
Life Unpredictability Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans."
"Everyone loves to think that they're exempt from life happening to them, but you're not. Life can happen to anyone at any time."
"No matter how much you try to plan and do everything correctly, life will still kick you in the face. Write that down, put it on a shirt."
"Life truly is unexpected and unpredictable. You just got to be ready to roll with the punches. Adapt, make it work. If there's a problem, count your blessings. If you're being blessed, be grateful, move with humility, and you could have a real happy life."
"Life is funny and sometimes strange. It's a long journey that doesn't always turn out the way you think."
"Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get."
"Sometimes in life, everything is going smoothly, but then, unexpectedly, something happens."
"You just never know what's going to happen in this life."
"There's a certain element of randomness that you're going to have to deal with."
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
"Life is not a box of chocolates, you never know which one you're going to get."
"Nobody ever thinks it's gonna happen to them until it does."
"But life looks like it goes on until it doesn't..."
"Life's not perfect, and then along comes some game changer that everyone keeps talking about."
"Life doesn't always go as planned, but that doesn't mean there isn't a happy ending cheers to the happy couple."
"The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability."
"Every day is not promised and I just want to make me stronger, that's all."
"Life is unpredictable, but what you control is your reaction and response to it."
"Life is like a Quentin Tarantino movie, it's all out of order."
"Life can be unpredictable, and death favors no one."
"Nothing is ever promised so even though I knew that anyway it took that for me to be like, 'All right I need to do this, I need to do that.'"
"My mama always said to me life is like a box of chocolates something that you panic by at a service station on the way to visit relatives."
"Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what Megan you're gonna get."
"But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability."
"It's incredible how these things, like life, snowball out of control."
"Your life can change in an instant, whether it's up to God, mother nature, someone evil, or an accident."
"Even five years ago I wouldn't have imagined the path that my life has taken now really so any guess I would have of the next five years is entirely guesswork."
"Life does not care about that linear path that you had planned and if you're alive and you're breathing, it's all still to play for."
"You can't plan the whole journey because it's not like that, life is not linear, it's organic."
"No one knows what tomorrow or accidents may bring."
"Life is unpredictable. It can throw you curveballs from time to time and disasters can happen."
"Things never quite go the way you expect them to."
"Things never quite go the way you expect them to, do they?"
"Life was like a box of itself, you never know what you're going to get."
"Life is unpredictable, and even like a week from now, your whole life could flip upside down."
"I couldn't have predicted where I was gonna be five years ago and I'm not sure I can predict the next five years either but it's just exciting knowing that I have so many different options that I can take."
"The way the year went, it's just... you know, it's insane."
"Life is uncertain. You don't know what's coming next."
"Life was like a box of chocolates, not life is like a box of chocolates."
"This life is a test. How many people left their houses, never to come back?"
"Life can take you into some weird, funny places."
"You never know how you're gonna go, bear that in mind."
"I guess it's just the unpredictability and the ebb and flow of how you feel every day."
"Life is fickle, like a flickering fire in the wind—it could just go out one day."
"Winning is getting through with the least number of failed choices."
"It's like life, you never know what you're gonna get."
"Things not going according to plan is the plan."
"You never truly know when we're gonna die. It could be a day like any other, it could be a very important day, or it could be very, very far in the future. No one really knows."
"Nothing is safe or guaranteed in life. Always have a plan just in case."
"That's one of the greatest things about life, you never know what's gonna happen next."
"Life is crazy and things change all the time."
"Life is an unpredictable beast, chance encounters could change everything."
"Life can take unpredictable and bewildering turns."
"Life really isn't what you expect half the time."
"Sometimes life can be Stranger Than Fiction."
"Things can happen in the blink of an eye, you can't control everything, but you can be wise about where you go."
"Life isn't a straight path, you can't map it out perfectly one to one, it just doesn't work like that."
"Most people that die, they don't plan to die."
"Life is fickle. One minute we're celebrating, the next minute we're mourning."
"It's not like, 'Oh, 10 years later, this is what you're gonna end up.'"
"Man oh man is it when it rains it pours man when it rains it pours."
"You don't know where it's gonna go, you don't know what's gonna happen, it happened dog and it feels like it happened for me."
"That's just how the cookie crumbles apparently, you can't win them all."
"Be nice to your parents please you never know when life can unexpectedly throw you off and just something happen."
"It's chaos. Life is kind of scary and chaotic."
"Life's really like poker because you don't know what the bottom card is."
"Life is predictably unpredictable... growth comes from imperfections."
"It's never what you anticipated, which is the glorious part."
"Life is very unpredictable... everything has a cost."
