
Alternatives Quotes

There are 1887 quotes

"It's not like it's either Dr. K killed him or Reckful is alive and happy and healthy today. Those aren't the only two possibilities."
"The biological aspect, specifically here we're talking about medicines, has its place, but the idea that medicines are a substitute for understanding makes no sense."
"We were trying to find a way out of the depths, a way out of poverty without resorting to robbing people, selling drugs, going to jail."
"Gratitude becomes easier to feel if you know what the alternatives are."
"No system collapses by itself unless there is an alternative."
"We want all Americans, all people, to be more willing to explore alternatives to the systems they live in."
"It does get better, there are other options out there."
"We have to have a better solution other than just locking people up and throwing away the key."
"You have to take that leap of faith because there's no other alternative."
"I have a life potion which can grant you even better powers than the dark ones."
"I'm here to empower people with other options, with other treatment strategies if what you're doing isn't working."
"This system is not the best of all systems; it gave us the opportunity to imagine Alternatives."
"Everyone goes through 'the grass is greener,' and the thing is there's so many different lives you can live in this world."
"I refuse to believe it. There has to be some other way. There just has to be."
"What we need to do is then provide them an alternative... we should communicate the truth of the reality."
"And wouldn’t ya know it, most things we do today which involve setting fire to something have an electric alternative."
"YouTube takes 30% of Super Chats. If people don't like that, we're simultaneously streaming on Rumble. Rumble takes 20%."
"Don't drink and drive. Uber is cheap, yellow cabs are cheap... call somebody."
"We need alternatives and decentralization intact in social media space."
"I decide to make use of the new sniper rifle, the gooby campan scout rifle. It's a great alternative to the antimaterial rifle."
"Communism: an attractive alternative to capitalism."
"If in the situation when you couldn't have children... you'd be looking for your alternative."
"If you don't want to waste your baccarat or if you feel like you would never ever justify the price of baccarat this is a good way to have that same fragrance."
"I just want to remind everybody... this channel is providing an alternative to the regular established mainstream Financial media."
"While Panama struggles to come up with Solutions, elsewhere long forgotten schemes that could bypass the canal entirely are attracting attention."
"There's a real alternative that seems to have gained a lot of momentum. That seems a good cause for optimism."
"Every alternative you look at for Jadon Sancho, you are not going to get because it is just paper talk."
"The alternative is just not a life worth living for."
"It's an alternative to the Google search engine."
"There's no alternative medicine's not an alternative therapy is not an alternative counseling's not an alternative..."
"Things you can consider besides hydroquinone."
"It didn't have to be this way, it just didn't."
"We should be building those alternative plans now rather than assuming."
"This is better than the whole prophesying thing."
"Realistically, we're in a two-party system, but we could also get ourselves out of it if more Americans were willing to vote the way they want."
"All authoritarian regimes can survive until there's an alternative to them."
"If it's still not working for you, you are being given permission to explore elsewhere."
"The alternative to sacrificing everything to a narrow and totalitarian viewpoint is pursuing the highest good."
"We can do this... we are rapidly running out of alternatives."
"There is always another option, there is always hope, there is always a way for that child to live and thrive."
"You might as well take it because if you don't, what you're going to get, you're going to get a Gavin Newsom part two."
"There is no alternative to capitalism, there are only different and better forms of capitalism."
"We’ll refrain from using fear of its alternatives as a motivating argument."
"You've got to have a comeback, and if you're going to criticize somebody, you've got to have an alternative."
"Why would rich people pay for their kids to get into Yale when you could just give your kid the $500,000 and just set them up for life in a trust fund?"
"I think alternatives means to me like another option that works with what I've described or works with the outfit, works in the same way."
"There's always a third door, there's always another lane that we can take."
"This tutorial is firm on showing you that there's always another way if you're having trouble."
"Maybe there is a way better opportunity, alternative opportunity, something to be fixed."
"We're not gonna make a doughnut hole. We're just going to create an alternative for that supply."
"It's like going from a drug that you used to be addicted to, and now you've tried the next best thing."
"Hashirama's influence could have kept Madara from straying too far down a dark path."
"The first Great Ninja War could have taken a different turn with Madara as Hokage."
"Nothing else is working... might as well try that."
"Content creators don't understand that there are other ways to communicate outside of releasing a video."
"It's not a multiple choice world. There are alternative answers to the problems we face."
"Force is sometimes necessary for a solution, but it's not the only way."
"In the heat of the moment, you can't kill a domestic partner in an argument. Instead, I guess you'll just hit them, which, while not great, is certainly preferable to shooting them."
"The days of 'there's no alternative investment' are over."
"So, for us as educators, it's our job to educate them on the alternatives to Dogecoin and why Cardano or Polkadot or Ethereum have value instead of rejecting them and pushing those people away."
