
Heritage Quotes

There are 9397 quotes

"Keep your roots and stand taller than the trees."
"This is not only my father's legacy, it's all of our legacy."
"In the end, finding out where I belong helped me discover where I came from."
"If it wasn't for the black woman, we wouldn't be here."
"Remember your roots: What do you want to build upon?"
"God made a promise many years ago to Abraham and to his seed to give them something: a land in which they would have as an everlasting possession."
"Never forget who you are, never forget where you came from."
"If our forebears did what all they did was with what little they had, what more can we do with all that we have been given?"
"Foundational Black American, that's not a movement. That's grounded in our culture and our lineage."
"Respect our history, respect our elders, respect our culture, respect our lineage."
"Abby gets her quirky, silly side from her grandpa and grandma."
"A people had come back to the cradle of its birth. It has renewed its link with the mystery of its origin and continuity."
"It's not just food, it's a narrative of survival and joy, of blending cultures and histories, served up on a platter."
"Fighting for freedom is literally coursing through my blood."
"One of the things that struck me recently was that as an only child without me cooking these recipes, without me passing them on, they disappear."
"Always take time to appreciate where you're actually from."
"How does one become proud of who they are and their heritage and culture and history without it turning into a racial war or a racial animus?"
"There are few in the Lands Between that have such an august heritage as Lunar Princess Ranni."
"We're fortunate it's in our DNA. You got royalty, you got loyalty in your DNA."
"It is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to convey the significance and the exciting history of this site to you all."
"If you don't know where you came from, you don't know where you're going."
"Our family is a little unique; we've been spies for many generations."
"Embrace your roots, they define your strength."
"The fiends must be driven back. And what better place to begin than the seat of our noble line?"
"I'll be the first Khan in three generations not to be a migrant because I'm staying here."
"You are coming from the genes and the blood of very strong people."
"I am in awe of the strength of not only my grandparents and great grandparents but just of the strength of Black America."
"These documents don't belong to them. They belong to you and me. This is our heritage."
"One of the great blessings of a conference like this is that we're not only reminded of the great heritage that we've received from the Puritans but we also find ourselves challenged and motivated to pick up the torch that they have passed down to us."
"There's nothing else more important to me than my name because it doesn't belong to me; it belongs to my father and my forefathers."
"I beg you, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows of the Darkest Dungeon."
"Our heritage is a tapestry of stories, woven with threads of courage, love, and resilience."
"Families, it's not just genetics that we hand down."
"We're kings and queens; royalty runs through our blood."
"We need to know all of who we are, and research has shown that when young people know about their heritage, their self-esteem is enhanced."
"You are a product of all who came before you."
"We are the beneficiaries of thousands of years of cultural evolution."
"Recreating the ancient while restoring the modern connects people to the past while inspiring in the present."
"My name is Jack Manville, and I am a direct descendant of Benedict Arnold, and if the price is right, I can give you everything you need to know."
"The fact of the matter is, Art is a great well of knowledge, and has been built upon those that came before."
"Your grandpa Chipper was a great beaver; you can be proud to be his grandson."
"Ignorance about our culture is ignorance about where we came from."
"I am a Native American, meaning I was born here. This is the land of my father, grandfather, and his father before him."
"World Heritage Sites are chosen... to represent a masterpiece of human creative genius, to be a unique or exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition, or to contain... areas of exceptional natural beauty."
"Protecting our hard-fought American Way of life is one of the greatest gifts we can pass on to the next generation."
"Without bragging too much, my family are of aristocratic heritage, and my grandfather's brother owns Chillingham Castle, a 15th-century castle in the north of England."
"A historian is one who recognizes our painful past with factual evidence, looking back at our rich, vibrant history and at the times when our humanity was trampled on and our heritage was almost erased."
"There's a bunch of dead people that made sure I could even be living how I'm living right now, so I don't mind doing a whole bunch of hard work to make sure other people can live a good life."
"In your veins runs the blood of legendary warriors."
"What it means to give voice to my voice, what it means to stand in my own authenticity, what it means to recognize my roots and be proud of it."
"The legacy of the Freedmen's Bureau is the heavy heritage of this generation."
"This church is a monument to a man who grew up in a small Galilean Village 2,000 years ago, a man who deserved absolutely nothing and yet, by the sheer grace of God's will, was grafted into the story of redemption."
"Assimilation doesn't mean losing one's heritage; it means adding to the rich tapestry that makes up our nation."
