
Societal Decline Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper."
"You realize actually not just for Labour but how generally the level and quality of our public discourse has declined. The extraordinary beautiful arguments they put incredibly erudite."
"What does a very failure look like? Everybody's fat and sick and broke and divided right down the middle and angry and really scared."
"We used to choose our best and brightest, not rally around criminals."
"Great civilizations collapse when the economy serves not to elevate but to denigrate the population."
"It's great to watch your civilization come up, and then it's just like, everyone loves a downward spiral sometimes, right?"
"The moral fiber is what either sustains or, when that collapses, the civilization falls into decrepitude and begins to disintegrate."
"We may have arrived at the end of Western Civilization... what we are watching right now is not just the Barbarians at the gates; we are watching The Barbarians within the gates."
"Good morning, everybody, and welcome to the decline of civilization. Apparently, everything's falling apart, but we'll put it back together again."
"We can't avoid the fact that there is a burgeoning sense of decline, decay, implosion, and despair."
"One of the richest countries in the world, one of the richest societies that's ever occupied Earth, is losing ground in the most precious, irreplaceable resource that exists: the hours and days we have on this planet with each other."
"Philosophy descends upon a culture when it's ready, when it's declined already, when it questions its own mode of being."
"It's been worse now than ever, and it's getting worse."
"Our livelihoods, our quality of life, and our dignity have all been stripped away."
"Debasement of society is due to expanded government power, lack of critical thinking, and moral decline."
"We are headed for collapse civilization is becoming incoherent around us."
"American culture is in chaos and collapse because men have surrendered their role as leaders."
"American culture is in shambles it's in Decay."
"I just think that this is just another sign of the decay of the core and the soul of this country."
"Our civilization falling to pieces in real time."
"Succession is about the end of the American century, about an impending collapse."
"The United States of America is doomed... life in America has only gotten more and more chaotic."
"We've turned our back on god we've turned our back on moral foundations on family principles on right and wrong on justice we've turned our back on these things and guess what now this is what we have to deal with."
"The mainstream is crumbling and these types of things are more important."
"The road to despotism is always paved with righteousness."
"Civilizations fall because of moral bankruptcy, not because your neighbor has two dads or because a white girl wants to marry a black guy or because I want to be friends with a Jewish person."
"Have the courage to resist the downward tug of being caught into a vortex of a drowning society."
"Things are likely to get worse before they get better in American life, and that's not a good thing, that's a very dangerous thing."
"This is how your country ends if nobody does anything, simple and plain."
"Comfortable Christianity is largely to blame for why our country is in the place that it's in the last 20 or 30 years."
"The downfall of Rapture didn't happen overnight; it was a long string of events that progressively got worse and worse."
"If you destroy the family, education, and law and order, there's nothing else for you to do."
"Evil and immorality have become the status quo of the society we dwell in today."
"This brilliant Western Civilization that we've had is collapsing because of all these [__] lies."
"Dark times where the law has been reduced to rubble."
"America is great because its people are good, and the people of America ever cease to be good, America will cease to be great."
"We live in a moment where the world is upside down in the collective West in the United States things are falling apart, the Empire is crumbling."
"It's a world full of hope, but it's embedded in the death of our entire society."
"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold."
"The status quo has just been getting slowly more [__] over time."
"Atlantis is the go-to example these days for a great civilization brought to ruin by its own hubristic decadence."
"Those who begin to burn books will later burn humans."
"There's just a society wide disintegration that's happening to us all."
"How then could someone who embodied the virtues of the Mos Maiorum hasten the decline of the Republic?"
"Disunity predated Trump; he's a symptom as well as a cause."
"Virtually every day the destruction of the family is at the root of nearly every problem plaguing America."
"Sexual promiscuity always precedes the decline and destruction of a civilization."
"The descent into vitriol and conspiracy theories seems to me as a sign that the conversation's become dysfunctional."
"I think the United States is crumbling before our eyes."
"If men don't step up and lead, not only our community but the nation will continue to go to hell."
"Society crumbles around you, don't let it be because you consented."
"Maybe our civilization has reached its end stage."
"The US is not becoming a dystopia, it already is one."
"The last vestiges of the rule of law are evaporating. The kleptocrats are pillaging and looting like barbarian hordes."
"It's a trend that will end in ruination it is a trend that will end destruction it is a trend that is not sustainable."
"The breakdown of the family is bad. We just look at all the bad things in the world and we can point straight to the breakdown of the family."
"We are living maybe in the last death throes of something that even slightly resembles an ancestral mating system."
