
Selection Quotes

There are 2356 quotes

"If consciousness is so deeply structured into reality that it selected us, then it's real."
"Surround yourself with people that bring out the calmness, not the madness."
"Well gents, we made it to the end of another December list, and quite a few did not make the cut this year."
"It took me like forever to whittle it down to 50, and believe me, it was hard."
"Maybe keeping it this trim has resulted in a batch of songs that you know I'm really like picking the most slappiness slappers."
"Everything in there is really it's quite curated already."
"God doesn't pick who you would expect. He picks the broken, the weak to shame the strong."
"I thought it was a miracle because I didn't think I was going to be selected."
"I'm looking for an orange one right? Yeah, no, it's this one for sure."
"After sending the RFQ, if you never receive a reply, fire them."
"You need game to be the selector, not the selected."
"Friends should be like books, few but hand-selected."
"Fine-tuning the selection process for precision."
"I want to show nine, so basically what should be selected automatically... Notice this is nine, what should be selected is b is 15."
"You don't need every man, you just need one."
"In the end, you want people with good values."
"Well, everybody, it's the time of the night where we discuss and pick which film of three terrible films that we watched as best of the worst."
"The musical notes in it were wonderful, they had great music selection that really fed into the emotion of it all."
"Lots of good selections out here, Legacy did not make this easy on me."
"We shouldn't narrow it down to just two people, we should go for the right manager."
"Choose a better partner right from the get-go."
"You are here to make change and that's why they chose you."
"If you can feel free to pick someone off this list and donate."
"This guy is definitely my favorite one so far."
"All in one place at Audible, you can find the largest selection of audiobooks from bestsellers, new releases to celebrity memoirs and more."
"Just take the guys that are rare, figure it out."
"I think he's got to go for the same reason he wouldn't be in my euro 2020 squad."
"It's kind of like picking and pulling the things that I love the most about each."
"Your standards are there to filter out what does not belong or stuff that you don't want in your life."
"Determine your company; do not make friends, choose friends."
"I see all at once, I really like the middle one."
"If within that 72-hour period the winner does not respond... I will pick another winner."
"I couldn't believe they weren't picking him up."
"I'd rather do a little bit of research for my winners."
"The one that I would select for other people really just depends on what type of music you listen to."
"This season went on a safari through Ranger History and picked out the best elements."
"The Minnesota Vikings select Adrian Peterson running back Oklahoma."
"That's kind of like my dope, that's a good first pick."
"Selection matters...you need both...tools and tactics...and a willingness to pursue growth."
"Now it's up to myself and the other coaches to have a conversation so that we can see who's gonna be the person that's going to embody everything that we're looking for and give us this over-the-top performance."
"You want people in the room that are in there to create something beautiful with you and if they're there to be like you're kind of what my sense is I don't know him."
"I really hope that one works. In fact, let's put that one to one side and now see if we can play anything on a couple of these I've picked out from the batch we've looked at so far."
"You want to actually be picking the right companies."
"Host selection is probably the most important part to the networking code."
"Cole Bennett was just choosing all the right records from when you started to even now."
"We're gonna poke it, probably when we get home. Private selections, let's go."
"Women are hypergamous, biologically wired to select sexual partners who are as competent or more competent than they are."
"Having more than one amazing candidate is not a problem."
"I'm going to be the last pick guys. I'm going with The Orange Box."
"She should have the pick of the litter. She's earned it absolutely."
"It's like it's only the best stuff makes it to the song."
"This is just some kind of science experiment that will allow people to find the perfect members for their ideal Society."
"My three picks for $100,000 cars would be three really really special cars and not just to me but in automotive history."
"The key is finding something that you enjoy."
"Cassie was chosen by Kat because of her bravery."
"If there's nothing that's gonna stop you two from coming together, just speak out and be honest and you will be chosen."
"I've surrounded myself with some incredible people, and I've definitely chosen carefully who I'm friends with."
"We decided to pick Ryan because the whole time you've been so outgoing and very comedic and marina just loves to laugh so much and I know I can make her laugh."
"Screen out the wrong ones and let the right ones in."
"When it comes to investing, it's really important to leave your emotions at the door."
"Life is like an audition to see who would live amongst him through eternity and who will not."
"Is there one player that you think so what are we going to talk about well we have to pick one of them you're very kind."
"2038 NFL draft picking at number 16 overall, Carlos Shivers gives QB shivers"
"They didn't just choose their victims randomly."
