
Systemic Change Quotes

There are 826 quotes

"We have to find a holistic change in the whole system, from the pharmaceutical to the doctors to the patients, to culturally how we even view medication."
"The highest level of our personal growth is an extension into recognizing the systems that are larger than our personal behavior that need to be transformed."
"Nothing material that you get is going to make that go away unless it works for your empowerment and to everyday dismantle the system of white supremacy."
"I'm not a defender of the system as it exists today; I want to wipe it out, I want to change it dramatically."
"I want this next system to be more fair because this old system is not fair; it's not a level playing field."
"You came here for action... for justice... for systemic change, not just in sport but in our culture."
"In order for it to be progressive, we have to be more collective in our approach to things and tackle things on this systemic level."
"The entire messaging is always focused on the systemic stuff rather than the personal actionable stuff."
"The support for something other than capitalism has now captured millions of Americans."
"Private charitable organizations just historically do not do a good job of fixing systemic issues."
"Extending democracy into the economic sphere...is really the method to do that in this system."
"It's a systemic problem and should be dealt with systemically."
"Systemic change begins with personal change."
"I think that capitalism is on its way out, not because the left... have managed to overthrow... but capitalism is overthrowing itself."
"We need a new system because this has been driven to breaking point."
"It's impossible to make systemic change while being dependent on people and organizations whose wealth and power depend on the system."
"Together, they could take on the system and together, they could put the odds in their favor a bit more."
"Zero waste is a movement that's asking for systemic change and to have a circular economy."
"Broad systemic socio-economic support is the only way to fix this long term."
"Black excellence is not taught in the system the way it should be."
"These systems are insidious and will take decades, if not centuries, to dismantle, but we could start chipping away at the foundation by taking personal accountability."
"One of the possible benefits of a collapse of the current system is a new system which will allow us to progress our lives again."
"The media's outsized attention to impeachment is obscuring the fact that there's some deep systemic change going on in the United States."
"Systemic improvements can be made when it comes to police brutality."
"What are your solutions, what's your theory, what are you putting into practice, what are the policies, what are the ideas, what are the forms of organization, what replaces the current system?"
"Unless we fix ultimately all three, starting with our values, our well-being, our consciousness, then better technology, even gifted to us by hypothetical aliens, isn't going to solve the problem."
"Now is not the time for reform around the edges, now is time for dismantling the policies and practices that have held us back."
"That's the way I truly affect systemic change in my community."
"To bring about long-term systemic change in the criminal justice system, the educational systems, and the healthcare system."
"In order to truly dismantle the power of the rich, to reverse their environmental impact, we must establish democratic control of the means of production."
"The system needs to be changed as a whole, and the system needs to be held accountable, not just one person."
"What I'm interested in is systems. What I'm really interested in is change, real change being delivered to all of us."
"If you want real change, systemic change is what you have to focus on."
"We have to stand against the system and the belief that putting people, especially our people, in prisons when they get in trouble will help us long term."
"Until the system changes, we need to take personal responsibility for our own health, for our family's health."
"This is about all of us dismantling systems that make it impossible for people to just be safe in their bodies."
"The system has to change if people are going to have even a possibility of solving any problem."
"We are focused on liberation, on making sure we change systems."
"You're supposed to be compassionate towards people and ruthless towards systems."
"Systemic problems require systemic solutions."
"I can work to change the system, and it does need to be a comprehensive system change. The science demands it, the emergency demands it."
"It's our task, I firmly believe, to not just end mass incarceration, not just end the war on drugs, but to end this history and cycle of creating caste-like systems in America."
"There is something that has to be done on a higher, more systemic level to be able to compensate and help meet people where they're at."
"I want to help create a platform where all of us concerned about these issues can work together, where competitors can unite and incentivize a positive systemic change."
"There's an appetite for real systemic change among these people... There's also a sense that no one knows what ten years, fifteen years ahead what it's going to look like."
"You can't change the law from the outside; you have to be in it. You have to be running the system. In fact, in order to do that, you have to know how to exploit the system you want to change."
