
Confidence Building Quotes

There are 471 quotes

"Whenever you challenge yourself... if you can push for one more, you're actually going to build your confidence."
"The confidence and the momentum they get from taking down the alcohol challenge is huge."
"The more you do it, the more you do it afraid, the more confident that you get."
"Confidence is built when you are struggling because when you see yourself go for something and fall, when you see yourself try and get knocked down... you are building this reserve within yourself where you know you can rely on yourself."
"Knowing that you just went out of your comfort zone to say no and it was terrifying but knowing you did that is where the confidence will grow."
"Make promises to yourself and keep them. This is your key to confidence."
"Visualization helps you build skills. The more you visualize things, the greater your confidence is going to be."
"The Confident Kids Journal is a growth mindset powerhouse helping your child to develop a strong level of confidence, raise their self-awareness, and their resilience, and conquer their goals and dreams."
"In a specific area that you want to be confident, just getting reps in that area doing it over and over until you lose the nervousness."
"Wobbly at first, and then eventually, you get your momentum. You start learning different tricks and techniques. Really, the theme is confidence building."
"You give me confidence to go for new things."
"You gain more confidence by actually going through these things and accomplishing them and succeeding."
"Are you ready to move from worry to confidence, from anxiety to hope?"
"By fasting, you can actually build your confidence."
"This is a seasoned Pro who immediately knew how to bring that confidence up."
"I hope that you're feeling a bit more confident about using the zero and first conditional now because it's time to practise."
"The purpose of the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy is to give him supreme self-confidence."
"Just try it, because after you've done it the first time, you'll be more confident the second time."
"That's amazing and that makes me feel a lot more confident about the idea."
"It gets a lot harder to get to the point where you can feel confident in reopening."
"Focus on small little wins as you build that confidence."
"Teach my kids confidence to go out into the world."
"Those are the plays you want to give him the ability to feel confident making."
"Maggie's quest to get 150 signatures to join the ballot sort of serves as a montage that kind of shows us building her confidence a little bit more."
"Chopper has apparently been able to change his shyness and insecurity into confidence and positivity."
"Confidence builder that you can hammer out six rounds under two seconds in distress."
"You'll start to increase your inner confidence."
"You build your confidence by taking the leap."
"If the reinvented Maya or the idea of myself that I want to come to has more confidence and has a higher self-esteem and less insecurity, I have to make daily efforts to make sure that I'm not hiding those insecurities."
"You're only as confident as the information that you have."
"Introduce yourself with confidence, say 'I am' instead of 'my name is'."
"Confidence is like a muscle that you really have to work on every single day."
"Turning into something quite special, so I would love him to knock in a few today just to really build up his confidence, you know."
"Confidence comes with practice, right? So if something makes you feel afraid, you just gotta try it. You have to get used to doing it a few times."
"I felt the confidence building in each one of my teammates."
"Data-driven decision-making improves confidence, proactivity, and efficiency in business outcomes."
"Confidence is a practice, confidence is a muscle."
"Just saying hi from Nunavut, Canada. I love your videos, helped me gain confidence just about custom loop and overclock my CPU and GPU."
"It was kind of magical, you weren't growing more nervous, you were actually getting more confident and brave."
"It's not about living to a standard. It's just saying, 'Hey, like, I can.' That's where confidence comes from."
"The way you speak to yourself really helps with self-confidence."
"You're taking this time to fill up your own cup, to feel confident in yourself before sharing that with the other person."
"Confidence comes from learning and applying lessons from past experiences."
"Debate is an activity that builds your confidence."
"We've literally went from energy independence to the president begging OPEC to increase production."
"Continuing to rise in your confidence is essential to succeeding at your goal."
"Five four three two one became the kind of person that started acting, and every time I took action, I started to build confidence."
"Detaine praised Sataka for having succeeded in training players with mediocre abilities to have high confidence and become a strong team that was hard to beat."
"Confidence starts with the willingness to try. The greater confidence you have, the more you're willing to try new things, step out of your comfort zone, and beat fear."
"The problem isn't knowing what you want, the problem is the courage to say. Clarity and courage are the keys to confidence."
"Confidence is something you really want to develop, confidence is a practice, confidence is a muscle."
"Setting some goals that really make you feel empowered. That's going to create a lot of confidence within you to know that you are doing this at a place of love for yourself, for your inner child."
"Sparks creative confidence for ongoing tinkering and experimentation."
"Particularly for women, is the skill of confidence."
"Confidence is the ability to move, in my opinion, from thought to action."
"You gotta lift weights to literally become a stronger man. Be active. It increases your testosterone, makes you more confident."
"Keeping promises with yourself is what can build confidence."
"Let's teach awareness but let's not teach trauma, let's teach confidence."
"Self-love is crucial for building confidence."
"Awaken the lion within to approach an area of life with greater confidence, greater courage."
"Confidence is all about self Trust we got to learn how to trust ourselves we have to learn how to trust our own activities one way to do that is to set very small goals and accomplish those goals every single day."
