
Seduction Quotes

There are 468 quotes

"Teaching is seducing. If you want to get to people, you have to go ask where they're coming from and you have to tell your arguments to where they're coming from so that they can emotionally relate."
"Seduction leads to self-confidence, and self-confidence leads to success in all areas of your life."
"Seduction is so much bigger than what we've seen around. It's not only about sexual seduction but also in business, negotiations, and marketing."
"When you're seducing someone, you're actually leaving them full and better off than before. You're not taking something; you're giving something."
"Seduction implies some sort of exchange...more often than not we're talking about an interaction between two or more people."
"Seduction is both our propensity to do it and to have it done to us is hardwired into our nervous system."
"You cannot be seduced unless you are vulnerable...being vulnerable is actually a positive trait."
"Life is a seduction. We need to seduce the world and the people in it and seduce life into giving us the things that we want."
"A successful seduction is the result of two people who are mutually sexually attracted to one another having an effortless, romantic, playful, safe, and fun experience together that leads to love making."
"Seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty, and it is within the grasp of any person to become a master at this game."
"Maria is now acting out things James's dead wife Mary might say before trying to seduce him in the middle of this underground labyrinth crawling with monsters."
"Succubi... said to crawl on top of men in their sleep, seducing them in dreams and having sex with them."
"The greatest essence of seduction and the greatest attraction quotient you have is to be authentic and simplicity."
"Seduction as a catalyst for expansive personal growth."
"Revealing to that other person that you have fallen under their spell is almost the most seductive thing you can do."
"Seduction is the ultimate form of power in the modern world."
"Bet I'll have you naked by the end of this song."
"Seduction is an energy and a way of being in your body."
"If a woman goes to communicate with y'all guys that you don't communicate enough, Bravo! You're doing a good fucking job. That means your seduction is on point."
"She was among the trendy sex symbols of the 1930s appearing in some of the sassiest and most seductive Classics."
"Red panty night... it's always been seductive, hasn't it?"
"Danger is critical in seduction; it has emotional spice and is particularly appealing to men today."
"Being able to approach and attract women any place anytime is the hallmark of a true super seducer."
"Oh, what about the lady that we're trying to seduce? Obviously, Princess Cenus, obviously. Of course, it would be, yes."
"Seduction is a psychological process that transcends gender."
"In the end, it is better to suffer attacks with dignity and keep on seducing."
"From seducing women to annihilating enemies - the pirate's arsenal knows no bounds!"
"Jezebel is one of the greatest assassins for a prophet. She uses seduction to ultimately kill the prophet."
"Venice, more than any other European city, has a seductive charm."
"Brings them the freedom, the escape, the light, and the darkness. That is one of the most powerfully seductive things you can ever be for a human being."
"The devil is working very hard to try and seduce the minds of people in the collective."
"I told you I didn't hate you. I just seduced you a bit and got a kick out of your reaction."
"Seduction is in a sense it's a feminine art."
"The Jezebel spirit is an intelligent demonic influence that uses seduction and manipulation to gain control over people."
"Natural seducers learn early on the value of retaining a particular quality and the seductive power it contains."
"Choose a dramatic, difficult action that reveals the painful time and effort involved. Danger can be extremely seductive."
"The art of seduction transcends sexual attraction."
"Seduction is more about the art and use of power than mere physical attraction."
"Seduction is like a light that a fly goes to, while charm is like a magnet that metal clings to."
"A seducer sees the world as his or her bedroom."
"Once seducers have penetrated the mind, physical surrender follows."
"Seducers do not leave the process to chance; they plan and strategize."
"Scorpio, the seduction Terminator of the zodiac. Dark, mysterious, confident, drawing out your light with their deadly seductive stare."
"The whole purpose of seduction is to get closer and closer to a woman until eventually you end up inside of her."
"She seeks power, and what better way to feel powerful than by enticing warriors with mouths as big as their weapons."
"It's just using your personality and charisma to romantically entice."
"These are the playful soft skills that win over a woman's heart."
"Being fully present is the first element of being a seductive man that is great with women."
"He was smitten by this seductress for sure, but she made his life a living hell."
"They've got to enjoy it, they've got to be seduced by it."
"You pursue your desires in silence, you seduce and they fall, you strip each other bare."
"You have a seductive energy, pound number four."
