
Societal Needs Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"Personal resilience is important, but it's not the only form of resilience we need right now."
"As advanced as we've made drones, it's ultimately a resource to fit people's needs."
"What we need more now than ever is humanity."
"Feel-good movies seem to show up when we need them most."
"I really feel like the world needs some encouragement, some inspiration."
"The purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want their children to be taught; it is to teach them what society needs them to be taught."
"The real needs of our society are not for more consumer electronics but for education, healthcare, scientific research, and so on."
"You don't just have the requirement of satisfying the immediate need of the single individual right now, you have the problem of iterated needs across vast spans of time in a complex social environment."
"The world always needs change, but do we really need more of that kind of change?"
"At a time in America when we're lousy with billionaire super yachts, but we can't get our regular folks clean water, good food, a decent 'Star Wars' sequel, affordable housing, accessible social services or healthcare, well, if you don't have anything substantive to add or a solution to bring to the table, you're more than an impediment. You are a serious problem, and you're killing us."
"Focus our energy on figuring out what the world needs."
"Given the choice between building schools and hospitals and tanks, they only really want to build as many tanks as are necessary in order to accomplish their objectives."
"Different citizens will value and need different services."
"Delivering on food, shelter, education, and healthcare is what is actually important."
"With proper economic planning, scientific development, we can meet the needs of basically everybody."
"We don't have a human need for religion; we have a need for community, society, for being part of a social group that's doing something that we feel is good and right."
"The things that they get by the military are the things that you as a society should be providing already."
"What we need in our society is comprehensive sexual education."
"Who doesn't want social justice? Nobody says, 'Do you know what society really needs? Less justice.'"
"Good thinking, deep, nuanced, and creative thinking, is arguably what we need most."
"The case of poor Debbie today highlights the continued and urgent need for reform in the disability sector."
"Sustainability is just humanity's ability to satisfy the current wants and needs of society without negatively impacting the future generations' ability to satisfy their wants and needs."
"Intentions from results and if public safety is dropping down, if people are feeling unsafe not as a matter of perception but hard reality, that demands action."
"We don't need only more politics, our people need love."
"The people deserve better and the anger is bubbling up."
"We know that men and women are different. The world needs both of them."
"There should be basics of housing, health care, certain basics."
"Survival is equal, but in this society, we need men."
"Humans need humans, especially in times like this."
"It's that type of moral courage and conviction that we need right now."
"I'd rather someone steal diapers than their baby go without diapers or formula that they need to live." - Unnamed commenter
"Let's say there is a border Bill... we all want that."
"His focus on unity is basically exactly what we need to hear."
"Maybe the world needs fantasy. Maybe the world needs games."
"How much people are starving for a word of encouragement."
"There ain't nothing wrong with power, we all want it. I mean if we don't have power we can't do anything right, so let's stop assuming that the power is always bad."
"We don't need another war, we need less wars."
"Our nation is starving for more than empty platitudes."
"People understand intuitively that all the resources one would like to have are not in our communities."
"Religion provides an answer that most people think they need."
"We need more Davids in our communities, not fewer."
"We as a population on this planet have been looking for a savior."
"Empowering the individual people with technology is what we need."
"We need more law and order in this country to prevail."
"Happiness in your job comes from being good at what you do, enjoying what you do, and doing something that the world needs."
"We need business to be intact and we need workers to be able to make rent and other expenses so that literally our entire society doesn't fall apart."
"We need a wave of innovation, not only for our way of life but also the planet."
"Every culture, every society needs its heroes."
"Everybody needs roads and bridges and ports."
"We need more kind words in this world, I think that's kind of nice."
"We need more poets in politics... We need it desperately."
"There's clearly a hunger here for something power."
"There should be some accountability, some transparency."
"The world needs excellence, the world needs joy, the world needs dancing, the world needs music, and the world needs investigative journalism."
"That's what the founding fathers wanted: a constitution that changes with the times and adapts to what is best for the people of this country."
"I'm not saying that people don't have shitty circumstances, but there are certain necessary things to have a prosperous society that the government has to enforce."
"Be positive, spread kindness, please because the world needs it at the moment."
"People want their schools open. They want to get back to their lives."
"I think we could all use a little more kindness."
"The only entity with enough money to do that is the government. We need government, and for whatever reason, we tend to forget that."
