
Superstition Quotes

There are 1555 quotes

"I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious."
"A visceral depiction of what happens when a society is consumed by fear and superstition."
"The beard is still going strong. I won't shave it until we stop winning."
"The linking of phenomena like earthquakes and eclipses with human events goes back a very long way, like to the beginning of our species, as does the belief that supernatural forces are deeply shaping the lives of individual humans."
"To this day, in some parts of the Philippines, saying the word Pepsi is like Voldemort."
"Traditionally, eclipses and comets have been viewed as indicators or harbingers of change."
"Comets are vile Stars. Every time they appear in the South, something happens to wipe out the old and establish the new."
"Also, if you believe in curses, my friend Rachel, who drew all of those Derpy NFL logos you love, made this one as well. It's the Chiefs' Arrowhead destroying the curse wheel."
"I'm not superstitious; I'm just a little stitious."
"Why do football gods hate the Panthers? Because once again Jerry Richardson pissed off the football gods."
"27 club baby, you know what I mean, the 27 club is, that's when everyone dies."
"People don't die with white lighters, yes they do, it's bad luck, it's real."
"We could say what day was the election really lost? It may just have been the day that the solar eclipse occurred."
"This is black magic this is wrong and this will take you to hell my friend."
"Every time a certain Mark is given to people some groups immediately assume it's the mark of the beast."
"Good luck, Alex, I hope you're not on those myths again, dude, please switch it up just for me."
"I just hope that this is not inauspicious for me."
"Faith today is taking the form of superstition."
"Do not allow sage in your house like that. I'm telling you what I know. It is an open door for demons."
"Rosary beads, they gotta go. It's an open door."
"Scoundrel if it's all about the dog and she really brings him luck, then I need that dog."
"We found out the dog isn't magical... we need to get rid of her as soon as possible."
"I'm against superstition in a way that the Romans and the Greeks criticized it."
"I gave up superstition when I was like 23 years old... it drives you crazy."
"Imagine living in that world. You could be accused, tortured, and executed on the basis of nothing more than gossip and superstition."
"John’s heart raced at the sight of it. Perhaps this was the reason why the hill had been tarnished with superstition and myth."
"Look out for ladybugs; luck and new beginnings."
"It's not that pseudoscience and superstition are something new; they've been with us for as long as we've been human."
"He puts his crystals down everything goes to hell."
"Friday the 13th is my favorite day and I can't think of a better way to spend it than watching you guys."
"A soccer team has banned their teammates from taking pictures with Drake until after the season."
"The Drake curse is a lot worse than the Kardashian curse."
"The hanging of a horseshoe outside one's home has been associated with good luck and protection over your threshold."
"Toothpick trick or that, yeah this has got to be bats."
"Curses, ladies and gentlemen, can be very, very real."
"Our dollars are disproportionately responsible for them leveling up and being successful."
"I'm gonna think twice before I use a Ouija board just 'cause."
"You might need to see a witch about the hexes... as long as you go and see her."
"Charity is the antidote to bad premonitions."
"Luck comes from within, not from objects or superstitions."
"Keep the doll always with her and nothing will happen."
"Are curses real? In Britain, a mysterious painting is blamed for a string of deadly house fires."
"Can a doll really invoke a curse? And why would it strike Heather?"
"Wood crawlers steal human voices. Burn the bodies lest they stand up again."
"The number 13, believed to bring misfortune or bad luck, is even categorized as a legitimate phobia."
"In Chinese communities, the number 4 is considered worth being cautious of, likely because it is pronounced the same as the Chinese word for death."
"Black cats are generally seen as lucky on the Empire."
"The evil eye belief transcends cultural and religious boundaries, influencing practices like prayer, amulet wearing, and rituals aimed at dispelling its perceived negative effects."
"Encountering one's own doppelganger is traditionally seen as an unsettling and ominous experience."
"I think the whole hotel is cursed because it's on an Indian burial ground."
"When traveling by boat, one is not to bring bananas aboard. Apparently, it is bad luck."
"One man's good luck charm is another man's cooler."
"I remember reading something on the weekend that was very similar to that, that he had made some sort of satanic deal."
"16 of the last 19 Super Bowl winners have worn white jerseys."
