
Modern Conveniences Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We just take this for granted, but that's like an unbelievable life experience to have a rain, a controlled little booth where it rains hot water on your head."
"The miracle of modern plumbing, the miracle of affordable electricity, all these things now we're just not sufficiently gobsmacked and when we lose our sense of wonder and our basic appreciation that sets the ground work for the eventual disconnect that leads to vocational education vanishing from high school, a widening skills gap contemporaneous with spiking unemployment and all of these seemingly dichotomous things that leave people scratching their heads."
"Who knows how much sooner the Civil War would have ended if Honest Dave only had access to DoorDash."
"Could you imagine how screwed we'd be in this modern world without the invention of refrigerators and freezers?"
"Solar power is an integral component to continuing life with a modern semblance of convenience."
"I cannot live another day without air conditioning."
"We all just need to be cool, you know? We all probably have things on order from Amazon."
"Air conditioning is such a beautiful thing. I've never appreciated it so much."
"Golden eggs fueling modern and comfortable lives sounds much better than telling them that collecting them will spell their Doom."
"Electricity is something that everyone takes for granted these days."
"You know you're living in the future when you can board a 100-ton pressurized aluminum tube with wings, fly smoothly at 500 mph 31,000 ft above Earth's surface, and complain."
"Linda is brushing her teeth and thinking how lucky she is to live in the 21st century—so many different ways to treat and care for teeth."
"We benefit from infrastructure every day, and it's a miracle it all works."
"It's easy to take for granted how much access we have to just about anything we want these days."
"We all got to live in a time when distances could be covered quickly, disposable products could be made cheaply, and best of all, we got to watch videos like this one on a personal computer."
"Thankfully, unlike them, you no longer need to travel to the ends of the Earth in order to get access to great tasting food."
"I just want my refrigerator to be a refrigerator, I want my bathroom mirror to be a bathroom mirror, I don't need for it to be a smart and internet connected device."
"Why would you want a manual? It just doesn't make any sense to me."
"The idea of running water is just one of those things that we take for granted now."
"They want to go back to when times were sacred but want all the modern-day conveniences."
"This week, you've got an iPhone, you've got a droid, you've got a pocketful of miracles. You should appreciate the things you have. It's an amazing world we live in."
"No reason not to look good these days with Stitch Fix."
"Now, being a grown-ass man, you know, I kind of like having an established society where you can go to the grocery store and buy food without having to run into a band of killers."
"I hear you, I'm the same way. I'm like, wow, I didn't know we could do phone calls before. Was this a thing?"
"What a luxury, what an incredible time we live in."
"So, you can kiss bye-bye to most of the things you take for granted – no internet, social media, YouTube, mapping direction on your phone, or GPS tracker."
"Thankfully due to the advent of technology, we have one of the greatest boons of the modern world: air conditioning."
"You could live without all of these features but it just helps to make modern life that little bit easier."
"Electricity and Communications are probably the two biggest things that the average American... take for granted every day."
"All of these modern conveniences pussify you as a man. They weaken you."
"I'm really happy that after this interview, I can go to my hotel fridge and grab my chicken rice and it won't be poisoned. I'm grateful for refrigeration."
"Many of the conveniences that we enjoy on a daily basis were not possible even a few generations ago."
"This is probably why Wabuu went back to the future for his later movies, he needed more modern conveniences to become a more effective child murderer."
"A huge pro that I've already mentioned: You've got running water."
"Chapter 10, Shrek in gray sweatpants. Liona is missing the good life of electricity and plumbing. She's like, 'Oh my God, even Lawrence has a bidet, he washes his ass, which is more than I can say for a lot of people in the West."
"I'm just stoked to be having a nice shower while I'm camping, what a time to be alive."
"I love my phone I love my computer I love video games and I love modern medicine so I'm sorry I I don't know where you can buy those and I wouldn't recommend it."
"Dishwasher is one of those things that is critical for a modern kitchen."
"This type of experience really makes you appreciate how easy modern life is."
"What's something that works so well that it's basically magic? Air conditioning, noise-cancelling headphones, meeting-free Fridays."
"I am thankful for indoor plumbing."
"I love my cable and I love my refrigerator. I love my life."
"It makes you appreciate being able to turn on a light switch."
"How cool is it that we have a dishwasher now? I feel like we've made it."
"I've become incredibly grateful for water coming out of the faucet, for electricity coming down the wire, for the internet coming through the airwaves."
"Thanks to lots of people... we have this incredible life now where we can light our homes, watch TVs, have computers, clean our teeth with electricity."
"Just be happy with the toothbrushes we have today."
"I love my iPhone and flush toilets and all that kind of stuff."
"I bet any ancient Pharaoh would happily trade his pyramid for a microwave pizza and some Netflix."
"These modern conveniences through the internet have changed the way we live."
"It's nice to get a shower and just sit in the AC."
"I was born in the wrong era... [No], we got DoorDash, Instagram, Snapchat, streaming, Twitch, YouTube, movies at our fingertips."
"It's pretty much the best thing since sliced bread."
"Electricity, running water and sewerage - we are provided with all modern conveniences."
"It's a blessing to have legs that can work but it is also a blessing to have an elevator."
"Having electricity is really nice."
"Good news is we are going to get power soon, super excited you guys, you have no idea how long I've waited for this."