
Life Values Quotes

There are 760 quotes

"Life is not about things; life is about people, it's about relationships, it's about deep human bonds."
"Life ain't about medals, houses, money, cars, fame; it's about scars."
"If I went to zero dollars today, it's not about money; it's about moments, it's about memories, it's about living life to the fullest."
"Pursue Integrity, depth, Joy, aliveness, connection, growth – those things that ultimately make us say, 'I feel good, I'm happy about this.'"
"Understanding meaning, purpose, and value is central to how you live your life."
"Liberty or death, we value life, we value freedom."
"You value life and you value empowerment, you put that life on the line."
"The more selfish you are in life, the worse your life will be; the more selfless you are in life, the better your life will be."
"We lead with the resume but... we're left with the eulogy. That's all we have in the end."
"It's what you do for people you love in this life that really matters."
"You can build a secular moral system out of fairly simple beginnings: that life is generally preferable to death, that health is generally preferable to sickness, that happiness is preferable to sadness."
"The idea that life has greater meaning than simply just input-output pleasure."
"It's a huge mistake to equate comfort and dignity."
"Life is not definitely all about money, but if you're smart enough, you will realize that money controls everything."
"People need more than just choice. Yes, choice is good, it's good for people to have free choice, but that's not the end-all be-all of life."
"It doesn't really matter what you drive at the end because when you're in that casket, what matters is how you lived, not what you owned."
"Most of the things that actually matter in life can't be measured, can't be pinned down, can't be explained, can't be rationalised."
"The only real thing that matters is love, loving people and being loved yourself."
"Money is just a very small portion of your abundance."
"Cherish those who are here for you, whether it's family, whether it's friends, or other loved ones. Never forget the little but most important things in life."
"You can't take it with you, you know, the material things in this world that don't matter. The only thing that you have in those life is the story that you tell."
"When you have everything that money can buy, you realize that the only things that matter are those which money can't."
"To maintain life and love and freedom, the point of Chainsaw Man."
"Life isn't about money and materialistic things; life is about love, happiness, and taking care of yourself and the ones you love."
"What good is it if you gain the whole world but lose your very soul?"
"Friendship... when I think about friendship, it might be top three as far as values in our life."
"Some people are so poor, all they have is money."
"Love is the most important thing in the world."
"You're not going to be like, 'Oh, I wish the house had been bigger,' you're going to be concerned with the people that you lived your life with and those that you loved."
"By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life."
"That's your balance sheet when life is over, who loves you and you love, and who are your friends and how close are they to you."
"My God, my wife, my kids and my fellow human beings."
"Football did not define me, but it clearly has helped me be a better man. It's core values aren't just football values; they're life values."
"At the end of your life, you want a eulogy, not a resume."
"It's not about the stuff you have, it's about your friends and your family because if you don't have friends and family, that stuff doesn't mean anything."
"The useless things that make life worth living and that make life dangerous too: wine, love, art, beauty. Without them, life is safe but not worth bothering with."
"The experience of being a bit well-known doesn't really matter because the things we search for happiness in, like fame and money, don't provide it."
"Love and relationships is the most important part of life."
"Are we just here to make a big pile for ourselves, and whoever dies with the most stuff wins?...It's been proven over and over again that there's no value in it."
"You may think that you need X amount of dollars...but really, once you learn to have presence and connect with somebody and make them feel alive and special, you have a currency that's far more valuable than any of that other material bullshit."
"What you get out of this life, if you play it right, is your loved ones around you when you leave, sending you fair wishes."
"What kind of wealth could you give me that could feed my soul?"
"Never take anything for granted, especially when it comes to life. Not football. Life. Telling people you love them, the cliche things but the things that actually matter when you do them."
"Poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for."
"The message being: when all you chase are status symbols and all you do is bask in entitlement rather than work hard to earn something or create something meaningful, your life is empty."
"Life is not also about having money; it's also having an impact on the other side of life."
"All you have in this life is family. No one else will really be there for you."
"What good is it if you inherit the whole world but you lose your soul?"
"The most important things in life can't be bought."
"Spend time with your children and your family. That's what it's all about."
"The value of life is not money, it's not diamonds, it's not gold... It's salvation."
"Principles and our good names basically all we've got in this life."
"In the end, what really matters is that he was loved. You can't buy that."
"The liberal worldview was one that recognized that there were things indeed the most important things in life that were located outside of the realm of politics friendships art music family love." - Barry Weiss
"Michael Ball Roberts is proof that you can turn your life around."
"What really matters in life are the kind moments that we have with one another."
"Sports is not the most important thing in life. Life is the most important thing in life."