"Whenever anybody tells you there is no alternative what they mean is there is an alternative they don't want you to think about it."
"I'm not opposed to switching if there is a better option out there."
"There's a thousand other ways to skin a cat."
"I think there is good reason to explore other answers."
"That's what's awesome too is I think there's so much stigma around smokers versus there's all types of ways to consume it."
"Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?"
"There are so many issues, so it should still serve as like an alternative."
"I think I'm gonna see some other forms of entertainment for a while."
"If you provide alternatives to people jobs other sort of alternatives they don't over indulge in drugs like this."
"There has to be some sort of in-between here where you can buy something like this... rather than just toss away."
"Irrespective of that, I feel like there are much better ways to earn a living than talking about Maddox rules."
"But if Paralives can provide a better gaming experience without going overboard on monetisation and DLC. Then it could prove to be a great alternative."
"If this is what capitalism produces, maybe it's time to try something else."
"We don't need a majority, we just need an alternative."
"They want alternatives, they don't necessarily like the drugs."
"Life is precious, and there's always a way out."
"Google Maps, definitely a great alternative to Apple Maps."
"From a nutritional standpoint, insects might be more balanced than red meat."
"I support a world in which police and prisons and surveillance are not the only answer that we have to our problems."
"Playing politics means setting out an alternative."
"It seems like it's going to be a fun alternative to pass the time."
"Death is an alternative to success but not a good one."
"The alternative to self-love is self-destruction."
"Formal marriage isn't the only structure in which to have a family."
"Do you think you'll become a subscriber, or do you think it just makes sense to buy Microsoft Office one time, or maybe you'll even use some of the free alternatives?"
"First off, what do we think, uh, what alternate timelines did we see in the Snyder Cut? What was an alternate timeline? What was the timeline we're currently on? Do we have any guesses there?"
"Why not explore the idea of blockchain instead of going back?"
"The education system is broken with more people than ever turn into the internet for affordable training."
"Just because one avenue gets shut off for a short while doesn't mean that we can't pursue another avenue." - Tim England
"A real Street cat will not let somebody come out there on the Block knowing that they have other options."
"Why does heroin exist? Just play the damn GameCube."
"Starlink should mostly be looked at as kind of a last resort for internet service."
"There are ways to start alleviating the reliance on massive global supply chains."
"Having alternatives to addictive behaviors is essential. You've got to have things that you say yes to."
"Instead of overthrowing, is there any way that we could reform?"
"Do you really need Valentine's Day plans with a real person when you could just be cozying it up with a fictional character?"
"Religion can be a placebo, but it's not the best solution."
"It's not a bad cooler but if you don't particularly care for it, there are many other liquid coolers out there that are at least as good if not better for efficiency."
"There's always going to be people who want that [escapist entertainment] and so if Hollywood won't provide it someone else is going to step in to do it."
"Pepper spray is another great option for your home defense plan."
"Crypto may not save us, but it's our only chance."
"We live in the information age where there are many great supplementary options to traditional higher education."
"Likewise, you are open to exploring alternatives."
"Explore alternatives when it comes to fun, play, pleasure, and romance."
"It's fun as hell to imagine what could have been."
"Moral of the story: You don't need diamonds for more reasons than one."
"If there's a way for you to feel better without surgery, then I would say try that first because surgery is just, it's more uncertain."
"We need some more alternatives to this gangster rap."
"Diplomacy is the alternative to very unpleasant options."
"Whole wheat products are a healthier alternative to their refined counterparts."
"There is an alternative, you know in your spirit."
"No one had to die over money, there had to be other options."
"Hey guys it's Rachel Cruz here to tell you about a faith-based alternative to health insurance that can make health care more affordable."
"Thanks so much for all of your support, let me know in the comments below which of these you think is the best alternative pairing."
"We need another option. We need a third option."
"In lieu of any kind of bfg weapon the next best thing is the lightning gun."
"The only solution to traffic is to give people choices."
"At the end of the day it is not necessarily true that guns and tanks and missiles are the only way that we will be safe."
"How blessed am I that vegan mac and cheese exists."
"This just seems to me like a great advertisement for alternatives like Pathfinder."
"For some people, diet soda can be a real lifesaver."
"They understand he's a narcissist, but they figure at least he is not Bernie Sanders."
"We don't have tea, we do however have coffee."
"There has to be a secondary remedy, no different than the kids outside the school. There has to be a way to let them in."
"People are saying to themselves, why are these our only alternatives? Biden has to give people a reason to vet for him, not just voting against Trump."
"If you don't like YouTube and you're looking for alternatives, you might know about Peertube."
"I believe in life in prison without parole, a whole other things you can do. We don't belong killing a person, an eye for an eye is not what we're looking for."
"Stalin's rule was seen by some as a potentially better option than imperialism, fascism, and the Great Depression."
"If you are on the fence about getting a pet, you can always just Foster a pet."
