
Rationality Quotes

There are 3527 quotes

"A lot of rational people don't realize that their rationality itself is underpinned by emotional needs and attitudes."
"We're playing this game of life without understanding the buttons on the controller."
"Skepticism, unlike cynicism, isn't about intrinsic distrust but about starting with a clean slate, in order to think clearly and rationally."
"Courage is about doing what it makes sense to do, even as you feel the fear."
"You have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions."
"Our nature is to be rational animals, and in order for us to pursue our telos, we have to be as rational as possible, or at least pursue rational ends."
"Rationality, which every human being has some degree of, is the divine spark in us. That's what's most godlike."
"Virtue, moral virtue, an organized soul which pursues rationally the ends which are good for all human beings, that's the stoic conception of virtue."
"A truly good world builder will use their skills of rationality and logic, their understanding of human nature, to create a detailed, airtight world that people can truly lose themselves in."
"I consider myself a at least partially rational human being with some degree of introspection."
"The only rational conclusion is that at some point in the future, things will be okay and then at some point afterwards they will not be okay again, and then they will be okay, and so on and so on."
"There is an objective categorical reason not to behave this way that you are irrational to disregard."
"This is a community built on reason and facts and science and empiricism, and we value objectivity and examining our beliefs."
"What can be asserted without evidence will be dismissed without evidence."
"Every time we are self-aware, our rationality and emotional resilience are strengthened."
"The wise man proportions his belief to the evidence."
"The world makes sense and human beings operate not randomly."
"Your brain has a damn good reason for its actions, and it makes perfect sense."
"This pathway between your emotional and rational brains is highly plastic."
"The question isn't just whether faith can be rational, but under what circumstances it leads us closer to truth."
"It's only when we talk about religion do we discuss about faith being rational. We never talk about science being rational."
"I think the best thing is for me to acknowledge where we agree, to acknowledge that we're both rational, intelligent individuals, and we're both going to make mistakes, and then go after the point where we have some disagreement."
"I care about facts and evidence and things that are demonstrable because everything else is just navel-gazing."
"If you consider yourself a rational thinker and you don't experience much emotion, there's a decent chance that your emotions are actually running the show from behind the scenes."
"Nazis on the moon type of idea, you have to find a reasonable balance."
"Often times the conversation over here assumes that people come to their beliefs about the world through some kind of very systematic sequence of rational judgments... nothing could be further from the truth."
"The value that we experience is another immaterial that's connected directly to the Christian faith, which I believe is part of the reasonableness, the rationality of Christianity."
"I want things that are justified by evidence because that is where the rational world is."
"Being rational means being consistent with the facts of reality."
"The time to believe it is when the evidence points towards it."
"I lecture longer and longer about aggression each year because of that guy. What do we do here in our business? We have this general notion that if we are rational, if we are learned, if we are scholarly, if we respect thoughts and truth and all of that, we will make the world a better place."
"Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from normal rationality and judgment."
"The time to believe something is after there's sufficient reason to believe it."
"Modern science was inspired by the conviction that the universe is the product of a rational mind who designed it to be understood and who designed the human mind to understand it."
"The Enlightenment, which was based around using rationality to improve society as opposed to tradition and religion, is very clearly modern."
"Listen to your intuition but also see the facts, getting all of the information."
"The neoplatonic tradition was the idea of rationality and the mystical being deeply interpenetrating."
"Is it irrational to fall in love? To be honest, yeah, I think it is. Oh, then you're not doing it right."
"When people blindly believe in rationality, they end up being radically irrational."
"The best arguments need to be used, not the best emotional appeals."
"Any rational person would be unwilling to tolerate the likelihood of ultimate doom."
"So many of these financial decisions, good or bad, all come down to emotions more than they really come down to anything rational."
"Rationality is not about tamping down your emotions; it's about creating this beautiful harmony between the thinking process and the emotional animal parts of our nature."
"You can't fight the irrational people in this world; there's too many of them. But you can fight your own irrationality."
"I had a feeling that some of the tools that we use in our line of work ought to be exported. Anyone can profit from better intuitions about probability and logic."
"As soon as I mentioned to people I'm going to be teaching a course on rationality, the inevitable question is: Why does humanity seem to be losing its mind?"
"Logic is just one of the tools of rationality. To do logic, you have to do something that can often be quite irrational: namely, forget everything you know."