"It seems like he purposely wears so few clothes. Is he going to seduce her with his Beauty?"
"There's no fool like an old fool, with his quote saying that she, you know, did that voice and got him to marry her and fall in love with her. She has just a magical sex appeal."
"Never underestimate the power of a seductive whisper."
"You can definitely be sexier to your man or to a potential mate than a quote-unquote 10 out of 10 is simply by adding in a little bit of that mystery and confidence."
"What Tina really thinks is love is nothing more than the high, the seduction of the drug."
"This is something you wear when you're going out at night, maybe you want to attract the ladies or just get your partner to get a little bit closer and smell what you're wearing."
"Some people very jealous, some people very seducing, some people very promiscuous."
"I wish I had a debonair ladies man to seduce her. Too bad Boomhower finds motherhood disgusting."
"I was had, Roman in India says Archie was articulate, alluring, enchanting, and seductive."
"They're very romantic and compassionate, whoever this is, is somebody that knows how to whine and dine you, they know how to show you a good time, this is like panty dropper energy, somebody that can get you in the mood."
"If you're trying to influence someone or if you're trying to seduce someone, you want to be able to pick up those signs that you're having an effect on them through the eyes."
"A sucker or a lollipop because you're definitely going to have to lick me to get to the center."
"A great seducer is focused on having fun, laughing, great conversation, sharing, communicating, touching, and being attentive to his lover's needs."
"It smells like if someone I was you know hooking up with smells like this I would want more. It's a hot scent I don't know how else I describe it."
"If you want to see sexy, come up his way around and show these boys a little something, huh?"
"I'll make a rich woman in bed and a good woman steal."
"The Mystery Method: How to get beautiful women into bed, over 25 years old, but still solid."
"Attraction, Comfort, Seduction - the trifecta of pickup."
"I'm going to make you dream of me tonight."
"Your eyes are very seductive, they pull people in, they make people think naughty naughty things."
"Seduction is about being open to the other person... It requires vulnerability."
"Seduction is an openness... Letting another person enter your world is being seduced."
"A need to be desired leads to a need to seduce."
"The concept of seduction is the siren itself... They just radiate this kind of intense physical energy."
"People find you incredibly seductive, they think you're so beautiful."
"Femininity melts men. Soft voices, baby voices, and sultry voices are feminine."
"You may surprise them all of a sudden with a very alluring lingerie."
"I think this person sees you as someone who has a very seductive energy, that you have something about you that's very seducing and very, like, very appealing, that you're very charming, very charismatic, you make people feel like they are the only person in the world."
"The best part of being a woman is being able to give you just enough to leave you begging for more."
"This person is going to find you very seductive and that's something that's coming through um like a siren energy like if you sing"
"Walking confident, talking confidence, walking seduction, talking seduction, and you'll have it."
"You want this and you know what the best way to get a woman is not to demand and control it's to entice and seduce."
"Talk about getting someone to crave you."
"How do I date for marriage but still sugar? I dunno, do you have to be very classy? Men marry the classy ones, but you still have to be very seductive as well. You have to be the perfect balance of both."
"How do I seduce your boss? Look good, pretty much."
"Someone wants to seduce you. Falling in love, affection, happiness, and emotions. It could be any form of seduction. It's the energy of like 'open up to me' or 'trust me,' Cancer. That's what's coming in."
"And I think that getting in tune with what makes you feel sexy because at the end of the day when you're radiating and you're exuding sexuality that is seductive."
"Once you get into the mind of the woman where no she has to think and she's not making that effort you're slowly reeling her into trying to impress you right if you just end up sliding off in this girl the first night yeah my name did wami."
"I'm rich. I'm a bad woman who wants to keep you."
"In the game of Seduction, reality is your canvas but imagination is your brush."
"Seduction isn't just about allure and attraction; it's an art form requiring boldness, strategy, and an understanding of the human psyche."
"The Conqueror possesses supreme confidence, desirability, and strategic withdrawal, seducing not just individuals but entire populations."
"The art of seduction begins with choosing the right victim, understanding their needs, desires, and vulnerabilities."
"To seduce is to appear to offer a break from the ordinary, a plunge into the depths of the extraordinary."
"The art of seduction is about understanding human psychology, about creating a space where barriers fall and true connection is possible."
"Throughout history, the most successful seducers weren't just attractive, they were masters in the art of proving their worth."
