
Cessation Quotes

There are 316 quotes

"Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds its meaning."
"You don't get nirvana by running after it. You get it through stopping."
"Everything in my life has just increased since I stopped."
"Just cut it off immediately, go no contact and just cease talking to the person."
"We should really call it quits. Yeah, I think we really should."
"It's time to go home, it's time to end this illegal activity, and it's time to come together as a country."
"SCP-3247 stopped its performance, throwing up its hands in a gesture of defeat."
"It's time to stop. It's time to stop okay, no more."
"We tend to not understand how good something is until we stop doing it until it's gone."
"Enough is enough: the senseless acts of killing must stop."
"We want this fixed, we want it resolved, and we want it to stop."
"The crash cousins are no more, we're retired."
"To my fellow nail biters, stop what you're doing."
"He put down everything... he stopped his conquering quest."
"We've got to end it all, okay? No more dabs."
"Don't tell me how you did it, tell me how you stopped."
"Until this invasion is reversed, we cannot talk."
"I was a four-pack-a-day smoker... I walked out of there February 20th, 1995, and I haven't smoked since."
"It's wrong, it's unsustainable, and it has to stop."
"Stop chat, stop bro, stop your bro. Just stop, you know what, stop all that."
"I don't know what you think you're doing with that but this stops now." - Infinite
"It was time for the killing to stop, it's got to stay between me and my mother."
"Say something once, say it definitively, and end it. And once you end it, stop going back."
"We're not doing this anymore we have enough."
"Believe me, it's never too late to try to quit."
"It just goes to show that you don't always have more time to quit."
"The killing and destruction must end."
"We're not going to continue the trend of doing more thermal paste stuff."
"They don't have to keep killing people for fresh blood anymore."
"Over time, it just stopped, slowed down, ultimately to nothing."
"Stopping something is to reveal something else; stopping is not a negative thing."
"The end of lizard squad's reign of terror"
"If Ymir wants the rumbling to stop, then it's going to stop."
"That's it, no more, come on, stop it."
"Hatred ceases not by hatred at any time. Hatred ceases by love. This is an old rule."
"Imagine waking up tomorrow morning that something wonderful has happened and you no longer smoke, and you feel totally calm, happy, and in control."
"What an even crazier coincidence that it immediately stopped after prayer."
"Some serial killers do stop spontaneously and for no reason. They stop because circumstances have changed, not because of anything innate."
"All activity would cease, there would be complete darkness."
"I'm gonna stop bothering you if you don't tell me."
"I've been off of it for about a month now."
"How can you stop, how do you stop?"
"That's enough! The butterflies are gone. Stop!"
"You must cease this attack at once."
"I didn't know how much I was part of it until I stopped doing it. You know like you don't know until you stop."
"If anyone smokes, they should try to stop smoking. This is important for every type of heart condition."
"These strange occurrences gradually became more frequent, always being more intense than the last until they eventually just stopped."
"Let's stop. I don't even got to talk about it. It's a body."
"Death is a cessation of the impressions through the senses, and of the pulling of the strings which move the appetites, and of the discursive movements of the thoughts."
"We're gonna stop collecting at the end of April."
"People just wanted you to stop making the videos."
"That's right, they essentially stop cooling."
"Allah doesn't burden anyone beyond his ability. So when Allah told you to stop smoking, you have the ability to do it."
"The Aberdonian Sleeper Service had officially ceased"
"Who caused the horse and cattle stealing to stop? Frank Lake."
"It's enough, it's enough at this point."
"For if we have entered into his rest, then we have ceased from our own works even as God did from his."
"There's never a good time, there's not going to be a good time to stop."
"Wisdom is only served if I stop now."
"I wish they would stop, don't do no more."
"Now that you've shown me what you're capable of, I think it's time to stop playing games for a bit." - Arachim Maru
"We're not going to promote them anymore on this channel."
"Overdose is probably the consequence least likely to make someone stop."
"I thought I was going to pass out, and then it just stopped, just as quickly as it had started."
"After that, I never heard any more strange noises in the house or anything like that."
"The spiritual decline accelerated to the point where these miracles ceased altogether."
"I want you to stop. I don't want you to do it anymore."
"How can you stop trying and struggling? How can you stop doing things on your own?"
"Breathing in, I observe cessation. Breathing out, I observe cessation."