"If the things we want are unrealistic because that's just the way the system works, then the system needs to be dismantled and replaced with a system that works for us instead of them."
"That's why you and me have to demand systemic change."
"If we can bring accountability in hospitals, in Congress, in Medicare Medicaid, in real estate, in education, a lot of things are going to change. But they fear that one word: accountability."
"To solve a problem, you have to solve the cause of the problem, not the result of the problem."
"The only way we could really end this whole tokenism issue... is that film producers actually want to change, not for like a badge of honor."
"Gojo wants to nurture powerful allies, the powerful next generation, in order to change the system that has made him experience such terrible loneliness."
"Gojo acknowledges that he could just kill all the higher-ups, but he realizes that similar people would simply fill the power vacuum."
"He also launched a whole-of-government effort to advance racial equity and root out systemic racism from federal programs and institutions."
"There will be less harm when things are more decentralized."
"We won't stop. We're going keep going until we change the whole system of justice."
"In New York City, it takes too long for there to be accountability for officers who do the wrong thing. That is something we can and must change."
"The system wasn't working for us, so I had to do something drastic."
"Control of money throughout the world as a tool of oppression and I kind of wanted to destroy those tools."
"There are things we can do... lots of possibilities for standing up to that kind of a system."
"All of you actually have got one feature at least that is just like identical twins scientifically."
"It's imperative that we partner with, learn, and befriend people who are not culturally or look like us."
"We need to let people get out of the system."
"One conviction, even one like this one, can create a powerful new opening to shed old practices and reset relationships."
"The verdict reminds us that we must make enduring systemic societal change."
"To break a cycle you need a change that is holistic in nature, but also robust so it engages lots of different community touch points to create a communal change over 10 or 15 years."
"So step one in addressing the issue is eliminate the private prison system."
"How do we create a system that emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad?"
"We need to fix the system, not just exacerbate disagreements."
"Diversity without total transformation of systems that exclude or suppress marginalized voices is diversity without intent of advancement."
"I want them to stop practicing white supremacy and replace the system of white supremacy with justice."
"The narrative is about tearing down the system."
"We have to break out of this idea that we can create systemic change within a particular election cycle."
"We have a 10 to 12 year window to radically transform our energy systems or climate change, predatory capitalism, and the endless war economies will rob us of the right to any future at all."
"To fix this problem to make it fairer is going to require more than just tweaking around the edges with a bit of aid here and there but rather fundamentally reorganizing the system."
"I'm focused on addressing these things on a federal systemic level."
"This could change like an entire city and how they do things."
"You can't change what happens in the system without changing the demand first."
"We can't abolish poverty in this country if we don't find a way to increase worker power."
"The results of the Shipman inquiry brought about a lot of change after this case."
"I'm disillusioned with the system, it needs to change."
"Everything he was doing was turning this whole system on its head."
"I'm in this actually because I want to see the system fixed so that it's fair for all the people in the world because I think right now it's manifestly unfair."
"We have to start hiring more minorities so we have that opportunity."
"We're the only ones consistently looking at replacing the system of white supremacy with the system of justice."
"The whole system, that's the thing that needs to change." - Jacqui Williams
"I want to tear down systems of oppression in this country like mass incarceration, like laws that enable people who have no remorse, like the person who killed George Floyd."
"A true reversal of climate change would need to end fossil capitalism."
"We're gonna have to blow up the entire system. Talk, talk, talk but saying nothing."
"We desperately need to change this profit-over-people system."
"The only guarantee the system doesn't win is if enough people realize that they actually have the power."
"Watch out. This system’s dysfunction is teaching a new generation the way, the how, and the why a system change is now on the historical agenda."
"I'm proud for the first time in my life to be an American because I see that our systems finally working finally flipping."
"Fundamentally, the system is broken; the only way to change things is for more democracy."
"Crypto pulls you from that system. There's nothing they can do about that."
"You need a system in which we are kinder and decent to each other, and in which your employment does a better job of taking care of you."
"The process needs to be changed after this year."
