
Symptom Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Depression is like a flag of system-wide there's something going wrong."
"The uprisings are a symptom of a pressure that's been unaddressed for too long."
"Suicidality is not an illness; it's actually a symptom."
"The Ukraine is a symptom of a much deeper problem."
"When a patient has right upper quadrant abdominal pain, jaundice, and features of infection... these are very suggestive of ascending cholangitis."
"Once you stop pressing the nerve, typically the symptoms go away."
"Addiction isn't the disease, it's a symptom."
"Erectile dysfunction is often the first clue of much bigger health issues."
"A decrease in libido or difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection are telltale signs of erectile dysfunction."
"All addiction is a symptom of a wider problem, right?"
"Be aware of symptoms like flashes of light and new onset floaters."
"...this enhancement that you see is blood or hemorrhage from a subarachnoid hemorrhage."
"...but remember, because this is an arterial bleed, this is going to be a rapidly expanding hematoma."
"...that means there's a period of time where there's no symptoms as the hematoma starts to grow."
"The big thing you worry about with this disease is because it's ascending, if it gets to the respiratory muscles, the person can have respiratory failure."
"The idea here is that you have a person that has neurologic symptoms that are separated by time and space."
"Optic neuritis is sudden vision loss, it can be painful when you move the eye."
"Bladder incontinence in a young female may indicate MS."
"Classic image of MS is sometimes called Dawson's fingers."
"Bell's palsy: Ipsilateral facial weakness, younger patients, sudden onset."
"Erectile dysfunction may be the first clinical sign of insulin resistance in an otherwise undiagnosed man."
"Increased pain with standing or walking, relieved by sitting or bending forward, indicates spinal stenosis."
"Obesity is not the problem, it is a symptom of the problem."
"Food was but a symptom of a greater problem that centered in my mind."
"One morning months after this, I woke up and my arm was itching like crazy."
"Community as a whole, this is a perfect example of a symptom that's killing our society."
"Laughing may be early sign of fatal condition. Struggling to stop yourself from laughing or crying in inappropriate situations could be a symptom."
"Getting lost in familiar surroundings is another concerning symptom that sometimes pops up early."
"This is the hallmark of cerebral amyloid angiopathy when it's seen in an elderly person who's also demented."
"Again, our goal is to treat the hand tremor because that's the most disabling symptom."
"A pleuritic chest pain with a friction rub that comes generally about 14 days two weeks after an MI."
"Depression isn't just about mood; lack of motivation can also be a symptom."
"Intermittent claudication is a symptom of ischemia in a limb which occurs during exertion and is relieved by rest."
"When the symptom comes you react to it as if it were a child lying in bed fearful of a monster in the closet."
"If you have back pain, that's a big clue that it's possibly a bulging disc causing your sciatica."
"Weakness in one of the muscle groups of the legs suggests it's a bulging disc problem."
"The pain slowly gets worse when you do a lot of walking, running, or cycling; that could be piriformis syndrome at work."
"...if you start to develop cancer in the body that's also a sign and symptom."
"It just seemed so retroactively symptomatic symptom treatment as opposed to looking at the real problem."
"Proteinuria is a condition characterized by the presence of an abnormal amount of protein in the urine, which is often a Telltale sign of kidney damage."
"...you might notice some very common symptoms such as shimmering lights..."
"The corruption is a symptom of something much more insidious."
"So it seems like we're not just looking at the identity disturbance symptom criterion. We're also looking at that chronic feeling of emptiness. Of course that loads on that same factor but also the dissociation component."
"Back pain is a symptom of endometriosis."
"Trump is really a symptom of a larger problem."
"Our problem isn't loneliness that's merely a symptom."
"Anytime a patient was having a sirs response... enormous drop in HDL cholesterol."
"I'd rather be tired than having any other symptom."
"Having a psychological problem can present as a volval itch."
"Strep pyogenes can cause impetigo. This is a skin infection that has honey crusted lesions."
"Excess daytime sleepiness may be a symptom of an underlying sleep-related breathing disorder."
"S for slurred speech also their voice can be hoarse or soft sounding and that ties back to those weak muscles in the throat."
"So always, always think of multiple sclerosis when you see optic neuritis. So this is classic. It's blurry vision. It may be painful, and it's washed out."
"If your headache is severely worse when you wake up or you wake up from a headache, that's a red flag towards a tumor."
"Confusion and shakiness are common symptoms of hypoglycemia."
"Option D is correct here because the most prevalent symptom of myocardial infarction (MI) is chest pain."
"The binge eating is the symptom of what exactly? It's usually many, many little things that all add together."
