
Seriousness Quotes

There are 5169 quotes

"Psychological illnesses are obviously very serious, but these conditions are also very treatable."
"Sometimes, something is so serious...you start to laugh because if you took it any more seriously, it would be tragic."
"Life is like a game, but you have to play it seriously. It has no point, but you play it seriously nonetheless."
"You have to be really serious about what you want in life."
"These are serious issues, every one of the words I say on this issue is weighed, thought through, and measured."
"I have the power to manipulate time, and I demand to be taken seriously."
"If you're a person who's going through life and you're dead serious all the time... you're actually not happy on the inside because you feel like your authentic self isn't allowed to flourish."
"Excess in seriousness is a sure sign of a miserable person."
"This is not a game for us. This is not about YouTube content; this is our life which is in danger."
"This is her baby. She's very serious about the product."
"It's essential for you to make this a priority and to take this seriously."
"Trading to me is a business. To many of you, you just don't take it seriously enough, and in that way, you're not going to make serious money."
"None of this should be done lightly; it should be done within an ethical framework."
"The loneliness crisis is genuinely taken very seriously."
"This is Earthsea genuinely trying to be serious... This is Earthsea genuinely trying to be dramatic."
"You need to start thinking seriously about your career choices."
"There's nothing worse than the regret of getting serious too late."
"You don't have to let go of your inner playfulness...even though you're adding more seriousness to your life and more strategic thinking, it doesn't mean you have to lose the parts of yourself that fill you up with joy."
"Gender, however, is a fundamental part of one's self-identity. It isn't a game."
"It's just for fun, and in general, I think we need to take that aspect of fandom culture a little less seriously."
"I take the meaning crisis very seriously... I don't think everything's just going to go back to the way it was."
"This is not silly, this is not goofy, this is serious."
"Do you think you're really grasping the seriousness of infinity?"
"This is not a computer game that we're playing. This is real life, affecting real people."
"Life is a totally pointless game and yet it must be played with dead seriousness."
"Another one is not taking things too fucking seriously. Taking things way too seriously, like someone hears like 'Well, wait a minute. I don't know about this joke, it's not very appropriate.'"
"If I become the world champion, I will definitely take that really seriously."
"They weren't saying, 'Oh, he's just a 16-year-old teenager, maybe he's just emotional.' They were taking everything he was saying so very seriously."
"Every one of those kids memorized their joke. They took it seriously."
"I mean, why not? It was a serious relationship, we were really in love with each other."
"Any class can be played for comedy, and likewise, any class can be played with gravity."
"It's a science book and I kind of want to apologize for that and not apologize for it because I want people to take these treatments seriously and I want to give people hope and empower them."
"The fundamentally we should we take sex seriously or have historically taken sex seriously because there's the potential of creating another human."
"Let food be thy medicine and let's take it seriously."
"Life is short. I'm going to die, and what that means is you can't take any of this seriously."
"Take our perceptions seriously, but that does not entail we have to take it literally."
"Your purpose is serious, your life is serious, your wants, your desires, your hearts, your goals, your needs are serious."
"This isn't a game. Sobriety for a lot of people is very cherished."
"Sexual harassment is not funny; it's serious and has to be taken seriously."
"In today's video, things are going to get a little bit serious. We are going to be taking the journey of life from birth to death."
"This coronavirus thing, this ain't no joke. I hope you're taking it seriously now."
"When a serious character gets serious, it can sometimes feel par for the course and detract from the overall intended impact, but when a goofy character gets serious, it can carry so much more gravity."
"The decision to transition is most likely the biggest decision you'll ever make on this Earth. There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving that decision the gravity that it demands."
"If something can manifest so physically that you're having a seizure, then you probably need to take this more seriously."
"I think this hearing is going to show the American people that their government takes this topic seriously."
"The world needs to know that this is not a joke."
"It just goes to show how serious this is and why this is such an important issue for our pilots and for our nation."
"The next ten years are probably safe, but at some point, it gets really serious."
"This ain't no game, there, this is real life here."
"Hair loss always needs to be taken seriously."
"Jake Paul, you say you want to be a world champion, you say you want to take this sport seriously, then take it seriously. This is not a popularity contest."
"It's not funny. It's a tragedy. It's a terrible tragedy."
"That's why it's really important, this is really serious, make sure you're nice to everyone."
"Beneath this goofy and flashy outfit is a pretty serious guy."
"If someone still thought it wasn't serious, it is time to wake up."
"You can't take things too seriously, most people do, and unfortunately, that's why a lot of problems materialize in the world."
"The charges are a serious and rare accusation against a senior FBI official."
"Death is a reality, and we don't want to take this life as a joke because it's not a joke."
"Adding to or taking away from the Word of God is a very serious thing spoken about in Scripture."
"What's the one thing we're not talking about but we really should be? Having fun. We've made it all so serious."
