
Emotional Acceptance Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"The key to resilience is the radical acceptance of all our emotions."
"It's okay to cry. That you're sad about that."
"There is no way out but through, so you might as well do it, you might as well acknowledge what you're going through, you might as well emotionally release."
"Your negative emotions are there for a reason and they need to be felt."
"I'm realizing that like it's okay to not be okay I don't always have to be the strong one."
"Let yourself feel what you feel and acknowledge that you don't have to have one win over the other."
"You're feeling some emotions and it's okay to accept them, to embrace them."
"Sometimes it's not all right, and that's okay. And that's okay."
"Understand and accept how you feel, do not fight it."
"I've accepted that my love for you isn't going anywhere, and I feel like that's kind of where you're at too."
"Feel that negative feeling for once in your life and actually be grateful for it."
"It's okay to not be okay. Spread that message."
"Are you being a gentleman, or are you just trying to avoid the problem?"
"Embracing the anger has allowed me to kind of let go of acting like I don't have to be upset about it. I can be upset about it and I can still keep working and doing my thing."
"Death isn't a novel concept. It's just having the ability to face it."
"I understood that I can't get better until I've acknowledged where I am and I really don't like where I am."
"It's really important that you allow yourself to have those feelings."
"Feel your emotions and accept that they're there."
"You can't do anything about your feelings, I suppose."
"Sometimes we don't need to cheer ourselves up, sometimes we need to feel how we feel."
"As long as you live, you can never escape them. To feel sadness is to live, and as long as you're alive, the future is a blank page."
"Let them wash over you like an ocean wave. Know that it's normal to grieve forever."
"Let yourself feel anxious. Don't try to make it go away; try to understand where it's coming from."
"It's okay to be sad sometimes, entire to shit. It's okay to feel that way."
"Allow feelings to be as they are, remain unaffectedly in love with what is."
"It's okay to miss people, it's okay to want someone around you."
"Sometimes life is just crap, and that's okay too."
"Uniqueness makes us beautiful and perfect is never going to be beautiful."
"Those of you that are going through grief, frustration, or anger right now, that's okay. You can feel that."
"Accept when you're sad and just know, hey this is temporary."
"You kind of need to face these emotions and accept that they might make you cry but they don't always it doesn't always happen like that."
"Accepting an energy, leading to happiness and victory."
"Hate is totally fine, I think you just don't want to attack people and you want to be reasonable."
"Sadness is not a bad thing, sadness is a good thing."
"There's nothing wrong with you for feeling a human emotion."
"It's so normal to be afraid. It's okay to be afraid."
"There's no such thing as a negative emotion."
"Let's just breathe and be present with the feelings and sensations and let them be what they are."
"It's okay to feel a little messy, it's okay to feel a little lopsided."
"It's okay to not always be in love with what you're doing. It's okay to feel sad, it's okay to be stressed."
"It is so important to accept where you are. The current emotional state that you are in is good, it's fine, it's normal, it's healthy."
"I'm not caught up in the illusion that life is supposed to be good all the time."
"There comes a time when you accept the pain and recognize the love."
"It's okay to be sad. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to go through those range of emotions."
"All these future things and all these solutions or like you can just get into this deep acceptance of uh-huh this is how I feel okay you know and really be there with it..."
"Turn towards that which is most repulsive to us—our sorrow, grief, despair, our loneliness."
"You must accept how you feel, accept that you have a right to express your need, express your want, trust your intuition."
"There is nothing wrong or low vibrational about you if you're feeling sad or depressed or hurt or angry."
"Things are allowed to feel hard, you're allowed to have your human experience."
"When we acknowledge our shadow aspects, when we acknowledge these lower aspects of ourselves, then they feel seen and truly that is what they want."
"It's okay to be shook. It's okay to have some fears. It's okay to have some insecurities."
"There's nothing scary about feeling emotions."
"Emotions are normal, they're a human part of our experience."
"It's okay to have a sad day and it's okay to have moments where you don't feel super happy."
"I started getting emotional, well I was very emotional because I was just really wanted to just get home you know what I'm saying but more importantly I was a purely in a complete accepting moment as I surprisingly was coming to."
"You're just like, 'I accept the way that I feel. Let's make this work.'"
"It's okay to be disappointed, it's okay to be sad and disappointed that life's not exactly how it's how you thought it would be turning out."
"Crying is natural too. No emotion is bad. Emotions are natural, you cannot control what you feel. Emotions make you human."
"Emotions are part of the human experience, not a personal curse."
"There's a lot of power in learning how to accept the present moment, to accept your emotions, to accept where you're at."
"There's nothing wrong with being sensitive and emotional."
"Give yourself permission to feel messy. It's okay to be a mess."
"Everything that you lose is not a loss. Acceptance isn't easy, but it's necessary for growth."
"Some people are not meant forever, some people are meant as 'for now' which is hard to hear sometimes but it's true."
"You don't need to remove emotions; in fact, you need to embrace them."
"It's okay to be feeling what you're feeling."
"Unconditional love means we accept their emotions unconditionally but put very clear boundaries on their behavior."
"It's okay to feel angry, sad, mad, irritated. It's okay to feel disappointed."
"You shouldn't be in pain, but you are in pain and that's okay."
"Embrace and accept what you really feel. Only then can you truly transform."
"Life is not all happy moments, but embracing the truth is essential."
"It's okay to feel that way, and for so long, I felt ashamed of that."
