
Obligation Quotes

There are 1207 quotes

"The only obligation that really matters, the most important thing, is family."
"Dawa is an obligation on all of us. It doesn't mean making a YouTube channel; it's about being there for others, even in the smallest ways."
"We all have an obligation to make money, and whenever you attach obligation to anything you love, there's always going to be an element of it feeling like a chore."
"A life free of obligation is also a life free of all of the bonds that actually root you in the community."
"We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. Our obligation is to make money."
"The Integrity of the system depends on it, and the judge has an obligation, in my view, to make sure that the system works."
"I think we have a moral obligation to minimize unnecessary suffering when it occurs."
"We have a duty to reform health care, but we have an obligation to get it right."
"Transparency is especially important today... we have a special obligation to explain ourselves clearly, to provide transparency to the public and their elected representatives in Congress."
"President Biden believes we have a sacred obligation to care for our veterans and their families."
"Our party must never do that; we have an absolute obligation to our children to restore what we've lost."
"Local communities, local jurisdictions have a right and an obligation to know what threats are in their communities, so that they would know how to deal with them."
"You should never say yes to something out of a sense of duty, obligation, or guilt."
"Compliance with International humanitarian law is not optional; it is an obligation."
"You may have a moral obligation not to follow an unjust law."
"Gawain kind of forgets about the whole thing until the following Michaelmas when he remembers, 'Oh crap, I'm going to get my head eminently chopped off.'"
"Spending money on someone is a really nice thing to do, but a guy should not be obliged to spend money on you just to spend time with you."
"You are obligated to write... if you have experienced something in life that you owe the next generation."
"An honorable discharge...would be granted to all whose records indicated they had truly fulfilled their entire obligation."
"Fulfilling this basic obligation to all Americans, especially low-income, White, Black, Brown, and Native American communities who too often don't have the clean air and clean water, is not going to be easy but it's absolutely necessary."
"As a nation, we have many obligations...but I believe we only have one truly sacred obligation: to prepare and equip our troops that we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they return."
"Fulfilling our promise to our veterans and our military families, caregivers, and survivors, is critical to ensuring we not only meet our obligations but the future generations continue to volunteer to serve."
"Gaining of knowledge is an obligation for every male and every single female."
"As we celebrate our nation's founding, we're reminded once more of our profound obligation to protect America's extraordinary blessings for the next generation."
"It's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful."
"You have more and therefore you have an obligation to those who have less."
"Now, by the laws of the Internet, I am legally obligated to do a theory about this very topic."
"You must drink one, you have to have five, but this you must drink one."
"Out of every single person in that courtroom, other than maybe people just wanted to come and watch the trial in the gallery, every single person in that courtroom is there because they have to be, because they are required to be."
"He knew he had an obligation before God to pass on what had been given to him, and that was the old faith."
"Racial injustice is a scourge on this nation, and the black community has felt it for generations. We have an obligation to do something about it."
"Prayer is not an option thing for us believers, it is a command."
"Phantom Planet was a finale that tied up the show's main plot points out of obligation."
"If I let you go, will you let me go? It must be taken care of by its High Priest."
"You don't owe people nothing but love, they say that in the Bible."
"If a debt is owed then a debt should be paid."
"It's actually about you you know was like that it's it's an obligation for me like it's it's a drive for me to do that."
"You have an obligation to see your family. You will regret it if you don't."
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house."
"Trying is not just an option, it is an absolute obligation."
"Pay all of them their dues... honor to whom honor is due."
"If you have the ability, you have the responsibility; if you can, then you must."
"For those of us who care, we have an obligation to help our youth succeed."
"Choosing to skip Mass for trivial reasons is a mortal sin because it is a kind of willful self neglect."
"You're obligated to show them that you've got a defective product."
"I never would have expected the sense of obligation. You reach out to us with so much love."
"You're gonna come back every day I don't care if you live in another state and do the dishes until I'm 87 years old because I paid this for you."
"It's not like I love doing this, it's like I have to."
"We know we have an obligation to these men and women and their families." - Senior Administration Official
"I kind of felt like I have an obligation to my brothers in the league and guys have played before to really tell it how it is."
"If you make the child, you have to father the child. End of story."
"We have the obligation to do what we can while time remains."
"Social Security is a sacred obligation, a sacred promise."
"You're not just justified, you are obligated to do everything you can to try to make that trip [to the next level]."
"I feel an obligation to make a comment about something that speaks to my values."
"Climb every mountain, swim every sea, it's a salmon's obligation."
"It is illegal and a sin to owe somebody and not pay them"
"A bet is a bet, a challenge is a challenge. I lost to my brother, so I gotta do it."
"When you feel a need to do something, then it's not so free. Your heart's not all the way in it."
"If you could do good things for other people, you had a moral obligation to do those things. Responsibility."
"I feel obligated to... because I don't like doing livestreams... it's kind of lazy content."
"For them to suggest I don't get this information is ridiculous and they are under an obligation to provide me that information."
"They're gonna remind Stellantis that they have an obligation to create a market for the product that they've developed."