"To reinforce the history of lynch mobs, of slides into autocracy, of mob justice, of pogroms..."
"These are not the good old days... Anybody's trying to rob you and take what you got."
"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." - Will Durant
"Happy Friday everybody I hope you're having a good time this is, are we laughing as everything just spirals down into oblivion and we're just smiling as it all burns around us."
"A society without its complete university is going to rot."
"We are living in a time when everything is disintegrating."
"Now that no matter what side you're on, you know your politician or your guy or girl is lying about everything."
"We've devolved and as advanced as we think that we are and as pompous as we are to think that we are the greatest country in the world."
"The dumbing down of America has become so severe right because I remember there was a time where people were upset."
"You cannot have a system run by those willing to engage in violence. That is the beginning of the end."
"Place liberal people in positions of power and have them always interpret the law in favor of the criminal, dilute property values, don't support law enforcement, defund the police."
"This is not a country on the mend. This is a country that's busy falling apart."
"The situation is getting worse, it's not getting better."
"This country has been on a downward trajectory for some time, ruled by kleptocrats who are extracting from the system to watch it burn."
"Prophets often are highest in nations going fastest to ruin."
"Civilization declines when men stop holding the door and treating women with respect."
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
"Increase in killing, to the extent neither knows why."
"Sexual promiscuity increases, leading to unknown diseases."
"The worst and most ignorant will become leaders."
"Our country is dying western civilization and culture is dying right in front of our eyes." - Ben
"The year is 2044 and the whole world's gone downhill somewhat after a massive fuel crisis."
"Decadence is defined as the moral or cultural decline of a society due to excessive indulgence."
"All the glory and pomp went down the drain in the ensuing anarchy."
"We're losing like the integrity of our institutions."
"There's no shame anymore, and again, race to the bottom."
"This culture and this society is just going to hell, and the spirit of antichrist is in the atmosphere."
"We say no to justice, which means we say no to civilization."
"It's a bad place we're getting to as a society where you don't just disagree with someone, you want them dead."
"Republics fall when the wise are banished from the public councils."
"Mother's Day is this weekend if you're in the United States, so don't forget to get something for your mom."
"The perversion in this nation is accelerating."
"Our world is careening as fast as they can toward death."
"Rome's rise and fall is a sobering reminder of the fragility of even humanity's greatest societies."
"The attack on classic art and literature is not only one of the most disgusting and Despicable aspects of wokeness but also the sign of a culture that is suffering immense and and almost irreversible decadence."
"As the decline continues... the foundational principles of this country do not exist anymore."
"The middle class is quickly disappearing at an alarming rate."
"America is dying... you are here to write of her sins and bury her."
"There's a devaluation of human life tragically happening all around the world today."
"Is this the end of the American empire?... we've got a presidential administration in chaos, a political party that can only rely on hating the other person."
"And perhaps this is hinting at a world that is more recently fallen on harder times."
"Humanity went into a very rapid retrograde situation and this totally disrupted all the advances in human civilization."
"We're developing a society to dumb down society."
"We are becoming dumber by the day, bro, it's horrifying."
"Gotham's descent into madness, fueled by corruption."
"Carjacking is the clearest possible sign that your civilization is falling apart."
"If conservatism is going to be relevant at all for the next couple of decades we must focus on how the just the ultimate destruction of a society comes when its leaders have no concern for its citizens but for themselves."
"Trump's ascension is a sign of the fall of America."
"Every civilization dies from a rot from the inside."
"The destruction of civilizations that got too advanced is a common theme throughout all of history."
"The decline in human intelligence is being accompanied by an increase in rates of crime and violent assault."
"When you see the corruption being rewarded and honestly becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that your society is doomed."
"Civilization is starting to fall down one piece at a time like dominoes."
"The modern world was created by great men who strove to make it their own way. Any time parasites gained control of such a world, they destroyed it."
"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
"The eruption of Thera had catastrophic consequences, possibly leading to the decline of the Minoans."
"Historically, historically that has not done very well for companies when a leader against the group people disagrees with in a country uses violence to suppress them as a very slippery slope."
"This country is going to hell, and it's not just the left wing throwing it to hell."
"When you start to lose the culture, the law goes with it."
"The West is collapsing, and it's not getting better."
"No, I don't think we have to be that nation in decline."
"The rejection of facts, the rejection of reason and science — that is the path to decline."
"We are a debased and a morally decrypted civilization. We are an empire that is falling."
"Civilization ends with a whimper not a bang."
"America is falling and the mark of the beast will be here by 2030 at the max."
"I think things are so bad right now there is no turning back. There's no that's it we are going to be heading towards some kind of disintegration."
