
Daily Actions Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The secret of success is determined by your daily agenda."
"Did you do a good action today? Did you hold the door for someone? Did you smile at a stranger?"
"Thinking logically and deeply about the future means that where you want to be five years from now, and five months from now, and five days from now should inform what you do today."
"Do something positive every day to help somebody in any way you can."
"I think that love is a daily action, it's not something you just get to turn on and then get to behave however you want because we said I love you 10 years ago."
"The gap between where you are now and where you want to be is bridged by the small actions you take every single day."
"If you do one thing a day that makes someone smile, then you're going to be a happier person."
"This is life. People don't agree with each other all the time. There is no end. The only thing we have is today and what comes from our actions today."
"Here's how you have confidence: Whatever you do today, do it with the confidence of a 4-year-old in a Batman t-shirt."
"Try and be positive, say something nice today, do something nice today."
"Love isn't some grand gesture, it's just a lot of little things that add up."
"Do something nice for somebody who needs help today."
"In the micro scheme of things, our behavior, our actions, they matter a great deal."
"It all boils down to what am I doing in my life every single day."
"Planning just makes sure that you actually are consciously and intentionally working towards your goals daily."
"What you do today will change your tomorrow."
"Love isn't an idea a concept an understanding but rather love is demonstrated love shows up in the smallest things that we do day in and day out."
"You are creating your future every single day."
"Success is the sum of small positive actions repeated daily."
"Do what you can do today and do it in the most perfect manner possible."
"Resolve yourself to do things every day that moves you towards your goal."
"If you want something different, you must do something different every single day."
"Relationships are not like this puppy-like romantic love constantly... it's doing the small things every single day to make sure the relationship works."
"Spread love, spread kindness, do something nice for somebody today."
"You focus on what you can do every single day in your own life."
"Do something every day that moves you closer towards your goals."
"If seven and a half billion people did one thing a day to bring balance and harmony."
"What actions make me feel great about myself and how can I do them more in my daily life?"
"Establishing, reinforcing, and building Security in a relationship is something that you do every single day."
"Do things every day that align with that goal."
"Do what you have to do today for where you want to be tomorrow."
"Find that motivation, find who you truly want to be in the future, but understand that the things that you do each and every single day are gravitating you towards that bigger goal of yours."
"Everything we do today matters on an eternal level."
"It's not about making a dramatic change in one day, but it's about little actions step by step every single day."
"Every single action that we take is a step towards being the person that we want to be."
"Every single day you are creating your future."
"If you do 100 primary actions every single day... I promise you'll have a business."
"More importantly what can we simply do today?"
"It seems as though we're on the verge of World War III."
"His immediate will... what does he want you to do today in your life?"
"Every single day, do something that your future self will be proud of."
"Don't be consumed by those emotions, but take deliberate intentional actions today and tomorrow and every day."
"Remember to thank someone for doing something nice for you today."
"If you want to make a change in your life, it is the small daily actions, not the big changes, that make a difference."
"Each morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most."
"What can I do today to be the best that I can be and what can I do to help people?"
"Our everyday actions is the path."
"You build your consciousness by the things you do all day long. It is by such things that we are judged."
"The way it happens is that you focus your attention on one thing and you break it down into everyday chunkable actions that you now do on repeat, and then slowly the thing compounds for you."
"I'm part of figuring it out... I just want to make sure every day I'm doing things that are meaningful."
"What you're doing each and every day, is that going to leave the jersey in a better place than you found it?"
"I've just been doing my good deed for the day."
"Once you let go of that, it liberates you to say okay, what can I do today and then what can I do tomorrow."
"When we take concrete actions every day, it sends a clear message to the universe that this is what we want."
"That's what you do today that determines how your mind and body operates years from now."
"You determine your outcome, what you do every day pledges your allegiance to either failure or success."
"Do something positive every day and you'll feel a lot better for it."
"All of us engage every day in actions that can either bring us towards our values or away from our values regardless of our circumstances."
"The things you do daily dictate the culture more than the mission statement you post on your wall."
"By concentrating on your daily actions, you can get way more satisfaction from what you're committed to, regardless of immediate and tangible results."
"Doing something nice for someone every day can have a massive effect on your well-being."
"The secret to changing yourself and changing your life is to simply take action every day that's consistent with where you're going."
"What you do hour-to-hour, and day-to-day, make sure that those actions add up to what you want to achieve ultimately over time in your life."
"Just do something to be a light in their day today."
"What have you done today to make the world a better place?"
"So I wanted to do something where it was like interesting, but then also give you guys things that you can do every day or whatever to help our natural world, to help the environment, to help the planet as a whole."
"I wanted to do something where it was interesting, but then also give you guys things that you can do every day to help our natural world, to help the environment, to help the planet as a whole."
"Control your destiny by the actions and the choices that we take every day."
"The most successful people in the world... do innocuous little things every day... so consistently that their life changes over time."
"The smallest things we do can make the biggest impact on our health."
"If everyone took just a couple of seconds every day to think of someone else and to do something kind for somebody else, the world would be a lot better place."
"Create the image of your ideal self... and every day take actions towards that ideal self."
"Our success is just a sum total of things that we do more of or less of every day."
"The secret of your future is hidden in everything that you do each day."
"That's how you align your high level aspirations in life with your daily and hourly actions."
"Whatever you do today, do it with kindness in your heart."
"I wanted to be happier, so I just focused on simple things I could do in that day to make me feel a little better."
"Every day, just do something even if it's one thing leading on to the goal."