"Humans in the 1700s were like, 'Oh, that woman's cursed, she's a witch for sure.' Then humans today are like, 'Ah, that stadium's cursed for sure.' Cursed, we haven't changed."
"When you step back and look at everything that went wrong with this whole project plan universe...well, it really starts to feel like it was jinxed or hexed or maybe even cursed."
"I'm about to get my dreams analyzed, this lady might be a witch."
"Thankfully they said no and the subject hasn't come up since today I obviously don't think that the latest wave of Satan themed pop culture is the work of an actual devil."
"Iron begets death. If their belief is that iron leads to death, it makes sense for the Alliance to recruit people with iron deficiencies."
"The reverse curse, the reverse jinx, and it bloody worked. Happy days!"
"It is astonishing to see a film surrounded by so many tragedies."
"Sometimes a film is thought to be so cursed that it does not even make it to theaters."
"And it's very sad that's actually like the darkest realest thing about the airport I think maybe it is cursed that could be real I will say."
"Many have rushed to attribute this occurrence to the doldrums, a notorious nautical zone encircling the Earth near the Equator."
"Nothing could go wrong on Friday the 13th," said no one ever.
"I've heard a rumor if you say that in front of a mirror at 3am, Shane Isaac is behind you."
"This candle is lit, I send my prayer: the mellow ball will be pulled."
"Pray, pray, pray, dear Ronnie 2k, let this be the mellow ball."
"The pack gods have nothing to do with EA. The pack gods are gods."
"Even if I walked under a ladder, it wouldn't matter."
"Some even call it the Bermuda Triangle of Romania... this forest is not to be entered alone."
"When you believe in things you don't understand, you suffer."
"Don’t ever say happy birthday to a German before their actual birthday."
"A female vampire skeleton that was restrained to prevent the dead woman from returning to life."
"Witchcraft deceives through rituals, but ties you deeper into evil."
"People felt that somehow reading about them was inadvertently inviting them into their space as well."
"Mercury retrograde causes problems with machinery."
"I think that part of the fun of gambling and the fun of casinos and the fun of whether it's watching youtube videos or going to the casino or whatnot is um is this luck and superstition and all the other things that kind of make this fun right."
"See a penny, pick it up. All day long you'll have good luck."
"It's the Beaver Creek curse... it's a thing."
"What is happening to the gaming industry right now is absolutely on its own."
"This doll is probably possessed by the spirit of an evil ghost."
"Superstitions have influenced humanity since the dawn of our species."
"SCP-7291 is a tale of superstitions running awry in an already dire situation."
"Can you become the king of the rap game without selling your soul to the devil? Well, probably. But people still think Jay-Z must have made some sort of deal with the devil in order to make it to the top."
"The evil eye refers to the supernatural belief that a person's glare, glance, or gaze can harm another person."
"The evil eye represents an expansive constellation of beliefs, practices, and symbols in cultures all over the world."
"In the Greco-Roman world, the evil eye is intimately tied to envy."
"The evil eye belief complex appears in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam."
"We've not lost the game yet all season touch wood."
"If a ladybug lands on you, it is a very positive sign that everything's gonna go in your favor."
"They don't really understand what the deal is that we have about the number 13."
"Always whack a coffin before you bury it, you never know what's going on inside."
"Don't put your chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, it can be seen as an offering to the deceased."
"Rumors of strange voices, distorted faces—'kamaitachi no yoro 2' was a cursed game."
"Now you know that the idols of the demon pea have been found."
"Strange events have occurred more recently to those who visit the Valley of the Kings and the ancient tomb of Tutankhamun."
"Romans believed it was bad luck for a groom not to carry his bride over the threshold of their home, a tradition that still carries on today."
"Victory might be upon us. Don't jinx it, low kibs, don't jinx it."
"Throw out the table salt or, hey, throw it over your shoulder for good luck."
"So my roommate called up someone that she knew that did house exorcisms... make sure you never have mirrors facing your bed."
"Is the Huggy wuggy kissy Missy Toy Box cursed? It must be this one."
"You make your own luck. I see a broken mirror and I think of people sort of thinking that that's bad luck."
"Either the reader is extremely clumsy or the necklace is haunted by the bad juju of the Titanic. There's just no in-between."
"So this movie will likely never be made due to the, you know, just horrible luck and many deaths that just talking about it has caused. Do we?"