"Be unashamedly proud of your heritage, be unashamedly proud of your history, but never let that pride and heritage and history blind you to it."
"The key's importance persisted as they were handed down through the generations, each new owner connected with their tale of bravery and tenacity."
"I'm actually Mexican... my grandma... she's been making trunks for probably over 30 years."
"The African Creole between European music and African music is a second instance of what happened in the New World."
"The only way this history lived on was through myth and legend, and in the names of their descendants."
"It's about rediscovering your roots, appreciating your heritage, balancing two cultures."
"The Heritage trip when I went with my mom to the countries of our supposed heritage, after my dad passed away, will always be my favorite video I've ever made."
"My heart would change, Johnny. I gave you my grandmother's name, a woman who bore nine children, educated them all, who held off six white men with a shotgun when they tried to drag one of her sons off to jail for not knowing his place."
"It's really important for us to remember our history. Unless you're one of the first Americans, you came from someplace else. Somebody brought you."
"James proposed with my great grandmother's ring, which is about a hundred years old, it's Art Deco, it's really cool."
"Tackling these challenges, though, is personal for me. I'm the descendant of immigrants from Jamaica and enslaved Americans."
"What is being white even mean now? If you ask me about heritage or ancestry, there's a lot to be proud of."
"I record the knowledge of our ancestors for future generations."
"Scientific thought and its creation is the common and shared heritage of mankind. General relativity and the understanding of the world that it offers belong to everyone."
"My family history, my ancestors were Bushi, the warrior class of Japan during the Edo period, taught me the importance of self-discipline, perseverance, and compassion through the teachings of Bushido, the way of the warrior."
"Food is the universal language, understood by all, that binds us to our history and to each other."
"You come from people who were brave, and took risks--big risks."
"This DIY nursery makeover is a very unique one because it is all about heirlooms and vintage finds."
"All of us bear the DNA of our mothers and fathers... We are reflections of the life of our parents physically, and we give to our own children our DNA."
"Legend Motors Downs Design has got their roots deep in the past and their finger on the pulse of the future."
"Who favors and upholds like me the gift of faith which I thus offer with all my heart, be he my son, grandson, or any future king who comes after me, queens, princes, royal ministers high or low, may he be favored above others with the wheel of treasure."
"Veterans...were just as important to the pride and Heritage of a legion as the legionary standards themselves."
"It's a bit like discovering a whole new world all about me, all about where I come from."
"Botany of India is the richest heritage, one of the most significant treasures of India... This civilization has been its knowledge of plants, the taxonomy, the classification, the understanding of these plants, how to use them, where to use them."
"We're welcoming you to Africa. We want to see you here in Africa. We want you to come back home... because this is all we have. Apart from Africa, we have nothing else."
"By understanding the things a culture chooses to celebrate and venerate, we gain insight into the things which it values and wishes to preserve."
"These stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel forever."
"Firearms are part of our heritage. That's why we collect them because we collect experiences, we collect stories, we collect culture."
"Your background or family lineage can be fun to look at, sure, it's interesting to find out where you came from, but it really doesn't change who you are now."
"It's really nice to have some kind of a connection to my background."
"The history of an entire bloodline pumping through the veins of the present."
"You are descended on your mother's side from the Nubian people."
"We want to raise our children so that they can take a sense of pleasure in both their own heritage and the diversity of others."
"Do you share the blood of a Roman Emperor? Is Charlemagne your grandfather? Is Isaac Newton your great uncle? Could you even be distantly in line for a throne somewhere?"
"Yes, you are almost certainly related to at least some nobility of the area in which your ancestors lived."
"Everything you have, you have because somebody who looks like you sacrificed. That's why you have it."
"You are a link in a chain that goes way back to your ancestors, and those beliefs actually got you here."
"This monument will never be desecrated. These heroes will never be defaced. Their legacy will never, ever be destroyed. Their achievements will never be forgotten, and Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom."
"There is something that is far deeper and far more moral, spiritual, and connected to you and your ancestors: your faith, your belief in God."
"Maintain it, look after it, and pass it on to future generations."
"Our ancestors are the verifiable confirmation of your remarkable existence."
"Helping the lost find their way home to their spiritual heritage of the One."
"While the park is a different place from what used to exist, remnants of this historic location still live on today as a heritage part."
"It had roots, it had a spirit already, it had bones."
"I realized that previous generations have sacrificed so much for us, regardless of race, color, creed, ethnicity."
