
Law Of Attraction Quotes

There are 832 quotes

"But the real law of attraction is really about resonance. You evolve yourself, and as you evolve yourself, whatever resonates with that new you comes to you."
"Thoughts become things, so I feel like you're really connecting to this idea of Law of Attraction this year to bring in better luck."
"If you can dream it, you can have it. It's the law of attraction."
"Faith is the greatest magnetic power we know of for the attraction of the things that belong to us."
"Remember, with the law of attraction, you have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony."
"Intentions, affirmations, Law of Attraction—you really have the potential in August to be able to do what it is that you really want to do."
"The Law of Attraction: whatever you focus on, you're magnetizing towards you."
"Whatever we believe is what we receive; whatever we believe is what we manifest."
"The great law of life is thinking and becoming."
"The law of attraction states that by focusing on positive or negative thought, you can bring positive or negative energies into your life."
"Living in our purpose allows the law of attraction to manifest, connecting us with others on the same journey."
"I'm not going to hope for the law of attraction. I'm going to begin to practice it."
"The universal law does not know how to reject you."
"The law of attraction: You've got to change this. You've got to change the vibration you're in, and your whole world changes."
"A man's mental conversations attract his life as surely as the law of gravitation attracts the earth to the sun."
"Thoughts have a certain frequency, vibration. Every thought has a certain vibration. Negative thoughts attract negative people, circumstances, environments. Positive thoughts attract positive people, circumstance, and environments."
"The law of attraction impacts our day-to-day lives and affects our health, wealth, and happiness."
"The law of attraction is the principle that we can attract whatever we want into our reality if we align our desires, our thoughts, our emotions, and our intentions with the result that we want."
"The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude."
"Whatever thought you send out will draw to you in the material world a corresponding reality."
"You attract the things you give a great deal of thought to."
"The very idea that you are at fault is a fundamental premise in the law of attraction."
"The secret or the law of attraction is working with the universal life force."
"You can't help but feel the outside forces moving in your direction, bringing large sums of money easily and quickly in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis in the best interest of all."
"The law of attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thoughts."
"Harness the power of your subconscious mind and use the law of attraction to create the life you desire."
"Hello beautiful souls, welcome to my channel. If you're new here, my name is Infinity, and this is Magnetize Yourself where we talk about life, love, spirituality, and of course, the law of attraction."
"The Law of Attraction suggests that you will always encounter in your life those things which you think about on a regular basis."
"The Law of Attraction can bring you a great deal of goodwill if you put out the right vibes towards other people."
"Maintaining a proper perspective on your goals will help you to project waves of positive energy according to the Law of Attraction."
"If you release resistance, you will be allowing the universe to deliver you straight to what you have asked for."
"Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life."
"The law of thought attraction is one name for the law, or rather for one manifestation of it. Your thoughts are real things."
"You are today setting into motion thought currents which will, in time, attract toward you thoughts, people, and conditions in harmony with the predominant note of your thought."
"I am absolutely convinced that there is a presence and a perfect law which irresistibly attracts into my experience all the good things my heart desires."
"If you don't like the message, all you have to do is use the law of attraction and change your frequency."
"What you think about you attract. What goes on above happens down below. As above, so below; as below, so above."
"The law of attraction states that the more you're thinking about something, the more you're going to invite it into your life."
"The law of attraction is the most powerful law in the universe."
"The base of The Secret, and the essence behind The Secret, was the Law of Attraction."
"Law of Attraction simply states that whatever you think about, you will get more of in your life, whether that's negative or positive."
"I literally watered up with tears as I was watching some of the scenes in 'The Secret' because I connected them with how I use the law of attraction in my own life."
"I am a person that lives here on this world, that is grateful for their life, they give thanks to the higher power every single day, and I believe that I can ask and receive anything that I want."
"The law of attraction is real, and it's deep, and you use it in your everyday life. It's not for special people; it's just a law of the world."
"The law of attraction is more complex than a lot of the people on that bandwagon would like to have you believe."
