
Burden Quotes

There are 1832 quotes

"I think most people who kill themselves believe that they are too much of a burden and that nobody wants to deal with them."
"When I step into God's responsibility, I start carrying God's weight, and when you carry God's weight, you carry weight you weren't created to handle."
"Look at my transcript. This is the weight that I carry."
"Potential is a burden. It is a burden for greatness and it is a burden of success."
"Pick up something heavy, write something that's a benefit to you in the rest of the world, and stumble forward mightily with it."
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
"Sometimes knowing the truth, seeing the truth is a burden to bear."
"The burden of greatness is heavier than most people realize."
"You are the one person in this world who can share the heavy burden I must carry. Someone without equal who I can always speak my mind to."
"You might as well pick up the burden and carry as much as you can for as long as you can because what's the alternative?"
"I'm laying down the burdens that I've picked up."
"Then Grandpa Xiao explained to Guan Huai that Man Qing was carrying a heavy enough burden to protect the Li family's good name."
"The higher it sits on your shoulders, the easier it is to move with that weight."
"You stay silent until the weight of having to lie is worse than the danger of speaking."
"To bear up underneath the heaviest responsibility they can shoulder voluntarily."
"I just really want to get close to everyone and not feel like a burden."
"Little do they know, I kept the weight of the world on my shoulders for years."
"The church has worked diligently to humanize the impossible load that you've placed on people."
"Allah does not burden anyone except with their own potential."
"That is a burden I don't want to put on you."
"You're not burdening other people, you're... offering something to other people that are going through the same thing."
"It's not fair for someone who's already going through that to have to be the one educating people about it."
"We're wearing the crown, and that crown is heavy."
"Recognizing the weight invites a form of accountability. When you name your burden, it means you have recognized it, and when you recognize it, you have the responsibility to take it to God in prayer."
"For these two, the choice is there: either give up and be crushed by the weight of your burden, or keep moving forward in spite of that."
"The Torah of Yahuwah is easy. That burden, that yoke is easy."
"Push through that final movement, if there is a burden that you're feeling, lean on someone else."
"You're like shouldering the burden, like Jesus."
"By taking on the heaviest load of responsibility that you can conceptualize and bear that will do it."
"Heavy is the head that wears the crown, bro."
"To those who are working and straining to earn the favor of God, Jesus says his yoke is easy and his burden is light."
"It's like a dumpster fire you pack up in a backpack and take with you."
"It's just heavy, you know? It really is, it feels like there's a lead weight out there."
"Heavy is the head that chose to wear the crown."
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
"Why do I feel like I'm carrying the mental load of living together by myself?"
"He's sent you here from God because that's a hell of a lot to live up to."
"The Imperium of our Most Blessed God Emperor is a putrifying nightmare... it is a burden, a worse, a danger."
"Just feel how free it is to be independent of all the weight that we carry physically in our body and then also figuratively on our shoulders and in our mind."
"Honesty and authenticity is a good thing to have, but you also have to recognize that may place a burden on someone else."
"In order for you to have the grace to carry the burden assigned to you in this season and to walk in the authority that the Lord has already marked you for, you would need to learn how to walk in compassion for others."
"Allah intends to lighten your burden from you."
"Because if you can't forgive someone, you're carrying it around with you, and that's only going to prevent you from moving forward, that's only going to hurt you, and that's only going to make you feel exhausted."
"Resentment is like a very large, very heavy suitcase with no handles."
"We all have the personal burden of this too."
"Throughout the franchise, we see without a shadow of a doubt that Sora believes that his friends are his power."
"Sora doesn't like to show this weakness around his friends because he doesn't want to be a burden on them."
"Erica is going to be left holding all of the bags."
"The weight is real, but don't let it make you crazy."
"This is way too big for you to carry this on your own."
"I feel like ten million pounds have just been lifted off my shoulders."
"Heavy is the neck that wears the turtleneck."
"Lighten up that energy. There's some things that you can let go. You don't need to carry everything with you."
"God is love and he's created a world where it could be a loving nurturing world."
"If you want to lighten your load, the most important thing you can do is lighten yourself."
"Mutants born with extraordinary abilities, a gift can often be a curse."
"Alas, God, and I am burdened with glorious service."
"The burden that Steph Curry has on him for this franchise is unfair."
"Even the soldiers who did directly use white phosphorus felt the weight of its use on their souls."
"Right now, it's a lot harder for me than it has been the last couple of years because I didn't have something like this on my shoulders."
"It's hard for just one man to fund the entire family."
"It's ugly, it's dirty, it weighs on you, it will rob you of your joy, it will eat your soul if you let it."
"For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, it seemed good to God and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things."
"Good people are like wings on your back and bad people are like a stone attached to your ankle."
"Empathy is a dangerous thing. People can't be expected to hold all of the world's pain. Neither can doctors."