"The curse of King Tutankhamun's tomb warned people off disturbing it for thousands of years." - Mention of the curse of King Tutankhamun's tomb
"Love will find a way, so we'll just light her too and hopefully between all these candles, you know, we can just ward out the evil spirits."
"Magic and Superstition are often utilized as a belief system to rationalize Misfortune similar to religion."
"I'm not sure how much of a bad omen this would be for crafting, but I also made sure that my elevator terminal on the inside of the building skips the fourth floor."
"The next time you knock on wood, know that you're not just partaking in a quaint ritual but echoing a melody of human resilience and hope."
"Superstitions are narrative relics holding within their folds the essence of human curiosity, caution, and the Eternal dance with the unknown."
"The scariest things always happen at 3 in the morning."
"It's not a superstition, it is 100% scientifically proven to work every single time."
"Residents are living in fear amid indications that invisible creatures suspected to be goblins have been terrorizing them."
"The energy was like a little lulling and she's like, 'I just got to smooth out the ringles in this rug or else someone I love is going to die.'"
"Year after year, the college basketball game that has the clear connection to the Super Bowl tells us the outcome the day before it happens."
"People fear numbers. We have buildings with no 13th floor, elevators with no negative numbers."
"If I'm letting Superstition get the better of me, then it seems pretty clear that this place is packed with ghosts."
"Remember: don't play any creepy games at 3:00 a.m., okay? Weird stuff happens when you do that."
"Look, the three things that possess, they maybe wear voodoo dolls."
"You gotta kiss someone under the mistletoe, otherwise it's eight years bad luck."
"Hey, bird pooped on you. What does this mean? It means I'm dirty from bird crap. It's good luck."
"If you view it as some sort of lucky charm or some sort of device that brings power, some talisman or something like that, then yeah, I think that is not only witchcraft but idolatry as well."
"The witch trials came about thanks to a fear that Satan, the devil, had overtaken the bodies and minds of members of the community."
"No dealings with witchcraft or voodoo. Mama used to do it? If it's not in the Bible, then Mama's obeah, wake up!"
"I kid you not, I get why you're trying to sell it, they don't want to be cursed and they want to try to make some profits."
"Could you imagine if the Annabelle doll went up for sale or for auction like why would you buy it?"
"Ever since I stopped dabbling in all that stuff, I feel like my life just kind of got better, and that freaks me out because I don't want to sit here and be like, oh my god, like, a rock ruined my life or something."
"Legend has it from the Tower Hotel staff that if they don't say goodnight and good morning to Caesar every day, bad things happen."
"People see things all the time and because they have no understanding of what they see they jump to Paranormal and Supernatural conclusions because we are by Nature Very Superstitious human beings."
"I love how there's almost this superstitious element to it."
"If something good happens to you, that's the ghost of Edmund."
"Salt purifies evil entities to keep a spirit away. Just toss a handful of salt."
"It's belief that gin originated as animal shape-shifting malevolent spirits found in unclean places."
"Contamination of superstitions and blind rituals intoxication such as alcohol tobacco and other drugs are strictly forbidden."
"Superstition is the pathological version of something that is usually not pathological... the detection of patterns whose explanation you don't know but are nonetheless a useful indicator of something."
"Sailors are a superstitious lot in general... when things are sort of in the lap of the gods, you do whatever you can to appease those gods."
"Ever got the feeling that some things felt off after bringing in a new or sometimes antique object to your home."
"My big thing right now is when I see double numbers, I know I'm gonna have a good day."
"They're not nukes. All right, not everyone wants a ring. Having a ring is a curse. Everyone knows this." - Rings: not nukes, cursed.
"The rule of three is people usually pass away in groups of three within the same month."
"His end was so tragic that the car and its parts were suspected of being cursed."
"What's that, three fifteen? It's more specific, yeah, but what happens at three? The devil's hour."
"Speak carefully. Because the baseball gods are out there, and they will hear you."
"Only by understanding the cognitive forces that govern religious development can we ever hope to cure humanity of the superstitions that have plagued our minds since the dawn of civilization."
"Clover with four leaves is considered good luck."
"Horseshoes are sometimes hung up for good luck."
"Some people think that when you're walking at night and you see a shooting star that if you make a wish it might come true."