"I mess with it for a few more seconds before I simply turn it off."
"When God says enough, everything's got to stop, everything's got to move, everything's got to shift."
"God shouted from heaven and he said enough."
"Let's call it quits while we can."
"This curse isn't helping anyone. You need to stop all of this right now."
"Sense knowledge ceases when revelation comes."
"...so joab blew the trumpet and all the men stopped and pursued Israel no more, nor did they fight anymore..."
"He crumples up the pack of cigarettes and never smokes again."
"No more discarding is needed, you don't need to go through that process anymore."
"Please do not smoke anything, even nicotine gum or hookah."
"Don't say sorry, just stop doing it."
"We're going to stop this exercise at this point."
"There came a time when I ran out of things to say, when I was too busy, when I found no reason to continue the walks."
"Cease and forsake all your striving."
"After we became more aware of it, it just stopped."
"It's like planted right in our story lines bro it's not good bro we gotta stop this [ __ ] It's gotta end this Shenanigans gotta stop."
"This whole thing's gotta stop at once."
"It blew my mind and then it stopped, it just all of a sudden was not doing the same thing."
"Turia is the cessation of all sorrows, it solves all your problems forever."
"I need to just stop having thoughts and opinions and ideas."
"I just never thought that I'd do it, and I feel really amazing having stopped."
"In order to start, you have to stop."
"My ultimate advice is do it if you really think you'll have fun doing it and the second it isn't fun, stop."
"Stopping the cigarettes stops the cough and the wheezing. Stopping the booze stops the damage to the liver. You're cured."
"It has to stop. It has to stop now."
"The Ottawa model for smoking cessation involves doing ordinary things extraordinarily well."
"In honor of your Chief Warrior's courage, I will cease the pursuit of your forces and withdraw."
"The only way you're gonna stop doubting yourself is when you stop."
"Most combat operations came to an end, but fighting continued on the island of Sakhalin."
"From George, I learned when to quit talking."
"This, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the cessation of dukkha: the fading and cessation, renunciation, relinquishment, and letting go of craving."
"I had eaten of the lotus flower of safety; dangers no longer threatened, for they had ceased to be."
"It's time to quit smoking naturally."
"The hard thing is knowing when to stop."
"Whatever you are searching for... stop. Just stop."
"Whenever you hear me mention the word 'relax', all unnecessary movements and activities of your body, brain, and mind will cease immediately."
"The only tiny speck of hope that I can offer you is that nuclear war may break out and stop this."
"The heart of A.A. would cease to be; our world arteries would no longer carry the life-giving grace of God."
"The end of reflection is the end of art."
"The destruction stops when you appear."
"If I lose the smile on my face, I stop doing what I'm doing."
"It's crazy how at each other's throats we gotta stop it."
"We have got to put an end to endless war."
"The Phantom drum beat ceased and the once haunted nights were replaced with serene stillness."
"If I quit learning, I'll stop. Period."
"If we stopped drawing, put pencils down, they've got nothing to print."
"The sky will split and the planets will shift, balls of jade will drop, and existence will stop."
"The moment the thing hits zero, we're going to stop the process."
"When interpretation stops, that's when the trouble starts."
"If something's rewarding we're going to keep doing it; if it's not rewarding we're going to stop."
"Hatred doesn't cease by hatred; it ceases by love."
"Hatred doesn't cease with more hatred; it ceases with this beautiful forgiveness."
"The Dhamma is complete, so this is where we can stop."
"The reality which is what you really are, so the problems drop away as you see the cessation."
"If you can give a system of thought a feeling of clarity, people will stop thinking about it."
"As soon as it's not fun, that's when I'll stop doing it."
"He that is entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own work, as God did from His."
"If they're a smoker, the best advice is quit."
"I never really believed that I could stop smoking, I never believed it, but here we are, it's possible."
"Set the swords down, no more fighting."
"I'm going to call a halt for today."
"I just had enough and I stopped and it never bothered me."
"We need to put a stop to all of this death."
"The murders stopped after the arrest."
"Cold turkey may be good on a sandwich, but as a strategy to stop a bad habit, it might not necessarily be the best."
"People who've been smoking... if they stop, they can cut their stroke risk in half within a year of stopping smoking."
"It's a cycle of fighting basically, and I just wanted to stop."
