musk once lived, and may still live, in a boxable casita in Texas, a $50,000 home that promises to revolutionize the real estate industry."
"Elon Musk has been center of almost every Tesla story, which means it's a personality-driven company with all the good stuff and bad stuff that comes with it."
"Elon, he's a free thinker. He's unfiltered a lot of times. It's refreshing to a lot of people, but some people want him to be more filtered."
"Elon Musk says his startup has, for the first time, enabled humans to control their phones by thinking."
"Elon Musk's brain chip successfully implanted in a human for the first time: What does it do, and what role could it play in humanity's future?"
"Every time we count Musk out, he pulls another rabbit out of the hat."
"Elon Musk's wealth is overwhelmingly in the form of Tesla shares, and Musk says Tesla is essentially worthless if they can't get full self-driving to work."
"A judge found reasonable evidence that Elon Musk and other executives at Tesla knew that the company's full self-driving technology was defective but allowed the cars to be driven in an unsafe manner anyway."
"Elon Musk is a genius and he decided he wanted to have something that was going to be radically different."
"Elon always talks about thinking from a first principles perspective to solve problems."
"Elon Musk is driving for nothing less than the permanent colonization of Mars."
"Ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income. I don't think we're gonna have a choice." - Elon Musk
"But if there's anyone who can achieve anything Against All Odds it's Elon Musk."
"Why does Elon Musk want to go to Mars so bad? Honestly, he just wants to return to his home planet."
"Elon Musk made it so the cars were so advanced, they ended up wiping out the human race."
"Elon Musk's vision and success make him a true visionary."
"The real goal here for Elon Musk is to get to Mars."
"Elon Musk publicly comes out and says they should not have done that."
"According to the Washington Post, Musk's tweets have singular power to unleash mobs against people with much lower profiles."
"If you're trying to moot a $44 billion sale because Elon Musk tweeted something vaguely critical of the company's top lawyer, good luck with that."
"I will literally take a bullet for Elon. You believe in Elon or you don't. Don't half-ass it."
"Elon Musk wants us to pay attention to something quieter but really important: the fact that the world's population is not growing as fast as it used to."
"Musk is not just giving a warning or telling a story, he's inviting us to join him in thinking about the past and the future."
"Elon Musk trolled AOC with a screenshot of her own store."
"Elon Musk has been on his path to being based for quite a while."
"Elon Musk is now being investigated by the Brazilian Supreme Court over his dissemination of fake news."
"In a world filled with Mysteries and Uncharted territories, Elon Musk, the Visionary entrepreneur and founder of SpaceX, has always been known for pushing the boundaries of technology and exploration."
"Mars colonization has been a recurring theme in Elon Musk's presentations."
"According to Musk, becoming a space-faring civilization is exciting, offering hope for the future amidst uncertainties."
"Tunnels have a lot of opportunity for alleviating traffic in cities and just improving quality of life overall." - Elon Musk
"The future of humanity is fundamentally going to bifurcate... either we're going to become a multi-planet species and a space-faring civilization or we're going to be stuck on one planet until some eventual Extinction event." - Elon Musk
"Elon Musk did a 180 and shocked the world today."
"Every single retail investor was right on Tesla, I was right, Elon Musk was right."
"Elon Musk says Neuralink has wired up a monkey to play video games using its mind."
"Musk's goal of building a city on Mars seems much more feasible."
"Elon Musk is buying Twitter for its consciousness."
"Elon did the thing with, um, verification. It happened."
"We created our own connector. There was no standard back then." - Elon Musk
"Elon makes sure that the culture wants constant change."
"Tesla CEO Elon Musk is officially the richest person ever with a net worth of 271.3 billion dollars."
"Elon Musk understands this is really 3D chess."
"Everybody dies," he says, "but not me, because I'm gonna put my brain into a computer." - Elon Musk
"Elon Musk grew 35 billion dollars richer in one [ __ ] day."
"According to Elon Musk, when the gigafactory in Reno Nevada is complete..."
"It's always amusing to watch people who have never built a thing criticize people like Elon Musk."
"Could Dogecoin be the solution that Elon Musk is looking for?"
