
Endeavor Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"Vitally important in any endeavor that you undertake no matter what it is, is not to lose your connectedness with the present moment."
"No important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk."
"Endeavor has had a massive character Arc going from the cruel abusive father to a father who's seen the fault in his ways."
"Endeavor has no physical strength Quirk but through years of intense training he's able to buff up his own physical strength."
"In any endeavor to be supported is an incredible thing, you know, especially supported by this incredible fan base."
"You shouldn't give up in an endeavor just because you're not sure at this moment exactly how it will work out."
"This is an incredibly ambitious endeavor."
"Human endeavor can accomplish amazing things."
"In just a few short hours, you will embark upon a great crusade for which we have striven tirelessly."
"We're going to try and create that."
"We might crash and burn, but it's worth a shot."
"It's beyond stepping into the game."
"They're ready to move on, they're ready to be on this life journey, they're ready for this new endeavor."
"One of the greatest passion projects."
"During his time trapped in the school, he had been working on the creation of Alter Ego."
"I'm gonna give this sucker a try."
"The race is not for the Swift, give it a go. Just give it a go."
"You're trying to make them happy. You're doing, you know, you're trying to make them happy."
"Whatever that be a business, a course, a job, a particular skill or even a platform."
"...they have given it a proper go."
"It doesn't have to be perfect, just do your best."
"The entire endeavor throughout the show has always been one step forward, two steps back."
"The Endeavor for me is definitely one of the heroes of the show by far."
"You should aim to reach the top in the market, just like in any other endeavor."
"...a gigantic Endeavor that could never be completed and mustn't be rushed."
"...everyone's just trying to do their best."
"It's one of the greatest endeavors somebody can get into."
"He wanted to do something special."
"Striving to be better doesn't make you a fool or make you naive you're trying to be better or trying to create something even if it's not perfect."
"Passion is in all great searches and is necessary to all creative endeavors."
"Our endeavor is the way we are in private. That's how we're going to be in public."
"You are about to embark on the great crusade."
"This is a project I've wanted to do for a while."
"Clear Endeavor: You're about to make the perfect formula for success."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is a bold endeavor that will mark an epoch in scientific history."
"It's like you're in front of an observer whose whole point of being there is to watch you attempt to pull this off."
"It means to endeavor. It means to struggle. It does not mean the same as being contentious."
"Nobody ever throws himself wholeheartedly into an endeavor that secretly in his heart he considers to be demeaning and unworthy."
"The thing is we are now going to embark on our tour."
"This Friday starts our biggest build that we have ever taken on."
"Freaking pumped about this endeavor."
"It's been an endeavor of epic proportions."
"It was an audacious endeavor... but we did it."
"If one's going to give it a go, haven't you?"
"The American captain trying to save the second match."
"This is one of the biggest projects I've ever taken on."
"The idea of science is really a beautiful endeavor."
"This is just amazing what he's trying to do."
"You're trying to improve your life and society around you."
"It's worth a try, so we'll go through it together."
"That's what we're going to try to do, try being the operative word there. That's what we're going to try to do."
"It's JJ. It's JJ. Have to go big for the first one, you know, have to go big."
"Science is the most powerful endeavor."
"The world's your oyster, but the only way you're finding out that one is by giving it a shot."
"Now it's time for our biggest challenge yet."
"It's more about having the courage to try."
"A project is also a temporary endeavor."
"I'm afraid to say, none of the others do just that. But hey, it's not like they don't try the hardest. So, okay, some of them do, we'll get to that."
"Let's give it the good old College try."
"It's entirely up to God, not up to our personal endeavors. However, personal endeavor is absolutely a must. It shows that we want it."
"Endeavor isn't too happy with him but then he mentions that he is hoping to work together with Endeavor."
"Trading by itself already is such a difficult endeavor."
"We're just a couple of people trying to do our best and enjoy life."
"We have to do this crazy thing that we were passionate about."
"I'm going to try to talk in the bottom of my heart from the inside so hopefully you guys can bear with me here we go."
"Good luck to you and all of your endeavors."
"I hope that our bumbling attempts at candle making make it less intimidating."
"The universe is holding you in this endeavor."
"Anything worth doing is going to have that feeling attached to it."
"This has been quite the operation."
"You'll never find your purpose if you don't try. So regard a test or not, you've got whatever it is that interests you you've got to go try it."
"Only a crazy person doesn't try. You gotta try."
"An endeavor that is optimistic, expectant, and joyful."
"You don't know how good you can feel until you give this a good shot."
"When you go elephant hunting, you don't get an elephant every day."
"Absolutely try again more fry tanks... yeah."
"Tiny is trying to score a hit record here. He is being 100% genuine in his attempt to create good honest rock and roll."
"They're trying to create something, they're trying to manifest something."
"If you're gonna do it, do it well."
"It's an undertaking, you know, it's something to be proud of."
"Welcome back to the tent of sanding and filling and aching shoulders."
"Every endeavor, all my plans succeed."
"Let's see if I can make it happen."
"Endeavor is about efforts. This is all about what you worked. It's not what you got in the end."
"Filmmaking is this funny endeavor; it is the riskiest game in town."
"We made this [ __ ] from scratch. This [ __ ] like the Frankenstein just in time to get just enough training to register for the karate tournament."
"The pursuit of Truth is part of your primary endeavors."
"This will indeed be the greatest science project and an Endeavor of all time."
"This will be the best thing you've ever been doing."
"I think he tried for something good and pretty much hit the mark."
"I will attempt the impossible mission."
"I try to put and fuse all of that together and do the best I can."
"There's an awful lot of people out there who haven't done it yet who want to have a go."
"That's true for anyone creating anything or doing anything."