"Why did kuzan in Marine fode say he owes GARP one when he was talking about to kill Luffy?"
"Even fat old fools like [him] have friends, and debts of affection to repay."
"When you have the talent to win a championship, you have an obligation to go for it."
"I think he owes it to come out and debate. I'm happy to do that."
"The only debt we must keep paying is the debt of love."
"After I actually read the character's part for the character suggested for me to play Cyrus, it became more of an obligation."
"You owe it to yourself and you owe it to them."
"Wow we're spending that money right now no choice contractual obligation."
"You don't owe anyone anything except to love your neighbor as yourself."
"There aren't correct ways to live, but I think there certainly are some wrong ways, and that's time spent out of obligation."
"It was like my duty more than being excited."
"I must now return to work for Hades, he is waiting."
"We have many obligations but we only have one true sacred obligation...that is to prepare those we send into harm's way."
"A person has no obligation to care for another person or allow them the use of his or her body."
"We have obligations to one another in virtue of our human identity, in virtue of being human beings."
"Teacher: You are here to learn. Me: No, I'm here because it's the law."
"Teacher during the last week of school: I'm just here so I won't get fined."
"If you know somebody to be a criminal and you are called upon to testify, you have an obligation to tell the truth."
"To them I believe we owe honesty."
"I feel like I owe you something since you helped."
"Our primary obligation is not to the means; our primary obligation is to what Christ has taught us."
"Suddenly there's a respect for another human being... and now I have an obligation to them as the writer to honor them."
"It's vital that all parties to the conflict respect their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect civilians."
"Fighting for your country was considered a moral obligation of a good citizen, not a profession."
"You must do what you promised, complete what was begun, or all is for naught."
"We are trained to live by the rule of reciprocation that says we are obligated to give back to others who have first given to us."
"The system congratulates him on the start of his service and reminds him of his duties."
"The only debt we are to acquire is the love debt."
"Janana received a subpoena that ordered him to appear before the senate committee without fail."
"Our contract with our soldiers is, we broke it, we got to pay for it, right?"
"He can only fulfill just one request of him no matter what it is."
"There is a requirement for dutiful and obligatory loyalty."
"He doesn't owe them [__] if it's between them."
"I promise I'll fulfill all of my obligations as a symbol of hope for my kingdom."
"Sometimes you just got to do things that you don't want to do in life."
"That's my responsibility to you, the American people, my obligation to the Constitution."
"The thought has occurred to me to write that next book... but I've got an obligation to my clients first."
"Do you want to live out of obligation?"
"We have to do what we have to do regardless of how we feel."
"Simply doing what you always do, what you've signed up for, cannot be self-perceived as some monumental sacrifice; no, it's just what you do, it's neutral."
"I'm not obligated to be your friend. I'm not obligated to [__] with you. I'm not obligated to want to like you. I'm not obligated for none of that."
"You got to be able to turn the professional switch on; it's a job, and you got to perform whether or not you're feeling like it."
"Everybody just has to do his duty."
"You have an obligation to do your best, to be truthful, to be honest, and to explode the myths, dispel the lies, and to enlighten people so that they can empower themselves."
"She can live in luxury with no need to do her duty as a marchess or go out in society."
"Accepting responsibility is not optional, it's mandatory"
"He is afraid of ruining his father, so he cannot openly declare his reluctance to become Ura's husband."
"Definitely not the jerk. Once again, I mean yes, there is no obligation for her to help you, of course, that is what you said, you're going to admit that, but then there is no obligation for you to let her see your son, simple as that."
"I feel like Al Pacino in The Godfather films, 'I'm trying to get out, they keep pulling me back in.'"
"Are you going to pay me back, or am I never going to ever, ever, ever see that money?"
"They feel like they owe you something. Promises are on their mind. They feel like they owe you something."
"I must publish this. I must, George. Any other course would be impossible."
"It seems that after our departure, the witch nearly drank herself to death and was placed in a psych ward for observation," not that I cared, but she is their mother so I have to deal with her for the foreseeable future.
"Service is the rent we pay for living."
"The truth has power. You have an obligation to pay attention to the truth. How you like that? You have an obligation, why? Because it's the truth. It's that simple."
"You're gonna have to go where I need you, not where you want to be."
"I can't let this person down. I'll neglect my own personal life and I'll show up for her or the needs of Christ."
"You need to go on and pay BR back his cigarette."
"You owe it to yourself to pay it forward."
"Nothing will bring my servant close to me other than the obligations."
"You may have forgotten us, but I can never forget him. And he has a debt to pay."
"It creates this internal parent of 'I should do this, I should do this, I should do this.'"
"If you could do something good for other people, you have a moral obligation to do it."
"Charismatic figures what is unique to them always demand or preach new obligations recognition of which is a duty for those charismatically qualified."
"It's actually community. It's actually not freedom. It's actually obligation to one another, duties and things like that."
"You have an obligation to your co-workers, your collaborators, your financiers, your producers, to the legacy of these characters that have been beloved for a long time."
"You do have to, you are serving someone, and you should be serving those who need your skills. If you are good at this business, then you have an obligation to give those skills to those who need it, and they're desperately needed."
"You promised the first chance you got with your spectacles you'd look at him."
"...he can't leave his home and loved ones behind."
"How you gonna just get everything from this woman and not do anything for her?"
"Even knowing emperor Minchestor wants her to marry Linden and become empress."
"Raising money is not an accomplishment, it's an obligation."
"It's a promise, it's a commitment, obligations."
"There's a difference between having to and wanting to."
"I feel like I owe you guys this video."
"If you're taking money from people, be it from memberships, be it from super chats, be it from donations you asked for, you do have an obligation to that person to provide them something."
"ENTJs exist to obligate others, they believe that when they give people such a good experience and make people as comfortable as possible, it garners loyalty."
"I'm basically a public figure at this point. I can't log off. My job requires being on the internet."
"Hospitality becomes an obligation."
"If you want to do these sorts of things and you enjoy them and you feel good with them, great, but I don't think that people should feel that they are obligated to eat these things if they don't want to."
"This Love, this compassion, was meat, that is, it was required, it was necessary, it was commanded by God's Own law."
"You didn't have for me, I have to."
"I've never experienced uh I left there and I felt like I was obliged to go back yeah and she sat there and convinced me that I need to tip her yeah I was like I got no I got no cash I was like but I can transfer you"
"We should've went because it's already paid, okay?"
"You are not indebted to me, you are free to do as you please, however, there are some things you must know first."
"A life was saved, a debt must be repaid."
"...one year lease so you're here for the next year whether you like it or not."
"Community service is part of what we were taught, and we have to do it."
"Because that's what morality requires."
"He's often forced to buy clothes."
"He didn't want to disappoint Pora."
"I had a promise to keep. You and I have a lot of catching up to do."
"You are under no obligation to pay more taxes than it is legally required!"
"It's not your responsibility to take on their mistake. Let's pretend it wasn't a loan. Would you have to pay that back if you didn't have any knowledge that you were supposed to pay that back? No."
"I can't say no to a pregnant woman."
"The big four were not immune from requisition for wartime service."
"Now, you have to go. She still has her senses."
"If he's a cop, he has to tell us he's a cop."
"Happiness is not a psychological state or a feeling as much as it is a moral obligation."
"Only one thing stops me: a promise I made to Andy."
"These companies really need to do this."
"It's better to be there up to speed and ready to play. People have paid money, so you have an obligation."
"It's time to go, I got to go, I'm sorry my home is calling me."
"To whom much has been given, from him much will be required."
"Seems we all owe something to the masked man."
"We have an obligation to uphold the tradition within the Catholic Church and carry the standard of perpetuating knowledge and wisdom."
"Once you're on record you belong to that family and it takes an official release from that family to for you to leave."
"Taxes are imposed on you, and you have no choice."
"It's not what's offered, it's not what's sold, but then it's kind of expected. And number one, I don't wanna hurt anybody by not going through with this."
"I feel like I owed that to my fans and myself."
"Kindness toward strangers is an obligation."
"You have the obligation, you have responsibilities, and you want to fail. You have the right to fail, but you do not have the right to see other people fail because you don't fulfill your obligation."
"I just don't want to do that for my fans. I, for some reason, I just had this like obligation to show my fans that they're putting effort into somebody who's worth the effort and worth the support."
"I've been always sure about you. I know that you're the one that I want. I'm trying to do the right thing for all involved. I feel obligated to make everyone happy."
"Tips have become a de facto service charge on top of your bills."
"Tips are no longer voluntary demonstrations of appreciation but rather a requirement."
"This is me returning favors already, Logan."
"He is hollow and pointless as a member of the family, only in meetings out of obligation, given mundane tasks that he overcompensates for in order to impress while sitting on his cash from the comforts of his ranch."
"People always feel like you supposed to be giving, handing out because y'all share the same bloodline or something."
"You don't owe anybody their own happiness."
"You must be pretty grateful that you saved him. That's cool and all, man, I'm glad I saved you, but I gotta run."
"You're going to pay them the $750 they paid you in addition to the $500 they paid the new DJ because of your failure to show up that day."
"I can't let them down you know and when they tell you to do this to do this there's you go whatever's going on my life I can't let those whatever how many people done I got them I gotta make them happy so I love it."
"My sole obligation is to my supporters."
"I have no choice but to kill them."
"It's not an option, it's an absolute necessity."
"To whom much is given much is required. Take advantage of your matchup."
"Feel the weight but don't let it crush you. It's a sense of obligation and empowerment."
"The king starts to insist that the princess really wanted to attend and since she wants to get married to Alfonso, she is rather sweet to him."
"For men, there's nothing but responsibility."
"if you can't give them the little thing how can you really worship Him and honor him this is a serious thing a serious question of your soul."
"Tax returns are necessary if you are self-employed."
"She had a sense that she ought to have been there, and not these two."
"We all have things we don't want to do but we do them anyway because that's just life."
"Reminded his uncle of his debt to his ailing father."
"We're morally obliged to do everything we can to try to do the right thing."