
Cultural Perspective Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"We have to find a holistic change in the whole system, from the pharmaceutical to the doctors to the patients, to culturally how we even view medication."
"Modernity creates cultural solipsism of thinking all outside of your modern world are irrelevant, backwards, or stupid."
"Learning a second programming language gives you that perspective. It's sort of like traveling to a different country just to see how things are different there and you learn things about your own country that you just sort of took for granted and thought was normal everywhere."
"Isn't it weird how Hollywood likes to make movies about all these witches and wizards lately? As a Christian, I hate that. I don't want to see that. I think that's evil and demonic."
"Anthropology and history aren't about glorifying one culture or another; it's about trying to learn as accurately as you can."
"Being born in a certain culture is like always wearing a pair of pink glasses."
"The Native Americans were in real terms like most other cultures around the world, with all the flaws and strengths that the human condition brings."
"Going home to the ancestors is something to be celebrated."
"Rock will never die, but it puts things into perspective."
"I kind of think it's cool, man. He's like demystifying it a bit."
"You do not need to worry about Sharia dominating American life, and of course not yet anyways, because nothing Trumps the US Constitution."
"Every culture has encountered the golden rule."
"Nobody knows that there was a world before America and they're learning the context of history just within the realm of what white Americans did."
"We need to go back to traditionalism, it worked for us."
"There is no neutral history; there can be no untainted traditionalism that doesn't contain some of the values of the present being projected back."
"Japan's view of this war and the world and the rest of the people in it were entirely unique at this time."
"There are cultures that have not demonized gay people, yet they still exist. Demonization doesn't determine their existence."
"It was very rewarding to see the totally different perspective than what you're used to."
"It seems the West has essentially lost the tragic sense of life."
"If a lot of people in the Amazon don't have it, I doubt it's because they're all rubbing leaves in their head."
"The glamour of cocktails seen through the eyes of the Japanese."
"It's straightforward, a theft of land. So many non-native Americans, when they come to Mount Rushmore, they see the best of their democracy reflected back to them."
"India's ongoing religious tradition offers a different perspective, especially in contrast to Abrahamic religions."
"There is a tendency to think that Russians who support Putin must all be like him... but there are incredibly inspiring people within Russia who are willing to stand up against him."
"Africa is not underdeveloped; it's overexploited."
"We're your emotional support Canadians up here."
"From Jason's point of view, everyone around him speaks French."
"As Americans, we have it so good, we don't know how good we have it."
"If those people read books that were different from their own perspectives, this world would be a more understanding place."
"If you're not Iranian-American if you have never experienced that culture if you haven't grown up with like Persian culture around you in a Persian household and family you're not going to get the same thing out of this book."
"It's important to understand that the way people in Asian countries, especially Japan, view the supernatural isn't the same as Americans or Europeans view them."
"It's important to have a perspective, an alternative perspective on life, on viewpoints, and on cultures."
"Racism must be understood as more than a set of individual beliefs."
"There's no such thing as primitive, it's just different people living life the way that they see fit."
"This is courage, we in the West have no idea how courageous these people are to be doing this."
"Virginity is a social construct that is just a fact."
"They first define every single person as either an oppressor or someone who has been oppressed... They're destroying objective reality by doing this."
"No place is perfect. There are good things about China. There's good things about the United States. That's just being honest."
"It's amazing how little we hear about this guy in the West just because his story is so good."
"Russians Don't Look At Governance The Same Way Many Westerners Do."
"For me, a nation is not a geographical or political entity."
"I feel like this project is not just trying to reframe the way white people think about this history but really I wrote this for us."
"Just form a relationship with Africa, just so you can get another point of view."
"Thanksgiving is still great for the most part Americans won the wars with the Indians in aj+ and morningstar just being butthurt about it."
"Asians produce great intellectual output because they study really hard."
"Poverty is a culture, an institution, a way of life."
"Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
"I get the confederacy. You know, they lost the war. I get it, whatever. But like other people, it's like, dude, people who lived... I mean, look at us. People like George Washington..."
"Looking at actual Western nations and how they experience these things."
"A black Jesus has never been on camera, certainly not a crucifixion."
"We seem to ignore the European experience as valid in the United States."
"Brazilians tend to maximize the positives in life and see the good side instead of the bad side."
"Most importantly share a black conservative perspective peace."
"For londoners, it was a colossal tragedy; for the Baroque, it was a godsend."
"This is essentially erasing the accomplishments and crimes of other cultures of which every human every culture every tribe in this world has done something that is considered wrong by today's standards."
"I don't want America merely to go back to the days of 2012. I want to go back to 1220."
