
Impermanence Quotes

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"Everything can disappear in a split second. Don't ever think that what you have is there to stay."
"Whatever situation you're in, whether it's good or bad, it's not permanent."
"Physical stuff doesn't last that long. It can't go on forever."
"Vanity is meaningless, even if we killed it, even if we had the biggest shows, the biggest hit songs, the best cars. All right, for what? It's all going to go from dust to dust."
"Nothing lasts forever, but ends bring new beginnings."
"Soon you will have forgotten all things, and soon all things will have forgotten you."
"Everything is temporary. Truly, it's easy to feel that our current state and reality will be permanent, but if we look around us in nature, plants, ourselves, anything, right? Like, nothing is permanent, and everything truly is temporary."
"If we do not believe then we will lose everything... everything you will not hold on to your money, your money will not come to you in your grave except in one situation when that money is used for the sake of Allah."
"All compounded things decay. Everything that has been produced will be destroyed. What is born will die."
"Enjoy people while they're here; show them your love and you care for them because they're not always going to be here."
"Nothing's permanent, Jeff, in any context, right?"
"Because everything is going to be dissolved, this is how you should live today."
"Most of it explores the human condition, the impermanence of life, and other very laid-back musings."
"You can cut the flower from its roots, and it's beautiful, and you can show it to everybody, but then it dies."
"There's nothing in life that isn't temporary, which I mean in both a good way and a bad way. Life is fleeting, and changes are constant."
"You're going to lose absolutely everything that you have in life that you cling to, including your physical appearance, your youth, your parents, your girlfriends and boyfriends, your marriage, your career, your job, your money, everything, and you're gonna lose your life. So, really, the option here is, will you let it go willingly and consciously, or will you be unconscious and resist the process of letting go?"
"Impermanence is a feature, not a bug, of human existence."
"Politics is like writing your name in the sand; it's only a matter of time before the tide comes up and washes it away."
"Nothing is permanent... Accepting that emotionally is a good start to being more flexible."
"Life is fleeting, impermanent, and because of that, we should make the most of every moment."
"This is not a tale of what could have been; it's about the awe of what was and what may never be again."
"Time is a fleeting, non-renewable resource that you cannot buy more of, no matter how much money you're willing to pay."
"The beauty of contemplating impermanence is that it can drive a sense of urgency in your decisions."
"Life is our moments. We have an unknowable number of moments; all we know is that once we spend them, we can never get them back, and we can never get more."
"Everything is essentially already broken. That glass is already broken. Life is already broken. We're looking for good and bad and making things good and bad because we've been told that if it's good, it isn't broken."
"All things are impermanent, meaning that everything is changing all the time."
"Because all things are impermanent, all things are interconnected."
"Everything changes, fades, disappears. That's true over the passage of time."
"Nothing is permanent, just the principle of impermanence."
"Things that happen in a flash overnight usually don't last that long anyways."
"We can't live in the past. We can be grateful for it, but life isn't permanent and if we don't embrace what's now, we miss out on a lot of the important stuff."
"Recognize the impermanence and the shortness of everything that happens in your life."
"There was something beautiful about human memory...they kind of fade."
"The very beginning of all religions is the cry 'Help!' that we all sense it’s out of control, that we’re all impermanent."
"Knowledge is fragile, the future uncertain. What is known today and taken for granted may be lost to the sands of time tomorrow."
"The futility of attachment is the more we try to hold on to something and make it stay, it won't."
"Life just works itself out, and nothing has to be permanent."
"All they hold onto disappears; from wealth, family, fame, everything a person has becomes meaningless at the face of death."
"Life is a gift, it's very short, it's very fleeting."
"Nature's first green is gold. Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay."
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."
"We get certain moments in life that we never get back again. They come, and then they're gone, and I never have a chance to steward that moment again."
"World of Warcraft, the rotting corpse of a once great Monarch. But no king rules forever; only death is eternal."
"The sound of the Kōnsha bells echoes the impermanence of all things."
"In the blink of an eye, it's all gone... We're a blink, man. Something hits, but we don't think that way."
"Like everything in life, nothing lasts forever."
"No empire survives the tides of history and the fate of each is to fall."
"Imagine if you just looked at life like it's gotta pass. It cannot stay like this forever."
"But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts."
"Nothing endures forever. Great civilizations are destroyed and new ones are engendered."
"Everything has to come to an end at some point, including bluffside crossing."
"That's not you. If your validation is through that stuff, that's eventually going to go away."
"Understanding that all of these possessions, they are not possessions, nature is going to run how long these people are going to be with you."
"Life, if anything, is impermanent. Flowers die, stars die, and you will die."
"We are just one person that more people have clicked follow on, that's it, that can be gone in an instant."
"Everything in life, no matter how much you believe it's permanent, is ephemeral."
"All that you see, all that you know, will be undone."
"Life is a series of moments, and moments pass, so please make this one last."