"Our pilgrim forefathers and foremothers left us what I call the the the secret sauce recipe for how to build a free and just society under the Word of God."
"I am the prayer of my ancestors fully realized."
"Through his paternal grandmother Tafari was descended from the Solomonic line of kings who had ruled this part of Africa since the 13th century."
"I wasn't the descendant of a cowardly slave. That's why I can speak against him now."
"We all have this kind of ancestral birthright to radical health and it's, you know, we're forsaking that by not understanding how we're supposed to live."
"Your genetic makeup, Your Existence, your children's existence exist because of those ancestors."
"Finland has seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites."
"We gotta stay grounded on the lineage, everything else will come together."
"There are a lot better people here than what makes the headlines."
"Bronte and regiments are proud to continue in the martial traditions of their ancestors."
"Excellence is in our DNA because where we come from, what we represent, is far stronger than anything we have done."
"In a world where the devil is trying to tell you you're nothing and you're nobody, tradition is a sign that somebody suffered and fought and gave and bled and died for me to have the privileges that I got right now."
"Inside the mantra, my ancestors would smile because I turned my family's last name into an asset."
"If you want to learn more about where you come from, just do what I did."
"Omega Seamaster 300: Leans on the original 1957 design, a pinnacle of luxury dive watches."
"Tudor Black Bay: The cornerstone piece that ushered in a new era for Tudor."
"Longines Legend Diver: A classy brand providing great value, a fixture within heritage collection."
"Rado Captain Cook: Marriage of contemporary and vintage elements."
"Culture is important. We can't ever forget that."
"You pass it on to my grandchildren and you make sure that your grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, still know how good that Jesus is."
"People who are deeply connected to something that cannot be bought or sold - their own ancestry, their own cultural heritage, that's what we need to make children into."
"The Ghent Belfry dates back to 1313 and is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site."
"I am an heir of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The promises made to them can be fulfilled in my life."
"Killmonger strides in like he owns the place and quickly calls out the late king T'Chaka for killing his father."
"I think about those who came before us and the hardships they endured to survive work all day work all night work on the farm tend to your animals and there's something rewarding in the hard work."
"We literally have one promise that was made to our ancestors out of all history and religions that I've studied, I've only found one solid promise made specifically to our people."
"If anyone came close to being American royalty it was perhaps the only daughter of the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley."
"You never really own a Patek Philippe, you merely look after it for the next generation."
"We will preserve our heritage, we will defend our liberty, we will reclaim our destiny."
"My grandfather built this place. Not that it's any of your business."
"So, basically, it's the very base 964, all-wheel drive, but it belonged to my grandfather, and then he gave it to my mom, and when I finished uni, she gave it to me. So, it's not the most special of all 911s, but to me, it is super special."
"Somewhere like this, 70 years ago, corrugated iron, and my dad was born in this room."
"Preservation is really important, and these blocks do a great job at illustrating that."
"The reason why witchcraft is so integral to my life is because these practices are more than six thousand years old and I have such pride in that. I feel like I'm carrying the torch of my ancestors."
"He's like a freaking beautiful delicious cocktail he's got native American native American Indian he's got Egyptian English Irish what else has he got there's a lot going into him."
"With the birth of a son and heir, it seems that his legacy, and that of the Tudor dynasty, is finally secure."
"If you grow up with cultural values that are British, well these are cultural values that have been inherited and developed."
"It's very important not to forget your roots and where you come from because that's end of the day what makes you."
"Humanity's Legacy: the continuation of those people."
"Our weapon is the truth. If we don't stand upon the truth, who are we without our ancestors, who are we without the truth?"
"Our heritage informs our understanding of the present."
"You are a seed of Abraham. Now, being the seed of Abraham, what he promised Abraham is mine, too."
"The boys have inherited different aspects of their mother's character."
"I wiped everything down making sure the surface was nice and clean."
"We're reclaiming our heritage as a nation of manufacturers."
"We need to educate our young people to know who they are and respect the struggle that they came from."
"It's important for every African-American, every black person not just in America, to visit Africa at least once in your life. If you don't want to move, you have to make that visit."
"I think it's so important to know where you come from, to know the struggles of your ancestors, because that allows you to have confidence within yourself."
"Traditions matter they tie you to your ancestors to your heritage to your past."
"This is permanent, this is the heritage of the children of the Lord."
"You are tapping into your bloodline, your ancestry, the DNA within you that knows that you are powerful."
