
Self-sufficiency Quotes

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"I don't want to give you a fish; I want to teach you how to fish so I could feed you not just for a day but for a lifetime."
"You have everything you need, and I wish you all the success in the world."
"Very little is needed for the happy life; it's all within yourself."
"Not that I was ever in need, for I've learned how to be content with whatever I have."
"I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings."
"The whole goal of yoga is to quiet down our mind and body to experience that we have everything we need."
"You are 100% fulfillment, we just need to come back to that and realize that and be our own fulfillment."
"People need to understand that they can manufacture their own happiness."
"Everything you guys just said is a resource you lacked...the only thing you actually need is resourcefulness."
"If we want external validation, if we want to find happiness extrinsically, that's outside of ourselves, we're never going to be satisfied."
"Everything that you're looking for is within."
"What we're seeking from others, they cannot provide because it is an inside job."
"Happiness is for everyone. It doesn't depend on the right husband, the right spouse, the right house, the right anything."
"Your happiness does not depend on the little satisfactions the world can provide... You are ever complete."
"A sign of a mature person, emotionally mature, is being able to say, 'Now is the happiest time of my life, here is the happiest place of my life, and happiness is located within myself.'"
"This is what it means to be enough. This is what it means to really find myself and be single and whole on my own."
"A sense of fairness is key to leading a happy life... it's okay so long as... it isn't harming our ability to provide for ourselves."
"You don't need another person necessarily to fulfill your purpose on this earth."
"You complete me? No, you don't. I'm completely complete. Superimposition of two complete spheres."
"I'm absolutely convinced the world is a better place if we get more entrepreneurs around the world that are self-sustaining."
"The world is a better place if we get more entrepreneurs around the world that are self-sustaining, who know how to make their money on their own and create jobs for other people."
"A perfect mind doesn't need constant affirmation; it just is itself."
"Stop looking for happiness outside of yourself."
"Carriers are often referred to as floating cities at sea, which are essential for power projection, air superiority, and maritime security."
"Art joins a very rare class of things which exist entirely for themselves, which have their ground, end, origin, raison d'être entirely in themselves."
"We often speak in America about self-sufficiency, but it's an illusion of sorts."
"When you fulfill your own gaps through being aware... you become your own source of positive emotions."
"If you work on your own car, then you can drive any car you want."
"Our goal here is to have a thriving self-sufficient city."
"Persevere and you will succeed; you have everything you need to be protected and happy."
"You have all the tools that you need at your disposal."
"Raven Rock is basically this large city inside of a hollowed-out mountain with its own police and fire departments, medical facilities, and a dining hall."
"It's reminded me why my self-reliance started and where I started into my journey to become more self-sufficient."
"We have to ensure that we can continue to remain economically viable, bringing our supply chains home, making sure that we produce what we need."
"You have everything that you need already. You've got the key, you've got the answer already; it's within you."
"You want to make sure that you're the source of your own happiness."
"Well-being is found in an inexhaustible source that you already are."
"You are the source of all things. What could you possibly experience outside of yourself?"
"I'm cocky about self-sufficiency, owning my masters, producing, mixing, everything."
"I was good before you got here. So if this works out, good. If it doesn't, I'm good."
"Imagine having that moment and realizing it's not coming from any person, any object, anything... it's not coming from anything outside of you."
"My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end."
"Success to me as a single woman is being able to give myself the life I would want if I was married."
"By knowing that we have all things inside of us...we can manage that."
"When you're whole, there's no need, there's no lack, there's no separation."
"Train yourself to be happy all by yourself, just sitting doing nothing."
"You got to have your own thing going on; you need to be comfortable being alone."
"I'd rather you be alone and single and whole than to be in a situation where you never feel like you can be all that you want to be just because you want the companionship."
"It's better to develop the skill to acquire something than it is to have the thing."
"We're going to have our own food production now, which is awesome."
"External validation is something everyone needs... but ideally you want to reach a sort of equilibrium."
"It's such a good place to be when you feel like you have enough."
"Every day is Independence Day to us because we want to be independent: Independent media, independent politics, independent mind, independent community."
"You want to live off the land, have some livestock, feed your family with the livestock on your own backyard, right?"
