
Principle Quotes

There are 1825 quotes

"The 80/20 Rule... 80% of the result that you want actually comes from just 20% of the actions that you take."
"It's hard, I think when it feels like World War III, and you're having a meltdown, sometimes it's just about the principle."
"When it comes to safety, you never cut corners."
"Nonviolence is fundamental because we would never want to hurt ourselves truly."
"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom."
"The job is not worth doing for what they pay; it's not worth doing for the grief. But it is worth doing for the principle."
"I refuse to sell out. Integrity is the most important thing."
"The wealth was in the mind of the man who believed in a guiding principle."
"The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders is unwavering."
"The single most important principle to me is decentralization."
"Correct priority is the principle of progress."
"This is not about politics; it's about what's right and what's wrong."
"Remember, the great man is the one who can keep in the crowd the calm, even thought, the deep divine reliance on principle and more."
"We should judge him by the content of his character."
"The whole point of law is that it's supposed to be a rule of law, not of men or women."
"Mutual respect as a principle for equilibrium is what I'm trying to achieve."
"If you're gonna live by principle, you've got to believe in the sovereignty of God that he is in absolute control of every single thing."
"Focus creates attraction. Whatever you focus on, you attract more and more of."
"The entire point of this is open, permissionless finance. And when we say that, it is not just a slogan; it is the entire point."
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to your death your right to say it."
"The law of sowing and reaping is the greatest law of history."
"The people rejoice when Justice is served; that's biblical, man."
"We firmly believe that the people who design and engineer the product must also be the people who manufacture the product."
"Malcolm X said I'm for truth, no matter who's telling it."
"Equality is really a legal and moral principle to treat everyone equally."
"Transparency is a cornerstone of government."
"Her best interest is the governing principle here."
"Listening to God is a major principle in the Christian life."
"Transparency should be absolute and unequivocal, and it shouldn't be remotely controversial."
"Invest for the long term. Um, and a lot of investing, the principles are really easy, but to do it, it's hard."
"President Biden does not believe, as a principle, it should be difficult for people to gain access to healthcare."
"The Incarnation...is the central generative principle of Western civilization."
"I have a principled attachment to the concept of freedom of speech."
"The truth will always remain, and the truth will prevail, no matter what happens."
"If you can't get the small stuff right, you won't get the big stuff right."
"Sometimes we must take positions that are neither safe nor popular nor politic, but we must take those positions because our consciences tell us they are right."
"Stop being afraid to call out white supremacy and the people who practice it. Stand on truth, stand on principle."
"It's a win in principle, yeah, it may not be a win in fact but it's a win in principle for the victims."
"Even if you don't exercise a right, you need to recognize that it still is your right."
"From the very beginning and as a matter of principle, we've opposed anti-Jewish racism."
"Hope eventually the hostilities can settle and Ladder with Crowder can show that standing on principle can be profitable."
"Berg distilled Christian scripture down to one rule called the law of love."
"Once we start terminating parts of the Constitution that don't work well for us at the moment, that's the ball game."
"The core of self-defense is always necessity."
"I think that we should be approaching a 'Do no harm' principle."
"Implement the KISS principle: keep it simple. The simpler you keep it, the better it is, the easier it is to work with."
"The Pareto principle basically says that for many outcomes in life... roughly eighty percent of the consequences come from twenty percent of the causes."
"Life lived out of principle it only has a measure of success life lived out of the presence always brings breakthrough because it always demonstrates him it always demonstrates the person of breakthrough."
"What's popular isn't always right and what's right isn't always popular"
"Never ever ever should we turn to violence to make our opinions and our frustrations with the government known."
"I'm not fighting for myself, I'm fighting for a principle."
"I'm trying to be more of that mindset of just saying how I feel and not knowing how it is going to be perceived."
"I didn't have to do it, Maddie did it, but still the principle applies."
"The truth shouldn't change; the truth should be the truth."
"Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction."
"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
"We're supposed to be a government of laws, not a government of men."
"Righteousness exalts the nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
"It's hard to see a principal stand anymore and when you see one, yeah, gotta respect it."
"Innocent until proven guilty is a wise and fair Maxim."
"Your word is your bond; lead with integrity."
"We're not going to take that money as a matter of principle."
"Civilized democracy only works if you have the principle of losers consent."
"True without free speech is not a democracy."
"Occam's razor: the simple solution tends to be the correct one."
"Safety above all, that is their guiding principle."
"Good trouble is good trouble, so you can't be no punks and get in good trouble at the same time."
