
Sorrow Quotes

There are 1311 quotes

"Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy."
"The height of your joy is tied to the depth of your sorrow."
"Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death."
"The enlightened one does not sorrow, does not grieve."
"Sorrow is being written like a disease - a virus infecting the happiness of each story world."
"Ultimately, Ocarina Of Time is a story about transformation and the inevitable sorrow that comes attached with it."
"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."
"It was a horrible night that changed everyone's lives and ended some."
"Repentance isn't just being sorry; repentance means being sorrowful under the conviction of the Holy Spirit to the point that I make a change."
"Life is not worth living and there is no limit to our sorrows if we indulge our fears to the greatest possible extent."
"The depth of my sorrow and grief is counterbalanced with the degree of my joy and beauty."
"Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy."
"I will weep when you are weeping; when you laugh, I'll laugh with you. I will share your joy and sorrow till we've seen this journey through."
"What Jesus said, these are the beginning of sorrows."
"No sorrow, goodbye sorrow. Wouldn't you like to live an eternity with no sorrow?"
"Without joy and laughter to balance out the sorrow, the world can never hope to have a bright future."
"Later, Queen Maeve weeps on the beach where the plane crashed."
"The death of Abu Talib and Khadijah marked the year of sorrow."
"Even in our times of Sorrow, we trust that you will bring joy and restoration to our lives." - Psalm 126:5-6
"Every little raindrop that falls is filled with misery and when it falls and hits the Newlywed couple it gets absorbed into their wedding vows."
"The morning of February 5th Alena received several emails from her brother... 'I'm calling to say goodbye... I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. Goodbye.'"
"The heart bleeds for sin as the heart bears a chief part in sinning, so it must in sorrowing."
"The struggle was fierce, overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."
"There are now more families who know the worst kind of loss and pain imaginable."
"Shared joy as a double joy, shared sorrow is half a sorrow."
"It's a sad day my friends. It is a sad day today."
"His brightest moment is still tinged with sorrow."
"She laughed like you, she's perfect. I'm so sorry you never got to meet her."
"For with much wisdom is much sorrow as knowledge increases grief increases."
"Your joy is sorrow unmasked. And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."
"I dwelt alone in a world of moan, now doubt, now pain, come never again."
"What a shame that these people are stolen from my world with such incredible potential."
"God knows the pain and sorrow of the death of the innocent."
"It's a very sad experience and a very sad day for our country."
"We're not cheering about this; we're not happy that people are dying."
"When we sow in tears, we'll reap with joy."
"I want to weep with you, I want to hear your deepest groans, your deepest sorrows."
"It was extremely emotional, especially when he got down to 'Why did I come into this world of sorrow? Why is this so true? Where is my dagger of sacrifice?'"
"Terrible is the knowledge that only brings misery to those who know it."
"He drank his sorrows away by a riverbank where he spotted a girl attempting to drown herself."
"Together we wept for our friend in the gently falling rain."
"I am sorry about the pain you've all suffered through this."
"A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken."
"Relationships are built around shared griefs."
"The world shines less bright today."
"He wasn't the only one crying tonight. A lot of people in Konoha were. Many were weeping over the loss of their loved ones."
"Crying quietly and heartbrokenly all to herself under the gay big brim of her best hat."
"The Cherokee would eventually call this journey the Trail Where We Cried, or the Trail of Tears."
"Pleasure is to sorrow what bodily repose is to weariness."
"Heart, I am indeed the most wretched of all earthly beings, overwhelmed with grief."
"My heart breaks for these people."
"My prayers go out to these people; it breaks my heart to see this."
"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion."
"The grief she felt in that moment was immense."
"It makes me feel bad when someone I know is brutally murdered."
"Collective grief and that's what a lot of us are going through right now."
"It's very hard, like everyone's been sobbing."
"We went forth weeping and casting our lamentations like seeds."
"Both these guys as they're describing the situation, they're crying, they're, you know, tears are streaming down their face. You could tell that it's killing them inside that someone's no longer alive."
"War only brings sorrow to people."
"It is with the heaviest heart and deepest sadness that I share that my sister Karen passed away yesterday unexpectedly."
"Seeing a version of her sitting there in agony, wishing to go on more adventures before dying, is still kind of gut-wrenching."
"...his name is sorrow and despair, hatred."
"What I was seeing was grief. In the corner of a tank, vocalizing, there's nothing else to call it but screaming, screeching, crying."
"It's one of those wails that goes to your soul, you know what it is, it speaks to something very primary."
"I was refused to see my daughter."
"The tear drops... they stand for being forever in sorrow."
"Yeah, there's heartache here, the three of swords. They're heartbroken because they feel like they can't do what it is that they really want to do."