"Casting our burdens on God is an active trust in His ability to carry us through."
"The witness requirement is extremely burdensome for many voters."
"The more weight you carry, the more opportunities for God to get the glory."
"The burden of success concept... goes a bit deeper than just the finances and the popularity."
"Student loan debt is just an albatross around our young generations' necks."
"He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater." - Annie Johnston Flint
"It's off your shoulders now, man. Thank you."
"Secrets are when you feel ashamed, it's a lot of cognitive weight to carry around if you have secrets."
"We all have worldly excuses that weigh us down."
"You're letting go of like these heavy dumbbells that you've been holding on to."
"The big bad wolf embodies the unbearable weight that weighs down on the hero's shoulders."
"Somebody here wants to talk about this burden that has been kind of slapped on your back."
"A fate resting on his small frame yet carrying the weight of the world."
"The burdens of self-love are actually too much for us to bear." - Good news about the yoke Jesus gives us.
"Guilt is a heavy burden to carry throughout a lifetime - you're ruining your life, my family's, and most importantly Jubi's life."
"You have like the weight of the world on your shoulders."
"Sometimes it’s hard, Ryan, being superior to every single other person on the planet."
"Being Batman is a kind of curse. It's a burden."
"The price that is being paid is just so heavy."
"I don't dwell on bad things that would happen. I let things go because I have enough heavy things to carry around and also grudges aren't a good look."
"In many ways, while Uncle Ben's death was the inception point for Peter's transformation into Spider-Man, Gwen's death would prove an ever greater burden on Peter's heart."
"I just wanted to deal with all this perfectly. Do you understand the stuff I have to be in order to rescue everybody?"
"You may lose your passion for photography if you go out laden with gear."
"This unexpected change is essentially revealing maybe some dead weight, how you were carrying a load that you shouldn't have."
"Saturn is heavy, depressive, responsible—it's the weight, it's gravity."
"It really hones down how uzui consistently holds his past over his shoulders."
"Dora grows crystal wings but they're too heavy for her to carry them."
"I love you so so so much. I'm so sorry that I have to write this, but I cannot bear my own burden anymore."
"You are putting down a burden that is too heavy for your shoulders to bear."
"She immediately got out and told me there's one guy who's not happy and he carries a very heavy weight on his foot, and there's another guy who only wants to make jokes."
"There's a lot of burdens that's being released."
"I alone know the truth, and the truth weighs heavily upon me."
"Embrace your future and let go of the emotional and psychological burdens you've been carrying for yourself and likely for many others, ancestors, and more, for far too long."
"Saber's noble phantasm is a representation of the burdens she carries as a young girl being forced to lead a nation."
"If you're somebody who's content with what you have, you're not a burden on everybody else."
"It feels like there's a weight off my shoulders."
"You're depriving yourself of removing that burden that you're carrying right now."
"The weight of the world is off my shoulders, man."
"You're starting to see the positives, even if it is weighing heavy."
"You mustn't be an atlas and carry all the world's problems on your shoulders."
"The weight of the world had just been lifted off of me."
"The things I have done weigh heavily on my heart, on my head, and my soul."
"I felt a lot of weight lifted off of my shoulders."
"My yoke is easy your burden is light."
"Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I'll give you rest."
"It speaks of the responsibility of each person to take on the existential burden of existence voluntarily."
"The boy may not have aged physically, but I'm absolutely certain that troubled youngster will carry the burden of his experience mentally for the rest of his days."
"People going through hardship often feel like a burden when sharing their pain with friends and family."
"He had lied to her about something important, and now the truth weighed heavily on his shoulders."
"I felt the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders."
"As we look at all things with eternal perspective, it will significantly lighten our load."
"Put down your heavy burden and rest from the hard everyday labor of not hurting or not feeling or not hearing or saying or seeing."
"Heavy as the head that wears the crown."
"He can't take her off his mind; it feels heavy in his chest."
"The weight of the world was never meant to be borne alone."
"Heavy lies the crown, it's exhausting."
"The weight of war is a heavy burden to bear."
"Every burden that you have, he can carry it, and every problem that you have, he can solve it."
"Man carry a lot on their shoulders."
"Overabundance burdens us with excess, turning what should be blessings into sources of stress, anxiety, and distraction."
"The weight of legacy can be a heavy one, especially for a legend like Elvis."
"She carried the weight of a hidden secret, and her guilt manifested in the form of exaggerated remorse."
"There are some things that you need to literally go to the feet of God and ask Him, 'God, please take this heavy burden from me,' and I promise you, He will."
"You give it to God. This is not your burden to carry anymore."
"If war came, and who could doubt its coming, a major burden would fall upon me." - Winston Churchill
"I felt relieved, just to have that off of me, that was like a big weight."
