
Self-betterment Quotes

There are 391 quotes

"I think everyone can like make some sort of improvement in some ways."
"I am becoming a better version of myself every day."
"When you say no to something, you're saying yes to something better."
"The goal isn't to be a perfect person, but you could certainly be a better person tomorrow than you are yesterday."
"Try to be the best person you can be, that's the alternative."
"I wanted to try to grow, you know, I wanted to make sure that I was a better person coming out of the house than I was going into it."
"Focus on bettering yourself and getting to a better place."
"The number one market lesson that I've learned over the years is you can be better tomorrow than you are today."
"Kaizen, the philosophy of continuous improvement, amplifies that we should constantly strive for betterment, not just in our skills but also in cultivating disciplined focus and resilience."
"That was the old me. Now I got to change, I gotta do good."
"You want to be a little bit better in some way tomorrow than you are today."
"When we take ownership, we empower ourselves to make our situation better."
"They told him he was too old, they told him he was too out of shape, but he continued to improve himself and work every day."
"We may be called to something greater... adding to the higher opportunities."
"Your life can be better. You can be a better person tomorrow. You may not be perfect, but you could still be the best version of yourself."
"Despite it all, I'm in a much much much better position now than I ever was in any point in my life."
"You have powerful energies within you to be used for the betterment of your own life and that of others."
"I'm trying to better myself, I'm trying to get my GED."
"Every day, I am becoming a better and stronger version of myself."
"Every single day you want to be better than the last."
"This concept of harmony is the driving force behind Cathayan spirituality, the method through which all might find their natural place, and achieve the betterment of themselves and the land."
"If it makes you a better person, I think that's amazing, and I think that anything that makes you a better person has value."
"Do something today that you couldn't do yesterday."
"If you don't have standards, let's all just take a second and raise them."
"A connection is either good for you or it isn't. Your principles are meant to apply for your better good."
"Success is the pursuit... you never land on betterment."
"That is what ensures you stay in the game the longest and that is what ensures you find joy."
"You are inspiring unconditional love by simply being the best person that you can be."
"I need all of you today to make a conscious effort to say, from this point forward, I'm going to really try to live my best life."
"Nothing wrong with saying we must and we can do better as a nation."
"Change is good, I'm constantly continuously trying to change for the better."
"We're human beings, and we want to be the best version of ourselves. It's not about doing stuff overnight. It's about moving mountains with one drop of water at a time over time."
"We all have the choice to be somebody better. We all have the choice right now to be this [ __ ] or we can try harder and be better."
"Will it get away? I mean if it did I wouldn't show you right? I think does it, there's so many different shots about like 'die already I want to die' behind a tree."
"It's all about being better than you were yesterday."
"Let your teammates make you better by forcing you to be better."
"Don't ever think you're too good or you don't need practice like we still practice all the time."
"Swim to higher water and find a place that embraces you."
"Put yourself in better places and better rooms."
"Change is what drives me to be a better person, drives me to bigger things."
"Now I'm doing way better than I thought I could ever do."
"You're not the same person that you were in the past, you're much better and much greater."
"Don't rest on your laurels. Always strive for better and better and better."
"The higher God keeps trying to take you, the lower your conversations keep going."
"I'm not perfect, but I will always endeavor to be the best version of myself, so you can see in me that you too can be the best that you can be."
"We're always becoming a better version of the game."
"We have to be so much better than we've ever been."
"You're being guided towards something better."
"Try to come out of every day a better person than you went into that day."
"Never believe that you're there when even when you're at the top you can always get better."
"Do the work to have a healthy perspective and a healthier version of yourself."
"A huge change, but it's for your highest good."
"Lots of negative people in the chat. If you don't believe in this young brother, be quiet. He's a part of the movement."
"There's really no end on how much you can improve."
"This is my best decision. Whatever I do is for the better of me."
"I'm here to make you the best version of you."
"Be the best you can be first and then try to go out and influence the world."
"They're really healing themselves because they want to be the best for you."
"Be really good at it... take your family yourself your life to a whole other level... to inspire others to see that they can have a great life..."
"Transmute envy into emulation, desire to raise ourselves to their level."
"We're losing a piece of the puzzle; we start getting healthy, and you just become a better person."
"We're missing a piece of the puzzle; you start getting healthy and you just become a better person."
"You both lost yourselves and then regenerated into better versions of yourself."
"If I was there, I wouldn't have anything to run for. That's what makes me get up in the morning: the possibility that I could be a better man today than I was yesterday."