"Americans are hurting, we just need to pass something."
"We all want healthcare, a good economy, and financial stability."
"Health care is not politics and it shouldn't be about politics."
"People still need health care so I won't stop."
"The vast majority of work that is vital for society to function could be performed on a part-time basis."
"Is that really an injustice, to have special care for very young children who especially need it?"
"Our needs matter, our mental health matters, and that these things will lead to trauma, even if we don't see it immediately."
"Independent thought is the most important thing that I think society needs more than ever."
"Gentleness is the new strength... the world needs your gentleness, it's never needed your gentleness more."
"We need to talk more and more and more; people need to hear it."
"Invest in Americans: housing, healthcare, education."
"We need to put healthcare, you know, we need to make it a public good again."
"Education and healthcare in this country, that's the two."
"What matters is that people who need this stuff don't have it and they can't get it."
"We've never needed colleges less than we need them right now."
"It's very important that we deliver cheap food and plentiful food for people."
"We all want the same things: end the wars, healthcare that doesn't bankrupt us, freedom of speech, and a living wage."
"What does the world need now? Love, sweet love."
"The hunger doesn't take a pause, the rent doesn't take a pause, the hardship doesn't take a pause." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
"He wants to make sure that all the needs of the American people are addressed."
"It's time to re-examine and update policies for the modern world."
"We need to have productivity over partisanship."
"The world needs more heroes but why wait for them to show up when you have it in you to become one of them?"
"The world needs more of and just like a lot less hate."
"This grocery store is what we need in the culture."
"We need peace in the community. We cannot live like this."
"Mental health is a badly needed commodity right now."
"People are lacking resiliency in a huge way right now. We need to be looking at our lives in terms of what is not resilient and what we can do to actually create resiliency."
"The world doesn't always need a white knight; sometimes it needs a dark knight."
"We as a society need to look at future risks and deal with them in the present."
"A revolution is necessary to meet the needs of the people."
"Sharia can evolve with Islamic societies to address the needs of today."
"If there's one thing a society needs... it's entrepreneurs."
"There's no reason why anyone shouldn't have what they need."
"Opening schools is absolutely vital to get back a sense of normality."
"People are sensing that we're going to need something else to meet those challenges."
"We cannot have a functioning society without security and safety."
"The world's not all about you. There are needs out there."
"Everything's on fire except all of the things we need not to be."
"What's going to make a difference in the lives of people right now?"
"At what point will it ever be enough? That's the big, that's a more serious question."
"It would be a great day though wouldn't it to wake up and see in the papers like it's all out in the open now and it was aliens just because we all need to believe in something."
"These people need answers, they need the truth."
"You've been very dismissive of Simon Dolan's court case, but he is actually doing something which badly needs to be done."
"Establishing normalcy requires effective communication."
"I think one thing that there is a hunger for and that we're lacking is connecting politics in a real way to people's lives."
"My overriding feeling throughout the entire ceremony was a feeling of joy, which is what we sorely need in the world right now."
"There was just this frustration, this void... people need to be heard."
"Everyone wants to work, everyone is wanting to get by at the moment."
"Lessons...you cannot abandon the Civil Rights agenda...you're ignoring what are the legitimate material interests."
"These things are real, and sometimes people need help."
"What the world needs is more individuals using their own talents and ideas to solve problems. It needs more entrepreneurs, more innovators, more risk-takers, and it needs more freedom."
"We really need ritual, it's part of the human experience."
"We have money for war but can't afford basic programs to help struggling families."
"You can't eat information technology, you can't wear it, you can't live in it."
"The world is longing for a man with a plan for a mr. Fixit."
"Black society wants something it can believe in and depend on."
"We deserve more than a dollar store economy and a GoFundMe healthcare system."
"This sort of journalism is necessary in a society where we don't know what is happening in our schools."
"People can pray, we really need God in our hearts, homes, and in our country."
"These are the mothers we need, these are the people we need."
"The people are the root of the country and their hunger is no small matter."
"People are looking for an answer, people are looking for a Direction."
"Something needed to happen, that's for sure."
"Instead of having the argument like everyone wants to have the debate at a level of like what do we need to do...?"
"Capitalism meets people's needs, but what happens is if you meet people's basic needs, they get new needs."
"I'm thoroughly convinced that neither party is speaking to the pressing needs of poor and working people."