"Prepping to be more self-sufficient leads to an easier life with less stress and less struggle."
"The goal is not self-sufficiency solely for self-sufficiency's sake; it's because systems that are self-sufficient tend to be safer."
"When you're looking at compost self-sufficiency, it's actually a good idea to look at the different types of compost."
"Imagine growing all your vegetables in an area no bigger than the average garden, enough to supply a couple of pounds or one kilo of fresh produce each and every day of the year."
"That's the ambition of today's gardener, who's on a mission to slash grocery shopping bills in exchange for delicious garden-grown goodness."
"The world is a little bit up and down at the moment, people are feeling a little bit insecure, and this can give you a bit of security having some food in your own backyard."
"If you're interested and you haven't seen that second channel yet, go to Self-Sufficient Me Too because the links in the description below to that channel, but have a look at that and you'll see what I mean."
"For a hungry person, you can give them fish, but if you really want to help them, teach them fishing."
"Feeling whole and complete by yourself is basically eternal peace, stability, fairness, and justice."
"There's a lot of freedom from the push of fear in having food growing at your home."
"Making the choice to do what you can where you are is carving out little places that that lack is not going to touch, and it's giving freedom from fear and it's giving options."
"You can create anything that you want when you stop seeking it in other people and you just become it."
"Learning to find happiness within, rather than from external validation, was a key lesson for me."
"You don't, if you have eight kids, it's not like you're taking care of eight kids. The kids start to form their own society and take care of each other."
"Do not rely on your government to save you if you're in trouble."
"When you grow your skills base, you become more self-sufficient... the small problems of the world are far less impactful."
"If you want to go fight the globalist agenda, have ten kids on a farm, homeschool them, make them strong, and then give them training lessons."
"Economic independence and self-sufficiency for black people is essential."
"One of the best ways to not be needy is to have a life that doesn't need anybody else in to make it fulfilled."
"The purpose of being frugal, it's about being able to help other people and to become self-sufficient and self-reliant."
"Throughout this process, it's been very valuable for you. You've learned to take care of yourself, to be self-sufficient, to find that peace within yourself."
"The real essence of you does not need anything. All needs are external, imposed, they're not yours."
"When a woman can take care of herself, you know that. When a woman don't need you, you know that."
"She's comfortable being alone. In fact, she prefers it. She craves her space and her freedom."
"You can't get all of it [validation] externally; you can't also get it all internally; you have to have that balance."
"Use your space wisely; you don't need a massive garden to start learning and pushing ourselves to grow food."
"A group of benevolent politicians, philosophers, farmers, and urban planners have come together to solve all the ills associated with cities by making them 100% self-sufficient and sustainable."
"Every individual who becomes happy must make himself happy; there is no possible way of other people making anyone really happy."
"There's a dignity to solitude if you can pull it off."
"Black people will have a type of sovereignty where we can take a Black child and have that child educated by Black people, employed by Black people, and empowered by Black people."
"You have everything it takes to handle the present situation."
"I don't believe in no man fishing for me. I want to learn how to fish myself."
"The best service is not needing service in the first place."
"Harvest raw materials, hunt, fish, and farm to survive."
"Every country is now starting to look: Can we source all of what we need in the country where we produce?"
"This is a build that is very solo self-found viable."
"Homesteading is where you're doing a lot of activities to provide food and various provisions for your family."
"Every individual is responsible for themselves and their circle."
"So there we go, I think that's just the perfect installation for a campervan if you want to be off-grid."
"Self-sufficiency is so important to me right now. It is the most important thing because at the end of the day, you can't rely on people, you can't rely on jobs, you can't rely on the government."
"Learning how to be alone and happy... that you don't need other people in order to generate happiness in your life."
"If more people grew their own food and prepared their own food, they'd have much healthier diets."
"You are so complete because you are absolutely infinite. You have everything. You need nothing more."
"A sigma female is independent. She is perfectly fine with doing things on her own and doesn't get easily influenced."
"Know that all that you need is within you and with faith, trust, and self-belief, you are able to manifest all that you require in order to find success."
"Teach a man how to fish is better than to give them a fish. I think you can give them both, you can give education, and you can but... ability, the capacity to be productive."