"We don't celebrate getting older in this country, but some tribes do."
"Shambhala is perhaps a much more harmonious and exotic description than we often get of heaven."
"Hey, let's just take some innocent people and then shoot them. What the [ __ ] is wrong with these Europeans?"
"Run, I keep trying to tell these crazy-ass white people."
"The Chinese way of thinking accepts unknowable things and unanswerable questions, embracing the mystery of existence."
"For centuries, sophisticated Greeks had viewed the mountainous kingdom of Macedonia as a backwater, hicksville - barely Greek at all."
"Don't ever feel like you're alone in not liking a highly rated film because opinions are you know we all got them and they're all subjective and arbitrary in the big picture it really doesn't matter."
"It is the height of snobbery for us to come along and treat all of this like it's so perfectly obvious."
"Mainstream and not mainstream, I think is the right framing. You're right."
"The minute you can see the world through your own lens and recognize the world through a lens that is not centered around whiteness, that's when you have a balance of your double consciousness."
"How does a 17-year-old kid have a better perspective on our culture than the president of the United States?"
"Surely one of the Supreme ironies of History, Israel have supplanted their own Nazi reference point of supreme evil."
"I come from a different space and a different culture. I'm not just gonna look at the news for what it is."
"In Black Culture nobody actually respects the person that helps the cops."
"We've got to understand what the truth is about the spiritualism that pervades our culture."
"There's a prevailing view here that right now there's an ongoing genocide of Indigenous people because Canada has a definition of genocide that nobody else uses."
"In my culture, death is not the end. Rest in peace, friend."
"There's a narrative fed to us in the US, and I'm one that always likes to be open-minded and seek the truth, so I'm grateful for that about myself and I hope the same for you guys."
"Perhaps it's not just that I've directed a series that portrays Cleopatra as black, but that I have asked Egyptians to see themselves as Africans and they are furious at me for that. I am okay with this."
"A poor person is a person of a culture, 'Well, eat, drink, and be married, for tomorrow we die,' so they spend. So they lack the disciple..."
"Conservatism is not an ideology; it's an identity."
"I think that that Americans kind of romanticize military service because of that time in World War II."
"Brazil is a dream and it's a fantasy and it's a comedy, but I mean to me it's also it's rather a chilling reality."
"Learning a different language gives you a different way to see the world."
"Well, Santa Claus is a little creepy when you think about it."
"We just hardly know real darkness yet; it looks like dusk is setting in."
"Man oh man is this series one of the most incredible and imaginative pieces of star wars media that i have ever witnessed with these haitian eyeballs."
"Stop trying, it's like we'll continue to talk about historical body image."
"You guys have a really nice life, you know? You should've freaking appreciated. But I'm glad I'm from Saint Vincent 'cause I see that friggin' life is hard near the end."
"By looking at his art, we've been shown another side to the Prince of Wales."
"Art is subjective. And there's no right or wrong way to appreciate it."
"In this age, we need to resource those generous aspects of our civilization."
"That African brother did what he had to do to get that glue out."
"We're here to bring another perspective from the ancientness that we are."
"The ancient Egyptians weren't obsessed with death... they wanted to live the best life they could."
"The Western view essentially of a lot of these map projections is a really interesting topic."
"From the beginning of recorded history, cultures across the entire world all believed the earth was flat."
"Us women feel it, they do feel it, and I have to respect their perspective, right? They feel it and they feel because of their hijab, not to."
"The only rationale that you would possibly have for saying that a marriage is between a man and a woman is because you're a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim. That's really the only reason at all."
"I wouldn't say that Hindutva should not have happened because given what we went through for so long, something of that kind had to happen."
"Peace is boring to the mania mind, and to the culture, but when you go there, when you meditate every day, you find that it is vast and much more interesting than the heights."
"Blackness becomes a privilege, whiteness becomes a liability."
"I feel like Germans tend to have a perspective where they have other people in mind, that's really refreshing to see."
"White people might not completely understand every layer of it. It's very nuanced, isn't it?"
"Those of us from Nigeria do not share that sentiment."
"I think there's this new respect for Islam... even the Christian and American world."
"Consistency, law, order, structure, routine, restraint, constraint, repression—all of those things which are seen as bad things in a liberal worldview, they are actually seen as very positive from an Islamic perspective."
"Luck was something you had for a while, then it would be gone, a possession among the Vikings."
"The US view on human rights is unique in the world."
"Japan's cheap garbage food is still exotic foreign cuisine."
"Healing is like a concept that many civilizations have evolved."
"By visiting Texas I've realized that I am very very lucky indeed."
"Not every person in the western world is a devil, and there are good people by their millions."