"Success is not permanent... you're only as good as the last thing."
"Nothing's permanent everything is temporary... every hard experience you go through is just before something Sensational happens."
"Live in the moment and cherish every moment that you have — friends, your family, the place you live. All that can change in an instant."
"Not everything is meant to last forever. Very few things in this world are."
"Everything ends eventually, even entire species!"
"True spirituality is facing impermanence and rolling with the flow."
"The numbers aren't important. The numbers were a side effect. The idea was to give people a feeling of impermanence, of feeling the loss, the nostalgia for something and taking it away from them."
"At the end of the day, this should be about how you feel on the inside."
"Everything is temporary, everything will disintegrate at one point in time."
"You need chaos for renewal; if you look around us, there's nothing that's permanent."
"Once the wind stops blowing, it ceases to exist, just like when one person stops loving another, love also dies."
"Every relationship has an expiry date." - Akhil
"Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep."
"When good things happen people think they'll go on forever and that's a mistake but bad things happen people think they'll go on forever and that's a mistake this too shall pass."
"Anything that Joe Biden does via executive order, even if that's positive, it can just easily be undone."
"This ain't gonna last, that's all I gotta say about that."
"Life is temporary, fleeting, impermanent. That's why it matters."
"Everything is temporary. Relationships end, but that's part of life."
"Be grateful for whatever position you're in and be humble because you can wake up one day and it's gone."
"With success comes the worry that the success is gonna go away."
"Even monuments in stone were just sand castles to be washed away."
"It doesn't have existential inertia, it doesn't have the capacity to keep existing on its own."
"Accepting impermanence means recognizing that change is not an enemy but a companion on our journey."
"Nothing is permanent if you don't want it to be."
"This whole situation is proof that you could have everything today and it could all be gone tomorrow."
"Everything you're worshiping outside of God is dying as we speak."
"Nothing is permanent and whatever goes up must come down."
"But, all things must come to an end, and, in the case of fast food companies on social media, Dennys was the first to fall."
"Everything is temporary, specifically depression, and you can get through that."
"The story of Thonis carries a warning: our cities are not eternal."
"You enjoy it while it lasts because it won't."
"Life is short, cherish your mom while she's alive."
"There is no unchanging, permanent self, soul, or essence in anything."
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."
"Nothing lasts forever I suppose but that doesn't mean everything has to die."
"There's beauty in existence even if it's impermanent."
"It won't last forever, it will not last forever. People at the time you think this is gonna, if this is my life, I don't want to be, you think it's gonna last forever, it will not."
"Thoughts based upon falsity such as fear and hate are not enduring."
"When we awaken to this impermanence, we become free."
"This is temporary, this is gonna get torn down."
"Emptiness means transience; nothing permanent to hold on to."
"Anything that stands in your way will not be permanent."
"Everything in the world is temporary, including all the bad energy that we experience."
"There's no waiting around for this moment to continue because it's only going to last for so long and it's right now."
"This earth isn't our real home and that all of this will eventually fade away."
"Life is an ice cream. Enjoy it before it so."
"But also I know that this could go away tomorrow. You know what I'm saying? And so I personally find that there's a just a lot of creators that they have not lived enough life to have a full sense of self outside of their content."
"Leaves drift down, but they won't heal the sentence of the mountain."
"Letting go means opening to change, opening ultimately to our impermanence."
"It'll be fun while it lasts, I'm proud of you cowboy."
"This Golden Age lasted for a very long time indeed but sadly it could not last forever."
"Goodbye Peach, you never forget that it doesn't really matter."
"No empire lasts forever, and why history matters."
"Absolutely nothing is permanent in this world."
"You're recognizing that everything is temporary."
"Nothing lasts forever; we have to learn to love the worlds in which we live and when the time comes, let them go."
"It's only paint and it doesn't matter if you stuff up the first time. You know, wash it off and start again. It's no biggie at all."
"The whole universe is impermanent... everything is in flux."
"All the changes that you make will not last if you'll be looking over your shoulder."
"You've been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable."
"Nothing lasts forever. As long as it makes sense here, we will live here."
"Fame is fleeting, it comes and goes, it's like, you know, it's in the wind."
"Nothing lasts forever, so you have to just enjoy it."
"There's always someone new coming up, there's always someone stronger, faster, better. Nobody's champion forever."
"Enjoy it while it lasts. It's over the moment it doesn't."
"I think life is made up of like highs and lows and it's really important to remember that no feelings such as happiness excitement or sadness fear lasts forever."
"Nothing in this world is permanent not even our troubles."
"Nothing lasts forever. Good times, bad times, everything passes."
"The reality is that it doesn't last forever."
"Nothing lasts forever, every dynasty has a run."
"Nobody's at the top forever. It's only a matter of time. Things change."
"Everything changes, all things come to pass."
"Appreciate everything you got because someday all of this may not be here."
"Nothing perfect lasts forever except in your memory."