"A general habit of avoiding cognitive impulsiveness is a major component of rationality."
"Our intuition often catches us out, and you have some lovely examples in the book showing why everyone's intuitive response is wrong."
"Rationality itself, when it takes to its full limit, must eat itself, break itself down, and ultimately devolve into paradox."
"Rationality can be the mediator between the world of facts and the world of values."
"Rationality is more or less a synonym of reason... I define it as the use of knowledge to attain a goal."
"Rationality is a way of attaining goals, and there's nothing irrational about having those goals. Quite the contrary, if we have the capacity for pleasure and fulfillment, then it's actually rational to pursue them."
"It is perfectly rational to assume intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe."
"Catch yourself right now, especially if you're just getting started with investing, and make sure that you're making logical decisions rather than ones based on emotion."
"Let's focus on being a little rational, let's be a little logical, let's return to basics and be very simple here."
"Rationality isn't enough, but it's certainly an adult form of communication and the prerequisite to a discussion like this."
"Any theory that undermines rationality cannot be true because you're using your rationality to get to it."
"There's a whole branch of logic, mathematics, and philosophy called decision theory where people try to lay down clearly what it means to make a rational decision."
"The argument is that it's not that we are either rational or emotional beings; it's that you should activate the correct system at the appropriate time."
"There's like this weird fetishization of the rational man that every male fancies himself to be like an Aristotelian figure."
"The value in identifying as an atheist is in making people aware that we're out here, that we're not baby-killing evil monsters, and that maybe, just maybe, our disbelief in the claims that they're offering is actually rationally justified."
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant."
"I've abandoned the idea that anyone is rational, including me. Once you abandon that, the world becomes far less frustrating."
"Artificial intelligence is all about taking our computers and trying to make them intelligent somehow, trying to get them to be able to act in a way that's somewhat rational, somewhat human."
"If all of that activity is predetermined by a non-rational process in advance, I don't see how you can call it rational."
"Reality-based, sensible, rational, humane options to seek peace do exist."
"Emotions are not the opposite of rationality or intelligence; they are the embodiment of evolutionary rationality."
"I would try not to have a dogmatic belief about a fact of the matter because that would make you delusional."
"Much of what quenches the human soul lies beyond rationality and reason."
"Feelings are real but they are a bad manager."
"I have no better expression than the term 'religious' for this trust in the rational character of reality and it's being accessible to some extent to human reason."
"Human beings...must base our decisions on ration and reason and common sense."
"We should use science to guide our laws and policies instead of just doing things out of fear or because they feel right."
"The Russians have an extremely rational conduct of the whole thing. They have a line; they follow the line, and it is almost predictable."
"Rationality and science can lead us to flourishing."
"Locking down is not the answer; treating people as rational human beings is the answer."
"When you think like a scientist, getting a vaccination is a really good thing!"
"Rationality can only get you to probability, but personal commitment can get you to certainty."
"We're not dealing with rational creatures when we're dealing with human beings; we're dealing with emotional creatures."
"We have to work harder to use our powers of rational thinking, skepticism, and insight to piece together the real story."
"Conspiracy theorists aren't crazy or irrational or stupid."
"Don't panic. Planning is what we need to do, not panic. If you're panicking and you have fear, you're not going to make rational decisions."
"My passion and heartbeat in life is to promote an intelligent, rational, and evidence-based Christian faith." - Jonathan McClatchy
"Faith authentically construed is always rational... a surrender at the far side of reason."
"The person who has the most authority for me is the person who's making sense at that moment."
"I feel like smart, intellectual people often like to focus on the rational and negative, to the detriment of the emotional and positive."
"Human beings are rational and they should be decent and peaceful, requiring a certain amount of tolerance to trade and live together, underpinning the commitment to democratic republican politics."
"If all the evidence agrees with you, if believing what you believe is the best explanation currently available in the universe, then it's not close-minded."
"The rational man can hardly be blamed if he concludes that on that first Easter morning a divine miracle occurred."
"The more rational you are, the stronger your faith is gonna be."
"Human behavior is determined as much by social context as by rational thinking or individual desire."
"Surrealism doesn't always have to mean something, as often it's used to undermine and confuse our rational impulse to project meaning onto everything."