"The art of seduction is about more than allure; it's about understanding the depth of human desire."
"The word seduction immediately creates images of a person romantically courting another person. However, seduction can be applied to all aspects of life from romance to business and other forms of interpersonal relationships."
"Creating a false sense of security through an indirect approach disarms and charms the target, making them more open to influence."
"Practicing feminine silence on a date is a very seductive, attractive, and powerful trait."
"Starting that sentence with 'so', really takes it down, in terms of sexiness."
"It would be a sin not to take advantage of a pretty boy like him."
"Are you trying to seduce Gene? You know you're not gonna end up with him."
"So, now here he is thinking he finna come up, and she put that old quality snatch on him, and then go about her business, get back with her husband that's her age, you see what I mean?"
"Are you feeling my sexual trance coming in to your eyes? Can you feel that vibration in your thighs? It's so damn nice."
"You don't even realize how much seductive power you hold."
"You have this seductive power to make people fall in love with you like they're under a love spell."
"It's like they have no choice in the matter, they have no choice but to be seduced by you."
"Your seduction power is so powerful they can't resist you."
"Your energy seduces people, it's powerful and potent."
"It's easy to be seduced by the 907x and cfv 100c. This compact combination looks gorgeous and by avoiding the feature fills of most modern cameras delivers a genuinely pure and compelling photographic experience."
"This fragrance is super super addictive and very very sexy."
"The whole purpose is seduction. It's going to lead to sex at some point, whether that's on the first or second date or on your wedding night. Everybody's different."
"Men find you very sexually attractive, drawn to your seductiveness and beauty."
"You're unforgettable, seductive, and even your voice is very hypnotic to the King."
"Signs are obvious; you're supposed to seduce her."
"Mystery, intrigue, allure are your best friends and when you've created this arousal, when you've created this seduction, this appeal, you have to now be able to back this up with real-world value."
"Wickedness and seduction have nothing to do with it."
"Reminiscing is literally the key. If you've got past good memories of the ESFP, it is the key to getting into their pants."
"This is a sexy perfume that will definitely give you some attention."
"This is a love potion that a very seductive witch is cooking in her pots."
"Aston Martin is the most seductive brand of automobile out there."
"You look at it and it's extremely good looking, extremely sexy."
"When you accept that you are original and you are unique and you own all of your unique qualities and actually exaggerate them instead of hiding them, you become Oh so seductive."
"It's just attractive isn't it? It's just a really, really attractive bait."
"You give off a seductive vibe and are seen as sexy and passionate. People find you irresistible and are drawn to your expressive and interesting energy."
"All of these things that Joe created I mean I guess that is how she was able to seduce this athlete n and all these other people in their lives."
"Seduction doesn't necessarily have to be a sexual thing."
"Ryan may also try to seduce Chad as well later in the series."
"This is concept art for Skyler showing quite a bit of skin and having a great seductive attitude."
"One element of seduction is indifference. When you are flamboyant in a different way, that kind of indifference is... this seductive attitude."
"Clothes are communication and the message is often one of seduction."
"You have a reputation for getting what you want, and that makes you sexy."
"There's something here that's very potentially seductive about the negative experience that you're dealing with."
"A spirit could not be coerced into corruption; it had to be seduced, it had to participate actively, it had to crave."
"That's the main trait of any great Seducer you know and it's and it's kind of a most Pleasant part of it is exploring that other person and figuring out who they are."
"Your lips drip nectar, honey, and milk are under your tongue."
"Femininity and seduction are so powerful."
"You look back on the great seductresses of history, what do they have in common? Self-control, strategy, and thinking a few steps ahead."
"Femininity and seduction are so powerful. I saw this in real life as a married man pursued a woman who, although was not as attractive as his wife, she was more feminine and seductive."
"The illusions have a certain power and power is always seductive."
"War is strategy, right? War is keeping your enemy off-balance and being unpredictable, and seduction is the exact same thing."
"It's seduction, it's like, you're being seduced to look at a shiny object."
"Something about the way you speak is really seductive."
"People really do fantasize about you because you're so seductive."
"You don't just draw people in to want to give you pleasure, but you also draw people in to want romantic connections with you."
"Do men think wiggling their penis around is enticing to women? Some women like it."
"The strange woman speaks like a honeycomb, she tells you everything you want to hear."