"Decreased urine output can be an early sign of worsening heart failure, indicating reduced kidney perfusion due to decreased cardiac output."
"It's really common to have some degree of spread either in the form of pain or numbness further down into the hand if you have a shoulder problem."
"These are a symptom and I can get better, and then I don't have to act like this anymore."
"Vertigo is a symptom it's not a disease it's a symptom that something is not right."
"Night sweats are a symptom easy to ignore because your hormones go Haywire at least once a month. It's just a hot flash."
"Those comments were just a symptom of a larger problem."
"An abrupt loss of the right or left visual field can be the first sign of a posterior circulation stroke."
"I went into the doctor and was complaining of shortness of breath..."
"There are funny rules like if you have your cognitive symptoms for at least one year before the first time anybody notices tremor or stiffness or slowness, then we call it dementia with Lewy bodies."
"Pale stool can be an unexpected sign of liver trouble, indicating a need for attention from your liver."
"Rome Falls and you could see that as more of a sign or a symptom of the decline rather than the cause."
"The most common symptom that I hear patients report is a general sense of calm when they start hormones."
"Is malaise expected in a healthy toddler? No."
"Diaphoresis is a sign of respiratory distress in kids."
"So then we have macrocytic megaloblastic anemia then we may also have issues with pancytopenia."
"Pancitopenia meaning that all blood cells are abnormally low."
"Cough is such an important symptom."
"I don't think there's any worse symptom for a patient than actually feeling like you're gasping your last breath."
"Quit trying to chase a feeling or run away from a symptom."
"A major clinical sign of the heart not being able to pump enough blood forward to the body is that the blood starts to back up into the lungs."
"A strong clinical suspicion of Hirschsprung's disease if there is an explosive expulsion of feces."
"Carcinoid tumor can cause explosive diarrhea."
"Painless terminal hematuria is a common presentation of bladder cancer."
"Addiction is really just a symptom of deeper problems."
"Cheating is a symptom. It's a symptom. It is not the problem. It's a symbol of a deeper thing going on with that individual."
"Unstable angina is going to be chest pain with exertion that's not relieved with rest."
"So, in summary, we talked about venous sinus stenosis as a common cause of pastel tinnitus."
"Shoulder instability occurs when the humeral head cannot maintain its position within the glenoid fossa, resulting in symptoms such as pain or apprehension."
"A person is delusional, it is considered a form of psychosis, a symptom of psychosis."
"Atheism was only a symptom, not the cause."
"Disappearing acts are usually a symptom of something going on."
"A sudden onset of difficulty breathing with sharp chest pain and cyanosis that persist despite supplemental oxygen."
"Hair loss is a symptom of something deeper."
"Hair loss is an inflammatory response."
"My head is like absolutely pounding right now, like a sharp pain, like a splitting headache."
"Depression is a symptom. You'll get a lot further thinking about it as a symptom than you will as a disease."
"Lack of money isn't the problem, it's a symptom to a bigger problem."
"Psychosis is a symptom just like fever is a symptom."
"Anxiety is not the problem; anxiety is the symptom."
"If you're feeling like a burning, tingling, numbness, funny sensation around your heel, that indicates that a nerve may be involved."
"A muffled hot potato voice is a key symptom of peritonsillar abscess."
"Having a lot of sugar in the urine is an indication of diabetes."
"Procrastination is not a problem, it's always the symptom to a problem."
"Andrew Tate didn't just appear out of a vacuum; he's a symptom of a culture that vilifies men."
"The heliotrope rash is just sort of that blushing rash that you get on your eyelids and your cheeks."
"The paradigm in Western medicine is to treat the symptom... we're never really challenged to think about what the root cause of an illness is."
"Most patients have daily itching, and it sounds like a minor symptom, right? But it can drive people absolutely crazy."
"Obesity is a result of the problem, not a cause."
"Hate is a symptom of the conflict, not the driving force of it."
"Insomnia is a symptom, it's not a disease."
"Well, the fever tells us something is wrong, but it doesn't always tell us what."
"I view homelessness as a symptom of the conditions in which human beings find themselves in a society."
"Dew drop on rose petal appearance is chickenpox."
"The most salient feature of allergic conjunctivitis is itchiness of the eye."
"Cataplexy is pathognomonic for narcolepsy."
"The problem is quite often not where the pain is; it's a symptom of a dysfunction somewhere else."
"One of the characteristics of diabetics, as well as people who are fasting or on a no carb low carb diet, is you can detect or smell the odor of acetone on their breath."
"The thoughts are not the cause; the thoughts are a symptom."
"Any type of burnout is usually a symptom of something bigger happening in your life."