"We're trying to make sense out of chaos."
"Red Room is the current passion project."
"Girls gotta eat, so yeah, wish me luck. Here we go."
"Confidence is the willingness to try, and you display the willingness to try when you take action."
"There's no exact perfect way to do this, but we do our best."
"He's going to give it a shot in professional baseball."
"He's just trying to climb the wall."
"Whatever you're gonna do, try to be the best at it."
"I think I'll just continue to do this week after week, and that was 2017. That's 2023, maybe missed a week. So, yeah, I guess it never stopped."
"It's such a weird, different thing. It's perceived as like this happy-go-lucky endeavor, but to you, this is like make or break."
"Everyone is just kind of trying to do their best."
"We have all of us living duties and living affections which claim and rightly claim our strenuous endeavors."
"...the fans are going to be backing this endeavor."
"Thank you all for coming out and supporting us in this endeavor."
"This applies to any kind of creative endeavor whether it's writing a script or whether it's recording a song and standing on stage making a public speech."
"Alright so today is a challenge unlike any other."
"Scientists are trying to prove it all the time."
"You know that you're doing something unique and difficult."
"It's vitally important in any endeavor that you undertake not to lose your connectedness with the present moment."
"The power of resilience and the necessity to persist in their endeavors."
"Motor racing at its very highest level is the most extreme form of human endeavor outside of war."
"The main line of creative endeavour is done in solitude."
"Naruto, I promise I shall help you to the best of my abilities in whatever endeavor you make."
"It's quite the endeavor to do feature-length projects; they hit different."
"One sip and you will find that all of your endeavors succeed."
"I'm in the middle of trying to buy my first house."
"Let go and embark on this new endeavor."
"There doesn't seem to be a more worthwhile endeavor than to see what you're capable of."
"It wasn't all just a lie, you know, a big part of her did really believe in what she was trying to do."
"An undertaking without precedent."
"The more intrinsically motivated you can be in any endeavor, the better."
"Making life memorable is a worthwhile endeavor."
"I want to thank all those who are financially supporting this endeavor."
"This whole thing is an exercise in optimism, really."
"It's the endeavor of bettering yourself that will transform your life in ways that you cannot imagine."
"Communication is like a lifelong endeavor of constantly trying to figure out how to be better communicators."
"It really did feel like they were trying their best."
"I'm gonna try to make granola bars from scratch."
"We will need the cooperation of each and every one of you for this next endeavor."
"Investments can be a business endeavor or a personal endeavor."
"Science is a progressive endeavor."
"We all started somewhere, and it's good to say that you've made the endeavor."
"Every venture is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate with shabby equipment always deteriorating."
"We're doing something that hadn't been done quite like this before."
"This is quite literally a mission impossible."
"It's the biggest thing I'm ever going to do."
"Endeavor OTC, it's your final voyage. This is both a sad and proud moment for your launch team and for America, but your legacy will live on."
"And liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor, expanding our knowledge and expanding our lives in space."
"A project is temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product service or result."
"Bringing a house onto a farm from states away is quite an endeavor."
"Whatever you endeavor to do, you do it with all of your heart."
"I'm very glad I got into this endeavor; I think almost everybody should try to do what they can and see what they can achieve physically."
"This is quite an amazing undertaking."
"You only have a first shot at the first try once."
"I'm doing something really amazing that I need."
"I love the word 'passion'. I always try to do things that I'm passionate about."
"Space travel has always meant to me our endeavor to fight the good fight, the best war, the one that's really worth winning."
"We don't always do it right, but we do the best we can."
"Our sons, this day, have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity."
"It's worth it, the endeavor is worth it to take some people there."
"All us beseech the blessing of the Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."
"To anybody that's starting a new endeavor, I know you probably feel a whole lot of pressure."
"It's okay to be scared about what your endeavor is."
"I have started embarking on the latest project which entails a lot of research."
"You are the perfectionist, aren't we all in our own endeavor?"
"It is a project but I think it's a project worth doing."
"I wish you the best of luck with your closet endeavor and I hope all is well."
"It's a worthy endeavor, I think you would all agree."
"Appreciation of the members of our team, loyalty, great endeavor made it possible."
"You have to congratulate the effort there, that was definitely a worthwhile endeavor."
"Now we're going to be attempting something a bit bigger than usual today."
"I endeavored to tell these stories."
"This grand endeavor needs my skill, so I wish to retire to my fife."
"Yes I have your and our children's full support in this endeavor."
"We must endeavor to bring to pass that God may be purely worshipped everywhere."
"When you actually take that endeavor, the opportunities are all around you."
"We can work towards the future in common strive and endeavor."
"One of the things that I think is a worthy endeavor is to try to achieve as much as possible consistency in thought."
"I am allowed to breathe fire and life on every creation, every connection, and every endeavor."
"We are endeavoring to be a blessing to thousands of young people."
"So Maharaj bless us, help us in this undertaking."
"It will be the most rewarding thing you do, but it's going to be really hard."
"Every accomplishment involves a risk."
"It's the American Spirit to just try it and see what happens."
"I have this confidence and this courage, want to try."
"Embracing this divine shift isn't about passive waiting; it's an active endeavor."
"Whatever you're doing is going to be incredibly successful right now."
"This is a positive endeavor, and it always shall be."
"Victory in some endeavor in your life of some kind."
"You're stepping into a creative pursuit or endeavor."
"Well, it's the start of a new endeavor with this little girl."
"You're going to be lucky in any endeavor that you choose."
"In the end, the farce became the real meat of this whole endeavor."
"This is the perfect time to give birth to an idea, start a new relationship or job, or begin any endeavor."
"Don't give up whatever it is that you're doing."