"What happens to a society if its economic power is declining, if it's political power is declining, if it's cultural and moral role in the world is declining but it still has the most powerful military."
"Societies as they head towards ruin, the left brain becomes more and more dominant."
"We need to put God back in our government... when you took God out of our government, just look what happened."
"We've lost the Republic we'll lose our country if the middle class becomes poor."
"Despite the best attempts of literally every civilization in history, they all fall down eventually."
"Our national life is on every side distinctly poorer, uglier, meaner, for the kind of influence he exercises."
"We're watching the world in a downward spiral."
"Great civilizations don't die through murder but through suicide."
"If any liberal says he's not experiencing some type of decline, nobody on the left is saying that though."
"We're performers operating for an audience, and I think that actually is part of the corrosion of our country."
"Meanwhile, you'll be able to tell your kids where you were when the United States of America did exactly what the Roman Empire did and utterly collapsed."
"Those who are most powerful succeed... They push off the costs of the decline onto those who cannot protect themselves." - Richard Wolff
"The spirit of Antichrist is becoming almost tangible as we watch the lawlessness explode across our nation and the world."
"America is on a collision course with just imploding, completely deteriorating morally, spiritually, politically, and just about every other way."
"Societies become fallen when citizens get apathetic."
"Human ambition and greed took over, turning what was once a haven into a battleground."
"There isn't a little glimpse of humanity left."
"When a nation loses God it loses itself it loses its soul."
"Things will never get back to normal, they will only get worse as the birth pains continue to become more frequent and more intense."
"As soon as you lose freedom of speech, everything else goes with it."
"Why the demise of nations is often due to skepticism and disbelief in God."
"The world in which we live is disintegrating because people are not concerned."
"The coming troubles just upon the horizon that have been brought upon by decadence... calls for order and assurances of renewed stability, but as always, there will be a price."
"I predict a slow decay...but I don't think we're gonna be eating each other in the streets."
"If I don't stand up and you have people that are afraid to...then the thugs win and when they win then the country degrades."
"We're literally making the world more like hell. That's a warning sign."
"The destruction of a nation begins in the home of its families."
"The American dream is still alive but it is dying by the day."
"The Western world is in danger, coopted by a vision that inexorably leads to socialism and poverty."
"The destruction of a people begins in the homes of its children."
"Book banning, limiting public discussions, these are weapons of a weak and a decaying order."
"We are approaching the brink already, a universal spiritual demise is upon us, a physical one is about to flare up and engulf us and our children while we continue to smile sheepishly in babel." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
"These people who say this are generally people who do not understand the nature of an economic decline they haven't read history."
"Fatherlessness makes men weak. All of these are reasons why the things I read from Tucker Carlson earlier are true."
"In the run-up to Christmas of 2012, a Brazilian criminal was left lamenting that there was no longer any honor among thieves."
"The rise in the publicity of sin: Romans 1 describes the societal decay we see today."
"When you cease critical thinking, nations take a serious tumble."
"The West is falling, but what gives me hope is that through persecution, we are blessed."
"America's you know gonna be a second or third world country in the near future, everything's falling apart our a day is over."
"When you put a preference on things that don't matter over things that do matter, your country starts to fall apart."
"We have fallen so far in our society."
"We're looking at the demise of our country, the demise of the American churches, the demise of the American family."
"...I believe that we are moving in societal decline around systems of control and we're already seeing this, it's completely crumbling in every direction that we're looking at."
"Things have felt like they've really started to go downhill in this country since Co"
"We've entered into a time when people have completely lost sight of there being such a thing as sin."
"Morals of America and Europe going down the tube."
"Our country had these things to provide its people, and now these things are gone to satisfy corporate greed. We just want to return to that level of prosperity."
"This truly is the fall of Western society, the decadence has gotten so bad it's like no one gives a [ __ ] anymore."
"It's a serious thing when the sexual constitution of a society collapses, it doesn't just result in some wonderful, hedonistic, liberated society, it results in a society that can't reproduce itself, and ultimately dies out."
"Dying societies accumulate laws like dying men accumulate remedies."
"Makes me sick how far we done fell."
"If it is not countered, then we will continue a decline towards lawlessness and degeneracy."
"A good man is hard to find," Red Sammy said. "Everything is getting terrible."
"We are in a dying Empire, experiencing what it means to be living on the tail end of an Empire that has existed for far too long."
"What is one to do in a world that is steadily declining, deteriorating, with violence, and all that?"
"This is how countries fall, people don't get that."
"The people perish for a lack of knowledge."