"Expensive jewelry, expensive watches, expensive cars, and handbags are all heavy."
"Heavy is the head that holds the crown."
"I felt a huge relief off of my shoulders."
"It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders."
"The whole case has taken its toll on me as a person. Previously, I was a happy-go-lucky guy, but now I feel burdened with the fact that I was normally a very patient person."
"I'm carrying the weight of all - it ain't right to carry, it's not mine to bear, I'm gonna put the [__] down, I'm gonna surrender this [__]."}
"Prayer is how you transfer a burden to him."
"It's costing the NHS a fortune every time as well."
"I came to God with my burden every day, but I kept carrying it. It was a divine exchange when I finally let go."
"Extreme relief. The weight of the world was off my shoulders."
"Regrets weigh us down, right? They're exhausting."
"For as long as I was able, I carry around in my back."
"If I can't escape this burden, I don't want to see you escape this burden."
"Did it feel like a relief, like something off your shoulders? Yes."
"Oh, I felt a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders."
"Daughter breaks down and cries, carrying the whole of humanity on her back."
"I shall help you bear this burden as long as it is yours to bear."
"Frodo though sympathizes with the creature, recognizing the weight of the torment that the ring imposes on its Bearer."
"The Joker is not your fault. Superman is not your fault. Dick Grayson's death is not your fault. None of this is your burden to carry alone."
"Frodo took on the unimaginably horrendous task of a leading role in the quest to destroy the One Ring."
"I just felt like a whole weight was lifted off my shoulders."
"You think that they're feeling burdened by the connection, like a little bit negative right now."
"God never intended for us to carry that weight ourselves."
"They're gonna want to eventually release this burden because it's kind of like, you know what I'm saying?"
"It is truly one of the greatest burdens of being a Christian, is looking around and seeing so many unsafe souls. And it can be torturous, Lord. It really can. And you know that, you know, that hurts our spirit so much. It grieves our spirit."
"Ignorance is blissed, my friend. Don't burden yourself with the secrets of scary."
"Be burdened, that's going to keep you on the path."
"Man must take the total burden of responsibility for the world and for himself upon his own shoulders, with no one to give him any sign." - Albert Camus
"It's difficult to describe the relief. It was like if somebody took a hundred pounds of lead you carried around for a year and all of a sudden somebody took that lead and lifted it off your shoulders."
"You're seen as someone who carries a lot on your shoulders, like you're carrying the whole world."
"Your burden is not the world. The burden, again, is your mind. Your mind has decided how you want everything to be."
"To be able to share all my intimate thoughts, my experiences with someone, that just cuts the weight of it in half."
"A pound of weight on your feet is equal to five pounds on your back."
"Hate is too great a burden to bear."
"They're deeply submerged in something that is weighing them down and overwhelming them."
"There's this automatic demand, this truckload of pressure, and transferred responsibility on your shoulders."
"It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders."
"In order for us to set things right, we have to take on that burden of ultimate responsibility."
"Finally felt free, as if a heavy weight had been lifted from him."
"So we have to get rid of it, especially if you have a certification burden."
"I find it a curse I have to live with all my life."
"I felt helpless, watching the lively spark in her eyes slowly fade, the weight of this unbearable burden pressing down on her tiny shoulders."
"Creating the mentality of children bearing the cross of constant vigilance is burdensome."
"Cast your burden on Yahweh and he will sustain and uphold you."
"Joint mobility can be an early benefit but a burden later."
"Heavy is the head that doesn't drown."
"Sometimes purpose is more burden than glory."
"Allah has not burdened you with anything except your own potential."
"I feel like my weight has been lifted off my shoulders."
"Spider-Man is so cool, but everything that comes with it, I wouldn't wish that on anybody."
"I was a very, very heavy, heavy anchor."
"Take on his yoke for it is lighter."
"If you're still burdened after prayer, you didn't pray, you just 'gright.'"
"You weren't designed to carry burdens."
"Sheep cannot carry burdens, they can only lay them at the feet of Jesus."
"Debt is a burden that I no longer want to carry."
"Aaron resolves to move forward, accepting the burden of countless lives."
"You're the one who bears that great burden because you come up with the topics."
"She's the albatross, she is here to destroy you."
"Thank you, uicy, but this isn't a burden I'll bear alone. I'll need your wisdom and the wisdom of all the races together."
"I didn't want to put the burden of sharing this on someone else"
"Some people may go through a lifetime crushed by the weight of a suspicion that is really unjustified."
"Everything about this feels heavy."
"Sometimes Peter couldn't bear the heavy responsibility."
"A casket is the only thing you get to carry."
"The conclusion of the matter feels so much better since I laid my burdens down."
"There's no contradiction between loving somebody and feeling burdened by that person."
"He went out bearing his own cross."
"...I felt like a great burden was lifted off my back."