"Just enjoy while you have it because you never know when it's going to be taken away."
"Music ain't gonna last forever, so you gotta do it again someplace else."
"All fortune is the cause of misfortune, all things must pass." - Ashoka
"The weight of existentialism is understanding that you know, it is impermanent."
"Cherish your Oshi while they're still here, you never know when the adventure ends."
"You gotta appreciate what you have while it's there because you never know when it can go away."
"Nothing in life is permanent, you can change anything at any time."
"Life is a series of moments. The moments pass so make them laugh."
"Nothing is permanent, people aren't permanent."
"Nothing is permanent so like I don't think I'm gonna I hope I got to do this forever."
"Money can make you feel amazing, but that happiness can run out."
"Life's impermanence and self-reflective awareness: the basis for value and gratitude."
"Fame is a fleeting thing and this too shall come to pass."
"The snow kind of falls and accumulates and then over time it kind of melts and sinks in."
"I try to record every sort of moment that I get at the window with mom because we just don't know when it's gonna be the last time."
"Death is fleeting, that is the only truth," the monster whispers.
"Life is all about movement, growth, and impermanence."
"Enjoy your youth why you gone it's going to be taken away from you soon just like the petals that fall around the trees around your head soon your youth will escape your grasp and you will become an elder."
"Everything in life is temporary, that is the nature of life."
"All things witness and witnessed about are changing. Whatever they may be, they are changing."
"Nothing is permanent. Another thing is that things don't matter and then also nothing will change without change."
"There's a strange sort of beauty in that, enjoy it while it lasts."
"Greatness is a transitory experience. It is never consistent. It depends in part upon the myth-making imagination of humankind."
"If there is one thing to remember, it's that nothing is ever permanent."
"Like I said, everything comes to an end. Everything isn't gonna always go how you imagined it or how you may have fantasized about it, and that is okay."
"Everything we have as a nation can vanish in a flash and everything we have as individuals will vanish in a flash when we die."
"Everything is impermanent, so cherishing every single day is key."
"Nothing lasts forever and life is full of partings, even in the afterlife. Angel Beats proves that even sad departures can make a perfect ending."
"It's cool to separate, not everything lasts forever."
"You can only really enjoy something if you know that it's not going to be there forever."
"Nothing lasts. When next you see me, you will understand."
"Everything that you build is going to crumble."
"In some respects, Rust and Humus is a story where everything eventually disappears, dies or is forgotten."
"None of it matters because none of it's going to last forever."
"Life is about creating new adventures and things like that eventually this door is going to close."
"Nothing lasts forever. Unfortunately, that's true about good stuff too."
"Enjoy what you have while you have it, don't take anything for granted."
"No problem is permanent, only our souls are permanent. Problems are the gifts we grow from."
"Nothing lasts forever, forever, no, that's why you gotta keep on, you gotta keep on working hard even when you feel that you made it."
"These things won't be around forever, so you better get to them before you can't."
"To truly experience and savor a moment, you must be aware of its impermanence."
"That's life in a nutshell. There's nothing I can care about so much that I won't eventually see it turn to [__] and betrayal."
"Each moment is precious, each moment is unretrievable."
"It's about to disappear, it's about to disappear, you're just becoming one with the sunset."
"I do believe he sent people to give us guidance, message of guidance, but these people ain't here no more."
"Nothing is forever, and I am living proof of that."
"We live our lives like we're gonna live forever, but the truth is we don't live forever."
"Knowing one day this will all be over brings me great comfort."
"Nobody stays on top forever; everything comes to an end."
"When you appreciate and accept that everything in life is temporary, then you make every moment count."
"These catastrophic reminds us of the impermanence of life and the importance of cherishing each moment."
"Nothing built can last forever... with each passing year more and more details are lost until all that remains are myths... indeed it is only a troubled land that has need for heroes."
"Nothing in life is permanent; everything will change."
"Everything is temporary. Everything grows and evolves and is meant to stay in motion."
"Enjoy it while it lasts because it's impermanent."
"Shelley used Ramesses as an example of how all great rulers are destined for decline or death."
"Life is short, unpredictable, difficult; all things come and go, flourish, then pass, rise and fall."
"All things are impermanent and subject to change."
"Empires fall, power blocks fall. Hollywood won't last forever."
"Maybe her awareness will stay but maybe it won't it's like that once it gets to a certain point it actually I feel like it actually leaves you."
"Nothing lasts forever. The hardest thing is to say goodbye."
"Gratitude is a must. Nothing lasts forever. The key to success is consistency."
"This last forever... oh, wait, no, it doesn't."
"Even our world can change just as quickly, like a watercolor painting caught in the rain."
"Don't take anything for granted in life, nothing lasts forever."
"I always like things that change... it's wabi-sabi."
"Nothing lasts forever you guys this is not gonna last forever this will pass."
"Life is too short, we can have something today and it can be gone tomorrow due to no fault of our own."