
Literary Reference Quotes

There are 450 quotes

"This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper."
"The fact that this book literally opens up with the quote, 'Do not embrace me till each circumstance of place, time, fortune do cohere and jump that I am Viola,' from Twelfth Night, genius. I, oh my God, I love it."
"Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?"
"The work is its own reward." - Sherlock Holmes
"I fancy that for some few years you will find your time very fully occupied." - Sherlock Holmes
"To burn or not to burn, that is the question. Whether it is wise in the earth to bury the junk and plastics of outrageous convenience, or to take energy from a sea of troublesome waste and by burning end them. Sorry, Shakespeare."
"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."
"If you don't think Saul Alinsky is sinister enough, he dedicates his book, and I'm not joking, to Satan."
"I think there's also a substantial minority of people who have are like the goldstein manual in Orwell's 1984 and they have they have this cognitive dissonance where they don't even concede the notion of doublethink."
"And the only word there spoken was the whispered word Lenore."
"This Meadow is so beautiful, it kind of reminds me of the 100 Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh."
"Do not allow yourself to become Ahab. Do not chase Moby Dick. Do not become consumed by your phantoms and regrets."
"What if we wrote the Fifty Shades of Grey book?"
"Explore this side of it further, see the kind of components that you usually use."
"A timeless classic worthy of its regal title."
"Uly's Last Words live rent-free in my head: 'If War doesn't change, men must change.'"
"So the next time somebody tells you that you’re going to hell, you’ll know exactly which circle and what to expect, because now, you know better."
"I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun."
"The dissolution of society depicted in The Road is probably the most potentially accurate Grim."
"The fact that it's in this book means that there's a long history with it... I think that this is going to be a little a little key block because there's only a few Valyrian steel swords."
"The little pop-up text that says 'The way the world ends' is a reference to T.S. Eliot."
"I could take a big [ __ ] in a [ __ ] box and bury it under my floorboards and say this is a reference to [ __ ] Edgar Allan Poe's tell-tale heart, it's the tell-tale turd."
"That's significant because in the Azor Ahai prophecy about the prince I was promised it says he was born underneath a bleeding star."
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
"I have so many goals... like why do you write like you're running out of time."
"Hope is the daughter of the history woman Miss Giddy."
"Oh, I know of what this Lady Whistledown has written!"
"If there is to ever be a grander finish than the one provided by the Duke conductus of Hastings."
"Well, actually, 'Devil's Bagel' is loosely based on a story from the first volume of Neil Gaiman's graphic novel series 'Sandman.'"
"A friendship based on hate, it's a tale as old as time."
"The day will come when sacred Troy shall perish and Priam and his people shall be slain. Homer, what brings these lines to your mind? Is this the fate of all empires? Is this the fate of Rome?"
"Four horsemen of my created apocalypse four carriers of the plague who will infect a miserable brethren you van Helsing are now one of the phone it's the most evil speech ever spoken by Dracula in the whole series."
"It wasn't my dad who saved me, it was me, it was me Hermione."
"Look upon my works and frown because only oblivion waits those who are so foolish."
"We're like Rip Van Winkle, for it'll put you to sleep for a very, very long time."
"In 'Lice Things Are Lice,' a book can be seen in the library titled 'Everybody Has a Touchy.'"
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. 1000% different once and again."
"Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
"By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes."
"It's right out of a James Elroy book, except these people just not as skilled as the people that James O'Rourke talks about."
"This is the basis of Cocytus as a character."
"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury."
"Sometimes I just want to live my best life and if that involves Kafka calling me baby girl in text messages, like okay."
"It's a real Romeo and Juliet moment, only incredibly stupid."
"Sam gives Jorah Heartsbane 'to guard the realms of men'."
"For 12 years you've been asking who is John Galt... This is John Galt speaking."
"No matter how hard I tried, you know it's like Thomas Wolfe who once said you can't go home again you wrote a book called you can't go home again."
"This is a secret service altogether, my credentials and memoranda are all comprehended in the one line: 'Recalled to life'."
"Boldly they rode and well into the jaws of death, into the mouth of Hell rode the 600."
"These are the best of times and these are the worst of times." - Michael Sharp
"Not victory. The shroud of the Marley has fallen."
"It's like how Hemingway went broke slowly then all at once."
"Fear kills people much more than the story that I was gonna tell, Edgar Allan Poe, 'The Mask of the Red Death.'"
"It's a little bit like the Red Queen says to Alice in 'Alice in Wonderland,' you need to run as fast as you can to stay where you are."
"Man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated."
"Bless the maker and his water. Bless the coming and the going of him. May his passage cleanse the world."
"It's so funny, quite quirky, very lovely, brilliant, and the first sentence is of course, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a great fortune must be in want of a wife."
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, man."
"I think giving a good old Treasure Planet Nathaniel Flint as a name or perhaps Charles vain or John Sila Edward thatch or Edward Teach if you prefer."
"There's more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, that are dreamt of in your philosophy."
"If you are wondering whether you can be a hero at Camp Half Blood, the answer is always absolutely you can."