"The true value is not in the stuff that you can buy, purchase, and wear. The people that you're going to meet right now are going to be gone, they are seasonal."
"The real currency in life is the love that we exchange, the experiences that we have."
"Persistence is Victory. Adhere to people above all else, life Above All Else, adhere to the prevention of imported cases."
"Experiences and opportunities are the things that you're going to look back on in your deathbed and you're gonna want more of, not more money."
"There are far worse things than an honest death."
"What is the current value in your life that you're looking for and what does that require?"
"Understanding truth is great. Truth has value, it's the highest maxim in life."
"Gratitude is the number one, and there isn't even a close second."
"A lot of people feel that is the fail-safe... but in the end these relationships are what make you happy."
"Being rich in love, hope, and joy is true wealth."
"Life is really precious and you don't really care about what people think about you anymore."
"Best things in life are free man that's the only way to keep your head up at times like these."
"The living embodiment of love. That's the only thing you get to take with you when you die is love."
"Hiding it is the kuru, a symbol of life, new beginnings, growth, and harmony. Support and loving protection. Honey, thank you very much, that's awesome."
"As great as a basketball player as he ever was, he was a much better human being."
"It's not about how much money you have, it's not about your possessions, it's not about this idea of this fantasy of the future."
"Money isn't everything, we need to just find a good person in general."
"Your health is your most precious asset in this world."
"There is nothing more valuable in life than our time and our freedom."
"Every word counts, every hug counts, every 'I love you' counts."
"Most important is love... nothing even matters except love and human connection."
"It's the simple things in life that matter the most."
"There's always more money but there's never more love."
"There's more to life than money or toys or all this stuff."
"Life is about those moments those relationships you ought to value that and uh if you can do that and make money and make history and make a difference."
"Human connection is the most important. The only thing that matters in the whole world."
"In real life, you have people who love you, accept you, and cherish you."
"People's people find their most meaning in their lives from genuinely meaningful relationships."
"Beauty, romance, love—these are what we stay alive for."
"Kids, that's your life. That's your lifeline. Everything, like, you make kids, they come first before anything. Kids, spouse, family, guys."
"My feelings don't matter, that baby matters, her life matters."
"Time is one of the most important things in life because you can never get it back."
"All the things I thought were important are rubbish, they're vain, they mean absolutely nothing."
"The most important thing we have in life are friends and family."
"Life is not about money, life is about human connections."
"Establishing integrity with yourself becomes probably one of the greatest things you will ever do."
"Life is precious, and there's so much more to life than your block or your ops."
"It's the people you do it with, not what you do."
"Family, love, health, happiness, that's all that matters."
"No matter how much you have, there are certain things that money can't buy."
"There's nothing to buy... the true joy of life is relationships."
"It doesn't matter how you look as long as you have those people who care about you. That's all that matters in life."
"Joy and love might not be much else for us on this Earth, but these are the only two things that matter anyway."
"Freedom and love for what you do are the most important things."
"Value life, be happy, spend time with your family, fix some relationships."
"At the end, the only things that matter are relationships... and the quality of relationships."
"It's going to be a great day. Look, a healthy person has a thousand wishes; however, a sick person only has one."
"Life is about people. Life is about relationships."
"The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life."
"Love really is the most important thing in this life."
"As long as you're alive, I don't need anything else. No matter what happens, you must live."
"The real things that are important and matter."
"Our desire to live is stronger than our desire to die."
"Some people live really incredible lives in terms of success, but that's not what I want my obituary written about."
"Money isn't everything; you gotta understand that. Money will not buy you happiness."
"It's wonderful to have something that is more important than your life."
"What does it profit a man if you gain the whole world but lose your soul? Which is nothing."
"You cannot give up on them while someone's breathing, there's still hope."
"Money can't buy life. I'm gonna tell you what else can't buy life, that's true money can't buy you life."
"You don't have to be successful to be worth something. When you finally have that realization, that's the most beautiful thing."
"The most important part of life is the bonds we form."
"Nothing is more important in life than family."
"None of us gets out alive; there probably is a hill you should therefore be willing to die on."
"We are living for what you can't buy here on earth."
"In life, it's hard to think of a resource more valuable than your time."
"Material things don't mean anything if you could pay your cable, your house is clean, you got peace of mind."
"It's not making more money. You just think, you know, like, no money obviously about the value of things change over life."
"If a man has nothing to die for, he is living for nothing."
"Life is precious, people spend too much time stressing and arguing."
"At the end of your life... what's gonna matter is the connections you made."
"Life is so much more than the money that you make."
"Our position is very straightforward. Are you killing an innocent, defenseless human being? Then it's wrong. That's it."
"Family comes first and all the bull comes second."