"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring."
"The act of transition in itself is some sort of rebellion against the system."
"The change requires reframing at the population and systemic level. Hard policy interventions is what they really need here – laws, fiscal measures, subsidies, penalties, trade reconfiguration, and other economic and structural measures."
"Thank you so much for showing us that one person with determination and courage can go up against a system that doesn't support what they're doing and can actually make a real difference."
"Every woman here is beautiful. I think you're all beautiful."
"Being decentralized, you want everything to be decentralized."
"We want liberation, we want the power to determine our own destiny, we want freedom from an oppressive government, and we want the immediate end of government sanctioned murder by the police."
"They don't listen to their fans nearly as much as they should."
"We need systemic change... all of this had we had this, some of this cooperation in place last year, I believe we would not have seen a half a million deaths in this country." - Maura Barrett
"It's forces those systems to have to adapt and change."
"We can grow this economy. We can deal with systemic racism."
"What's required in order for this to end is real systemic change."
"It's the end of the system we know... I don't know what fills that."
"This isn't about money. This isn't about opportunities. This isn't about none of that. This is about flaws and failures that I saw within this system myself that I think have to be changed."
"We need to hold this entire system in North Carolina accountable for their actions and see to it that justice is served."
"The more meritocratic the system, the less racism it will have built into it."
"We are really serious about disrupting that foster care to prison Pipeline and replacing it with the foster care to HBCU graduate pipeline."
"Together, we can un-rig the system and create a true, genuine democracy."
"We need a comprehensive restructuring and challenging of injustices."
"If we can raid structures places anything that we created if it went with that same blueprint of perfection then we will overturn all of this."
"We realized if we wanted to create big change we'd need to know more about the root causes rather than the symptoms of the broken system."
"It's not the person that matters, what are we going to do as a community about the system?"
"If the United States does not return to its core values, incremental changes and superficial fixes will not disrupt the perilous trajectory." - Marianne Williamson
"We cannot settle for anything less than transformative structural change."
"This is a story about the interplay between the economy, politics, corporations, and individuals, revealing a world of constant change and complexity."
"All it is is people have to get off their knees people have to take responsibility for themselves and their communities and start building something else than a system that's run by criminals."
"Maybe this will finally be when we break the two-party system."
"People don't like to lose. When they lose enough times, they try to change the rules and fight for socialism or communism."
"Capitalism is a religion which offers not the reform of its existence but its complete destruction."
"As we think about how we advocate for reordering Society for one group at a time, where does it end?"
"Dramatic increases in funding hope to revamp the healthcare and educational systems."
"It's a balanced take. You can have bad experiences and want the system to be changed. You can want things to change for your children especially if you grew up in a certain area but you can still say like they are important."
"If you root this stuff out, if you call one police officer responsible, that does trickle down, that does send a message. I do think we can remake these departments."
"It helped his family it didn't actually solve the issue that made his family poor in the first place."
"I just want to always encourage us to name the harm. Name the systems of oppression."
"So it's all about empowering people and freeing people from the clutches of systems that potentially are full of friction."
"There are more and more conservative groups who understand that the criminal justice system has gotten too big."
"We need a new system, a new society. We need to demand that which may have sounded impossible even a few weeks ago, but it's not only realizable but an imperative necessity."
"The intention of this program is to have a lasting impact on not only the Clark County Jail but, potentially, the way we view incarceration in the United States as a whole."
"Ultimately, the only way you can become successful in this world outside of supporting white supremacy is to create your own systems, create your own ecosystems."
"Policing is not an institution that can be reformed, it must be deconstructed."
"If you really want to solve a different culture, you want to go upstream from culture."
"Visibility and conversation doesn't actually get justice; what gets justice is systemic change."
"We can never fix our problems by relying on the same politicians who created our problems."
"How do we open up access to voting so we could address some of the systemic problems?"
"If you can start to break the small gears in the machine of the cosmos, some of the larger gears will follow suit."
"You have the money party and that's what we need to break away from."