"The amount of African DNA you have is so huge that you cannot be anything but African."
"I think it's important to know your heritage and where you're from."
"In America, we don't tear down the past, we celebrate our heroes, cherish our heritage, preserve our history, and build the future."
"Freedom too is the opposite ethos, to take that stance and basically say, 'Because I am a black person, I owe it to the people who came before me to strive.'"
"We don't have to take our history and put it somewhere else. There's so much greatness here."
"Action in this image, action to this end, is feasible under the form of government which we have inherited from our ancestors."
"India is the leading country for the preservation of our ancient human heritage."
"It's okay to be colorful, your dreads and all of that, but don't forget the foundation that was set for you to have the platform that you on today, which is lyricism and different things."
"Virtus is the badge of the Roman race and breed. Cling fast to it, I beg you men of Rome, as a heritage that your ancestors bequeathed to you."
"When Alex Easton receives word that their childhood friend Madeline Usher is dying, they race to the ancestral home of the Ushers in the remote countryside of Ruritania."
"Honoring the past but looking towards the future."
"It's part of my heritage. It came from Italy Sicily. It started in Sicily and it came to this country so it's part of my heritage."
"Your story begins in Africa. Your African ancestors defied the odds and survived 400 years of slavery in America and passed down an extraordinary legacy to you."
"We as Americans have similarly forgotten who we are. We come from a long line of freedom fighters who are not looking for riots and lawlessness but we're the army of compassion who is looking to bring healing to a broken nation."
"You gotta respect the heritage, simple as that."
"Within us all is the understanding of the people that came before us... we all share a collective unconscious."
"Watches that are not just Heritage inspired but really do an amazing job of feeling and preserving the past design and what it's bringing forth in like the present era that we have in watchmaking."
"It's good to understand and appreciate the cultural heritage of our Tales."
"It made me think a lot more about my history and a lot more about my family's history."
"We are royalty traced through the bloodline."
"Our forefathers gave us the greatest opportunities of any country on God's earth."
"If you're going to have it, then I think it should be defendable. I think it should be a lineage."
"We are not immigrants... we are foundation of black Americans."
"I want to make wine and find answers. If I know how to make wine, then I know what is in father and mother's wine. By reliving their actions, maybe we'll understand what kind of people they were."
"I want to give all praises to the most high and also give all praises to the ancestors that created the journey for us."
"America's farmers are not just the keepers of a cherished legacy you are the guardians of a way of life a great beautiful way of life."
"I can almost guarantee your granddad or great-granddad built that [ __ ] house."
"The fiends must be driven back, what better place to begin than the seat of our noble line?"
"People in the general area tend to be ashamed and cover up any Innsmouth heritage they have."
"9/11 set in motion a journey that led me to embrace both my Arab heritage and Islamic faith."
"I invite you to join us upstairs in the rotunda galleries as we raise a glass to freedom and celebrate how each and every one of our ancestors whose presence made this America that we live in today possible."
"Birthright: spiritual responsibility and blessing."
"Your history is worthwhile and it's one that should be celebrated."
"I was related to arguably the greatest black leader in American history."
"Diana instilled in her sons an understanding of the traditions into which they were born."
"I'm proud of my heritage and what we've been through."
"If you have to erase yourself, your history, your heritage to be a politician, I don't need you."
"The car has to evolve on its deep-rooted heritage, it has to deliver an immediate visceral impact, and lastly, it has to be out of your league like the Ferrari F40 rightfully is."
"I've got Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander blood. I claim my Torres Strait Islander blood."
"It's about embracing where we come from and what we believe in."
"Everyone knows the British royal family has a long and distinguished history, but their family resemblance is definitely going strong."
"Toyota GR86: Combining heritage with innovation for a thrilling driving experience."
"There's nothing more important than your cultural identity and your language and where you come from."
"Everything we're seeing here is literally built on top of the shoulders of all of the generations before me."
"Growing up in Montana, public land access is part of our heritage, something we take great pride in."
"Anything other than lineage going directly to foundational Black Americans is raggedy."
"This car was owned by one family since new... So you're buying a piece of history that has been passed on to another generation."
"I hoped it would serve as a link to the past, a connection to my family that would otherwise be lost after my mother's death."
"Remember where you came from. It really matters."
"Engagement ring used to belong to Princess Diana."
"We will never allow others to erase their legacy, demolish our Liberty, and destroy our proud American heritage."