"Money and fame don't mean absolute [ __ ]. They will never bring you true, actual happiness."
"Women and men grow into something besides their money and their children mattering the most in the world."
"The sweetest thing in this life is to know Allah and to follow his religion."
"Most of what matters in life is held together by healthy relationships, secure attachments, and trust."
"What's all the money in the world if you don't have a single healthy personal relationship that you can be proud of?"
"The whole world doesn't revolve around sex, there's more to life than that."
"Finding meaning is in your own life, in who you are as an individual and what you stand for."
"I wish you nothing but life, love, peace, and happiness."
"Integrity is paramount for living a good life."
"Living our truth is all that really matters."
"No amount of YouTube entertainment is worth losing your life."
"What actually makes your life important is the friends and family around you and the way you impact the world in a better way."
"A positive mental attitude heads the entire list of the 12 great riches in life."
"In this world, there are tons of things that money and fame can't buy."
"Life is not determined by what you own but by who owns you."
"Life is about more than what you own and possess."
"Love is perplexing but what makes life worth living."
"At the end of the day, we all love football, but it's not the biggest thing in the world. People's lives and safety and all of this are more important."
"There's more to life than hitting home runs and making a big salary and being a fiancee of a beautiful woman and having thousands, 50,000 fans cheering you on every day, every week. What, there's more to life than that."
"Your dreams are where your heart is; they're more fragile than life itself."
"Money is just a tool; true wealth is freedom, health, and happiness."
"Money is important, but there are things much more important."
"Always have passion. You've got to have passion for your family, for your life, for your church, for whatever it is you've got to have that passion."
"Prioritize her well-being and align her career with personal values."
"Death is a bigger enemy than losing your pride."
"Money isn't dollars, euros, or Swedish Crowns even, its life energy."
"There's going to come a point in time in our lives where nothing is valuable anymore unless it's founded in the most valuable thing, and that is Christ."
"All you want is the feeling, the happiness, the commitment, the joy, all the things like that glow that you have. That's the treasure for them."
"It's not about money, remember that y'all, it's not about money."
"The whole point of life is relationships, friendships, love, family."
"If you want to be the best ever, all the materialistic things don't matter."
"What you do for a person after they pass doesn't mean anything. If you can't love them while they live, respect them while they live, treat them right while they live, all you say after they're gone doesn't mean anything."
"Life is about love, not money. Money won't keep me warm at night."
"Stop focusing on makeup, get your foundation right - family, friends, career."
"There's so many other riches in life that you have, makeup is so trivial."
"Money is not everything; your health is your real wealth."
"Your eternal life is far more important than what you possess in this life."
"Your life is far more important than any amount of money."
"Life is about love and compassion and kindness."
"For me love is unconditional. Love is the greatest gift ever."
"If you truly want to know how rich you are, then count all those things that you have that money cannot buy."
"The best things in life come with the biggest price tags."
"Life's about spending time with the people I love."
"How could we not talk about family when family is all that we got?"
"Happiness isn't solely measured by materialism."
"Materialism is not having materials; it's the influence of materials on your relationship with Jesus."
"An eclipse is a very powerful energy that sees you reassessing what you value in life."
"Friendships are one of the most valuable things we have in life. Keeping friendships is so important."
"What kind of life worth having is free? That's right."
"Pursuing the true treasure, the real gold, the diamond, the gold, the golden elixir, life itself."
"What's more important than marriage is finding a connection worth protecting."
"Pursue purity. Virginity is abstaining from sex before marriage, but purity is for life."
"Wisdom is wealth of the heart, mind, and soul, and unlike money, once you have it no one and nothing can ever take it away from you."
"Money can't buy happiness, kids. That's right. Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff, but it cannot buy you happiness that comes from within, you know?"
"Love is all that matters, all that we take with us."
"Friendship gives life meaning it gives people hope, laughter, and security."
"There is no value in living a life for a lie."
"I care less and less about the things the world says I should care about because I know... very precious life is."
"There's some things in life that are so valuable that you can't put a price on it, where the dollar value means zero literally."
"Anything truly valuable in life is going to take time."
"I want to challenge you to have something in your life that you're willing to die for... you're never gonna feel what life is really about."
"The worst thing in life is not death, it's life apart from Christ."
"Money can't buy life," were Bob Marley's last words to his son Ziggy.
"Volunteering and giving of yourself is a huge part of life."
"Love is our greatest and most powerful motivator."
"Life without Christ is ultimately the only thing worse in life."
"I am not willing to die over material things."
"Your health and your connection with people, love. Those are the two true things."
"You know it is your health and it is your wealth in that order of importance."
"All the work in the world and success in the world means nothing if you don't have the people around you to share it with."