"There's a depth to both of these people, motivated to learn more about self-betterment."
"I'm going to better my best. I'm gonna be better today than I was yesterday."
"People tend to put down the process of bettering yourself. I don't know why they do... they will continue to be negative the rest of their life."
"They're the worst, my point there is, I see what you're saying, my point there is like, I mean, they are theoretically bettering themselves."
"Fasting cleanses the heart and removes harmful qualities."
"Why should I get worse when I could get better."
"Be good yourselves man bet you deserve it."
"I swear that's like with anything like as soon as I like gain some new knowledge I'm like okay cool like I'll start applying this like you know self betterment I feel like we just so accessible to so much knowledge nowadays it's kind of overwhelming."
"Make sure that you are trying to eradicate all your imperfections."
"Always better today than we were yesterday."
"What you should try to be is a slightly more ethical person than the one you were yesterday."
"The move is not to box people out, it's to get better and make yourself better."
"Take the leap towards what's better for you."
"Let's create some youthfulness and again we're not talking about being young we're just talking about being better."
"You can respect the person is trying to do better for themselves."
"Just better yourself because that person's gonna be like, 'Wow, they're doing better.' That's the ultimate."
"You want to continuously blow yourself away at how much better you're becoming."
"As long as I progress to be something better than I was years ago or even yesterday, that's all that matters."
"Knowing that you are better than when you started."
"You don't get better from never challenging yourself, get outside of your comfort zone, push through the challenges."
"Take all that shame and guilt and use all that energy to better yourself and your situation in life."
"You have to be the best version of you, and then who is for you, they'll be separated and you'll be separated, and you'll meet at your top."
"How much better are you going to feel when you're sober, when you secure the promotion, when you pay off the debt? Make it about you."
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too."
"I'm just a simple person trying to do the best I can."
"I'm just so inspired; I'm the best I've ever been in life."
"We can all get better at getting better."
"Every single one of you wants something better for yourself."
"Get inspired, you know, like me, if I find people that are better than me, have more subscribers than me, are more intuitive than me, whatever the case is, I feel inspired."
"Even if you were kind of a d-bag at one point in time in your life, you can be better."
"You don't have to be the best; you just got to be better than last week."
"I started eliminating things that were holding me back."
"It's not that you're a bad person right now, it's that you need to become better every day."
"Sometimes you have to go through your worst to become your best."
"Surround yourself with guys who are better than you. If you're the best guy on the mat, you're on the wrong mat."
"I want you to build from the inside out the skill set that it's going to take you to a life of goodness, steadiness, decency."
"I'm going to practice love, gentleness, and kindness."
"It was the moment where I knew I'm gonna be bigger and better than this; I'm not going to repeat this, and I'm going to make a change."
"Strive to be that person, pray to be that person."
"I just want to wake up early and be a great man again."
"Don't forget to manifest a better version of you."
"Life is too short for you not to be the best you."
"Kaizen makes you happy, it improves your life, it improves your work, it improves your mentality."
"The true mission of life is I'm going to wake up today and I'm going to have the absolute best conversation I can ever have."
"I want to be better than myself yesterday, but every day I want to be better."
"Don't let it consume you; make yourself better than you were yesterday."
"I know how to become the strongest spear."
"I feel like that opened me up to being a better person later."
"After you recover, you become a better person."
"The goal is to be low-key and improve as we get older."
"I can do hard things and get through hard times and come out as a better version of myself."
"I abandon contempt. I can live without it. I'll be better off without it."
"It didn't get easier, I got better."
"I always feel like I can do better, I think that's a good attitude to have."
"It's a gift to wake up and if you get to be alive and have the ability to be better."
"I want to be a better person for my partner, better person for my son."
"Take something that you feel is a liability, that is a downfall, turn it into a blessing, turn it into an asset for yourself."
"There is joy in the journey to perfection."
"We are by no means the best now, but we're always working on it and we're always working to better ourselves."
"I started to try to clean up my act, become a better person."
"Rather than aiming to be perfect, aim to be better than you were yesterday."
"I overcome all these stupid obstacles that people would use to cry about being discriminated against by simply being the best version of myself."
"They will examine themselves again and again and decide that they could do even better at becoming that person that they ought to become."
"We're better because of the choices that we make."
"I will continue to love, to care, to be there, and I will continue being the best me I can."
"I want to make everything a bit better."