"It's not just enough where we say 'oh well they reverted, that's good.' It has to go back further."
"We need a whole new system, no matter how much they may streamline and rationalize their Dominion."
"Liberal populism wants to change the current system in a good faith way."
"We need power, we need to remake the system."
"This precedent-setting moment in history where we can finally...change or at least put pressure to reform or improve this system." - (No specific name mentioned)
"The world isn't fair, but the solution isn't to say 'oh well, life's not fair.' The solution is to do what we can to make it more fair."
"When we say 'pick a side,' it's not us against the police, it's us against the broken system."
"It's time for people across the country to lose faith in the system."
"It's gonna just tear it all down, the system's gonna start back over again."
"Maybe they want to use their power to restructure things to give themselves more power."
"Rip the Band-Aid off, shut down all of the Old World Systems, and then when we come back online, we implement the new Earth Systems."
"It's possible for things to be unfucked in such a way that the distance from where we are to something unfucked is unimaginable."
"It's not so much that capitalism needs an overhaul, our education system needs an overhaul."
"Fix the fundamental problem in traditional Public Schools or you're going to have to deal with people demanding something else."
"We need to change fundamentally the way this country is run so that it's run for the people."
"The scale of change to the food system is unlikely to be successful if left to the individual or the whim of consumer choice."
"A single person should not have so much incredible control over our political system."
"Individual success tells us very little about systemic change."
"How can you fix a broken system while upholding it?"
"The divine solution is that the system collapses and something better takes its place."
"We're addressing the root cause, and that is the only way we can create long-term change."
"Focus on changing the system rather than punishment."
"Our political system will not deliver anything significant unless it is reformed and modernized."
"It's hard to fix human systems without fixing human incentives."
"We went from a wealth-based system to a debt-based system, it's an incredible thing."
"Don't just challenge the status quo, dismantle it. Take things over." - Ed Markey
"There is no system that's going to free us. It can't be done without your participation."
"Real justice will look like systemic reform to the policing institution in this country."
"In one fell swoop, it would remove the power of the parties over the presidency."
"I'm up for a revolution, but a systemic revolution."
"I think we should eventually move towards a system in which you have worker-owned cooperations."
"If collectively we are the problem then the only hope for the problem has to come from outside the system."
"Independence is the new, riskier to go with the old system."
"Systemic problems require systemic solutions. We need to destroy the two-party system itself."
"The regeneration of the American political system has always come from cities and states."
"Either change this system, or now the costs of not doing it are becoming fatal."
"My vision is not just making modest changes around the edge, it is transforming American society."
"So we need a new system and you mentioned the founding fathers what's those great quotes by Jefferson and saying how many times there should be revolutions and overthrowing the systems and one after another."
"Crypto backed or crypto system... it's the new system and it's gonna take the place of the old system not overnight."
"You never change the system by fighting it. You have to create something new."
"There's a need for accountability in fixing broken systems."
"You are definitely here to change things up, all right, to change the game, to change the system, to rewrite the coding from within the system itself, to tear down old paradigms, and restore the balance within the earth plane."
"The only way to make changes is to change from within the system."
"Individual action doesn't cut it... we need structural change."
"Everything ends when you stop complying with a system."
"The $6 million question is how do we change this? How do we change course given this state of affairs?"
"We're not trying to strengthen the system that's been oppressing us."
"Because we can make all three of these changes, and if we do so, we can dramatically reduce how often we have a crisis and how severe those crises are."
"Bold reimagination is so important. DHS shouldn't exist, agencies should be reorganized, ICE gotta go, ban for-profit detention, create climate refugee status and more."
"Get into the system and be a part of the system and change the system. That's what we gotta do."
"Elon Musk is very clearly a system disrupter."
"Isn't it such a shame that we have to act like we're criminals for trying to change things to get a better financial system? Insane."
"Which is why we’ve been arguing about how to change this system since forever."
"Defund the police... the whole system in itself needs to be blown up."
"It's not just about feelings, it's about calling out oppressive power structures."
"We can do both. We can shut down the schools until right and create our own schools."