"If you're dealing with addiction... there is a way to stop. You can stop."
"The activity that happened after I got the rock stopped."
"I'm quite sad that they're gonna stop making this."
"I would stop when I stop enjoying it."
"I don't wanna fight no more 'cause I don't really need no more, no, just wanna make it stop."
"With the mediation of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, an agreement was reached on the complete cessation of hostilities."
"Hatred will never cease by hatred; hatred will only cease by love."
"Let's not keep searching and spinning. For anybody spinning, let's stop the spinning and go deeper and see what's actually going on."
"When you're getting into ketosis, the cravings start to stop, and these things go away."
"Complete cessation of sorrow here and now, this life, sorrow, and attainment of deep lasting peace and bliss."
"It is time to bring an end to this deadly cycle of violence and this unbearable human distress."
"If I accept I am irrational – wait a minute – completely, I am rational!"
"Stop the bloodshed. I repeat, stop the bloodshed."
"Until we have better ways of creating a less risky globe through our military actions... we should draw the conclusion that these wars should be ceased."
"This success that I see now... is pretty much the only thing out here that would and could have stopped me selling drugs, and it did."
"Every day I help people quit smoking, and this video is intended to help you learn how you can quit smoking successfully and confidently."
"Beethoven always creates this volcano of energy and then there's the question of how do you stop the volcano."
"Everything will stop only if they make a choice."
"They must be encouraged to quit on their own."
"Once you stop having fun with it, you should be done with it."
"The extermination was stopped, that is not a small thing."
"Cessation of suffering, as a noble truth, is this: It is remainderless fading and ceasing, giving up, relinquishing, letting go and rejecting, of that same craving."
"The way leading to cessation of suffering, as a noble truth, is this: It is simply the noble eightfold path."
"Where dialogue ends, propaganda begins."
"After nine long years of fighting addiction, I quit typing."
"The day you stop learning is basically that's when you stop growing."
"When the earth stops, the journey begins."
"You gotta just know when to quit it."
"Stop the bloodshed," urged the UN. "The best way of doing so," retorts Lacoste, "is to have no more blood to shed."
"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop."
"No more the oars; the windy harps refrain."
"But I have seen you at last, O builder of the house. You no longer build the house."
"This has to stop, please listen to me."
"Suffering ceases when desire ceases."
"The path leading to the cessation of suffering is the noble eightfold path: right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration."
"And when at length the dawn came, greenest twilight from the east, and all that heaving horror ceased."
"Stop goal-oriented activity, just stop."
"It is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; then shall there be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding of blood."
"Cease fire, Hector shouted. Cease fire!"
"But the train's put its brakes on, and the whistle is screaming, Terrapin."
"The noble Eightfold Path is the way to the cessation of suffering."
"The insight into the first noble truth takes you on to the causes of suffering, which take you to the cessation of suffering."
"Imagine if he stopped dancing... dancing is one of his passions."
"The truth of suffering is to be understood; the origin of suffering is to be abandoned; the cessation of suffering is to be realized."
"It's like quitting smoking, you get whatever help you need, but the only real test is whether you stop doing it."
"Stop smoking before it stops you."
"...when we stop struggling then we can start living."
"The steady hum of the funicular that connects the town to the ski slopes above ceased operations hours ago."
"I have not had a cigarette for 14 days."
"The tumult and the shouting died; ten thousand voices stilled."
"It's kind of like putting your finger on a bell; the ringing stops, it goes away."
"War and conflict has ceased to exist."
"Well, it has to stop; something has to stop."
"Let's stop this, let's stop, okay, and let everybody live their life."
"In the face of mounting casualties, Vandegrift would finally halt the offensive on November 23, ordering the forces on the front to dig in along a line stretching from Hill 66 to Point Cruz."
"The feeling stopped and left me on the verge of tears."
"The lights and the music of the carousel went out."
"What needs to be done first is to stop killing."
"The power to calm, the power to comfort, the power to help you quit."
"Realization of selflessness is the way to stop cyclic existence."
"Don't do drugs. If you're doing it, stop it."
"It's amazing that they could laugh that hard and then just be done laughing."
"When a fire goes out, you don't think well it goes any direction, it just goes out doesn't it, it's extinguished."
"Once you stop trying to learn, that's when you stop growing."