"Having a real Coach helping me along the way gives me confidence that I am on the right track and doing the best exercises for what I'm looking for."
"Love your English skills as they are and build your confidence along with your accuracy in English."
"I remember I'm not going out the same person when I came in... now I can just talk and go up and like approach any fucking girl."
"Once we really have God confidence, that's when we can truly have self-confidence."
"Nobody is born with unshakable confidence. This is something you've got to build, you've got to work on and that you've got to improve oftentimes on a daily basis."
"Being alone can be pretty rewarding... boost your confidence a lot."
"Writing those automated tests gives you a lot of confidence."
"This is just one of those ways that you can build up confidence in your own resume."
"Confidence is one of those things that you constantly have to keep working on."
"Trust in yourself, trust in your messages, trust in your intuition."
"Getting in the habit of striking conversations with strangers male or female on the train at the supermarket and when you're walking the dog until making the first move when you see someone is interested is second nature."
"It's not about the weight loss. It's the confidence that you are gaining."
"Journaling has definitely helped in my self-confidence."
"Respect the thoughts of your children. Is how you build confidence in them by listening when they speak."
"It was about me arriving at a point where I had enough confidence and overcome my problems."
"Lifeguarding has boosted Rei's confidence, now it seems the sky's the limit."
"A win sooner rather than later just to build up a bit of confidence would be nice."
"Once you get that first sale and build some confidence, everything starts to get so much easier."
"Once you go through something hard like that, it actually builds confidence... we can make it out to the other side."
"Creative confidence and silencing your inner critic."
"I got so much more comfortable and confident speaking in French."
"We want application. We want them to try to do it. We're really building champions in the sense that we give them confidence."
"Build your confidence by making those small wins."
"Our students are gaining brand new jobs and a brand new confidence."
"As I teach them how to lift weights, as they gain that confidence, that translates so easily into everything else."
"Fear turns that fear into power and hope and confidence."
"Suspects look for vulnerability. Project confidence, and teach children to say no to strangers."
"Being decisive builds your confidence. You become confident in your ability to adjust."
"My goal is to give you more confidence when you work with git."
"Confidence: what if you're not born with it? But I do think you can cultivate it by running at fear."
"It's a growth experience, about building confidence."
"A momentary pause can be a powerful tool to stay in control and feel confident about the information you're sharing."
"There's nobody that makes you feel more comfortable, more at ease, more confident as an actor."
"Learn how to throw your hands. It won't just give you confidence, it'll help you in tough situations."
"I aim to help women transform their confidence."
"Practice your confidence in another language today and try it out now."
"We have to have confidence in our elections."
"You need to process before you move into this boldness before you move into this like super confident energy of going in and challenging somebody."
"Accomplishments lead to confidence, and you earn that."
"To have real confidence you gotta have consistency."
"Learning the music stuff from the internet has given me the confidence that I can learn whatever I want."
"The more confidence and smaller successes enable you to build that resilience."
"It's the mark of a great leader to instill confidence in others."
"The whole point of the project is to build community confidence."
"Our courage and our bravery and our confidence gets more room to grow."
"Taking our course has increased her confidence in speaking English."
"Hopefully, this is going to make you a lot more confident."
"I hope this was a fun and helpful video. I hope you head to the store with some more confidence when you make your ranch purchase."
"Confidence comes from successful repetition."
"You make them feel confident and secure in who they are."
"Grow a level of some self-awareness of confidence."
"Do something hard, gain the confidence, let it bleed into other areas of your life."
"Practice, practice, practice because practice breeds confidence and a confident writer is a safer writer."
"Huge. Majorly restores confidence. Clear demonstrable ways you can identify that she got better."
"There is no hack, no quick trick to help you being more confident on camera outside of practice."
"The main way to build confidence is to just do it."
"You've got to hide it, fake it till you make it."
"The more you can let go and surrender, counter-intuitively, the more you're in control."
"Watching you has made me better, more confident in myself."
"She needs some confidence, needs to hang out with the pirate lady."
"I just want you guys to be confident and know that you're worth it and know that you're amazing just how you are regardless of how you look."
"The Alternator may be a good thing to pick up to get some confidence and build up your SMG skills in Apex Legends."
"Sticky canaries experiment builds confidence in new services."
"Confidence comes from time, repetition, and self-mastery."
"I'm gonna tell the press that we will win the title because I want that confidence if right stories to go out to all the other managers."
"Fake it till you make it, if you pretend in your head like a child that yeah, I'm this awesome really great painter or really awesome dancer or whatever it is, you're gonna get there faster."
"If you're out of form, do the basics good, and that's what gives you more confidence."
"Change your stride, put your shoulders back and walk tall."
"It gives you confidence if I know I have some cash reserves."
"Every time I get a message from someone who's like, 'You guys got me back into gaming,' or 'You just started and you guys have given me the confidence.'"
"Once you find one thing, it's like you are set up for success because it gives you confidence that you can find more things."
"We all want our kids to be happy, confident, and self-assured."
"How have you seen growth in yourself since you started this whole YouTube creative process? Let's see, a more confident person, a little bit more outgoing."
