
Dualism Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"All thinking is basically dualistic. You cannot think, speak, write, communicate, do science, philosophy, or any other kind of intellectual human activity without creating dualities."
"As you become more conscious, you become less and less dualistic, and you start to realize that more and more of the dualities that you thought were fundamental and unquestionable, the lines between them start to blur."
"Human beings do not just exist in a physical world. We are dualistic beings; we exist in flesh but also in consciousness."
"No one can ever know God as long as he considers a force opposed to God."
"We are both human and soul, and we live from both of those vantage points."
"We seem to live in a world of opposites, a world of dualism. Whenever we have positive numbers, we have negative numbers. We have yin and yang, good and evil, angels and demons."
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles."
"Gnostics believe that our physical world is evil and the spiritual world is good."
"It's a fixed dualistic sign... it is a wild card Aquarius is always a wild card energy."
"This world of black and white, bad versus evil, right and left, the programming wants you to see it in a dualistic way, this or that, but it's just the illusion of choice."
"Humans are acquiring Divine powers of creation and destruction."
"So if you're saying that a personality is something that the spirit controls, or has access to, then what happens when both of those sides apparently would have their own spirit?"
"This ends the ancient argument. The answer is 'both'."
"It's almost instinctual this binary between up and down."
"You cannot have the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, you cannot have the table of the Lord and the table of the devil."
"The goal for each of us is really to transcend the black and white realm."
"Something and nothing are two sides of the same coin."
"Ellie is the synthesis of the two worlds and of the two philosophies."
"It's hard for many to wrap their heads around this subject but the Ojibwe and many other first nations and American tribes see the Sabbe, the Sasquatch, and Oma, etc., as spirit and flesh at the same time."
"Without good, there is no evil, and without evil, there is no good. Facts."
"You have the power of creation and destruction... you always have and you always will."
"Most human beings have the dualistic materialistic context."
"We actually lived off the aether that may sound crazy but you either belong to the world of materialism or nothing."
"The two P's of motivation... pleasure and pain."
"The body affects the mind and the mind affects the body. That's classic interactionist dualism."
"He burnt off the tree, the notion of dualism. I'm going to burn off the Western concept except he only burnt off the words, he didn't burn off the concept."
"I am a body and I am a soul, a hylomorphic being that is body and soul inextricably linked on this Earth."
"There's always good and bad to things... it creates war and that is just not what it's about."
"Swedenborg got to experience both heaven and hell."
"Technology is literally the best and the worst of society."
"There is no light without dark, such as the way of Wu Dawn."
"You have to utilize both of these aspects, masculine and feminine energy, to pull you in, to conquer what you're kind of inspired and to do here."
"In the world of killer7 the forces of light and darkness are equally necessary."
"Dualism: mind and matter are both real but distinct from each other."
"The union of opposites can be joined together, all things can be conjoined."
"The dark side is bringing the world to its knees so the light side can step in and save the day."
"Everything has a positive and negative potential."
"We live in a dualistic system designed to keep almost everybody ignorant."
"The relation of yin and yang create a certain type."
"The world is evil, but there's also a lot of good. There's a lot of good in the world."
"The two worlds must be balancing each other to remain in existence. Without one, the other cannot exist."
"Nothing is impossible, where there is only good and evil cannot exist."
"You either love one and hate the other, or you hold to one and despise the other."
"The world is a mixture of both good and bad."
"The purpose of duality is to break things down into comprehensible parts."
"Volcanoes are bountiful as well as destructive, they give as well as take."
"It looks more and more every day like there will develop especially with the Daily Wire moving into films and such there will be two parallel cultures developing."
"Life is a dance between order and chaos, yin and yang, push and pull, masculine and feminine."
"One of the biggest risks of the future of civilization is AI, with both positive and negative impacts."
"There's no tragedy if there's no comedy. There's no life if there's no dark. If there's no life, there's no tragedy. If there's no comedy."
"This is a beautiful thing, all of it is necessary, duality is necessary."