"I just watched my best friend die."
"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be tomorrow."
"Kennedy's death caused a massive outpouring of grief and sorrow worldwide."
"And Oh, Leif, beloved. but my heart is heavy.so heavy!"
"By sorrow of the heart, the spirit is broken. Your emotional pain can break you spiritually."
"Her death was heartbreaking to her family and friends they were devastated to learn of the incident."
"The sadness and despair in Kafka's eyes were evident."
"It literally breaks my heart just to have to see her like this."
"The Christian's heart is heavy when he hears of the broken homes, the wasted lives, and the shattered hopes and dreams which are the product of evil in the world."
"My fiance and I just found out she had a miscarriage a few days ago."
"People are suffering. It breaks my heart."
"How do you tell a woman her life is done? How do you fill it in reports? How do you make statistics out of it and file it in a ledger? How do you write sorrow as a number? How?"
"...the death of one man hurts a million people 100,000 people 10,000 people..."
"It's been the hardest six months of my life but the paradox between the sorrow that I felt and the joy that I've felt at the same time seeing God at work has been like nothing I've ever known."
"He was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief."
"They love wrecking our hearts with death."
"I haven't seen my daughter since July 13th, her birthday when she turned five. Wow."
"If it breaks God's heart, then it should break ours."
"Every tear you have shed, God will transform into joy."
"Shunsui's enduring smile in the face of sorrow."
"I was thinking that I was trying to think in my mind who would do something like this but it was a fleeting thought because then it was just this dark, sorrowful time."
"Silently mourning his demise, Nebula knelt by her father's head, closing his eyes as a final gesture."
"He wandered in loneliness, weeping a little for the hardness of the world."
"A joy shared is a joy multiplied, and a sorrow shared is a sorrow divided."
"What you have for them is a blessing that comes without sorrow."
"How a father could kill his own son?"
"...and I would have moments where I would I would I would stop crying for a moment and just you're just in disbelief."
"You got nothing in your mind but [__], nothing in your heart but crows."
"It's not that I lost my own child, but someone else's. I would have to explain this to someone and hope they understand."
"All the crowds who observed what had happened began to return, beating their breasts, a sign of repentance and sorrow."
"Christian's death had been strangulation. Heartbreakingly, the medical examiner stated that based on the available evidence, Christian's death had been a slow and agonizing one."
"He was totally hysterical and he kept saying, 'It's my fault, it's my fault, I left him here.'"
"her kids are super heartbroken they loved their mother"
"Godly sorrow produces what Godly sorrow positions us to change our perspective on reality it's what produces actual repentance."
"I felt exhausted, my eyes burned with the salt of so many tears, and my mind was numb."
"We find no joy in another's sorrow."
"Your sorrow is soon coming to an end."
"If you increase knowledge, you increase sorrow."
"What we had here was just a tragedy of epic proportions."
"Everyone has been shocked and saddened by the events."
"Gosh, she missed Sally. The last two years had been hard enough without her longtime friend to share the sorrows and fears of Dad's accident and the multiple surgeries."
"Feeling the pain as innocence dies."
"Ethics 3 proposition 18: 'Joy is sorrow accompanied by the image of something over and done with, which happened contrary to all expectation.'"
"Echoes of my cries, in the silence, they're hushed."
"It's even harder today knowing that this is the day you gave birth and she's not here with you."
"Wan left the castle, leaving Inat in deep sorrow."
"When he isn't around, he leaves an awful hole."
"No parent should have to watch their own child die. That's so [__] up."
"It's just so unfair, you know, like why did this beautiful young person have to do that? Why, just why? What kind of world is this?"
"Seeing Kai's sadness, she leans on song hau's embrace and weeps."
"Our sorrow has been turned into joy, our darkness into light."
"Last chances, lost opportunities. Heavy heart."
"The only blemish on their happiness."
"Do not weep, not all tears are an evil."
"Catelyn Stark - devastated by the Red Wedding."
"A flower from which every bud had been nipped."
"When love meets sorrow or pain it turns into compassion."
"She died alone. That's the worst part."
"The flight into Egypt is a sorrowful sword that would Pierce any mother's heart."
"Their smiles mask secret heartbreak."
"Every time we get a step further in that direction, there's always a great sorrow that I couldn't make that available for my son."
"There is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy."
"There is a hollow space too vast for words through which we pass with each loss."
"Death of Charity Burbage: '...tears were pouring from her eyes into her hair. Snape looked back at her quite impassive...'"
"The entire city was plunged into grief and lamentation."
"Grief is an unkind form of education."