"These violent delights will have violent ends."
"New money, suit and tie... It's about a couple called Anthony and Gloria."
"He had a family that just took him in and was able to change his life. It's inside of the book."
"Charlie Bucket won a chocolate factory but Willie Wonka offered something even better: a family."
"Sound and thunder don't often signify very much."
"The treehouse is most likely a reference to the classic Swiss Family Robinson."
"Nothing is evil in the beginning, even Sauron was not so."
"You are Romeo and Juliet, and we all wish you the same happy ending."
"She clings to her chest, her face burning brighter than a thousand splendid suns."
"The heart of the story here is a Romeo and Juliet tale."
"That image of dead elves floating in the water specifically inevitably invokes for Silmarillion readers the memory of the kinslaying."
"No one's ever gonna beat Faithful because no one could be faithful."
"Saved and Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy are Crown kings and queens of Narnia."
"I am tempted to quote the great Leonard Cohen: 'I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons.'"
"Frankenstein's monster will always be a trope that is worth playing."
"Bless the coming and going of him. His passage cleansed the world."
"The vorpal blade goes snicker-snack, your foes left dead and with their head."
"She reminded me of the main character from 'The Devil Wears Prada'... very abrasive."
"Our Fellowship of the Ring reunited with Pippin and Merry."
"It feels equivalent to Frodo's journey with the One Ring almost."
"As a wise man once said, brevity is the soul of wit."
"Human beings lie again, to cover or to protect. I don't know how to thank you, Mr. Holmes."
"Nick's last words to Gatsby: 'They were a rotten bunch, and he was worth more than all of them together.'"
"One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them."
"Griffin: Very Harry Potter-esque, part of Gryffindor."
"Milton's secret for those of our listeners who don't know the title is actually Milton's secret and an adventure of discovery through then when and the power of now."
"Jaime killing Cersei before a Targaryen can burn the city, very reminiscent."
"Embrace the visions of the future, be like Paul."
"If Dante had seen cats he would have included a tenth circle of hell."
"We may yet see them again, Mr. Frodo. We may."
"Make sure you stack some sats so you don't end up looking like a grotesque portrait of Dorian."
"Driven to his despair, Denethor committed self-immolation."
"Would Fernand have wanted you to let yourself be lost this way?"
"Kafka understood the penchant for surveillance and entanglement exists within us already."
"The wordplay is so Carrol and then when she said 'I sometimes believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast,' that is literally from Alice in Wonderland."
"What would Sherlock Holmes do? What would Benedict Cumberbatch do? Oh, they would just take a photo just in case it is something."
"The library of Babel has the script to every one of my video essays."
"Why the name Atticus? It comes from the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird'..."
"Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K."
"That sweatshirt not to belabor the point... sperms from All Creatures Great and Small."
"You've come across this that is the Arkenstone I've got goosebumps head to toe Leo you can make me cry you have come across you've just laid eyes upon the Arkenstone."
"Above all else, he makes us think of Gandalf."
"Harry decided to name a second son Albus after his former headmaster, which shows how much Harry respected his mentor."
"There is another way that we can interpret the eye monster. It reminds me of another beast from another lore, the lore of HP Lovecraft."
"The impulse is that Robert Baratheon and these people have are the same ones that we have. We're not perfect."
"Maybe that’s how her story could end. Maybe she could say her farewells, get on a boat, and sail west, into the sunset, like Frodo in Lord of the Rings, passing on to a place of rest somewhere between heaven and death…"
"I met a traveler from an antique land who said, 'Two vast and trunkless legs of Stone Stand in the desert...'"
"In the beginning was the word... and the word was Stan Lee!"
"Credit where credit's due to James Baldwin there. Well behaved."
"The poison from the belladonna is thought by many to be the culprit in Romeo and Juliet's tragic conclusion."
"To beat your foe, you must first understand them." - "To beat your foe, you must first understand them. Or whatever the art of war says about that."
"But again, that's why this is a Greek tragedy."
"Thanks in part to the work of the Blue Wizards in aiding the good men of Harad, Sauron’s operations in the South are hindered."
"Ambition should be made of Sterner stuff." - Yellowstone
"Legolas and Gimli sailed together into the uttermost West."
"We love Harry Potter. It's mini Hermione and Snape."
"Kafka agreed frustrated that he had become a Kaiju."
"For the visitors wandering the quaint steep streets of Howarth, Emily's closing lines from Wuthering Heights could easily be reassuring."
"Only a fool would trust Littlefinger." - Sansa
"It's literally in Caleb's words... through the looking glass."
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are riding now, and we name them."
"So to quote the inferno, let's descend now into the blind world, or in box words. So check your mouths, find your chairs, and get set for a combat drop."
"The Emperor's New Clothes refer is a story about the distinction between shared knowledge and common knowledge."
"I will draw you Saruman as poison is drawn from a wound."
"The Grail is about restoring the Wasteland in the aftermath of discontinuous events."
"Sam presents 'A Song of Ice and Fire,' a history written by the victors."
"Well, you have the Rhaegar and Lyanna connection, you have the same bloodline that Dany is from."