"You're just making your baby feel competent, confident, and excited to constantly explore, learn, and grow."
"I hope that it sort of helps you build your confidence and your self-love."
"It builds your self-esteem, it builds your self-confidence, and it's a game-changer."
"And oftentimes people don't go all the way up to the top because it's scary, but this is gonna build your confidence."
"It really stretched me, it really stretched my skills, and it gave me a lot of confidence. I never thought that I could have built a whole fireplace wall with Cabinetry and shells and lights and it's beautiful. I love it."
"Because I did this project, it has given me the confidence that I need to do some of the plans that I have for the new home."
"Believe in yourself and trust your instincts."
"If mothers were to follow his advice, they would produce more confident adults."
"Find that moment for yourself, find that borrowing of confidence if you don't have the confidence right now."
"If you act confident, you will become more confident."
"Act like you believe in yourself before you do believe in yourself."
"You know if somebody has benefited from this extra year it has been her and it's not just her skills but it is just the confidence it is the level of just overall."
"So loving yourself as well self-love is going to be huge a lot of this sort of healing of confidence issues is going to be coming in for you guys."
"This is a great time to continue working on your confidence."
"Four to five months of consistent trading will build your confidence."
"Accept all of those daily benefits and stand up in your confidence."
"Charisma University is our flagship step-by-step guided program that is guaranteed to make you more charismatic and confident in just 30 days."
"Confidence equals real love. If you are not fully and completely in love with who you are, you will never reach full confidence."
"Confidence growing and that belief growing and again that super confidence I'm seeing that again now."
"Gaining confidence is about knowing your value and proving it to yourself constantly."
"So the bottom line, this tool can help you with your IELTS preparations, and you don't need to be scared."
"This builds your confidence in shooting and it just builds your skill level to two main things confidence and your shooting and you cannot build confidence if you don't practice."
"When you start to understand really who you are, you'll walk a little taller, you'll stand a little straighter, and you'll enjoy a whole lot more of life."
"Experience gives you guys the confidence, right? Knowing you've been through the same process and you won the same fights plenty of times before." - Keith Allen
"This ended up being my main style through the game since before I began growing more confident and aggressive I played it safe when I could."
"Once you have this thing by your side, talking to girls and attracting them will become a walk in the park."
"Gradually learning the world and gaining more confidence within it."
"You're growing into this more beautiful, confident individual."
"It's gonna be very important when it comes to your confidence."
"I stopped caring what other people thought and just started wearing clothes that I loved and that I felt my best in."
"It's the earliest trophy you can win in the season... big confidence boost."
"The solution is to be so confident, so capable in your ability to construct a new structure."
"Confidence is something that you learn through time."
"How do you have confidence? You have to fake the confidence."
"That's why we give her kills, because she's gonna get confident."
"If you've been around this channel for any period of time, I hope at this point you recognize that what I do here is to help people feel more confident."
"Summer league is like a confidence booster until you really gotta get into that 82 games."
"He's starting with one person first. Get them, yeah? Right. And then, then when you have the confidence, then you go save other people."
"The only way that you can build confidence is if you surround yourself with people that are optimistic."
"Confidence comes from how much you studied and when you do the work, you get the confidence."
"Walk like you got a purpose, your mind will imitate that."
"It's gonna give you confidence, it's gonna give you control that you didn't have."
"Boxing gives people confidence, you know, to not have to feel like they need to pull other people down or to just be themselves."
"Tips on how to build confidence: getting to know yourself."
"By the time you're done watching this video, you will have full confidence to build your very first rig."
"You get confidence by doing the things that scare you and realizing that you can do anything you want to do."
"Blood for blood gave me a worldview. It gave me like a sense of self-confidence."
"The confidence that comes from making mistakes is different."
"Nobody starts with confidence on its own. You have to build it by getting positive feedback from things you've done."
"Confidence is not an instant evolution. It takes time, practice, and unlearning toxicity."
"Confidence is more about the journey, the self-discovery, the finding who you are and what you are."
"People are not born confident. Confidence is something to develop when you put yourself in new situations and a new environment to challenge you."
"Just feel like you're going in there and you've already got this."
"Confidence comes from success, you gotta find your avenue of success so that you can start building confidence in yourself."
"Self improvement guys is real man because it does so many other things for you with improving your confidence and all these other things."
"Your confidence is going to start to shift after being around this tribe."
"Having the Banter Guide in your back pocket will give you full confidence to talk to any woman you want."
"Why am I growing more and more confident every day?"
"Happiness and confidence are outcomes of good habits and of acquiring actual skills."
"Training has effect on my social life, possibly to say that it's increased my confidence."
"Confidence boost: people are really looking up to you."
"Confidence can be improved by reactions from the environment."
"Kids need to be taught to be confident to speak their minds."
"The more often you do something, the easier it becomes. Confidence comes with practice."
"Making promises to yourself builds massive confidence."
"It's a great confidence builder as well and just a great way to keep yourself accountable to keep yourself organized."