"The law of attraction simply put is the ability to attract into our lives that which we focus on."
"You never attract that what you want, but always that which you are."
"The simplest way to sum up the law of attraction is three words: Ask, Believe, Receive."
"The law of attraction makes it so that whatever you focus on, must become a part of your reality, according to your own personal beliefs."
"Thought attracts that upon which it is directed."
"You are good enough. The energy that you put out there is the energy that you are going to be attracting."
"The law of attraction: the silent force of concentration to attract desires. Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end."
"You think positive, you bring that into your life. That's the energy. It's the law of attraction."
"The concept of the law of attraction is fundamentally an ancient concept embedded in universal laws."
"We can create the life we want; we can put ourselves into the vibration that we have to be in to attract what we want to attract."
"Do you know that the law of attraction is always working? It's like the law of gravity."
"The law of attraction is a law of the universe. The only thing you can attract are the things you're in harmonious vibration with."
"Our creative abilities and the law of attraction bring that reality that we want into this world."
"The universe is managed by the law of attraction; it must yield to you anything that you focus on long enough."
"I really believe in the Law of Attraction and manifesting things."
"Giving to charity is one of the best ways to activate the law of attraction."
"When you start in consciousness knowing what you want and getting excited as if you already have it, then money responds to that frequency and starts coming to you."
"True happy love isn't a fairy tale. We can truly attract that by changing our vibration, healing ourselves, getting into the vibration of deep self-love, knowing your worth, knowing you deserve the best."
"The biggest thing that trips people up with the law of attraction is their unconscious limiting beliefs."
"Invoke the law of attraction, but you must be very clear on what it is that you want before you can manifest."
"If you are doing something that energizes you, the law of attraction is going to take care of you."
"Your thoughts and your beliefs will create the next moment, day, month, or year. Dream big and practice the art of manifestation and Law of Attraction."
"The biggest message I want to get across when it comes to the law of attraction is that it requires effort."
"The shortcut to attracting whatever you want in your life is to be happy right now."
"Thoughts operate like magnets... attracting experiences that resonate with their vibrational frequency."
"The more I attune my energy with appreciation, the more the universe will deliver."
"Law of attraction can be misunderstood; we can't create badness."
"The law of attraction is the most important thing that, and being grateful, are the two ingredients for me that equal success."
"I feel like I'm the ultimate manifestor. I speak things and like they happen."
"Dream boldly, dream big because you have the third house of invoking law of attraction and the star card here which is about success abundance and miracles occurring."
"When focusing solely on the end result feeling state aimed for, we match the vibrational frequency that attracts to ourselves the easiest and most delightful way possible."
"Ignorance is bliss if attention to the unwanted causes you to practice a vibration that gets you more of what you do not want."
"Law of Attraction will prove you right, we just want to ask the simple question: Is this what you want to be proven as right?"
"If you understand your purpose everything else kind of flows easier and this really goes to like Law of Attraction type stuff."
"We can also transmute and transform energy... in the form of the law of attraction."
"What looks like the law of attraction is simply you lifting your vibration."
"Success will come if you ask the universe, believe you will receive it, and stop worrying about it."
"I 100% believe in law of attraction. Basically everything happening in my life is what I genuinely attracted with my thoughts."
"It's Karma, it's a law of energy, you're speaking attraction into the universe."
"Try the law of attraction. It is not going to hurt anything for sure."
"Work with the law instead of against it, and nothing can stop your success."
"Mature mindset of Law of Attraction: surrendering and tuning into what wants to live through us."
"we can't hold on from experiences to the past and expect that for what's to come in because that's stopping the law of attraction"
"Law of attraction is opportunity, but receiving is skill."
"Focus on abundance, and more abundance can come to you."
"It is a vibrational impossibility for bad things to happen to somebody who has pure positive focus."
"Reality is just a reflection of your subconscious beliefs... that's the law of attraction."