"The alternatives are worse, so enlightenment rationality is something that makes sense."
"This is the solution, the hatch against all this crazy debasement and quantitative easing."
"It's just people looking for a way out, for an alternative."
"Absolutely, 110%, we do need something that isn't World of Warcraft."
"We're looking for alternatives to the Google ecosystem."
"But if you do wanna move outside of Google, it is a viable option."
"Look for option C; there's always a third way."
"The global South needs economic alternatives."
"I think it's time we present an alternative. I think it's time that we have our own path."
"It's just a more controlled way of dating and if I didn't have Jamie would I go through this process yeah I would I would probably give it a go."
"What is the alternative to saving the planet for our kids and future generations?"
"The problem is many cancer patients immediately go in for toxic poisons and radiation."
"They don't have any alternative explanations, they just want to say 'I don't know'."
"College is not the end-all be-all because to John's point it was never supposed to be a thing that everybody went through."
"There's so many cool things you could do in business today. Why get into the hell of politics, you know?"
"If crickets need to be fried, sugared, or salted to gain our acceptance, they're not a solution to a food crisis."
"There are only two choices here. That's not true. There is another choice right in front of us."
"If it doesn't feel right, walk out the door and find a better option."
"If it's not, then maybe you should think of an alternative."
"For those who want less expensive alternatives that also do a decent job."
"I'm a big believer in the following. You're not going to know the alternative, so might as not dwell on it."
"If one thing doesn't work for you, try something else."
"All the United States brings is death and destruction. They don't bring any other alternative."
"There’s no 'just go nuclear' or 'just go solar' to this debate."
"Very often you're asking, why not this move? There isn't just one."
"There's so many different ways they could do it instead of just not adding it."
"I can see seven different roads instead of just a brick wall."
"There are healthier sources of iron and protein than meat."
"Natural silicone alternative... not based in science."
"If the fans miss Millie Alcock that much they should just join Tinder."
"College is not the end-all, be-all. We have to build up vocational and technical and apprenticeship tracks at the high school level."
"Why fly thousands of miles to distant places when Skype, Zoom, or virtual reality will do?"
"There is no substitute for Russian gas, there is no alternative."
"I think some people just feel for whatever reason on other platforms they were either getting censored again banned, that's true, and again you need Alternatives."
"Cheating is never an option. If you have to cheat, why not just break up with the person?"
"Having a plan B could mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people."
"You ain't got to do that 9 and5 just as good as hustling."
"I find that really interesting because what we're talking about is like switching out certain drugs for other drugs."
"You cannot kill that industry without having a viable alternative."
"If you destroy the free world where else are you going to go?"
"Enforce boundaries by offering alternatives."
"The bond it creates is just insane, and there's other ways to bond, obviously."
"If you're looking for like a budget BMW and you want something that's a lot less expensive, the K5 GT or the Sonata N Line should be at the very top of your list."
"But there are so many other things you can do if you don't pass your GCSEs."
"Criticize it all you want, but offer the alternative."
"But one promising option seems to be seaweed."
"Why does it have to be that way? Have you considered this?"
"If you're looking to switch up like which gummies you take, then would recommend taking vitamin D gummies."
"Gain every bit of the knowledge you'd get from a university course."
"It's like butter. Even though it's called 'I can't believe it's not butter.'"
"Try other things, but you're not gonna die from trying CBD."
"If you can't find joy in your life, Pornhub is still there."
"Why am I having this? 'Cause squeezing it out of a cow's [ __ ] boob is way weirder."
"What else is there to replace the lie with except the truth?"
"Expose, explain, articulate alternatives... that's how you can fight back." - Dr. Lindsay
"The risk and the danger of the alternative is not worth taking."
"There is a third option now and it is awesome you guys there is a third option."
"The worst case scenario is not the only option we have to live with."
"It's better than drugs, it keeps me off drugs."
"You don't have to spend the money to get the benefits of that. There are lots of dupes and there are definitely lots of different products out there that you can get that will give you very similar benefits."
"School is not the be-all end-all to everybody."
"So if you're watching anything, there's a good chance if you're not Netflix or whatever, you're probably watching stuff on YouTube."
"At the end of the day, it's like seeing a person with cancer using homeopathy to treat themselves rather than say chemotherapy."
"Landlords should seek that money rather than seeking to evict."
"Thank heavens for other options like the kel-tec pf9."
"Thrive is not Spore 2. If you want Spore 2, there are alternatives."
"You don't have to go to college. You can self-study."
"Well, that's fun... We got other stuff we can talk about."
"The Hyundai Ioniq 6 is the perfect car for somebody who likes what the Tesla Model 3 offers but wants something different or more traditional."
"Competition is best, and you want other browsers to be viable alternatives."
"You have to try to give peace a chance because the other options are just significantly worse."