"It's okay to feel what you're feeling. It's okay to be overwhelmed or stressed out."
"Don't view feelings as a liability. They are part of being human."
"Being able to feel an emotion that we don't like, like discomfort, is such a gift."
"Closure... that she wasn't judged and wasn't unloved."
"Life is full of joy and pain. This is a time of pain, but there will be joy again."
"It's okay to feel sad, angry, anxious, etc. Don't be made to feel bad for feeling this range of emotions through your teenage years."
"It's okay to have bad days and all that because at the end of the day we all make mistakes."
"We're not supposed to be emotional but we are, we're human beings."
"It's ok for you to be sad, it's ok for you to be angry."
"Sadness for the next six months of your life is a friend, not a foe."
"Feel free to be an emotional person if that's who you are."
"If you embrace what you're feeling, you'll be able to release it."
"That chapter is definitely closed, and that's okay."
"We can't just cut off the negative emotions."
"Your angels want you to know that it's okay to feel the emotions that are surfacing in you at this time."
"Fear is so normal and it is so okay to be afraid."
"It's okay to cry, it's okay to be happy, it's okay to relax, it's okay to take action, it's okay to be you."
"It is to listen and it is to feel what's going on in me and not run away from it."
"...the show's message will be about accepting your past traumas and accepting your emotions."
"Allowing ourselves to feel what we feel and not thinking that we have to have the answers."
"So instead of pushing away a negative feeling, allow the feeling to be there."
"Simply by embracing ourselves with compassion, really inviting them in."
"...the way to enjoy life is not by putting the breaks on negative emotion and in fact it's the opposite it's by really opening ourselves up to diving into the negative emotion."
"...give yourself a certain period of time every day to just allow whatever negative emotion that you're feeling to come up and be experienced to flow through you with full acceptance."
"Feeling these feelings is okay, nobody should be bypassing them."
"How you feel is entirely okay and I'm not here to shame how you feel."
"Lean into it, babe. That's what I say. Like, there's nothing wrong with being emotional."
"See something happens, now here's the point friends, I want to be really, really clear. It's okay to have feelings."
"It's okay to just sit with uncomfortable emotions."
"Sadness is not a bad thing. The whole spectrum of emotions is normal, that's what Allah has given us, so it's for us to experience everyday life."
"Should we stop pretending and accept our feelings for each other?"
"It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's okay."
"All emotion is good, sadness is good, fear is good, we all have it, welcome it and then grow."
"Don't be afraid of your grief; it gives you life."
"The most important thing at this part is to not resist, to allow these emotions to flow through and to not judge them."
"It's okay to feel the pain, it's totally okay."
"I accept my emotions and I allow them to serve their purpose."
"Accepting at 28 that I was a very emotional guy and letting myself cry whenever I needed to."
"I'm okay with feelings; I'm glad to have feelings. I should be sad that I had to live that."
"Embrace the sadness rather than try to work against it."
"Feeling those feelings, saying 'It's okay, I'm feeling this way, it's normal, it's natural'."
"When you welcome any kind of emotion, you stop resisting them."
"Negative emotions make us who we are, and instead of running away from them, we should be facing them head on and learning how to heal."
"Accept your emotions; never embrace apathy."
"There is no such thing as a bad emotion to have."
"You might feel angry sometimes, and that's okay."
"There's no shame in feeling sad, there's no shame in feeling angry."
"Trying to feel good all the time is a negative experience, but allowing yourself to feel whatever you feel and feel it to the end and then release it, is a positive experience."
"It's okay to be sad, it's okay to be depressed, it's okay to be hurt. Cry that out, into some tissue, dry your eyes, you get back up."
"It's okay to be sad. It's normal to be sad."
"It doesn't matter how conclusively you prove anything if the person to whom you prove it can't accept your proof emotionally."
"It's okay to cry, it's okay to feel the emotions that you're feeling."
"Feel that negative feeling without judgment, be fully present in that moment."
"It's okay to be sad, it's okay whatever I feel."
"It's okay to be sad sometimes, and it's okay to have grief sometimes."
"It's completely fine to be upset."
"It's okay to feel down, it's okay to cry, it's okay to feel hopeless for a short period of time."
"You're allowed to feel like that, it's normal."
"It's okay to not just feel positive emotions, it's okay to be scared and it's okay to be anxious and fearful, those are all okay things to feel."
"She had left you already, Seneca."
"We don’t need to deny our feelings, our emotions in any given situation which are natural."
"You embrace your emotions; that's what you're supposed to do."
"It's okay to be angry, especially when something has cut so deep."
"If that sadness is part of the joy I've derived from my companionship, so I will accept it when the time comes."
"It's okay to be sensitive. It's okay to take things personally."
"Sometimes like if I'm feeling a bit sad and I can cheer myself up like that's great but then other times if I'm feeling a bit sad and I can't cheer myself up like it's okay to just feel a little bit sad as well."
"It's okay to be grumpy sometimes; it's okay to be upset sometimes."
"It's okay to feel these feelings."
"It's okay to feel your feelings. It's okay if this hurts, if you don't understand it, if it's taking you under, but you can't let it stop you because you're almost where you want to be."
"It's okay to be sad, it's okay to not be 100%."
"Emotions are human. Each person is going to have those emotions. It's okay to cry, it's okay to get mad, it's okay to get upset."
"It's okay to feel frustrated, it's okay to feel fear."