"1984 is alive and well and progressing nicely in 2022."
"Know that on the night of the gala event, I shall raise my glass and whisper 'Fortunato in pace, requiescat' - Frederic Sinclair."
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies." - Quoting a significant line from Watership Down.
"The 'Curse Child' really came in through, not just a wrench, but like a bucket of wrenches."
"Hogwarts had to do in its creation was completely separate itself from Fantastic Beasts."
"Marion Williamson said that time was a flat circle and everything that happened would go on and on forever."
"Toriyama's way of making Goku a character who's sort of an iteration of Sun Wukong."
"Stark is not the only one cursed with knowledge."
"Lincoln March was a false name, grabbing little clues and hints from the life of Bruce Wayne and rolling them into a cohesive story."
"Every man's life if told truly, it's a novel." - Hemingway
"Now may her fate come crashing down on me." - Faust
"Viewers beware, you're in for a scare." - Goosebumps author R.L. Stine
"The way this video panned out is very reminiscent of Alice's trip down the rabbit hole."
"Based on Mordred's betrayal when he usurped King Arthur's position."
"Reflecting the tragedy of Tristan and Isolde."
"A dream from Aegon the Conqueror himself called the song of ice and fire."
"The rich are different from us," F. Scott Fitzgerald is said to have remarked. Ernest Hemingway allegedly replied, "Yes, they have more money."
"There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you. Come on."
"the mood is straight out of a Shakespearean history play – nearing the climax when the plotting villains fear the tides of consequences coming for them and just might be cracking under the pressure."
"I can think, I can fast, I can wait." - Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
"Ben Hanscom built the foundations of the losers Club."
"The Man in the Iron Mask... nobody knows who this guy was." - Dan Tavis
"Tell me friend, when did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness?"
"Round fight, on the conflict in the Twilight."
"Plato wrote this dialogue called Phaedrus..."
"Imagine if Alice stayed in Wonderland or if Wendy stayed in Never Land."
"Conjuring as James Joyce - the novel or Einstein physics. It's a person who comes along about once a century and just changes everything."
"This is the best of times and the worst of times."
"To Flay or not to Flay, that is the question."
"The Foundation series... to offset the Orwellian ISM."
"The Mad Hatter is my favorite character in the ballet."
"Tyrion shot his father with a crossbow, killing Lord Tywin."
"You know that isn't how this works...page is gone just like Margaret."
"It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in heaven."
"Shelley used Ramesses as an example of how all great rulers are destined for decline or death."
"Thankfully for me though I've had some great help especially from the last protagonist."
"What Lord of the Rings means to each of you: it means family and fellowship."
"Do mice and men have more in common than previously thought?"
"Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light." - John Milton, Paradise Lost.
"Is Dumbledore truly operating on behalf of the greater good?"
"Gatsby etched his name in history and from one gatsby to another, 'Can’t repeat the past?…Why of course you can!'"
"The Child Thief...it's apparently a very dark version of Peter Pan."
"Laugh if you must, a modern-day Shakespeare."
"It adds up to a nightmare, even for Macbeth."
"He's good but not safe. He's not a safe lion but he's a good lion."
"Flowers for Algernon, but with reverse results."
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign: that the Dunces are all in Confederacy against him."
"Severus Snape, playing Voldemort for a fool."
"You have the power to do it all along, just like the Wizard of Oz characters."
"Bro, that's me right now." - Poe's life doesn't mean less for me.
"Which is a great detail and a great Easter egg Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945."
"Starbucks is named after Captain Ahab's first mate in Moby Dick."
"It's probably like O. Henry or something like that. I ain't talking about the chocolate bar."
"This is the hour, the darkest place, Dante's Inferno, the devil's maze."
"He explains that these are production numbers assigned to Moreau's creations, which were the true culprits behind the disappearances of vampires."
"After all, He Who Must Not Be Named did great things. Terrible, yes. But great."
"Old Marley was as dead as a doornail."
"To love is to burn, to be on fire like Juliet or Guinevere."
"Themes reminiscent of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein."
"For those lentonite fumes had fairly poisoned me and the baking hours on the dovecot hadn't helped matters."
"I'd show you mine, sir, but it's at Summerhall."
"...I think everyone does have that even Tolkien talks about this and his you know in his book it's no small thing to celebrate simple life it doesn't have to be a big thing but there's a place for people you know to find that that Destiny."
"The charm of Egypt had laid hold of me, not so Poirot."
"It has a very Paradise Lost energy vibe to it."
"Oh, he said it!! Just how Herman Melville envisioned the first line from his book, I'm sure."
"It's not like she's an ingenue. It's like, you're gonna like this what's her face in spinning silver the princess, Irina."
"It reminded me a bit of Lolita in the way that it's a very immoral despicable character who's done some extremely [ __ ] up [ __ ]."
"The struggle so far reminds me of the battle between Gollum and Smeagol."
"Marley is like an old Dickens character."
"In Cold Blood blood because she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him."
"Mark Twain, named after 'two fathoms,' experienced the Deep South on the Mississippi."