"You never know what's going to happen, that's what's cool about life."
"Life is unpredictable. Good times and bad times can come out of nowhere and take you by surprise."
"Life is weird... at 26 he's broke as [expletive], it can happen."
"It's funny how things all turn out. It's kind of like fate."
"Life is full of surprises after all, and there's no telling what will happen each day."
"You don't take anything for granted and you have to put your faith into something because you don't know from one day to the next what life's gonna deal you."
"Life doesn't always go to plan or go peaches and cream."
"Life is mad, you know? You can destroy something into the ground but just because the universe you live in, you get an opportunity to rectify it."
"Yeah, static man ain't make it out the hospital dog. That [__] sometimes they could go in and make it out, you know what I'm saying?"
"Life is crazy. It doesn't always work out exactly how we thought it was."
"Oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes."
"Just when you're feeling apathy, just when you're feeling fed up, along comes the universe to shake up the mix."
"Life frequently does not go as planned, no matter how much time and effort you spend trying to make the most bolt-proof plans."
"Life's a unfolding story and it's not gonna end up where you think it's gonna end up."
"Life is filled with never-ending surprises... but things could be worse."
"Never give up, you never know what's gonna happen in your life."
"It's the fickle finger of fate that decides these things."
"Anything can happen in life, the heart wants what it wants."
"Everybody's Got A Plan until they get punched in the face." - Mike Tyson
"I'm prepared and I figured life surprises me anyway."
"Life often tends to throw us different ways."
"How can you live? How can you be stable in a game of musical chairs?"
"My life changes every day. You see one email, one message could change the outcome of the next few weeks."
"Understanding the doctrine of karma helps us make sense of the unexpected, unpredictable events of our lives."
"It's no fun when things go exactly as they always did, you know?"
"You never know what's going to happen, but with the technology that we have at our disposal right now..."
"Don't ever think that 'this won't happen to me'."
"Life is unpredictable and it's mentally unhealthy to need to obsess over every single bite."
"Life never goes according to plan. Gotta adapt."
"Every single day I wake up, I never know what the hell the day is going to bring."
"Life happens and it can take you on different directions that you don't really anticipate."
"Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"Life is weird like that I suppose. All this stuff that's just around the corner dependent on the most seemingly insignificant little actions."
"Things are never gonna happen how exactly how you plan them, right?"
"Plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground."
"Sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned."
"Your birth is going to be what it's going to be. You don't know what it's going to be."
"Life comes at you fast sometimes, doesn't it?"
"You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow."
"Cherish those closest to you, you never know how life will go."
"Sometimes we do weird things in life, sometimes life makes us do weird things."
"Life cannot be planned, but we can plan how to react to setbacks."
"Life hits you unexpectedly; you can't plan everything."
"There are no guarantees in life but that just might be what makes it so incredible."
"Life comes at you fast when you're Spider-Man. One minute you're rescuing a lost cat, next minute that same cat is wearing a mask."
"Sometimes we get lucky, sometimes we get unlucky, and when our opportunity comes, sometimes you have to go for it."
"The biggest mindfuck comes when you think there can be no more mind fucks."
"Life truly has a way of adding unexpected twists even when we least expect it."
"The beauty and complexity of life is that we don't know where this path we're on is going to lead us."
"Life is like a box of chocolates, if that's the case what do we tell diabetics?"
"Life has a strange way of making us do things."
"There is no certitude in life. There is very rarely moral absolutism in real life."
"Life has a funny way of doing things who knows if your man is ready right now right instead."
"Life happens, things don't go exactly the way you planned them."
"Life can be strange sometimes. One minute you can be traveling along thinking that everything is okay and then almost out of nowhere the malicious actions of another person can affect your life forever."
"You never really know when it's your time to go."
"There's a little bit of chaos showing up here, and I feel like you think you have control over it, but you don't."
"Life happens every day and you don't know what's going to happen."
"The real conclusion to this video is nobody has a freaking clue what tomorrow brings."
"Life isn't a straight line. I can't stand these forecasts that don't show that actually life's more like this."
"The billboard would say: 'Me today, you tomorrow.'"
"Anything that happens in real life can also happen on trail."
"Life just is constantly throwing stuff at you, you have all these plans and then the daily stuff happens and plans go out the window."
"Life never ceases to surprise me, even in the lowest moments."
"Nothing ever goes the way I plan and that's kind of the beauty of life."
"In Italian, they say if you want to make God smile, make a plan."
"People always assume that it's one thing that kills you."
"Truth is stranger than fiction and art imitating life and life imitating art."