"Advice for some of you to like look into some law of attraction videos here on YouTube."
"The law gives you power to bring any condition into your life that is not harmful."
"The law of attraction is real though. It's like gravity, like whether you understand that it's working or not, it's working."
"You send out those Rockets of desire and the universe meets you halfway."
"The universe might respect the law of attraction, but it respects a good hustle even more."
"I focus on it because when you focus on it, you're going to move towards that, you're going to attract that into your life."
"Know what feeling you're after because that will begin the process of Attraction."
"The universe playing out all these different quantum choices... a whole planet working with Law of Attraction."
"What we think about we attract to ourselves."
"Trust the process, allow the law of attraction to naturally unfold."
"Understanding our thoughts in a completely new way goes beyond the law of attraction."
"You're a magnet. You're going to attract what you vibe. It will come back to you. It matches."
"Results in this kingdom are intentional, results in this kingdom meet they don't just appear they are made by a combination of spiritual laws."
"The law of attraction is the most powerful universal law and is your friend. You create with your every thought."
"You attract what you are. If I want to attract money, then I have to already believe that I am wealthy, that I am rich."
"Taking action is part of the law of attraction."
"The law of attraction does not create, it just brings."
"The universe says yes to every thought we have."
"Everything she's been affirming has come true, that's the simple way it works, that's how the law of attraction works."
"Set positive intentions each day to attract what you desire."
"What are you claiming to the universe about money?"
"The law of attraction is the principle that like attracts like."
"That kind of clarity is what activates the law of attraction in your life."
"You're exchanging energy with this person 24/7... because by the law of attraction, that which is likened to itself is drawn."
"There's something about the way that some people have approached the law of attraction that's kind of instant gratification, and I like the fact that Swedenborg's message is more about the long game."
"Books are also the way that I have learned a lot about the law of attraction."
"Law of attraction: let go of the past to create a new future."
"They have a lot of determination to kind of work with the law of attraction and maintain a high positive energy."
"The key of Law of Attraction is always going to attract the opposite."
"Good thoughts you attract what you think of often times more often than not so be careful what you think folks."
"The magnetic force of the law of attraction is one of our greatest assets."
"There's a power to that, and if you've seen the movie The Secret you totally understand about the law of attraction."
"Basically, you will attract into your life what you think about the most. Nexus altogether you have attracted every single thing in your life. That's the secret to it."
"Melodia Harris insisted that she only won the jackpot because she used the laws of attraction."
"He spent the last 10 years using the laws of attraction to visualize winning the jackpot."
"The universe was on his side even more than he realized."
"She was so sure it would happen that she wasn't even surprised."
"Remember the universe law of the universe states that you already have it before you even ask. It's already yours."
"Once you focus on what you want, you always vibrate positively and you will get what you want."
"Don't focus on what you don't want because once you focus on what you want, the law of attraction states it has to get better."
"Law of Attraction is more about attracting to you a state of beingness that is always enlightening, peaceful, and joyful."
"The law of attraction allows you to get whatever you want in life. It is crazy. It is crazy like the way that it works is insane."
"The secret to life is the law of attraction. Once you learn how to use it, you can basically get whatever you want."
"Life is so simple. The law of attraction is literally it. It gives you whatever you want."
"Visualization is one of the most important things in the law of attraction. You just need to envision what you want."
"Whatever you consistently tell yourself without wavering on it is going to be true for you, including how the law works for you."
"Law of attraction, you know? I believe in the law of attraction so real."
"Law of attraction is so real. You attract what you feel, what you think, what you see."
"A big portion of the book is dedicated to understanding the subconscious mind and law of attraction type stuff."
"This is 'Magnetize Yourself' where we talk about life, love, spirituality, and of course, the law of attraction."
"Your heart has to be at the same vibrational weight of the thing you desire."
"We must embody that which we want to attract."
"You do things positively and you attract positive things."
"You have to participate in what you're trying to attract."
"If you're searching and your heart is open, you have this law of attraction almost."