"People want to go to work they want to make a living they want to be able to put food on the table."
"We are dying for real legitimate leadership. I don't know where it is."
"More than ever, I feel like everybody needs therapy."
"Regulation around anything which is a danger to the public is necessary."
"People are looking for something to look forward to right now."
"White guilt has to happen. It's a developmental need."
"People want stuff fixed, people want stuff built."
"We need more accountability to those corporations and the government, to help people and not just the 1% get richer."
"Compassion is what's so needed right now in our world."
"Fix the [ __ ] roads man! Pay Teachers more! All you're getting is climate collabs and armed right-wing militias."
"I feel like pretty much everyone's looking to find a little peace these days."
"More than ever, we need leaders who will stand up for basic truths."
"I think there's desperate need for free information out there."
"I think we need a lot more people looking out for each other especially in a time like this."
"We need men and women of character to lead us."
"I feel like it's there it does need like more transparency and it needs more honesty."
"Why divide businesses into essential and non-essential? Is a hairdresser not essential to a single mom with three kids?"
"No housing should be... a basic human right. Everyone deserves a safe place to live, a roof over their heads."
"I think people really want to come together right now."
"The world needs the one and the world needs these events because the world needs a new champion."
"They want a release, they want some relief, they want something good. And they deserve something good."
"Our culture's norms don't reflect our true human needs and potential."
"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one."
"Want some [ __ ] want trades and coding taught in our schools..."
"Bravery is the one thing that is really undervalued and really needed more than ever."
"I'm not sure why we need it... I'm not sure that in order for black people to overcome, all Americans need to understand what we've been through."
"I genuinely don't understand why the American public needs to be better informed about the history of black people than it is roughly now."
"You can't treat health care the same as you treat any other product because health care is vital to your life."
"You're going to lead by example, you can show a better way because we need good leaders right now."
"Liberty is a value not a yearning not an instinct people do not want Liberty nearly as much as they want to be taken care of."
"Mercy is the word and it's the thing that the world needs."
"Moving from education to engagement...society can tell you these are the things we need."
"What moms really need are larger, structural reforms."
"China's push for space, AI, and building chips all demand that society produce science and technology graduates."
"The timetable is the timetable of the American people needing their unemployment insurance, their direct payments, their assistance for rent and mortgage forbearance."
"Continue to reinvent the word and the message for what's needed in the world."
"None of this is inevitable, it's a political choice: your need or their greed."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the fewer."
"It needs the government to really start addressing this long term." - Ben Chu.
"Chancey Williams said it best, the world needs more Cowboys."
"The world is going to need all of the different kinds of minds to work together."
"Canadians need a government that understands the struggles of daily living."
"We need agencies we can trust to do the prosecutions and investigations."
"We need justice in America, we need safety in America."
"Jim Gordon says that Batman is not the hero Gotham needs right now but the hero Gotham deserves."
"People everywhere in America are looking for answers."
"There does need to be proper accountability."
"Growth is not required for its own sake, but it's really important."
"It's not a luxury to have a telephone or a car or a home. That's necessity, and we need it."
"Americans want safe cities, affordable gas, and freedom."
"This case is a reminder of why more resources are needed."
"A lot of what I think is missing from our culture is discourse."
"More than machinery, we need humanity more than cleverness. We need kindness and gentleness."
"The fact is more races need their unique laws."
"We have a lot of people building that don't have a burden. This is the beginning of vision."
"The reality is that there's a lot of men out there especially in the world that we live in today that need a partner."
"What people would be celebrating because they need it right now."
"People everywhere need something to believe in."
"Understanding what is the benefit here... they're all solving some need or serving some purpose."
"Critical thinking is a skill in short supply."
"Money is very, very tight right now, so many people need additional money."
"There needs to be more awareness of mental health."
"there's no reason that schooling and the needs of people and kids and the future is so it's just such a no-brainer it almost makes you want to like take the other person just shake them and say what the hell is wrong with you."
"There needs to be a distinction between the interests of private companies and ordinary people."
"Kindness is needed in the world now more than ever."
"There's a big vacuum in politics that needs to be filled."
"Kindness is what this world needs more of right now."
"People are looking for hope, and I think that is absolutely central to the anxiety and unhappiness people are confronting."
"The government overthrows and political discontent arrive when people are hungry."
"Meeting actual needs is more important than maintaining institutions."