"We need uncompromising and principled people to stand together on that fundamentally self-evident truth."
"The Pareto Principle: 80% of outcomes result from 20% of causes."
"It's not Freedom that you have without cohesion it's absolute bloody catastrophe."
"It's not just a dollar, it's just a principle."
"Compounding is the most powerful principle in the universe."
"The 80/20 principle: 20% of your efforts yield 80% of your results."
"It's not about the money, it's the principle of the thing, the ex-wife strung him along the whole time and she needs to pay for it."
"As a game, Minecraft’s prime directive should be, 'Is this fun?'"
"This is a remarkably important proof of principle."
"The cardinal letter of Christianity is sacrifice, not success."
"The power of standing up on a principle that they believe in."
"We should stand for something because it can very easily be you."
"Old law is not bad law. Outlaw is usually referred to in our business as hornbook law, indisputable black letter law."
"It's adapt and survive, it's a simple principle."
"The first and foremost principle is that all power and authority are from God and are to be used for godly aims."
"Non-violence is so important because it works."
"The premise of who needs most is an infallible one."
"It is a golden principle to let each year see the publication of the year's work in any research."
"A person who truly loves can never harm their beloved."
"Mr. Hippocrates once said to us, 'Do no harm.'"
"Marcus Garby said Each one teach one Marcus Garby said when you climb the ladder each time you go up a step you reach back and you pull someone else up we forgotten that principle."
"...what programs out in the computational universe typically do, the biggest is this thing I call the principle of computational equivalence."
"The single responsibility principle states that classes should do one thing and therefore should have only one single reason to change."
"The concept of inclusivity alone is objectively a good thing."
"I'm here for the principle, and I'm not afraid to speak up."
"You cannot have it both ways. If you love freedom, you love freedom."
"Always stand up for what's right no matter how difficult it may seem."
"Justice will always be served, that's one thing you can guarantee."
"Love is the principal thing in the universe."
"Being your authentic self is my principle."
"My integrity as a judge means more to me than anything."
"Content should always come first, and the design should reflect that."
"Quality is more important than quantity, and I have that same applied principle today with regards to resistance training."
"The number one Agile principle is to satisfy the customer by delivering valuable software."
"It's never about the money, it's about the principle."
"He gave up the greatest title in the world because he refused to go to war."
"We are First Amendment absolutists here."
"The principle of least privilege is key when thinking about all up resources."
"Man emerges as a principle to be embodied."
"I'm not doing this because I want to, but I'm doing this on principle because I have to, and you're going to respect me."
"I've never sold out in my life, I've got integrity and I stand for what I believe in."
"Progressive overload is a fundamental principle of muscle building."
"The simplest way to do it is you simply look at the approach to classical physics that's called the least action principle."
"The principle of gender embodies the truth that there is gender manifested in everything."
"There's never an excuse for violence."
"What part of 'I can't be bought' don't you understand?"
"It's a basic principle of our civilization that people should be free to speak their mind."
"The principle of identity: a thing is what it is."
"I hold it any semblance, any appearance of concession to the view that such things might exist, is equivalent to a renunciation of all that I hold most sacred."
"Never put passion before principle because even if you win, you lose."
"The only founding father who never owned a slave as a matter of principle."
"Freemasonry teaches the universal principle of unselfish friendship."
"Respect is met with respect, bottom line, that's it."
"If you want to be egalitarian, then be egalitarian."
"I'm a person that's disciplined, I'll go with principle."
"Standing up for free speech rights of people you disagree with is important"
"This is a principle which helps us count the sizes of sets."
"I was asked do you want peace or Justice, I said I want Justice."
"I am probably entitled to a lot of money. I don't want to be greedy, but I honestly think it is the principle of the matter."
"Politics very often has little to do with principle and everything to do with convenience."
"In a matter of one, Hutch, it's the principle of need."
"Loyalty is like the number one rule in my life. If it's about business, friendship, relationship, family relationships as well."
"Of course, this is a one-of-a-kind piece. We will not repeat this product as matter of principle because that's where its value lies."
"Justice is the most important thing."
"If you tolerate everything, you stand for nothing."
"One of the principles I really like is about reputation."
"I think people should just admit that they use [freedom of speech] when it's advantageous and then they throw it away when it's not."
"I can't be bought off. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than some job offer to make me compromise the integrity of the badge."
"Maximize the greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"It's about the principle of what this all means to me as a black trans woman in Texas, let alone America."
"But my main resistance to the question is the idea that a lack of answers in practice means that there are no answers in principle."