"Be the bridge, expand your Consciousness to behold Both Worlds."
"Darkness and light are within everything. We've gone to extremes in a dualistic world."
"How are they going to stimulate the economy when we talk about soft landing and everything is going to be great?"
"Understanding the yin yang nature of it... It's the most widely recognized important symbol in the history of the universe."
"Everything is sacred and because nothing is sacred."
"If there's no dark side, there's no light side."
"We're the sword that kills. We're the sword that gives life."
"Humans are creatures that possess both beauty and ugliness."
"Consciousness resonates between two domains: spacetime explicate and the non-dual implicit." - Narrator
"Science is the natural other side of spirituality."
"There is a life principle in the world, a universal agent. There are two natures and a double current of love and wrath."
"There's a spiritual reality alongside the physical."
"Even Jesus and the devil, that's the same type of concept."
"They have you so mad at the devil that you don't realize God is the fucking devil."
"Competition is not black or white, it's black AND white."
"This is spiritual warfare, it's a battle against good and evil, light and dark."
"Spirit or consciousness and matter are regarded as the two aspects of the absolute."
"Evil and good are just two categories that people create because it makes them feel more comfortable in their world."
"Lucifer and Ahriman have to be present with spiritual and materialistic sides or we wouldn't have any freedom of choice."
"There's the dualist view—people are bodies and souls. And there's the physicalist view, according to which there are no souls."
"The dualism still I think is attractive to people because I think for some reason people at least in our world tend to think in dualistic terms."
"Zoroaster is identifying Lord Wisdom as the supreme god... at the core of Zoroaster's teachings is a battle between truth and lies, between good and evil."
"At the core of Zoroaster's teachings is a battle between truth and lies, between good and evil."
"There is no neutral ground in the universe. All of it is claimed by the enemy and counterclaimed by God."
"That's the technical explanation of why I have two different bottles."
"Darkness can't exist without light because, you know, one complements the other."
"Dualism is one of the obvious answers to when people are dealing with the problem of evil."
"Once there was only dark. So if you ask him, the light is winning from the beginning."
"What remains of dualism when you realize non-dualism?"
"If this belief of substance dualism is so deeply ingrained, then what other beliefs do we hold that seem to be true are also mistaken?"
"Good and evil, like time, become tyrants in this philosophy and introduce into thought the restless selectiveness of action."
"If scientists fail to tell us the nature of consciousness, then we will have reason to believe the dualist ontology."
"You're either in the light or you're in the darkness. Nobody's in the gray."
"In the Book of Revelation, there's no gray area. Life is black or it's white. You either will receive the mark of the beast or the Seal of God. There is no middle ground."
"...eighty percent... have a dual addiction."
"This world even if it is Satan's jail is not under the power of Satan there is in this world a kind of struggle between two ways of seeing things and we are part of this struggle."
"Minds are things but different sorts of things from bodies mental processes are causes and effects but different sorts of causes and effects from bodily movements."
"The belief that there is a polar opposition between mind and matter is the belief that they are terms of the same logical type."
"Dualism: reality may be made up of two things."
"Aristotle thought of human beings as made up of matter and form, but Descartes is saying that a human being is a thinking thing."
"And it turns out, it's great that you can also care about the animals at the same time."
"But this whole idea of it's kind of a... I mentioned the kind of ghost in the machine, the dualism."
"Not everything blurs into gradations; there is good and there is evil."
"Two things are reconciled in his life: his physical life as well as a spiritual life."
"The dualistic conception of Lanna divides the world into a known and an unknown part."
"Anarchist organizations built within class Society thus have a dual function."
"He truly is a scholar and a warrior."
"...he's an interactionist dualist, the kind of dualist that thinks that the body and mind interact with one another."
"Witches carry two swords, one being silver and one being steel."
"Kant's understanding of the self is therefore twofold: there is the empirical ego and the transcendental ego."
"He's a master of sorcery and science."