"In much wisdom is much grief, and he that increases knowledge increaseth sorrow."
"I'm sorry. He fought so hard, but the virus, it was too strong."
"Terrible pain finishes, and the terrible sorrow finishes, and great joy is there honor."
"All of the mothers in that village that lost their children died of sadness."
"I feel devastated, I feel upset, tears are willing a bit."
"He offers hope, even in the midst of profound sorrow."
"...I laid there and I wept for over a year straight...I had been spiraling and spiraling hard and fast."
"But then the worst happens, like he starts to see firefighters bringing out Jean-Claude's children."
"Your joy is your sorrow unmasked."
"When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy."
"When you are sorrowful, look again into your heart and you shall see that in truth you're weeping for that which has been your delight."
"You just see how Mama used to cry. I used to see it. You know, they'd be [ __ ] up, heartbroken."
"Rest in peace to the legend, Kashif Celine. He was 56 years old. Man."
"It wasn't a happy emotional like how the anime portrayed, but instead a devastating sorrow since Shadow had actually taken a hit from Elizabeth."
"An immense battle, lamentable and horrible."
"The Deep sorrow that Mary must have had when she's stood at the foot of the cross and saw what was happening to her son."
"I miss you, Alex, every day, every hour. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you,"
"...indifference is a one trait that makes the very Angels weep."
"The weight of the fallen pressed down on him, tempering any celebration."
"Can you picture the scene? Incense burning, banners hung, casket draped, the moans and the weeping blend. Sorrow hangs in the atmosphere."
"8008 but no more, it's so mournful when you sing it now."
"Sad for the next person, the next victim."
"Some said it was from a broken heart."
"Salah cried until his beard became drenched."
"Did you not visit me after every Salah? Did you not cry for me and wail for me?"
"A sorrowful tale of a man's quest to find himself."
"Grief and tears are from joy and appreciation."
"There is something completely wrong about having to view a loved one through glass."
"Indeed the eyes shed tears and the heart feels sorrow, but we do not say that except which is pleasing to Allah."
"The tragedies that have taken place here are absolutely heartbreaking, senseless, and downright perplexing."
"We carry this great depth of brokenness and sorrow and pain within."
"The heart of the sinner is consumed in the sorrow of repentance."
"Tragedy is the kind of grief that breaks our hearts because we know it could have been otherwise."
"It is almost as if Shakespeare seeks to paint Lady Macbeth in a light in which we can feel some sorrow for her... her guilt has consumed her and made her even more demented than her husband."
"The devil never told you anything that brought joy. It brought grief and sorrow, doubt and discouragement."
"I suffer every day. I... I feel like crying all the time, I mean... I love the boy. I love him to death."
"The greater the love, the deeper the sorrow."
"1066 is a sad time for English people."
"My sorrow shall be turned into joy."
"Sorrow is the precursor to rejoicing, it is a part of the universal principle of life."
"A sorrowful end to a key figure in the events that unfold in Yharnam."
"Tears drop, knock on heaven's door."
"And he went out and wept bitterly."
"I see weakness as weakness, but not sorrow."
"Woe is me for my hurt my wound is grievous."
"Jesus wept when he saw her crying."
"The comedic genius says this one hurts, rest in peace Bray."
"'ARA, I miss you,' Sasha pulled on a chunk of her hair twisting it painfully and tears streamed down her cheeks."
"That verdict broke my heart, still breaks my heart."
"I feel like I'm dying on the inside heartbreaking and I got to pack up my go to the airport sit in the airport sit on the plane and make it back home."
"The deepest deepest sorrows I think later have translated into my life as to places that can be filled with greater amounts of joy."
"To see such an otherwise magnificent creature in this state was devastating to me."
"It's been said life will bring you sorrow but it's up to us to bring the joy."
"The greatest sorrow in the world is to live numbly without realizing it."
"A large number of infant remains."
"He had never been a total abstainer whatever his feelings, and there can be no doubt that he suffered grief."
"Moments of beauty and sorrow, that's just the truth."
"There is pain in this world that you cannot be cheered out of."
"To grasp the enormity of it is almost too much for the heart to bear. This night, we can only look back in sorrow at a world that has suddenly, perhaps irrevocably, been changed."
"Guilt and sorrow pierced Jessica, yet she would do it all over again."
"Lugubrious: state of being sorrowful and verbose."
"Sorrow not at being unknown, sorrow for thine own shortcomings."
"I can hear her now, the banshee's sorrowful ballad, ringing through the walls of my room."
"Here we have a sudden, dramatic, and eternal separation of people who are the closest to one another."
"I don't feel as much sorrow that he is dead as much joy that he lived."
"They feel very heartbroken, regretful."