"Some of it's in this country too, isn't it?" - Big Mom
"Aging should be considered a disease. It's not normal. The way we see aging in this culture is a sign of abnormal aging."
"It's important to look at these things Through The Eyes of the people who wrote them."
"It's so interesting that I met Ryan eventually, and his process of storytelling, looking at the black story, the black family, the Black American story, and reframing that in a powerful way." - Peter Nix
"Skara Brae was less 'the arse end of nowhere' than it was 'suburb of Neolithic Paris'."
"As a Native Catholic, when I see these statues of Serra, to me, it's not a symbol of oppression; that's a symbol of freedom."
"There is no other shade of black that is better than another shade of black."
"Islam in the way that the Western world comprehends it is the only thing untainted by the shackles of Western Christianity."
"It would be a pity to replace earlier cultural arrogance with an arrogant belief in progress."
"We almost think of Thanksgiving now as the halfway point rather than the kickoff." - NRF representative
"People will see not all Chinese are communists... there are still kind people and people who insist on doing righteous things." - Participant in 1999 Protest
"It's such an Asian film, the way the characters relate to each other when they're apart, when they come back together, it's very not American."
"sometimes it's nice to take a step back from like, internet culture, and take a look at something that's totally different."
"You have not met my family. I cannot speak for all brown people but I can tell you that me personally in my house growing up Speedy Gonzalez was not viewed in a negative way."
"They wanted to make men more powerful than women, that's not how the actual Chak TOS saw each other."
"I've grown up with gravy only being on my chicken, 'B.' I saw the advert, boom, I never saw chips in this advert. So when I see the Caucasians doing it, I said to myself, 'Yo, ma, that's just not a vibe that I'm jumping down with.'"
"Love Dubai, you never get that issue."
"When I'm around my American friends they look at me as an African but then also when I'm around my African friends they look at me as an American."
"People forget that Greek gods are real to those who believe in them, just as Hinduism is to Hindus."
"It's not American exceptionalism it's American arrogance to think that other people exposed to our way of life will simply decide to adopt our way of life."
"I see it not necessarily as this division between science and mythology right because for so many human civilizations the two things are intertwined."
"The Australians disliked the same kind of Englishman that I did."
"SpongeBob is considered by the Japanese to be an Ao No anime, an American anime."
"Honestly, it just looks like exactly the same for the most part as the US version or Canadian version."
"...for a topic as sensitive as 'What Not to Do in Japan,' naturally people are going to want to hear a Japanese perspective."
"Jesus sang with his disciples at the Lord's Supper because he's coming out of a singing worldview called Judaism."
"And in our society, women are sexualized if they're seen without a top, whereas in African indigenous cultures, it's seen as sacred and beautiful."
"Because only Americans would go to another heavenly body and have to drive on it."
"And even if you've seen it before, you can still be both terrified and amused. So please keep that in mind while I, a Swedish man, tell you, statistically an American, about an American town that I have never been to."
"It's like, you have no choice but to feel like [ __ ]! Yeah, you got your own journey, you saving money, you're doing whatever. But on this day, you cannot celebrate."
"It's easy for Americans to toot their horn, but a lot of foreign anthropologists and sociologists have noted that in the last 230 plus years of this nation's history, that Americans have been some of the most charitable and helpful people in the world."
"I don't think any nation should have or any religion has ownership over words."
"I mean, we've lived in Arabia and I've seen where people... they're happy, man."
"If you didn't live in America, if you lived in a country that's not in America or like maybe not the UK or whatever like, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about."
"As a Muslim girl, it's so fascinating to watch shows like Love is Blind and Married at First Sight."
"The dressing and the vegetables separate? No, Asian people, we're not into segregation like that."
"...we're not a nation of animal lovers, we're a nation of lovers of some pets and things that are cute unless they're cute and tasty tough like lambs."
"Growing up reading the book as a little American me, I never thought about it as British literature or that Harry Potter occurred in locations that had to do with the UK."
"The central core issue about the National Museum of the American Indian is that Indians are telling you their view of the things, and it's very new and different for non-Indian America to understand."
"Cricket education is now completed when you come east. India is now not just the center of the world's financial market, which is okay. Finances are an outcome of what you do. They're not the reason for your existence. They're an outcome of excellence."
"Black people thought of Africa in that way still was really shocking to me."
"If you want to make a claim about how like hey I think that's too much of like a white Centric or western-centric perspective and Western people should care more about atrocities of other countries that's a great perspective."
"Every child who grows up in the community is a victim and needs to be saved... I find that's a very toxic view... almost like a cultural supremacist view of the world."