"This is really the perfect example of how Elon Musk can giveth and taketh away with 280 characters or less."
"Looks like version 11 0.3 will be ready for wide release in about two weeks, many major improvements." - Elon Musk
"People seem to trick themselves psychologically into thinking... if we don't do anything that's not a risk right? Wrong." - Elon Musk
"This is really the stuff that the guy's thinking about. Oh, I just casually transition the entire world to sustainable energy. Oh, and also solve autonomy. Oh, and by the way, also colonize Mars." - Interviewer
"Great to hear Elon Musk point out that he believes... even in the worst case scenario without Tesla executing on their master plan part three fifty percent plus of all new vehicles sold in 2030 will be electric." - Commentator
"Tesla had that passion to create new things non-stop, no matter how crazy they were."
"This is an important welcome move by Elon Musk."
"Elon said explicitly no new vehicles this year, so Cybertruck, Semi, Roadster, Teslabot, nothing this year."
"Elon says it's sort of like having a money printing machine on your roof."
"It's really the point to say that it is very, very doable. It is happening. We need a three-fold increase in solar and wind." - Elon Musk
"Elon Musk almost sold Tesla to Google at a certain point."
"Elon Musk managed to transform what was a small project into what is seen today as the most in car company in the world."
"History owes him a huge, huge favor, whatever you think of Elon, you know, people have different opinions, but I'll tell you, he is really, he forced the industry."
"Thank god Elon came along and kicked it off."
"Elon Musk on his role: 'My role is much more that of an engineer developing technology.'"
"I'm gonna go with Elon Musk... I think his reputation has gotten really hurt because of that role."
"Bitcoin drops because Elon Musk says we're not going to sell it."
"For embodying the possibilities and the perils of the age of tech titans, Elon Musk is Time's 2021 Person of the Year."
"I'm very hesitant to push private philanthropy, it's one of the reasons why I don't want to push Elon, I just don't understand why he doesn't do it."
"Elon sure knows how to keep himself in the news."
"Elon Musk decides to invest in something, you know it's going to be successful."
"When Elon Musk is so dedicated to something, you know it's going to be successful."
"Elon Musk not just that tweet he's been liking a number of other tweets throughout the last 24 hours that can be a telling sign as well"
"Elon Musk is constantly tweeting about dogecoin as well he said he would literally take dogecoin to the moon."
"Everybody wants to believe in something, and Elon has become that. I think he's giving people hope."
"North American supercharger usage tracking to exceed pre kovat highs in two to three weeks." - Elon Musk
"Hey, more power to him. He's making flamethrowers and digging holes, that's great. Everybody knows that deep down, men just desire to dig holes." - Elon Musk
"Getting us to Mars is a big deal, getting us off oil, getting us to electric vehicles, transitioning us from transportation on our surface to tunnels, fixing curing brain diseases. It's a lot of big stuff that Elon's working on."
"Elon Musk correctly tweeted: 'The extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all.'"
"The innovation premium that Elon Musk deserves is massive."
"I want to pilot the boring machine that Elon Musk has invented I want to be the guy behind the whip like boring into the ground and making tunnels."
"At an event at Tesla's new Factory in Shanghai this week, Musk got so excited about his prospects in China that he danced around on stage like a total dork."
"Elon Musk inadvertently bringing to light so many actual problems with American society."
"He's been a strong advocate of AI regulation for a long time."
"If Elon Musk was looking to purchase Twitter for the amount he did he wanted to make sure he was purchasing a platform that actually had real people using it and not fake people using it."
"The heat pump is some of the best engineering I've seen in a while." - Elon Musk
"The fact that Elon's willing to defend free speech, that's the thing I mean. Is there a greater Free Speech warrior in America right now than Elon Musk? No."
"There's no doubt that Elon Musk has a cult-like following."
"Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter, says he may have to reconsider his investment if offer is not accepted."
"Elon Musk probably invested thinking... they'll listen to me."
"There's nothing like how I feel about Ford in Florida zone Elon is doing so much good for the world." - George Hotz
"I'd rather Elon Musk have a much bigger share of the pie than me as long as the pie tastes awesome." - George Hotz
"Elon Musk has done a great job with Tesla... most people don't buy it for that, they buy it because it's super cool."