"I want to give it a pick, it's really different."
"Michael has consistently managed to pick the right people to contribute to his project."
"The Jacksonville Jaguars select Trevor Lawrence, quarterback Clemson."
"The Atlanta Falcons select Kyle Pitts, tight end Florida."
"The Detroit Lions select Penei Sewell, tackle Oregon."
"Somebody was already chosen to be because they're strong enough."
"Who's the guy that you thought was so boring of a guest that you would not post them?"
"It is a wake up call and many are called and few are going to be chosen."
"I will typically do now, is we're going to pick what we think are the best of the best, pit them against each other in the true test of the prime animal on earth."
"You are the children whom God chose to be part of His battalion during this great climax."
"George Lucas gave Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson 10 minutes to choose lightsabers."
"My method was you can't pick me, you can't pick me. I would have to pick you."
"It's like you're changing someone's life by choosing them."
"I'd probably start Aubameyang over Grealish and Murphy. I find him the least offensive of the three."
"This is dad's taco so we can only go with the most select pieces of meat."
"It's about good stories... the best stories should have been chosen, but they weren't."
"Some of you are going to get selected for something."
"You are chosen to lead the way... they chose you."
"Ultimately, your CV and experience can put you in the picture for selection, but the final choice is more about whether you're right for the job."
"I'm not acknowledging anybody who's being considered, but I'd guarantee you there are multiple black women being considered."
"I'm feeling more like Noah, you know. We can't save everybody."
"Let's go for two hidden gems, two kids' picks, and sixteen other games."
"This one is my favorite and this is the one that I would choose to use."
"You need to decide exactly who you want to come into your life."
"Some people will be the right fit, some people will not be the right fit."
"What the wait does is weed out the riff-raffs."
"Skyler Matthews hidden Dev 85 speed 87 acceleration I think that's the move."
"Let spirit guide you in your selection."
"They chose very carefully what to keep in and what not to, and it flows pretty well."
"The Hells Angels don't have to actively recruit members. They want people that bring them value."
"Thumbs up for having a show most people wouldn't have on their list."
"The selection here is absolutely wild."
"Traditionally, they have always chosen an emperor from among these three families."
"I'm glad he chose me. I'm glad I'm here."
"There should be more psychological assessments, a deeper look into their backgrounds, and a better way of selecting candidates."
"Allah created the creation and from the entirety of the creation, He selected, honored, preferred, and chose insan."
"From amidst the children of Adam, Allah exalted, honored, preferred, and chose the Prophets."
"From the galaxy of these best sons of Adam, Allah chose the Messengers whom were given a specific Revelation."
"This one sparks joy... This one does not spark joy."
"You're exactly what we're looking for."
"What's so amazing about this is I can just be so quick and easy with this selection."
"That's kind of cool, put that aside."
"You want the best leader you could find."
"For many are called, but few are chosen."
"Pick your circle wisely, choose your circle wisely."
"This one has to be my favorite one."
"Evolution is a process in which there's almost infinite variation and then a culling."
"We are looking at the revenue column, we are selecting all the rows."
"That's what I want to see when I'm picking out ribs—you can find some gems in there, I promise you."
"I really want to pick up those three bottles: Cape Heartache, Yesterday Haze, and St. Julep"
"So the challenge today will be to choose what not to get, that's going to be the hard part because really every single thing is magnificent."
"I'm picking the right size, I'm picking the right shape based on my work."
"Evolution requires three things: genetic heterogeneity, time, and selection pressure."
"All that matters is that you've got the right person for the job."
"What is your mission? To collect the elite and the weak."
"If you feel a resistance to any pile, definitely add that one in to whatever you're thinking of selecting."
"They get the creme de la creme and they compete and they compete."
"One thing I really like about Uniqlo is that you can rely on them to have a really good selection of colors."
"You're getting ready to be chosen."
"Only take what is going to resonate with you."
"Choosing the right suppressor is all about matching the silencer to your firearm and the types of shooting that you're doing."
"So with all that, which one is right for you?"
"A P90, not a PS90, that's an interesting choice because it's the best choice."
"I love it, and we can actually just select them."
"Only put your best stuff in the box."
"Consider looking at the tags when you go to pick out your plants."
"We are just selecting a state that already exists."
"The Tanner lectures are selected by the president in consultation with the director and executive committee of the Whitney Humanities Center."
"There's only one person fit for the job."