"In the world of business, you have to have emotions but you also have to understand rational logic and perspective."
"Humans are not inherently rational; we're pushed around by countless emotions that we don't understand."
"There's no society I know of that has ever suffered because people have become too reasonable."
"Hopefully we can do it with some good humor and a light touch and a bit of detachment and in a peaceful and thoughtful and rational way."
"Moral actions are rational and immoral actions are irrational."
"My goal at the end of the day is to pull people away from extremism. I want people to be rational centrists."
"We would love for everyone to be incredibly rational... but actually, we'll settle for just people doing it slightly less wrong."
"We believe in due process and we believe voices should be heard, ideas should be exchanged, and rational people should make rational decisions based on consensus."
"You see, Christianity is not about checking your brain at the door, it's about starting to think."
"There's not many things in life that I'm afraid of. I think my fears are pretty reasonable, not necessarily odd."
"I do wish I lived in a world where people were [expletive] rational instead of saying they believe stuff without evidence. Yes, I do wish I lived in that world."
"Making the world a more rational place is a good goal."
"I care about what's actually true and reasonable to believe."
"The sense of freedom and equality in the spirit of the city encourages the rulers of the city to behave more rationally and more equitably."
"I do think that trying to be rational helped. That's the only thing you've got if you're a fellow nerd."
"Faith can nourish your soul but at the same time you need to have rational feedback with the rest of the world."
"Anything that can be asserted without evidence can be rejected without evidence."
"It's probably better if people didn't think like that, obviously it would be better if people grounded their opinions and views based on evidence."
"You don't ever make good decisions based on thinking you do when you're afraid or angry."
"Gaining respect from being reasonable is such a gradual process because it doesn't rely on those immediate emotional reactions."
"Having rational voices in a world of reactionaries is more relevant than ever."
"The stone has likely overcome all of Mewtwo's sense of reason and rational thought."
"A democracy works only if the people that are voting can make rational decisions."
"We need to consider the rational possibilities here."
"We scientists should try and promote a discussion of how we can create a new enlightenment built on the principles of rationality and tolerance."
"If you really look at how you analyze stuff, this evolution makes a lot more sense."
"The future can be saved, can be rescued, can turn out a lot better if we start to make sense of things in a very logical, sensible way."
"A claim is not sufficient evidence for something extraordinary."
"How nice to see the juror acknowledge sanity here and be like, yeah, that doesn't make sense."
"Thank you to the people who have rational thinking, who use their brains, who fact check before jumping on a bandwagon of hate."
"So the first hack is just kind of be aware and let rationality prevail."
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift; the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
"Every rational animal has the capacity for reason, what we're doing in these lectures is learning how to make explicit your intuitions."
"Freud suggested that although we might like to think of ourselves as being ultimately rational beings, the masters of our own minds, we might not always have the upper hand in our own heads."
"A more complete theory of evolution may lead us to a theory where evolution is rational and has direction, and life as we have now is an inevitability rather than just brought about by chance."
"Don't let your emotions drive your decision-making process."
"The Holy Grail of investing: being patient plus staying rational."
"Keep up the great work, Kyle. Stay safe and rational, always."
"We cannot turn on each other like this. We've got to stay cool. We've got to be smart about this."
"Rationality and the search for truth, the search for evidence is a good way to live, even from a mundane Darwinian point of view."
"My suggestion would be to always question everything, no matter what it is, no matter who is talking to you. Be rational, trust your brain, think about the future of humankind and the development of humans."
"He deduces all the supernatural activity as just fake mechanisms and speakers."
"Hype makes you stupid, and I would never stoop so low as to be hyped over something."
"We are rational creatures. God created us to set us apart from the rest of his creation...to choose to participate in his life."
"We can't just listen to people speaking their truth from their heart because... people disagree. We have to look to data, we have to look to facts, we have to have arguments, we have to let everybody participate."
"Leadership is about making decisions that made sense rather than making decisions based on emotions."
"This is bipartisan. It doesn't matter who you are. Any sane, reasonable person stands by exactly what I said."
"We need to have people that have reasoned their way to their decisions, not responded emotionally."
"There's no world in which a sane rational person looks at what Tucker Carlson does and says he's making this up."
"Language and rationality... are carried out by this particular kind of collection of particles."
"It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently."