"Here's my new golden rule: 'Do unto others as if they're Suge Knight.'"
"It's obviously a sellout, but of any principle. Not the first one, incidentally."
"We look for a cause. We live by a code."
"There is no winning without honor."
"Paying the iron price, not the gold price."
"His principle of change through natural forces has forever altered how we see the world."
"You can't even stand up for your own principles if you can't fight for it, right?"
"Every force in one direction is going to be opposed by a force in the other; the attitudes of CPT follow this rule."
"The precautionary principle was first flagged in a major way in the 1992 Rio declaration on Environment."
"So I reject hypocrisy wherever it shows up I'm Tethered to the Constitution as a strict originalist and that's where I land."
"Rule #1: Always trust your instincts."
"Paul is giving us a universal principle here."
"Porsche almost took a lot of car manufacturers have actually taken the Lanchester balancer shaft principle and applied it."
"Hello class, I'm Mr. Robertson, business principal number one: overpromise, under deliver."
"He's like, 'I'm a man of honor and principle, and I only do what's right. But also, I only do stuff for money. That's what I care about.'"
"Story comes first and story guides the direction of these films, and as we move on to the next chapter, we will stay true to that principle."
"Decency is not negotiable for me."
"I think the world, not just the military, needs people that are willing to stand up for what they believe in."
"It's the principle. I don't give a damn about the livelihood."
"Doing the right thing even if it's not the popular thing."
"...Most things I do in life are out of principle. I was taught that if somebody falls down you pick them back up. That's what we should do in life."
"I'm glad that they're supporting free speech over there."
"The Pareto Principle: 80 percent of outcomes come from 20 percent of inputs."
"In life, you just gotta take the high ground."
"Love shall be the whole of the law."
"Capturing and containing the spirit indefinitely follows the same principle."
"You've still got to take the high road."
"The first rule of existence is as above, so below."
"Faith is the core of our Christian living. It is the principle that we stand on."
"We do not censor Free Speech. We abide by the First Amendment."
"You can't do that. In principle, you can't do that."
"Wherever you are, whatever the crisis may be, there is an important principle at work here."
"This is the criteria that I've been living off of for a long time."
"Agreeableness is insufficient as a principle because it opens itself up to manipulation and exploitation."
"His headmaster wrote of him that he always acted on the principle that if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well."
"Honesty has always been the best policy."
"I don't care what you say, Chick-fil-A ain't open on Sunday and God bless them because they understand a principle that if I sacrifice for God, God will take care of the rest."
"Power isn't attractive on its own when it's wielded by someone without principle I find it repugnant."
"The pursuit of justice knows no expiration date."
"His choices are made on whether he believes in something or not. He could be the 50 million dollar guy, he's chosen not to because he doesn't believe that that's what's right for him."
"The underlying principle will always come back to the time of Echo and the time of repetition."
"...surely it's better that 10 guilty people go free than 1 innocent person suffers..."
"An important principle is to validate without gratifying."
"I unequivocally reject the beliefs of the White lives matter movement or any propaganda that supports racism of any kind."
"Don't ever compromise, the time of compromise and taking chances is over because the world is too wicked today."
"Concerns actions before words. It rejects the gradualism of Pista nice."
"Your kindness goes beyond mere gestures it is a guiding principle that shapes your interactions with the world."
"If I have two loaves of bread and my neighbor has none, I must give him one. Now that's a very appealing, attractive principle."
"Don't fight for momentary loyalty."
"Preston’s disdain for the concept of safe havens was palpable; he had even vowed to court-martial any crew that sought refuge in a neutral country."
"Complementarity is a universal principle."
"Because a judge's decision rests upon principle, it is often difficult for a judge to compromise."
"The show is about the fact that every time you give magic you have to give an equivalent exchange."
"You may mock Fanny for being too prim or prudish, but she stayed true to her morals. It is so much harder to stick to principle. Think about how much easier her life would have been had she accepted a role in the play, had she accepted Henry's offer of marriage. But she didn't."
"It's respect! That's what it's about."
"I pause and reflect. I have a principle: Pain plus reflection equals progress."
"The basic principle of evolution is stuff is changing. You can't prevent that."
"...if you take a stand against injustice if you stand up on principle and try to change things."
"And so, if we refuse to compromise in the small things, that's going to strengthen us for if it ever comes to the bigger things, I think."
"One of Mangold's core principles of this movie is that the story must be about Indy's age."
"Nonviolence is the law of the humans."
"There is a golden thread that runs through all the teachings and makes them work for those who sincerely accept and apply them."