"Opportunities come and opportunities go and sometimes you hit the ball out the park and other times you swing and you miss and that's just life."
"Sometimes we make plans and God laughs at them."
"Sometimes things do not go according to plan in life, and that's okay."
"You never can tell how life's gonna work out. Things may look bad for you now, but trust me, they will probably get better."
"You truly never know what can happen in life."
"This always happens to us, as soon as you feel comfortable, the universe says no."
"Life is gonna surprise you in a really funny way."
"Frank Fritz's story marked by challenges and triumphs is a testament to the unpredictable nature of life."
"Life is all about plans, but sometimes it throws you off."
"Life is unpredictable and while many of us live each day thinking it'll be the same as the last, sometimes unexpected things can happen."
"Every single day something can just change and you wake up a week later and it's like a completely different world than when you went to sleep a week ago."
"Life is messy and unpredictable, and sometimes things just happen that are totally out of our control."
"Things don't always work out the way you think they're going to, and that's okay."
"Life's what happens while she's busy making other plans."
"Any day without anything happening in the world, think about this: any of us could be called up there for any reason."
"I think what's great about life is you just get things that you don't expect."
"Life's crazy, man. Plans God laughs, things are going to happen in your life to change your perspective."
"Life doesn't always go the way you want to, and it doesn't come with the user manual."
"Life can take unexpected turns, especially when it comes to accidents and injuries."
"Nothing in life is guaranteed. You can get married, you can have kids and be miserable as hell."
"I would love to say that all of those had satisfying answers they just don't if anything it's a lesson for life that life isn't always satisfying I guess yeah sometimes life just explodes like a toilet that's it that's it yeah that's your big new story of the day."
"Life has no respect for a person, it will throw you a curveball at any given second."
"Life doesn't always go as we expect."
"Life can really throw some unexpected curveballs, huh?"
"Life's just going, man. It's got that wildness to it; it's really a stray animal, isn't it?"
"Life is not promised, and things happen within the blinking of an eye."
"Sometimes your dreams don't come true, you make plans, God laughs."
"Life's crazy, Liz. You know, you gamble sometimes you win, sometimes you lose."
"We're too busy living and often times we subconsciously think everything will work out for the best; it never goes that way, though, does it?"
"That's life. Things don't always happen the way you want it to happen."
"Life doesn't always go the way that we planned it, but it has its twists and turns; life is an adventure."
"Sometimes you're the dog, and sometimes you're the hydrant."
"Man makes plans, and God laughs, right?"
"There are no solid plans in life because life is constantly moving, life is constantly flowing."
"Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world."
"Life starts off some days with sunshine, crisp air, and blue sky, but before the sun goes down, everything you know can be upset, turned upside down."
"Sometimes things don't go accordingly; exactly, God has another plan for you guys."
"Sometimes our lives don't fit into a perfect plan, Juni, you can try to prepare and have goals and dreams, but you can't account for the moments when other people's goals and dreams collide with yours, and send you both on an entirely new trajectory."
"Life is crazy, opportunities come and go, tragedy and comedy happen out of the blue."
"It's a strange life, huh? Yeah, Strange Life, you never know what's going to happen."
"This life is like a box of chocolates."
"You never know what life [will bring]."
"We have to live with our actions and life's spontaneous unpredictability."
"Things have a way of taking funny bounces in life when you least expect it."
"Emergencies are part of life, and even though we never know what type of emergency awaits us, it will do us a whole lot of good to plan against it."
"I'm realizing that no matter how organized your ducks are, life can turn on two seconds. So, you can't keep on waiting because if you keep on waiting, it's gone."
"Life is really volatile and you will never be done with your to-do list in life."
"Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed."
"Life is unpredictable; no one knows what the future holds."
"The only thing you can guarantee in this life is one day something is going to happen that you won't be expecting."
"Life is what happens when things don't work out our way."
"Life is dynamic, it's not like this linear thing that it's always just gonna work out in a straight line."
"We dodge these bullets all the time, you know, we just get lucky."
"It's the beauty of life as you never know when it's going to end."
"Life just throws a lot of things at you, and you expect things to go a certain way, and they don't, for the good and the bad."
"We just don't know what this world brings and how quickly a life can be taken from us."
"We lay down all our nice neat plans and then life happens, and nothing turns out the way we think it will."
"Nobody knows what the future holds."
"When you make a plan, God laughs."
"Everybody who's young, some days don't work out; that's what happens in life, it's called entropy."
"People collide, things happen; it can't be controlled."
"I think the beauty of life is that you don't know when it's going to happen."
"Our life rarely goes as planned, and this story is no different."