"Governments have been taking them seriously all along."
"The point is this: the fact that women are making this reference at all should tell you how serious they are and how seriously we all should take this."
"It is important that people take this threat seriously."
"Left untreated, common minor issues with teeth can result in infection, abscess, or it can lead to fevers or even death."
"Trauma is not tea, trauma is not entertainment."
"If you don't take it serious, you're never going to succeed."
"Don't take life so seriously. It's some of it's a joke."
"It goes through air, Bob. This is deadly stuff."
"People make up their minds for themselves about what to take seriously. The question is what we should take seriously."
"Even the most serious pursuits... is a form of play. It's the highest form of play."
"It's not the end of days, but I do think it's serious."
"We need to be really serious about the stakes of what's happening here."
"This is a hospital, people. Serious work happens here."
"If you're a juror... and you're not feeling uncertain at some points, then you're not taking it seriously enough."
"That is a serious allegation, particularly in Qatar."
"It is a very good thing that Americans are taking coronavirus seriously."
"Mental health isn't really taken that seriously in our culture."
"Suicide prevention, it's not [ __ ]. No, stop, stuff is serious."
"It has the potential to unleash the most serious conflict seen in Europe since the Second World War."
"Don't mess with a Summoner – they mean serious business."
"Seditious conspiracy is a very serious charge."
"You have to invest in your education if you want to take it seriously."
"You gotta put some money down... to let the seller know that hey you're serious about it."
"Comedy is a double-edged sword that can both unite and divide us, and it's more important than ever to take it seriously."
"Making what I believe to be a mockery of these types of serious investigations."
"Finding that balance between living life in a playful way and in a more serious way."
"As Christians, we proclaim a message that has eternal consequences and we need to proclaim this message with utmost seriousness in its fullness, without compromise."
"Legitimately loved this story, it did not take itself very seriously until the end."
"This ain't Chatty Patty time. We got some grown man business to handle."
"This case is equally as serious if not just as serious as his other cases... it's just absolutely treasonous."
"Vladimir Putin is a very, very serious man uh he doesn't play parlor games he doesn't engage in Game of Thrones fantasy he is the decisive leader of a world power that has nuclear weapons."
"It's not a game... It's not a game. And there will be a time to pay for your choices."
"This is still a felony. This is a really serious case."
"I think we're going to see more arguments like his that are treating this trial very seriously."
"Especially when you know you could die, you know, it's serious."
"Trt is a big fucking deal it's not something you just do."
"Don't take it too serious and make sure it stays fun for you."
"When we're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars worth of alleged scams like this is serious it's not internet drama it's dangerous."
"That's sort of the whole deal here that they tried to take this seriously in that sense with maximum safety as always."
"It's important that everybody take a deep breath here this is a very serious matter and it would be better if we could let the legal process play out."
"These people are serious; guess what? They vote."
"This is very serious... she's having chemotherapy this is very serious."
"The word is now exactly what it should be, which is a mental illness. It is real, you are anorexic, and you do need to be taken seriously."
"Resistance to the enemy is a sign of taking God seriously."
"You can't have a serious debate with very unserious people." - Analysis on GOP tactics
"If it's about black lives matter, it's not a joke."
"This is serious, not only to me but to my fellow service members and Veterans."
"This isn't a game, Lieutenant. Actually, it is."
"It's so funny whenever I say this, people are like, 'Well if Obama tweeted this, you'd take it seriously.' Correct, because Barack Obama was a serious human being."
"This is your new world, your new real estate."
"Are we playing a game? This [ __ ] does not feel like a [ __ ] game anymore."
"It's such a serious event with such serious consequences."
"You're a prince, not a jester. I am being serious."
"I like to think of it as just friendly banter, you know? Or not, when I'm competing against people, you know? So, I think some people take it more seriously than others."
"It's more reverent I think than it could have been... it takes most of the themes quite seriously."
"Rape is not a joke. It's not. It should not be a form of social punishment, especially not one condoned by anyone. It's a very serious matter and I wish it on anyone is depraved."
"The three-piece suit is the traditional means of conveying seriousness in western culture."
"Zelensky has this new mode of seriousness where he's basically a celebrity."
"You gotta get emergency food... actually take it seriously."
"Just remind yourself that it's not that serious."
"That's what inspires me, is like seeing the YouTuber sphere actually taking itself serious enough."
"I think it's really hard to get anything truly big and serious done if you take yourself too seriously."
"You don't have to take yourself seriously, but always take others seriously."
"If we can't talk to each other and share the most important things, then I'm sorry, this friendship is not serious."
"He's not doing this for drama. He's seriously afraid."
"It's a national crisis. I don't understand why it's not taken more seriously."
"It's not simple. It's not a game. It is terrifying."
"It's not just numbers, this is the state of our country and it has to be taken seriously."
"It's tough punishment, but it's fair. If you're not taking this seriously, you should see the repercussions."