"Gratitude on a daily basis will definitely bring in and attract more for you to be grateful for."
"11 is the law of attraction where the one attracts the one, it represents how reality works."
"What you want wants you. You have to match the vibrational frequency to attract the thing closer to you."
"I do believe everything happens as it should, happens by law."
"You guys are mastering the law of attraction and bringing in who and what you want."
"I'll always have enough for what it is that I need and I can always attract enough for what it is that I want."
"The upward spiral leads to learning, attracting opportunities, and positive manifestations."
"The law of vibration activates the law of attraction, and through the law of deservedness, you attract what you send out."
"Me and my frolen, dusting my big [ __ ] curly sausage on a stick with cocaine and then looking over my shoulder at a guy who's just drunk and being like, 'This [ __ ] idiot, you gotta get on my level.'"
"Positive approach is all linked to that law of attraction."
"Cultivate the attitude of gratitude because like energy attracts like energy."
"What you think and what you say, it goes out into the universe, and the universe will give you exactly what you feel."
"Absolutely this is the way it works... what we create, what we put out to the universe is what we manifest."
"The universe delivers when you have faith, when you believe, and when you are open to it."
"If it makes you feel better, it'll probably help you attract better things in your life."
"You're the universe, so why would you not be able to attract anything that it is that you want?"
"Act as if you already have it. See yourself in that position. Really tap into the law of attraction energy with the manifestation card."
"Everybody puts an energy out, negative or positive. So, whatever kind of energy you put out, you will attract back. It's called the law of attraction."
"We live in an attraction-based universe... focus your thoughts only on what you want and you will get it."
"Gratitude is probably the major key of the entire law of attraction."
"Law of attraction is always responding to your vibration and when you are awake you are always offering one."
"Law of attraction is matching the signal that you're transmitting."
"Visualization is how you speak to the universe to get what you desire."
"Success is something you attract, not something you pursue."
"The law of attraction will not work if you have an attachment to the outcome."
"Your thoughts shape your actions, which attract what you want."
"Activate the law of attraction through action."
"Connect to your heart's whispers, attract what it yearns for. Your heart is fully engaged."
"Manifestation and the law of attraction: if you've not heard of it before, it's basically the idea that you can attract anything into your life."
"I accept that good things come easily and I'm a super attractor."
"Law of attraction is the effect after the creation; you are the creator."
"We work with the law of attraction in this meditation."
"I do not chase, I attract. What belongs to me will find me."
"You're not only drawing it and magnetizing it towards you but you're also walking towards it."
"Instead of hoping for the law of attraction, I began to practice it."
"The law of attraction part is that that TV is sick and on sale."
"What you fear, you attract; but what you look at, disappears."
"Raising your vibrations attracts the things we really want."
"Remember, whatever you focus on, that's what you're going to attract in your life."
"The universe operates on the principles of abundance and attraction."
"Embrace everyone, love everyone, synchronize with the law of attraction."
"More money actually starts to come your way as well when you manifest and you use the law of attraction."
"Dream big because I feel like you're in that flow of Law of Attraction."
"In order to attract prosperity, we must emit prosperity vibration."
"Heightened manifestation is about matching the energy of what you desire."
"I live the law of attraction, baby. I don't need to practice it, I live it. I only attract what I think about, what I really want. Like, I don't sit there and think about problems and stuff I don't want, I don't do that."
"I believe in the law of attraction. Y'all gotta check out this documentary called 'The Secret.' It speaks about the law of attraction being obedient. Anything you say, whether it's good or bad, it's gonna come back."
"Whatever you focus on will be abundant for you."
"I use the law of attraction as well to really help get myself out of postpartum depression."
"Everything you want already is... and if you're paying attention to how you feel..."
"When you keep your valve open no matter what, then good just keeps flowing to you."
"Once you feel this law operating within you, you can not only use it to avoid creating negative circumstances but you can begin using it to your advantage."
"Your mind is going to attract what you focus on, positivity bro."