"The fundamental presuppositions of this worldview are at odds not only with biblical Christianity, they're at odds with basic rational thinking."
"I would say it is in one sense mystical and another sense also reasonable and rational."
"Women are human, we can be both irrational and rational."
"Being afraid of food with no real reason is unscientific."
"Belief in the account regarding Jesus is not crazy; it's rooted in history."
"The rational side of things helps you live a better life, understand things, and put your emotions under control."
"Don't believe something for absolutely no good reason; that's not having faith, that's being stupid."
"We'd do well to keep some rational perspective and demand facts, rather than allow ourselves to be seduced by heroic, fear-based rhetoric."
"The fact that a myth might be completely incomprehensible completely nonsensical on a rational level doesn't matter because it can still tell us about what our society is like."
"It is unwise to believe anything without reservation, without question, or without reason."
"The time to believe something is when there's sufficient evidence for it."
"Biblical faith begins with reason and thinking and results in committed action."
"They want to take this ideological stance and that's what happens when you're fiercely ideological and you throw away your logic and you don't look at things like a logical chess game you just only care about your ideology."
"Treating the past reasonably is among other things sensible because it gives you a glimpse into how your own life is going to go."
"There's no reason to appeal to anything beyond the laws of physics or chemistry."
"We need a brave voice of reason, understanding, and truth."
"It's not unempathetic to hold that person to the standard. It's actually more empathetic because you expect them to be a rational human being."
"I care what's actually true, what's demonstrably true."
"A man is not supposed to just romance all the time. I feel like we need to be reasonable."
"You can't woke your way out of math. Even the binary that makes your phone work, right?"
"Be logical about money instead of being impulsive."
"The Supreme Court is holding the line... It's supposed to be logical arguments based on founding documents that sucks all emotion out of that conversation."
"Outrage and critical thinking seldom go hand in hand."
"I'm not offended by religion, I'm offended by irrationality."
"The more emotional you are, the less rational you are."
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I'm specifically loyal to the party... I'm with them because they're adults in the room."
"We must return to some solid sanity, some solid rationality."
"Biden happens to represent the rational, reasonable part of his side."
"Just because you defend Trump when he's worth defending does not mean that you like Trump overall or you think everything that he's doing is right."
"Facts do actually care about your feelings, but your feelings, they don't actually care about facts."
"It's not facts over feelings, but it's also not feelings over facts. It's facts and feelings."
"We need a rational and evidence-based opposition to Trump, not an opposition mired in delusional conspiratorial fantasy."
"Rationality can be harnessed to completely different, dangerous worldviews."
"Maybe these problems aren't dealt with rationally, but maybe they could never be dealt with rationally."
"I couldn't reconcile those things just with faith or with blind faith."
"If people looked at the rational state of the finite planet, they would realize just as you walk on the street, you don't litter. If there is enough, that's a whole different ethic."
"When you look at it with logic, you'll see that a lot of this stuff doesn't make any sense."
"I want the left to return to Reason and logic because they've abandoned that all they've got are these labels."
"But yeah when it's us we're like oh no no but that's true oh no it's true logically that doesn't make a lot of sense."
"Ceasing hostilities: conflict and war benefit no one. All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint."
"I'm actually speaking sense, just relax. Let your emotions run away. I'm talking sense here."
"Please do your own research, do not act out of emotion."
"The commitment to always think and utilize one’s independent judgment is called Rationality."
"Ciconia is a battle between Foreknowledge versus Rationality, Willpower, and Knowledge."
"I'm not going to appeal to your emotions; I'm going to appeal to your intelligence."
"Believe facts and evidence, that's what we need to believe."
"The single greatest source of stress in your life is trying to live your life apart from a daily connection to Christ."
"Don't make emotional decisions, don't make decisions in a panic. Stay calm and rational."
"That's fine. That's actually a totally reasonable position."
"Removing the hype factor leads to smarter investment decisions."
"Judge me based on the quality of my arguments."
"I think that's reasonable. I think this is a really reasonable way to set this up."
"No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality."
"I worry about level-headed rational individuals who understand at the end of the day we are all just human and humans are flawed by nature."
"Politics always involves a little bit of brute force, but there are times when it's much more rational and civilized than others. And we're in one of the others right now."
"The only way you fight anxiety, panic, and hysteria is through knowledge, understanding, preparation, and a rational look at the situation."