"When your cup is already full, guess what? You're good. You don't need other people's liquids."
"You are the most powerful being; you don't got to go summon anything."
"A man's going to want someone that is naturally happy, naturally enjoys their own company."
"No person, no thing, no experience can take it away from you; now you're empowered."
"When we talk about stoicism, when we talk about being happy in your own skin, when we talk about 'I'm okay with myself', you're in control of your life, you're in control of your own happiness."
"Men like when women are on their [stuff] and can take care of themselves."
"It takes an army to actually put someone together, but it takes an Iman to put Tamisha together."
"I'm ready to move to a farm and get a cow and a couple of chickens."
"I'm enough for me. I have exactly what I need to be happy, to be successful."
"You are independent, you take care of yourself."
"Your single life needs to be so fulfilling that entering a relationship is only an addition, not a completion."
"Becoming independent from things you typically rely on, like food and energy, is part of taking control of your life."
"Take this time to be free and if you meet someone, you meet someone; if you don't, you don't need someone. It's honestly a win either way."
"You will feel super empowered and super proud of yourself if you can up your own broth and have that on your pantry shelf."
"Grow food as if your life depends on it, because one day it just might."
"Relationships should be a two-man job where you both add happiness to each other's lives while being happy within the self."
"If I don't grow it, I don't know it. If I don't grow it, I don't control the availability. If I don't grow it, I don't control the price. And if I don't grow it, I don't control the quality of the produce."
"Don't trick yourself into thinking that you need someone to make you happy."
"You are the source. I want you to remember that everything that you ever wanted is within you and you are the source of all."
"You are the source of your prosperity. It's not coming from somewhere else, it is within you."
"I'm happy that you're here, but without you, I'd still be happy."
"You heal your heart by being everything that you needed from someone else for yourself."
"Someone who is self-sufficient no matter what's going on, you're self-sufficient but also you set healthy boundaries. You've got strong self-esteem."
"If you want to power your own electricals with 100% renewable energy, the only way to do it is just cut out the grid and actually make your own energy at home."
"Every individual should graduate with a skill that you can support yourself with."
"True happiness comes from within. It's about building your own happiness with the simple things of everyday life and being true to who you really are."
"I cannot recommend enough the enjoyment of fixing something yourself."
"We don't need their big Banks, we don't need any of that. We can do it all ourselves. We're the ones we've been waiting for."
"You have the power, the intelligence, you have everything that you need to be able to make a decision for yourself."
"After all those long ocean passages and remote atolls and islands, we knew we wanted something with a bit more speed and definitely more off-grid capabilities."
"The mind needs you for its existence and for being lit up by consciousness; you don't need the mind at all."
"I am complete, whole, and filled with love. I have everything I need."
"Wouldn't you rather just be next to that farm and then you're growing your own food?"
"I do plan to grow some of my own vegetables this year."
"Get you a man that can cook. Yeah, me. I'm the man that can cook."
"I'm doing a project where for one year, I'm growing and foraging 100% of my food."
"Get out, take care of yourself, get some goats, get some chickens."
"Nothing can give you happiness outside of yourself. You don't need that thing to be happy."
"josh does not complete me. I complete myself."
"The Magician reminds you that you have all the tools and skills you need to make this happen now."
"Yeah, so it had nothing to do with the lighthouse. I'm glad I could fix that for you so you didn't get lost at sea."
"You are able to stand on your own and maybe it took you a little while, but you have that now."
"You are enough. You have everything you need."
"Could we make adequate preparations like having enough food and storage, enough firewood and propane to keep us warm, unlimited purified water to drink, and a reliable source of electricity?"
"God's original intention for women was not for women to feel like the only way that I can be a full woman is if someone comes into my life and completes me."
"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime."
"The victory seed dot-org is my effort to encourage people to start growing their own food."
"Growing up, my mother did teach me to be a wife, but she also taught me to have an education, be able to take care of yourself."
"It's like that one saying, you can teach a man to fish... wait, no, you can take a man fishing and he eats for a day, or you can teach a man to fish and he eats for life."
"Virtue is the only good; virtue needs nothing else."
"Every single one of you, whether you're in an apartment or you're in a small plot of land on a house, have the ability to contribute in some sort of way to your food supply."