"General Milley does not play games... they got her out where she was seriously abused accosted and... we got her out and she's okay."
"This is real life, it doesn't have to be this serious."
"I wasn't joking. There was no joke about it. It was very clear that there were things that were said that really was uncomfortable because they were not based on scientific fact."
"And most importantly jokes aside and the funniness aside this is a very very serious issue and I hope you walk away from this video knowing what to watch out for."
"It's about a very serious issue, and I think it comes from a place of care about her sister and her sister's family."
"Hipsters take their music collections very, very seriously."
"We've turned interwebs into a very serious topic of conversation because internet is lame."
"Sketch as loosely and freely as you can, but then take your inking quite seriously. Just chill out a little bit."
"I wish people had taken him more seriously in 2016."
"If you ever have doubts about taking somebody's life, you better think about it long and hard."
"One thing to know about me is that I take the role of recommending people the perfect book for them very very seriously maybe too seriously but this..."
"This is incredibly damning and very very worrisome."
"Apparently no one at her work is taking it [ __ ] seriously and they're all just being a bunch of [ __ ] dip shits."
"We're witnessing something serious happening in the finance sector."
"I love our truth, but I think you should treat your WWE title seriously."
"You can feel through the performances that these characters get the severity of the situation."
"Violating federal law is a really, really big deal."
"Hey, it's about time people are taking this seriously and also wait a minute, what happened?"
"I do not consent to being there, so delete this [ __ ]. I'm being dead [ __ ] serious."
"This is serious and we're talking about people's lives."
"This is war, boys. Man, this is serious [ __ ]."
"The Highlight compilation is going to be serious."
"That's how we gotta be man, we gotta stop playing games."
"This is not a game... there is an enticement to the occult like nothing else."
"The Supreme Court is taking this case seriously and is demanding a serious response from the four defendant states."
"While we're super serious about the news, we also manage to do it in a way that is fun and lighthearted."
"Politics is not a sport for the stupid, obviously it's something we take very seriously."
"Nothing about this is a joke that's what y'all don't understand."
"Exorcisms are taken seriously by the church and aren’t just something undertaken by lunatics suffering from meth psychosis."
"Men's problems should be taken way more seriously."
"The risks of this conflict broadening and escalating should be taken with extreme seriousness."
"This feels quite serious, quite weighty, it feels like it's got long-term potential."
"It really is just we've got so we've again I've been I hope occasionally light and funny and whatever but I'm being deadly serious in this."
"This is no L'Manberg. This is no [__] around. This is something else."
"The more seriously you take the game, the less enjoyable it's probably going to be."
"There's nothing funny about that. There's nothing humorous about that."
"Putin decides to step things up to show how serious he is."
"Releasing old versions of yourself and focusing on this new beginning."
"Take food preparedness very, very seriously."
"This is the real deal. We're not playing with these people."
"This is not a game man, this is life and death."
"Adam West Batman was always like totally serious about his job but he was in on the joke sometimes."
"Life is hard, painful, and heavy, but it is also a game. Do not take it so seriously."
"You need to take them as seriously as they take themselves."
"Sin is serious business with God because it has eternal consequences."
"Voting is serious. It's one of the most serious things that you can do."
"I was just trying to show you the severity of the situation."
"We're dealing with serious stuff here, don't just risk that."
"Swatting is not some messed up prank, it's a serious crime with life-threatening implications."
"It's time we actually take women's safety seriously and not just talk about it when something bad happens."
"It's not a joke. Your livelihood is on the line."
"This is a wartime undertaking. It's not hyperbole."
"Honestly, it it can be taken you should take it quite seriously when you fight one of these on the battlefield."
"People are really getting sick... this is real."
"They thought we were playing out here. No, we dead ass serious."
"Why does it always have to be a shark? That's how you know this [ __ ] is serious."
"Just take COVID seriously, that's the only medical thing that matters. That's the only threat that any of us face. Even Omicron, which is nothing but a cold for almost everybody."
"Let's not take it in jest, let's take this thing seriously."
"I want to take you seriously, I had to think about relationships seriously."
"They're not for America they're wed to something else these guys are connected to Marxism and to those countries that represent Marxism it's serious."
"I want gaming to be taken seriously in eSports."
"This is a virus that can be very serious in individuals and so it's a real threat."
"Death ain't a joke. It don't matter who died or how they died. Death is not a joke."
"I was kind of joking the whole time so this video, I'm gonna be entirely as serious as I possibly can."
"You're a loser if you take a game that seriously."
"My biggest criticisms: games take themselves so seriously these days."
"Hey buddy, are you tired of watching videos about cute animals and heartwarming stories? You need something more serious in your life."
"People need to realize that death is no joke."
"Serious? There's blood coming straight from the top of this big-ass head."
"Take this seriously, we have a problem here."
"All claims of sexual assault should be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated."