
People Quotes

There are 1897 quotes

"The power of the people is always greater than the people in power."
"Good people can fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't fix bad people."
"Life is about people and life is about relationships."
"We got some very wise, wise people on this couch."
"The greatest faith in the most unlikely people."
"Children aren't accomplishments, they're people."
"People and how they function is more important than ideas."
"We are a party that will make people our top priority."
"The ideas are more important than the people, in my opinion."
"The people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have displayed remarkable resilience."
"We are restoring power to you, the American people."
"Scotland is one of the most beautiful places in the world, inhabited by some of the most beautiful people."
"Objects don't have rights, only people have rights."
"We invest in people first. Not necessarily the product idea."
"The power is always... vested in the people."
"The arguments are much more important than the people who make them."
"Sovereignty does not rest in Parliament, it rests with the people."
"You cannot say you love yah but hate his people he chose."
"For me, what truly shines here are the people of Jamaica. I'm getting goosebumps thinking about all the wonderful people we met here."
"What makes our world come to life is our community and our people in the studio."
"Most Muslims are good people, most of them are really just decent human beings."
"I regard both of these people as an important intelligence operation."
"Investing in people and skills is always a good thing."
"More people are waking up, but it's the type of people that are waking up now that's more interesting."
"True power in our nation is not found in government or hallways or anywhere, it's found in our people."
"I feel like ghosts are just like people, right? Because they're literally people."
"Sovereignty resided not in the government but in the people themselves."
"I was very scared of ghosts... Nowadays I'm more scared of people."
"People in Vietnam are very friendly... Sometimes people are just very honest and straightforward."
"You know, it's fighting as far as the leadership of Russia as far as the leadership ship of Ukraine just to be clear there are good people in Russia and there are good people in Ukraine."
"Take that power back and put it in the hands of the people."
"The fate of the nation... lies where it always does with the people."
"God loves people and this is something he's been revealing to Sabrina."
"Once you see past that, you realize oh wait there are some really incredible people who I can learn from."
"Our strength has never come from the White House or the Capitol, it's always come from our people."
"God does great things but he does them through people."
"We will be once again a government of the People by the people and for the people."
"The vast majority are very normal people bullish."
"I love the action, I love the depiction of people."
"When the power is in everyday people, it becomes unstoppable."
"The greatest people don't assume you hate everybody."
"They've underestimated the American people. They've underestimated humanity."
"Vietnam, yeah, of course, definitely the people."
"You're creating experiences for people that they want."
"We love our people; they're family to us."
"You got to love your people and care what's best for them."
"The people involved in any given situation like this are real people."
"It doesn't matter the final position, all that matters is that you've used all n people."
"I believe that there are people in the world that are capable of healing other people's ailments."
"People are a far better currency than money, and the favor of people brings about pretty much everything you need."
"Surround yourself with people that inspire you."
"History uses people and discards them."
"The only people that should be allowed to get rid of a prime minister... is the people."
"I'm just thinking about people who..."
"It's very dangerous... to state 'a people without a land for a land without a people.' There was always a people; they were the people of Palestine."
"...you will find the Laces most charming, delightful people."
"I'd rather find marvelous people and a marvelous competitive position."
"The power is in the people, it's not in the politicians."
"Ultimately, what we're trying to do is to empower people."
"It's been too long since I've seen my kingdom and listened to my people."
"It's about the people side of change and getting people through the change curve with as little disruption and pain as possible."
"I learned a lot about dealing with people and people from international spheres."
"We always know we're going to see cool cars but we never know much about the people we're going to meet."
"Nothing makes me more proud than knowing how good people we have."
"My favorite part is the people, honestly."
"We the people still have that power."
"I make music for people, not for money."
"Nomads are the most creative people out there, I think."
"Bitcoin can be described as the currency of the people."
"You guys are just real genuine awesome people."
"It's a new kind of war, it's an ideological war, it's more about the people."
"I think what gives a home its soul definitely depends on the people that live in the home."
"It's about the people, it's about the relationships more than anything else."
"People more than anything else love to connect."
"I love the people, but I don't always agree with them."
"People are mostly attracted to confidence."
"I think what makes a home come alive are the people that live in it."
"It's the stories and the memories that are built along the way and the people you meet."
"The more and more that I get removed from my competition career, the more and more I'm realizing that people are the best thing."
"One of the cool things about doing this show is meeting some of the most amazing people that you'll ever meet."
"What is a real treasure? These are people and nothing else."
"The era of the people has dawned, and the rule of the masses will prevail in the land."
"I would become an adventurer who would fight for the people."
"The secret is not the chocolate; it's the people you share it with."
"You got to make the people and their happiness the priority."
"People are pretty much nice everywhere."
"There are tons of amazing stories, positive and good people out there."
"If the people don't get you, the Wilderness will."
"I don't love parties; I love policies. I love things that impact our people."
"Government is about people, not process."
"The technology fallacy: why people are the real key to digital transformation."
"Our vehicles are tools to have great experiences, meet great people."
"People are a result of the ideology of a society."
"Beliefs don't matter, it's what one knows about people."
"The most interesting stories are the ones not about the history of places and things, but of people and how we interact with each other and the world around us."
"People show themselves eventually for who they are."
"There's a lot of people who genuinely benefit from emotional support animals."
"The world is full of interesting people and interesting things to discuss."
"I love people. I love the potential of people."
"Beyond the main gate, there's a town with many own people."
"I'm for the people, from the people, with the people."
"That's South Africa's greatest natural resource, it is the people of South Africa"
"Life is about the people who make it worth living."
"People are scared of things they don't understand."
"Home to me is about the people that I share it with but also about the walls that we're able to enjoy each other's company in."
"Blizzard isn't the company, it's the people."
"What kind of people do you want to recruit into your business?"
"Blizzard isn't the company it was. It's the people."
"I have the most genuine, the most supportive people in my life and I would not trade them for the world."
"You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
"Success is not just about achieving our goals but also about the journey and the people we meet along the way."
"Invest in businesses, not in people."
"you're talking about one of the most narcissistic people you could come across"
"People are vehicles from the universe."
"The people of Arot claimed that this was their golden age."
"A story or a system isn't a very good one if it doesn't remember what it's really there for: the people."
"You just can't please some people so don't bother trying."
"People come into our lives like a tornado and wreck The Whole Trailer Park."
"Wow, he's just saving all of these people."
"God cares for his people and is attentive to us, not being a distant God but one who is concerned and involved in the lives of his people."
"Generous people are happy people."
"This game taught me so much about people, it taught me so much about timing, it taught me so much about focus, dedication."
"People just want authenticity and accountability."
"This just reminds me like how good people are."
"You might meet lots of cool different people, but over the course of your life, you're gonna meet a handful of people that you really jive with instantly, where it feels like it was meant to be."
"The systematic [ __ ] is not for the people."
"What really makes the place work are the people who create all of the things that we love to this day."
"Housing is ultimately for people, not profits."
"...it was the people of the island who mattered more than anything else."
"Wow, so friendly, the people here in the Philippines are just some of the friendliest in the world."
"You've still got to believe in people."
"People are liking these skill tests."
"Empower people over power. I'm a firm believer in empowering."
"Not all of us win the lottery or marry royalty, but that doesn't mean we won't have amazing adventures and meet exceptional people."
"If you can serve the customer, that's what's most important. You have to be in the people business."
"Now, the people decide who is good and who is bad."
"Love the people, love the whole vibe."
"Every person who comes into your life is a gift and part of an unlimited supply of teachers sent to help you perfect yourself."
"Being in the business of telling someone's life story, I think the foundation of an authentic home starts always with the people that live in the house."
"If people do not like you, it is honestly their loss."
"The people of the city are some of the warmest, friendliest, and most fun-loving people I've met anywhere in my travels."
"I'm meeting some awesome people from all over the world."
"People who need people, they're the luckiest people in the world."
"For the great strength of America is our people. If you want to know what is the defining strength of America, it is our people."
"Few cars become legends. People become legends."
"Remember, there's a lot of good and most people are amazing people."
"Asgard is not a place, it's a people."
"People are interesting, you just have to ask the right questions."
"They're the most incredible resilient kinds of people."
"I've come to really appreciate the ordinary and ordinary people."
"There's no better word to describe it and you know great people. I think that's the key to it's nothing without us you know it's great people."
"Releasing a system for the sake of people while treating them with distain, it's not going to work out."
"I think what gives the home soul is the people within it."
"What if my predilections lie towards those people?"
"The best part for me is always the people."
"Buildings don't make communities, people make communities."
"My subject matter is very much about trying to help people."
"It's not the house that's important, it's the people who made it important to you."
"The world can be a dangerous place. The people in it aren't always good."
"I think people are amazing people are fascinating."
"These people are extremely powerful and extremely strong-willed."
"Let me focus on purpose, let me focus on the people."
"People love to emotionally manipulate you."
"80-90% of people that I meet over here are pretty amazing."
"People definitely need compassion, exactly."
"Boom, I give the people what they want."
"People amaze you with the Ingenuity."
"I met some wonderful people along the way."
"Child rearing is not a technique, it's people, it's relationships."
"Another favorite this year for sure, people love these little wallets."
"It was a great experience. I learned a lot about people."
"People are awesome and the only way we can really grow is to assist."
"These are my stories, yeah these are my people."
"They're all very like Fascinating People."
"I'm Mr. Nice Guy out there and, you know, I never say no to an autograph, I never say no to a picture. You know, I generally do like people."
"When people are involved, people will invest."
"The things that are interesting are the people that are authentic and real and tell the truth."
"Surround yourself with people who have an abundance mindset."
"A lot of these big companies like Claire and Solotech have proper training procedures and they invest a lot of time and money into their people because it is all about the people. These sound companies are nothing without their people."
"...all I can operate on is my... what is, I need people, this is the trick about money, people think... people think you need money, but that money that you got came from people."
"Empathy for people, don't have sympathy for them."
"It demonstrates that it's just about people. It's not really about the things that you do, it's not about the aspirations that you have, but it's more about the people."
"You know you go to Vegas and you see these people."
"It's all about people; technology is in service of people and it's also developed by people."
"Our people are not in a very good position right now on either front."
"Of all the people in the face of earth that I really really didn't want to run into that evening, it had to be them."
"People are like chocolate, some are sweet, some are semi-sweet, and some are downright bitter."
"Numbers don't lie and people don't change."
"It's like you can have a belief about something or about people group and then when you meet them and see like they're who they are like their soul it kind of makes you kind of question like the beliefs versus the people."
"A land holds no memory, only its people can do that."
"No matter how much Monster Blood he had, he was on the side of the people."
"If you're trying to make everyone happy, you can make no one happy."
"The royal family exists because of the people and for the people."
"I love the UK, I love the people, the banter, the rawness, the realness, the patriotism. That's what I miss about the UK, the people. But when it comes to the country, the leadership's a mess, everything is just unorganized and a bit chaotic."
"It's about people, about you and me."
"We need leaders who prioritize the people's best interests."
"Absolutely, yeah. Absolutely. It was, I mean, it was the most rewarding, you know, peacetime and War, the most rewarding thing I've gotten to do with, with the end of just the people."
"...the idea of democracy can be implemented in many different ways but its fundamental Foundation is the idea that the authority comes from the will of the people, not from some special Elite."
"Life is gonna piss you the [expletive] off and people are the absolute [expletive]."
"Is it more important to have good institutions or good people? Is it more important to have technical expertise or high moral values, ethically led principles?"