"There's not always a huge difference between the 10th pick and the 30th pick."
"This candidate really stood out from all the other applicants."
"The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter."
"There is an unbelievable amount of variety here. Honestly, there must be hundreds of items."
"There would be nothing but the best of the best on this channel."
"Pairing it back down to the stuff that actually fits that you do choose, it actually does reveal then if you actually have any gaps in your wardrobe."
"Which one are you actually going to try?"
"That's one of the reasons she's on this World Cup roster."
"Composition is key. You choose what you want to include and what you don't want to include in the picture."
"If you want to know what Paul said because he's important to you then you get as many letters of his as you can."
"With so many part choices out there, it can be tricky to know which ones to pick."
"The minifigure selection is perfect."
"Corpora are a principled collection of texts chosen to reflect the community being studied."
"Choose the right needle for the right job."
"Reading, reading, reading that you select, that you think is interesting."
"He thought they were going to choose Vegeta, but then Zenny intervened and picked him instead."
"Jessica Cruz of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear. You have been chosen. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."
"...single session therapy is the therapeutic version of speed dating where you very quickly find out who you're not interested in."
"There was only one Casio that made it to the final 16 bracket - the Cassie Oak."
"The group as a whole is a family, and so we will choose in the family with the best."
"I'm going to get rid of only one of these, and I'll start by getting rid of the LTI London ready set go."
"That was a very nice pick for the draft."
"Everything you need to pick the perfect gaming monitor for you."
"Well, I reckon you should shortlist the comic."
"Those would be the top four brands and how I would start within those top four brands. Notice I did not mention shoes in any one of these."
"Only the best animal should be kept for breeding."
"No gimmicks, no wheels, no Plinketto boards, just three good old-fashioned high quality films pre-selected ahead of time. Oh, how refreshing."
"This is quite possibly the best value that has been selected in the draft."
"Big fan of that pick for the Giants."
"There can only be one queen bee, and in some strange fascinating way, the people choose who it is."
"The variety that they have is unreal."
"Better late than never. That is a massive, massive selection."
"The selection that's really where they fall short is in variety."
"To get started, you take a quiz at Box of Awesome.com. Your answers will help them pick the right box for you."
"You can use Streamlit to create a select box for picking a cuisine."
"Pick the right concept that has demand. Pick something that people are wanting."
"Okay, so avoid the bad apples in this stash."
"Casting is like putting together the perfect dinner party."
"I picked this one 'cause it brings the drama."
"Take cost out of the window, take everything out of the window, it's just the amount of marketplace with 240Zs to choose from is less and less and less."
"The pen tool is perfect for making custom and refined selections around an edge, especially when you need to be specific."
"God chose them because of their submission to him."
"It makes all the text selectable, and then you can simply save it or send it wherever you need to."
"There's an amazing selection here today."
"So many options for customization."
"I tried to start with highly spotted really attractive ones."
"This one might make its way into my suitcase as well... just so I have some options."
"I feel like they're all bangers that everybody on the Patreon are really cool and they pick really good options."
"Of all the items here, what I'm definitely going to go for would be this one."
"They've got a great selection when it comes to that."
"You got to find the smart people, and I think that's what it comes down to. There's a selection of people right now who are smart."
"Sometimes I just want a piano sound, and look at this list of piano sounds."
"Always do an investigation, the best way to look at antiviruses and identifying which antivirus suits you is to investigate that antivirus."
"It's a good kind of weird because every person that's been in the military ever, if you had to go off to war, everybody's picking the 30-year-old men 100% of the time."
"The next most important selection tool that we're going to have is the method called select."
"Choosing the right speaker can be tough."
"Filtering is selecting data that match a certain condition."
"One point that I want to get across with this video is that we as backyard gardeners should spend time choosing our varieties."
"We've all gone through a medical scan. That means the Android must have chosen someone after he or she passed the scan."
"I'm probably gonna skip a majority of these bad boys."
"Find the one that resonates with you and pick it out because it's worth it."
"The right co-founder for your company might be at Stanford but might not be a GSB student."
"I picked books that I genuinely really loved and had a great time reading, and that I would reread. That's where I ended up with this list."
"When your best team in the country is producing the best players, do you think the manager will play the best players?"
"I think all of the goalkeepers on here are good options."
"Let's just take the best 12, the best two, the best four. Like, there's a self-assuredness there."
"When you have a year like that, it's hard to choose just one Best Picture, but that's what they're going to have to do this year."