"One thing I never did, I never touched drugs. It was something I seen that I could do to better myself and better my family the right way, that's what I did."
"When you meet something holy and it opens up something in you that changes you or helps you to change to become better for yourself and others, that is a blessing."
"Ideals are what we strive for, they lead you into a better life, it's the best version of yourself."
"I've changed for the better this time."
"I'm committed to growing my life, to making changes, to becoming the best version of myself."
"I'm just trying to elevate and just cut off anything that's not serving me."
"If you give me another shot, I'm going to do better, I'm going to be better."
"That's all I'm asking for, there's a chance for me to become a better person."
"I'm just ready to push myself again and be the best version of myself."
"I'm better than I've ever been, I'm more excited than I've ever been."
"I've changed. I've become better."
"Until you make an identity switch and become a better individual for yourself, you don't qualify for anybody better."
"I enjoy it so much because I don't know a person that doesn't want the best for themselves."
"I want to be someone that's like good all the time, someone stands out of mysterious, actually held down the job, and I want the change. I really need to change."
"To be the best version of you that you can be."
"As long as you are trying to be a good person, as long as you're trying to be better today than you were yesterday, you're increasing the total points of the world."
"Sometimes it's not just about finding the right woman, it's about being the right person at the right time to receive the right woman."
"You can't be perfect, but you can do better."
"Things are getting better as long as you keep striving to make it better for yourself."
"I hope to be a better person tomorrow than I am today."
"You're doing this for the mere fact that you want to get better."
"This is your life, and the only way you're gonna have a better life... is if you take these steps to do that."
"We are trying to get better every day; we're not satisfied because we know that they can do better."
"I changed for the better of me, I'm a better me."
"You're not even getting back to the old you, you're gonna get better, period."
"I think being sober when you have a problem, when you're an alcoholic, makes you a better everything."
"I want the academy to be your one-stop shop for helping you become a better person, not just a better rider."
"I committed myself to being way better than I was on that op."
"The year of scale means you're the person you need to level up."
"Become the best you can be; it benefits you in every part of your life."
"Confident that today he will definitely be able to overcome the border and raise his level."
"Keep getting better, keep focusing, how can I make it better."
"The only thing that you can do is trying to live a better version after the mistakes that you've made."
"We are ready to level up and just be the best versions of ourselves."
"To be better today than I was yesterday, that's what a winner is, that's what a champ is."
"Make revenge getting in shape, make revenge getting healthier."
"I want to be a better person from the person I was last week."
"When I'm around people like David, it really inspires me to push myself harder."
"I'm not asking you to fix your past, we're just asking to be a better person in the future."
"Use this breakup to become the best version of yourself, use this breakup to light up your life."
"We're always growing, we're always trying to figure out how to do this better."
"What can I say, this year has definitely made me all around a better person."
"An individual can better themselves financially."
"We are better. We're better than this."
"I need to do better, so I'm going to do better, and I have to do better."
"If you can just get one percent better, you will get there, but it takes perseverance."
"They want to be different, they want to be better."
"Let's strive tomorrow to just be a better parent, a better homemaker, a better spouse, a better person, and not a perfect one."
"How do we reinvent ourselves into something better?"
"Maybe today I can do a little bit better."
"Shows that can truly move you on an emotional level and inspire you to be better."
"I hope that I continue to change for the better, I hope I continue to wake up every single day and be the best version of myself that I can possibly be."
"I will look back and I will thank this current me for making that choice because it will free me, it will better me."
"You don't have to be perfect, just better than who you were yesterday."
"If you better your worst... you make everything else better."
"It's the good work, the work that's how you move forward in life, holding the idea of being the best person you can be."
"It's not about being the best today, but it's about getting better today."
"Kill the version of you right now... become someone that's even better."
"Every time you fall off the horse, the aim is not to be who you were, is to be better than who you were."
"We can all chase our dreams and learn more, bring more, be more."
"I'm just trying to do better, and I'm actually doing better."
"I'm really proud of the fact that I've started to make my life better by working out."
"Push yourself, strive to be a better person, try new things, go new places."
"Just keep improving what you're doing and tighten up."
"You can only try to do better than that you did the day before."
"Everybody should have as a base recognition that by the time you've left your parents' house... the job in front of you is to improve, to become better, to increase your quality."
"You just gotta get stronger and fitter than you were yesterday."
"You can improve by just trying to recognize and find things that can make you better."
"Strive to become the best version of yourself."
"If you want to live your best life, you have to stay focused on your goals."