"I'd love to take you back to bed so if you'd rather stay and make love first."
"Damn her. I will let her know that she can call upon you to satisfy her every desire."
"He would need to be a gentle man, but not that gentle since he would have to seduce her."
"Let's take it nice and slow. But all it's doing is amping up their want for you."
"The feel of her mouth had been incredible. He knew what her lips felt like—he'd given her sedate kisses over the years."
"Pralineur Rosa Black, a Tonka heavy fragrance that is dark seductive ideal for a date night."
"The prince was funny because Iris's seductive speeches and actions seemed to have driven him completely insane."
"You love it when I get so high and drop that ass so low, make you sit right here, now you can't go back home."
"The fastest way to a man's heart is with Sly Marbo's blade."
"Tom was different. He sang the songs, and he walked the walk, and he looked the look, but he delivered something else in spades, and that was sex."
"Seduction is often the area in which psychological ideas are moved from abstract theory into applied practice."
"Careless Whisper has become practically synonymous with seduction, a clarion call for carnal passions."
"When people get involved with you now, they feel like, romantically, what's dangerously seductive about you is that they feel like now they're coming home to themselves."
"It's such a great image and it tells you what you want to know and so enticing."
"The greatest aphrodisiac and the most charming thing you can do to win any bitch over is be funny."
"I feel like they might have even read like seduction techniques or those kinds of things like pickup artist type stuff because I feel like they might use that and they are very practiced in this, I guess is what I'm getting."
"There's something about you being so powerful, you being so, you carrying so much seductiveness, you carrying this energy of attracting lovers like it's nothing, you know."
"Details are essential to any successful seduction and cannot be ignored."
"What they find sexy about you? Your power, your energy, and the force of all of that directed upon them."
"They find your fingers and the way you move very seductive."
"It's a primer for how you access the feeling of a true seducer, a man that's good with women, a man that loves women."
"It's kind of like some of you have this dangerously seductive vibe to you with the mermaid energy."
"You know how to turn me on, naturally and seductively."
"You seduce this person, they find you extremely sensual and seductive."
"Get any woman to fall in love with you."
"It's sort of a sweet Oriental seduction in the style of a grown-up La Male from the 90s."
"You've got a seduction style that makes many people weak in the knees."
"You've got this Art of Seduction down pack, so you know what you're doing."
"This is seduction in its purest form."
"A good courtier, particularly a seductive courtier, must be very, very careful never to produce the honor of the woman he is seducing because their honor and their reputation is everything to them."
"Why does it not say that they will receive doctrines of devils from Satan? Why seducing spirits? Seducing spirits bait you."
"It's very sexy, incredibly seductive, especially for a fresh scent you don't always equate fresh with like alluring but it is."
"Dior's L'Homme Intense will last all night long in a beautiful soft slightly lipstick way that beckons for a bit of Seduction."
"I'm sure it was just a temporary lapse of judgment on his part. He got seduced by her."
"They may try to seduce or sleep with people to get something out of them."
"Passion: they're magnetically drawn to you, find you seductive, and enjoy their thoughts about you."
"Aliia has no trouble slipping into her role as seductress. Her flirt game is strong. I feel weak at the knees."
"The biggest problem that Spirited Away shows with hustle culture is how seductive it can be."
"Seduction is incapacitated, the temper is harder than our mama you drama spiritual views. I'm feeling these shoes."
"It was like an element of seduction."
"My way of seduction is to just be my natural self."
"Not only will the seducing spirits will enter them to legalize what they are doing, but he will eventually graduate to the doctrine of what devils."
"If you want to seduce the Fallen Angel Lucifer to the dark side so he can take the throne in hell as the devil, then what better way to do that than to have a sexy dance with your girlfriend while dressed in skin-tight leather?"
"The art of seduction...it's gonna really pry your eyes open."
"He's too mad to die, he's so proficient at seduction it actually feels more like a superpower."
"Do I make your blood boil sir? Oh my my my yes indeedy and I love it when you call me sir."
"It's fine if you get the conversation started and you create sexual attention with something else."
"She's got all the tricks gotta keep you guessing a little"
"You are a mutant. How is that seduction technique working for you? I'll tell you in the morning."
"My favorite thing is to seduce from a distance. Like, my favorite thing is to seduce from a distance. I love the game. I love the seduction game. Like, that is like my pride and joy."