"In China, love means never having to say you are hungry."
"The Japanese version will most always be better, a little bit."
"That's what US teenagers had to put up with in 1975."
"To be Franciscans in a kind of not so much in the European way but almost in an Indian way."
"I think we're such a heavy minority in this opinion, though. I think the greater nation really thinks that's child abuse, but we're just like, I think certain ethnic groups are gonna be like, 'What are you talking about, bro? This is nothing. Come on, dog.'"
"As first-gen Asian Americans, I think we always have a higher threshold for what child abuse is, true? Because they actually got abused. Like, anything like that, we just hear, we go, 'Because that's amazing!'"
"The dragon explained that the Karu people hunted demons claiming it didn't need a reason to trample on insects as humans were deemed weak."
"In the same way in modern Romania, cutting the heart out from a dead relative might seem to be a barbaric act but there is another way of understanding these rituals."
"In the United States, people treat driving as a right, and in Europe they treat it as a privilege."
"...the French are so um, they look at sex in such a brilliant way and it's such a lovely um, their framework around all things pleasurable is seen as such a highly regarded and important part of their culture."
"A year is the passing of time in our cultures and an opportunity to redefine your priorities."
"The way this corporate institution functioned and wielded its administrative power was heavily determined by the biased view of the East."
"I want to point it out. I'm not judging. But look, we've talked about this before when we've covered the African communities. They don't see it the same way that Americans see it. I just want to put that disclaimer out there."
"Living here, you can... get a viewpoint of a country. It's different to what the native people have of the country, right? And you know... having these services is not a normal thing in many countries."
"It's really looking at like American pop culture through the eyes of an outsider."
"I mean every country has its problems. Every place has its pros and cons but there's a lot of cool stuff here."
"So rather than me just bumbling around filming my first impressions to everything, if we had a local guide, they could show us how they perceive their own country."
"Don't be too worried about the cultural trends. Jesus said, 'Love your neighbor.'"
"In the US, we fear death... here in Mexico, it couldn't be more opposite."
"It's kind of interesting, there are a lot of cultural narratives out there that see the world in these terms."
"When we have Bulgarians or Latvians in the UK, we call them immigrants; when we're in their country, we call ourselves expats."
"For the Chinese, autumn is the season of rewards."
"Culture is not a coin; there are always two sides. No culture is completely good, no culture is completely bad."
"It is easy to assume that every country in the world has a more interesting culture than your own."
"Our ancestors were not savages; they were not barbaric nor ignorant."
"I had never thought of myself as a comedian, but I found out that to the Indians, I was."
"It seems like space travel is cope, it seems like it's delusional cope by cultures and specifically super rich people to try to imagine that there's somewhere we can start over."
"We have come to think about Americans as US citizens, but in Latin America, anybody who's in the Western Hemisphere is technically an Americano."
"We have to take it back by saying this is our drishti, our point of view, and we are authentic and we are entitled to it."
"He thinks that Italians allow that to happen to them and in that sense, he thinks that they are sincere."
"In Asia, their philosophy on death... they celebrate death. It's okay; it's all part of the journey."
"Coming from North America, you're kind of taught to be egotistical in the sense that we are the best, both U.S. and Canada, we are the best, the whole world revolves around us, and the truth is, it doesn't."
"We're getting new eyes into looking at these ancient cultures."
"In the US, it kind of seems like you know we have the American dream... but it's like here people are kind of like, yeah, it's a balance you know of work and family and you don't need much, you just need a good balance."
"Most people in India believe that a spoken word has an immense power within it."
"Every place I've gone has a way of thinking, and to them, that way of thinking is just the way the world works."
"Many native people, including myself and especially the older generations, often know animals as our four-legged brothers and sisters."
"Cultural and Philosophical Perspectives: Different cultures and philosophical perspectives may view the idea of terraforming in varying ways."
"The value of human life is very different here in the United States."
"I don't believe in soulmates, but 70% of Americans do."
"I think it's fascinating to see how Japanese people view Star Wars."
"Cleopatra is closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than the building of the great pyramid at Giza."
"What's really important to understand about Ojibwe language is how it captures the way that Ojibwe people see the world."
"Ebony is the number one source for an authoritative perspective on the multi-dimensional African-American community."
"The idea of aloneness belongs to the East and is at home in the environment of its birth."
"This is most definitely culture. Sure, it may seem mundane to those of you who've lived here all your lives, but to a European, for example, it's super exciting and exotic."
"It's important to understand China, to see China not just through Western eyes, but to the best degree possible, through Chinese eyes."
"After some time, your vision changes; you see with more Japanese eyes, you feel color differently."