"Transcending dualistic thinking means recognizing that each aspect of existence, whether deemed positive or negative, holds value and contributes to the growth and richness of the human experience."
"There are but two gods, a God of light and love and joy, and a God of darkness, evil, and fear."
"We're biologically driven by pain and by pleasure."
"To be a Cartesian dualist is to believe that mind and matter are distinct substances."
"The journey from 3D to 5D Consciousness marks a departure from the dualistic mindset that has long defined Human Experience."
"Dualism argues that the mind could be a non-physical substance distinct and separate from the body."
"If the physical can damage the mind, then they share common properties and are not separate substances after all."
"Edsiza is a mountain of mystery, both spiritually and scientifically."
"The key to healing the apparent dualism lies in studying the temporal mechanics indicated by the I Ching."
"The world, the physical world, is created so that this battle between good and evil can be engaged."
"It's all the dualism. I'm a Gemini. If I'm going to embrace that I'm scared, I have to embrace that I'm very brave."
"I think we both heaven and hell on earth."
"But for dualists, the possibilities are quite endless."
"The mind affecting the body and making the body sick is in a certain way an overcoming of mind-body dualism."
"The great truth which the science of hypnotism has brought to light is the dual nature of the human mind."
"This mind-body dualism is said to have come from Rene Descartes. We call it Cartesian Dualism."
"The full gospel is the gospel of salvation and sanctification in one package."
"Christians are permitted to hate these things with a perfect hatred, not to rationalize them, not to look for the hidden hand of God's mercy and providence in them, but to embrace that what I would call provisional dualism of the New Testament."
"Nothing exists but thoughts; the universe is composed of pleasure and pain."
"Two children of prophecy, it was both true."
"Look at this, how beautiful is this? It's literally two images."
"The basic teachings of Mani are that there is a dualistic struggle between what we might see as good light or the spiritual side of humanity, and the dark evil and material side of humanity."
"In every element, there is a yin and a yang component."
"The theistic model would postulate that we as humans aren't just material; we would also have a spirit or soul."
"You cannot process love, death, suffering, God, and any notion of the infinity or eternity with the dualistic mind."
"I fight my enemies in the day and my demons at night."
"I believe it's both. I believe it's a place and also a state of mind."
"We live in a dualistic world, and the unresolved opposites within us is a prime reason why we reincarnate."
"There's only two forces in the world: God and Satan."
"Do we see reality essentially in mono terms, that there's one reality, the natural world with all its complexities, or is it the case that we should see the world metaphysically in dualistic terms?"
"In Advaita, non-dual pure consciousness accommodates a phenomenological domain where a dualistic based reductionist view prevails."
"In this world, both a hero and a demon king coexist."
"Energy is Yang because it's movement; matter is Yin because it's structure."
"The mind-body split is built into our very neural anatomy."
"There is a feeling of beauty and danger, but you must respect it."
"The Most High is the author of evil and good."
"Matter in mind are not different kinds of things; they pose different kinds of problems to human intelligence."
"It is natural to be a dualist; it is natural to believe in communication by telepathy."
"Dualism says that there are two substances, matter and mind."
"When you do devotion, do it like a dualist; God is real, I am this small sentient being, and I am doing with all love and surrender and feeling the presence of God."
"Let us be the most staunch of dualists when we are worshiping the deity in the temple."
"It's the best of both worlds; it's glam but it's also illustrative and painterly."
"The point is not that this world is too sad to love or too glad not to love; the point is that when you do love a thing, its gladness is a reason for loving it, and its sadness a reason for loving it more."
"There is a soul, a spiritual substance or self, that is conjoined with this body."
"There is one physician possessed of both flesh and spirit, both made and not made, God existing in flesh, true life in death."
"The story about the antagonism or dualism between the mind and the body, it's over."
"Dualism requires that we have one God that is truly good and one God that is truly bad, but the moment you say that, you are putting into the universe a third thing in addition to the two powers."
"Balance both because you can have both."