"And then superstition plays a huge part in a lot of things cause, I guess we like to feel like we can control the uncontrollable."
"It's sort of like how when you wear your lucky cap to the baseball game and your team wins."
"How they tell if she was a witch, they tie her to a seat and they dip her down below the river."
"Thank you very much that's like calling the uh jinx card right after someone says the same thing."
"One man's stole a chunk of rock from the monument and experience so much bad luck that he actually drove 3,000 kilometers to return it in person in an attempt to rid himself of the karma he believed was attached to him."
"The number seven is my lucky number, so you know, good stuff."
"I mean to me it may be a voodoo doll I don't know, a what an offering."
"Haircut curse: Fighters seemingly lose their next fight if they get their hair cut on the embedded series."
"Happy to announce that I can check superstitious off my list of quirks."
"I'm not superstitious, I'm a little stitious."
"Bad luck will rain on you if you open an umbrella indoors."
"There were a bunch of witches involved in praying and doing all sorts of witchcraft to get the curses off Messi."
"There's a rumor that if you give the one you like an apple in, you'll be together forever."
"Had this lady Winchester actually been building a house to keep evil spirits at bay?"
"People gave gifts to these supposed forest dwellers and asked them to bless the crops."
"When the harvest turned out bountiful, they would thank the beings, and if they didn't, they would ask what angered them."
"As far as they're concerned, the so-called devil's footprint is a sure sign that something ungodly once existed here."
"I think every team that goes there first that plays at Anfield, one person from that team will touch that sign."
"I think they say it is good luck in general, kind of like rain on a wedding."
"An apple a day keeps the Super Bowl away."
"Touching his nose is good luck; it means you'll return to Disney World."
"It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, also for the groom to be wearing handcuffs."
"A curse without a cause shall not stand."
"I say we shouldn't be superstitious; it's bad luck."
"Despite Sutro's efforts to improve worker safety, which made him a hero to most, the amount of mysterious fires and deaths have led some to call the Sutro tunnel cursed."
"Is Eugene really a jinx or is he the victim of circumstance caused by others?"
"For every like you get, a secret snack somewhere will just appear. Try it, I promise."
"Happy Halloween, my wherever I go, hard luck is that is st good luck never stay today, bad luck's always the C in my way."
"Throwing salt over your shoulder... might even help ease feelings of guilt."
"Walking underneath a ladder is just plain dangerous."
"Just be nice and wear a lucky shirt, and lucky things happen."
"Finding a four-leaf clover is considered a harbinger of good luck."
"I used to put salt across the door every morning and be like, 'I only want nice people coming in.' And only nice people came in."
"If you knocked on the door that never opens, something would knock back."
"If anyone knows me, 16 is my lucky number."
"Never tell a secret on a cold day because you can hear people talking from as far as 6 kilometers or 3.7 miles away."
"You're never supposed to make eye contact with a skinwalker because they can possess your soul."
"Astrology should not be afraid of research. It should embrace it, because it’s just gonna keep opening up the treasure chest of marbles that astrology contains."
"It's on sale for four hundred forty-four thousand, which is like a murder number in Chinese."
"The burying of the bourbon is a charming Southern wedding tradition that is said to bring good fortune and ensure clear skies on the couple's special day."
"Touch wood, he says, touching wood, good race pace and good race longevity as well."
"If you show off fancy tech, you might be tried as a witch."
"I didn't know about a Kardashian curse until I had 'Unforgettable' out."
"Planting rosemary outside your front door is supposed to aid in protection."
"A rooster in your kitchen brings good luck, keeps your eggs from stinking, and makes your biscuits rise."
"Very bad things will happen to you as my mum likes to say."
"Ever since I was a child, people said my family was cursed."
"Some believe that sightings of The Moth Man are a bad omen and that disasters are imminent after each sighting."
"A cricket on your hearth, especially at Christmas time, well, it's good luck."
"I'll take him to the woods when it gets warm. The ones who last the winter, I always release them come spring so they can bring luck to others next winter."
"May the crickets on your fireplace bring you luck in the years to come."
"Wood sorrel is even known as the fairy plant, and it's a sacred plant associated with the fairy folk. If you find, pick, eat, or make a wish upon a wood sorrel, it brings good luck, love, and protection against negative spirits."