"Musk doesn't expect anyone on his teams to work any harder than he does."
"Elon Musk's idea is that we have a tool to fight the AI by having our own AI that we control."
"Elon did a great job on Saturday Night Live... as good as could be expected and I would argue even better."
"I think that that was really big thing for him to do. It's really inspiring I think for people who have Asperger's."
"He was endearing by sharing something that he had never publicly shared before."
"Or Elon could be telling the truth, as he often does."
"I believe we have... I think for the first time it is possible. There's a possible outcome to make life multi-planetary."
"He may not be the world's smartest human...but he is absolutely unquestionably the world's most effective engineer."
"African American, you have to be from Africa. The only African American I know is Elon Musk."
"Elon Musk is like a nuclear bomb striking through its heart."
"I'm hopeful that Elon Musk is going to bend Twitter's content moderation towards a greater embrace of free speech."
"Words mean things, especially when you are Elon Musk."
"He's single-handedly bringing it back because future history books are going to have to have a chapter on Elon Musk."
"Elon Musk did not use human body parts to become a billionaire."
"Now that we face the harsh reality of trying to become multi-planetary, hopefully Elon's vision and determination will be enough to overcome all the obstacles."
"Twitter is arguably already the least wrong source of Truth on the internet but we obviously still have a long way to go." - Elon Musk
"There will be a higher price subscription that allows for zero ads." - Elon Musk
"Luck is a fickle mistress but often better than a shot in the dark."
"Elon make it happen elon tweeted out truth social is currently beating twitter and tick tock on the apple store he said truth social."
"The machine is crumbling we are storming that hill i jokingly referred to elon musk as gandalf and the writer the rohirrim you know lord of the rings."
"Elon Musk is actually going to start moving much more into crypto."
"Elon Musk is like the real life Tony Stark just without the Iron Man suit."
"Musk believes his undying enthusiasm gives him an edge over less optimistic competitors."
"The United States is actually the only country that has freedom of speech in its constitution."
"Ultimately, Elon wants to do the right thing, to contribute to the greater good in the most positive way."
"Elon likes positive science fiction stories because what is the point of science fiction if not to broaden the horizons of humankind?" - Everyday Astronaut
"Prototypes are trivial, volume production is hard." - Elon Musk
"Elon didn't just break Twitter, Twitter broke Elon Musk."
"Elon Musk's historic pursuit for free speech is just more evidence for how corrupt the regime has become."
"Elon Musk is willing to do what only he can do. He's putting a substantial chunk of his vast fortune on the line to save free speech in America."
"Elon Musk is now the CEO of Twitter. Let that sink in, people."
"I'm extremely confident that level 5 or essentially complete autonomy will happen and I think it will happen very quickly." - Elon Musk
"Elon might be the only person in history to be disrupting this much."
"Elon has a sense of humor about this whole thing... 'not easy coming up with a good cover story for an underground volcano lair.'"
"You've really got to hand it to Elon Musk when people are telling him he can't do something or that he's doing too much."
"This video is... to the Twitter staff and Elon Musk. I hope you guys watch it, enjoy it..."
"Elon has said that he thinks when the car is fully get to full self-driving, he thinks they'll be valued at $100,000."
"The truth is probably the smartest thing Elon could possibly do is just be himself."
"Elon Musk hints at a breakthrough in cancer treatment."
"Musk's past collaborative efforts demonstrate his commitment."
"Elon Musk's initiatives leverage cutting-edge technology."
"She's convinced it's a physical thing, because she has a good personality, makes friends easily, and isn't afraid to put herself out there romantically."
"Elon Musk is in that phase where he's going all in."
"Elon Musk says SpaceX is going to double Starlink satellite internet speeds."
"As Musk continues to apply his extraordinary problem-solving skills and forward-thinking mindset to the realm of healthcare, the possibilities for impactful advancements become increasingly evident."
"Elon announcing on Twitter that he's excited to announce the start of production of the Tesla semi truck with deliveries to Pepsi on December 1st."