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. You teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime."
"I taught my sons hard work. Don't worry about what I have, it's about what you can do for yourself."
"We believe in the power of people to solve their own problems."
"If you're hungry, I can give you a fish, or I can teach you how to fish."
"We've been taught wrong. The first thing that we should be able to go look for and look for first is the land because when I find the land then I can build my house."
"You got to grow some of your own food; that's going to be the only way we fix any of this."
"I have been wondering if it is possible to create a totally self-sufficient city."
"This isn't about being a sustainable city; it's about being a self-sufficient city if you catch my drift."
"We are a nation that takes pride in self-sufficiency; we take pride in our ability to fix problems and service our own personal property."
"I don't need you bringing anything to the table. I'm confident enough that I'm gonna put enough food on the table for everybody to eat."
"Some of you actually, you would provide your own happiness. You don't need anybody to do it."
"If you solely rely on somebody else to pay your bill, eventually the ability to pay your own bill goes away."
"Personally, I have made the decision to own less clothing, but spend more money on quality, and more time on making things myself."
"Imagine a black neighborhood with its own transportation systems, its own grocery stores, cafes, hotels, barbershops, banks, doctors' offices, newspapers, and schools. A black economy so rich that the dollar circulated 36 times within the community before leaving it."
"I'm not looking for my other half; I'm a complete person."
"Everybody should take care of their own business and their family."
"Being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you're lonely."
"I firmly believe in teaching you how to fish rather than give you a fish. If I can teach you how to fish, you can fish for life."
"He is almost totally self-sufficient, and he's one of those guys that could survive no matter what."
"If you're searching for a relationship and you feel like you need it for fulfillment, the last thing you need is a relationship."
"You're already whole. You don't need someone else to complete you."
"Removing barriers and obstacles for people who want and can work, to be able to provide for themselves and their families."
"Learn how to grow food, maybe learn how to treat water, and get to know your neighbors."
"Indeed, commerce seemed to be the main method for Dwarves to feed themselves, and thus be able to devote the majority of their time to their mining and craftsmanship."
"You get to the point where you don't need external validation about anything."
"Give a man a fish, feed them for a day; teach someone to fish, feed them for a lifetime."
"Instead of looking for someone to complete you, complete yourself."
"Nine of Pentacles, very independent energy, so either they're very independent, or you're both very independent."
"If you're in my life, it's because I want you in there, and you're making my life generally better. But as a need? I don't need you."
"Nothing quite makes you feel grown up like being able to prepare a nice meal for yourself and your loved ones."
"With Mjolnir, the power source would reside in the suit itself, a major breakthrough."
"Everything is belonging to the family. They have their own cows, their own chickens... I mean, it's farm to table. That's wild."
"We need to get to the point where we can be self-sustaining with our own versions of products that work."
"Skill stacking... the more things you know how to do, the better able you are to survive and thrive in hard times."
"The argument is, well, we don't want to give people free lunches. Of course, the job guarantee is not about giving people free lunches; it's about enabling people to pay for their own lunches."
"If we're going to have a real economy again, if we want to be self-sufficient and be able to produce the things that we consume and not have these huge trade deficits, we need to save money."
"You can't find happiness outside of yourself."
"Create your own world and live in your own world, and don't buy it. Like everything that they're selling you is so that they can make money off of you as puppets."
"Give a man a fish, eat for a day; teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."
"There is an unconditional power that makes you not need anything or need very little that inner peace exists it's no longer a mystical experience it is but it's not far away."
"For us, being off-grid is all about Freedom. It's all about having that power when I want it, when I need it."
"In HEX, who gives you your HEX? You give you your HEX. Does anyone else give you your HEX? Nope, you're the only person in the entire world to mint your HEX."
"Happy holidays! May they be merry and bright, celebrated in good company. And if you're on your own, you will always be your own best company."
"Being self-sufficient doesn't mean detaching yourself from receiving... it means embracing all the joy of sharing love and receiving love."
"There's something quite powerful and independent about going, 'I've had enough.'"
"Yeah, I've never said 'Buy my nail polish to help me put food on the table.' Like that's bullshit."
"Never give anybody the opportunity to feed you because you also give them the opportunity to starve you."
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself."