
SpaceX Quotes

There are 539 quotes

"The suits that you saw the astronauts getting out of, and I guess getting into, they're all custom made for each of the astronauts and designed and created in-house here at SpaceX."
"It finally happened! Starship clears the tower for the third time!"
"SpaceX was founded with the goal to make life multiplanetary. We are one step closer to making that a reality."
"SpaceX is honored to be a part of this historic mission to the moon."
"It's hard to grasp what SpaceX achieved in 2020 alone."
"Where other launch providers build one prototype in a year, SpaceX is making a few per month right now."
"SpaceX's journey is a testament to the rapid advancement of technology and human intellect."
"SpaceX, introducing the idea of reusability, changed everything."
"SpaceX has cut the cost of space launch literally by a factor of five."
"SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket has supported operations on the International Space Station, delivering critical science hardware and supplies to crew aboard the space station."
"The teams here at SpaceX are proud to provide these services, which ultimately further our goal of one day making life multiplanetary."
"Through his company SpaceX, Musk has been working on developing the technology needed to transport humans to Mars and establish a sustainable human presence on the planet."
"Congrats SpaceX and NASA on another flawless mission."
"NASA announced last year that they, in partnership with SpaceX, are conducting an unfunded study to explore the feasibility of converting the upper stage into a self-sustained station."
"Starship reaches space again and successfully achieves a number of milestones."
"The first stage...successfully landed on SpaceX's drone ship 'Just Read the Instructions'."
"SpaceX has now launched a total of 5,988 Starlink satellites."
"SpaceX had installed much better and upgraded Starlink antennas on both booster and ship for this flight and it really did seem to have paid off."
"SpaceX is not slowing down anytime soon and the next pair of vehicles are waiting at Starbase for the Launchpad to be ready to receive them and fly Starship again."
"SpaceX is trying to ensure the long-term survival of humanity with a multi-planet species; this is love of humanity."
"We went from being number one to having only one commercial space launch. Not until SpaceX came along did we actually bring an industry that had been shipped entirely overseas back to American shores."
"NASA Endeavor ascends, a beacon of human ambition, 1.7 million pounds of thrust now propelling Falcon 9 and Crew 8."
"Ignition, engine full power, and lift off of NASA crew. A go falcon, go SpaceX, and go [Applause]."
"And back [Applause] in Al, amazing, so those incredible views on your screen and of course, the cheering behind me means that we have had successful main engine cut off, stage separation, and ignition of our MVac engine on board stage two."
"Thank you for flying SpaceX. Oh my goodness, what an incredible ride to orbit."
"This is shocking, the 205th consecutive booster landing."
"SpaceX is making up about half, but there are a lot of other countries launching right now."
"Now they're flying five times, like this is just crazy, this is the SpaceX way."
"We're clearing up some inventory for some really exciting new things."
"The Falcon 9 isn't actually on a trajectory to hit the landing zone, it aerodynamically steers itself with the grid fins."
"That is if I recall correctly, the 198th successful landing in a row since the previous failure."
"SpaceX is preparing to launch its 10th ride-share mission, aptly named Transporter 10."
"Dragon Endurance on behalf of SpaceX, welcome home."
"We've had over 50 people fly on the Dragon spacecraft, that's more than the number that flew on the Apollo spacecraft."
"As Elon recently mentioned, the next phase of Starship development should be called The Two Towers."
"SpaceX just completed a massive step in obtaining the launch license! Things are picking up momentum!"
"SpaceX's investigation pinpointed the attempted boost back burn as the beginning of the complications."
"Raptors operate on liquid methane as fuel and liquid oxygen as an oxidizer."
"It is now confirmed that SpaceX will be attempting to open and close the Starship's payload bay door and perform a propellant transfer demonstration during the upper stage's coast phase."
"SpaceX has now achieved peak download speeds of 17 megabits per second directly between a satellite and an unmodified Samsung Android phone."
"Starship flew for a third time and what a flight it was. There was so much stunning footage and amazing views."
"SpaceX has a near-term goal of soft water landings by the end of 2024 and the ultimate goal of landing the Starship vehicle on land."
"Starship is going to be continually upgraded."
"Starship is an ever-evolving rocket with multiple design upgrades soon to be debuted."
"The success of Crew Dragon was so important because that was SpaceX launching humans, which is the most important thing a rocket company can do."
"Reusable rockets are entirely mainstream now, and that's because of SpaceX."
"Starship is capable of getting a million tons to the surface of Mars and creating a self-sustaining city."
"Starship's next flight attempt has been officially announced by SpaceX."
"SpaceX... has developed reusable rockets that will hopefully make space travel far more affordable."
"SpaceX has more active satellites in orbit than the rest of Earth combined."
"I do want to emphasize that SpaceX and Tesla fundamentally intend to improve the quality of the future."
"SpaceX is known to break records, to dare, and to even succeed. They’re known for radical innovation and disruptive inventions."
"NASA is forced to pick the much larger, much more capable SpaceX approach, as it is much cheaper to build."
"It's a special night in Starbase Texas, which is where our focus is going to be."
"Elon Musk set to deliver an update presentation on the Starship program at SpaceX."
"We know SpaceX is streaming it as well, and so we're going to be able to see."
"But SpaceX are the ones leading the charge. They're the ones who are tackling the problems that nobody else will."
"We love you guys, we're happy you're living your best SpaceX lives."
"This is a special mission because this is the last time that SpaceX is going to be launching the original Dragon capsule."
"SpaceX has always been pushing really hard for not having a bunch of space junk."
"I think SpaceX and Elon Musk will be the ones that get the first human setting foot on Mars."
"Can anyone argue that now that SpaceX is the best company in the world at designing and building rockets?"
"I think it's fair to say that this year 2020 has thrown quite a few challenges at human civilization."
"Seeing [the Falcon boosters land] in front of me changes a person. It changes you, it changes your entire perception of reality and what can be."
"Elon Musk's SpaceX now owns Bitcoin on its balance sheet."
"My name is Jesse Anderson and I'm a production engineering manager here at SpaceX."
"NASA and SpaceX are targeting an 11:05 AM Central Time undocking from the International Space Station."
"The new arrays will start arriving on SpaceX 22, coming up in early June."
"SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 with 49 Starlink satellites."
"It's incredible that humans are going back to the moon and the efforts of SpaceX and Axiom get to play a vital role."
"This launch is going to be the 61st orbital launch attempt of 2024 and SpaceX's 31st Mission."
"You'll love to see it. SpaceX firing on all cylinders."
"We are close. By 2030 if SpaceX has its way and some decent successes, there could well be the beginnings of a colony on Mars."
"Spaceflight is changing and in my opinion, SpaceX is leading the way."
"SpaceX have just been knocking out of the park... their Cadence is unparalleled."
"Saw the first Falcon Heavy launch and hope to see the first Starship Super Heavy launch."
"We're all super excited for the first full stack Starship launch."
"Thank you so much and congratulations to SpaceX and NASA on that successful launch of Dart."
"Liftoff of SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launching Dragon on the 25th mission to resupply the International Space Station with cool science and a new advanced instrument to more effectively study our planet's climate."
"Congratulations to SpaceX, and Elon Musk, congratulations to Gwen Shotwell, and certainly congratulations to the entire NASA team."
"Fail fast, fail often" — the mantra behind rapid iteration in companies, akin to SpaceX's approach.
"The best part is no part, the best process is no process" — SpaceX's philosophy on iterating rockets to perfection.
"Over and over SpaceX is proven to be able to do what was once thought impossible."
"People thought there's no way SpaceX would get humans into orbit."
"It's really easy to spend SpaceX's money and resources when you're not SpaceX."
"Making humanity multi-planetary... SpaceX is on track to reduce the cost of rocket launches by a factor of 10."
"Way to go SpaceX! Congratulations SpaceX! They're going to use the Starship!"
"Welcome to my live coverage of SpaceX's most expensive satellite launch for the Canadian Space Agency."
"So once again thank you for watching I can't tell you how excited I am to see all four of the crew members back on earth and I'm looking forward to launching another set of four this week."
"It is so nice to see that our SpaceX Crew 2 astronauts have safely splashed down."
"Dragon endeavor has returned home. NASA astronauts Bob and Doug, half of the SpaceX and NASA teams, welcome back to planet Earth and thanks for flying SpaceX."
"But I've also learned to stop betting against SpaceX so I guess we'll see."
"The shiny rocket fleet grows; they are also destroying some of that fleet every once in a while."
"I've also learned to stop betting against SpaceX."
"SpaceX has over half of all orbital launches so far this year."
"Reusability doesn't work for rockets? I think SpaceX begs to differ."
"A woman named ashley kosak who recently quit her job as a mission integration engineer at spacex published an essay detailing a pattern of sexual harassment that she both witnessed and received during her four years at the company."
"I love the ground control scenes where they all cheer. That's SpaceX, now that's real."
"The next launch for SpaceX is Inspiration 4 from this very pad."
"A wonderfully successful launch of the CRS-23 mission."
"It's been years since the last Falcon Heavy. Let that sink in."
"SpaceX is making it look super easy."
"Get starship going asap and put all that money and development money into starship."
"I think SN15 is gonna be the one that sticks it and lands and lives to tell about it."
"The enthusiasm for the SpaceX market just sort of took off."
"It's a huge achievement... to have stuck the landing... it's rapidly prototyped... they want to fail quickly and fail hard."
"SpaceX might make something like that possible."
"It shows how clever SpaceX approaches the whole Starship program."
"I think SpaceX is currently about five years ahead publicly."
"SpaceX is taking over the world of spaceflight."
"All this seems small compared to the future of SpaceX."
"And again, business as usual. SpaceX managed to land B1061 once again."
"An historic launch for Elon Musk's SpaceX today."
"Firing 29 raptor engines all at once is way more ambitious. In fact, Elon Musk posted a beautiful shot from underneath the booster stating that this will produce 12 million pounds or a little under 5,500 metric tons of thrust at liftoff."
"An end is now in sight. If the assessment is favorable for SpaceX, we could see Starship making its first orbital launch attempt as early as the first quarter of 2022."
"Starship is such a blank slate... push the envelope... try crazy things."
"The audacious rise of Elon Musk's SpaceX has totally disrupted the industry."
"If we operate with extreme urgency... we have a chance of making life multi-planetary."
"SpaceX are not only a part of the space industry that in the past many have scoffed at. They are now clear leaders of the industry also pushing the boundaries well past what any other agency is aiming for."
"The splashdown of the SpaceX Dragon manned flight was another game-changing moment."
"Currently, SpaceX plans to send cargo flights to Mars as early as 2022 to confirm water sources and install power and life support infrastructure."
"SpaceX second tower construction is starting!"
"SpaceX's 80th successful launch and 50th successful landing."
"Spacex represents a big part of NASA's future, but it also has a lyrical link to the past."
"How many flights do you think SpaceX might get out of a booster?"
"Having five re-ignitions of your second stage is quite remarkable, I would say."
"It's kind of impressive to see just how many Falcon 9 first stages they have sitting in inventory and how frequently they're all used, this is awesome."
"With the Falcon 9 and now the Falcon Heavy, we can launch into orbit any payload that has previously been conceived or is conceived right now."
"SpaceX has made the regular reusability of rockets seem almost routine."
"I think by 2025 we should definitely see hopefully even a catch attempt of the booster and hopefully an actual Landing attempt of Starship."
"We have to talk about SpaceX's launch calendar."
"Just a point of clarification uh we've obviously mentioned that there's been almost a couple dozen missions with the Dragon to Space Station and those birthed they didn't dock and for those that aren't familiar uh that is a difference there."
"And cargo Dragon is now on its way to the International Space Station with the help of US companies like SpaceX and our astronauts in space like the Expedition 64 crew NASA is using the station to conduct cutting-edge research."
"Spacex doesn't seem to be slowing down at all in the near future."
"SpaceX has just received official FAA approval for Starship second orbital flight attempt."
"Literally recording history as SpaceX works on these starship prototypes that Elon Musk says one day we'll be carrying people in cargo to Mars, making us a multi-planetary species."
"SpaceX is pouring gasoline on the Starship fire, because that is the next step."
"Elon Musk says SpaceX is going to double Starlink satellite internet speeds."
"Space tourism is human space travel for recreational purposes... The four space tourists on board the SpaceX safely splashed down off Florida's coast."
"This booster will certainly fly again assuming everything goes well today."
"SpaceX going to be working to expand their east coast and west coast falcon 9 fleets."
"Starship will change everything at SpaceX's Boca Chica facility. We are witnessing the largest, most powerful, and most ambitious rocket ever to be built."
"This is a very big success for the Starship team and SpaceX."
"This is excellent excellent progress from SpaceX."
"SpaceX has 'Never built any two vehicles identically, such is the pace of innovation at SpaceX.'"
"Incredible to see that a Falcon 9 Booster can stick the landing coming in so hot!"
"SpaceX’s Getaway To Mars may double in size!"
"The Falcon 1 rocket is the first in the family of Falcon rockets developed solely by SpaceX."
"SpaceX's missions and their reusable rockets will impact space travel."
"What SpaceX did with the Falcon 9 rocket will blow your mind."
"SpaceX has become a major disrupter in the Aerospace industry."
"SpaceX is transforming the Aerospace industry."
"SpaceX has made a huge contribution to the global economy."
"SpaceX is on an amazing pace through the first six months of the year."
"That's amazing, Elon just tweeted out good starship sn8 static fire aiming for first 15 kilometer or 50,000 foot altitude flight next week."
"The pointy end of the Falcon Heavy is up and the Flemmi end is down."
"13 launches and landings with this one touching down successfully yet again on the drone ship A Shortfall of Gravitas."
"Do I think SpaceX will get more flights out of a booster than Discovery's 39 flights? That's a hefty goal."
"I wouldn't put it past them to be able to fly a booster 40 times."
"You just saw the first stage land on landing zone one that marks the second successful visit to and from space."
"That is a successful deployment of the Dragon spacecraft."
"What SpaceX is building in Boca Chica Texas right now, is just mind boggling to say the least."
"Starships will enable us to increase the amount of payload delivered to orbit per year maybe by a hundred-fold or more."
"Once there are landing and take-off pads on the Moon’s surface, it would enable SpaceX to send standard Starships to the Moon directly from Earth."
"We have four very beautiful and healthy main parachutes."
"This certainly is a historic moment of the SpaceX provision of sending humans to Mars and beyond."
"Welcome, everyone, to the Kennedy Space Center for the launch of the SpaceX."
"SpaceX is charging the government half the money to do 20 times as much work for something that will be useful for other things."
"Completing the first ever full stack of ship 24 and booster 7."
"SpaceX makes it clear that service will improve as the company launches more satellites."
"2024 promises to be even more eventful, potentially kicking off with the third Starship flight!"
"For SpaceX, this is only the beginning. They've set an even more ambitious goal for 2024, aiming for 144 launches!"
"SpaceX's new water terminal is rugged and can operate in extreme conditions."
"That's a major milestone SpaceX has been working towards."
"SpaceX delivered about two-thirds of all payloads to orbit last year."
"SpaceX could be the company that opens space and eventually literally helps us become a space-faring civilization."
"Spacex moving actually makes sense at this time."
"There's no other launch provider in the world that actually fully appreciates the value of having the public get excited about what you're doing quite as much as SpaceX does."
"SpaceX is progress right now is insanely fast."
"Did you expect SpaceX to build two starships in parallel?"
"Happy Friday evening everyone and welcome to NASA's John F Kennedy Space Center for live launch coverage of SpaceX's commercial resupply mission 24 to the International Space Station! What a fantastic way to start the weekend with smoke and fire!"
"SpaceX is really, really good at what they're doing."
"Their destination is a quick flight around the moon on SpaceX's enormous next generation spaceship, the BFS or Big Falcon Spaceship."
"We're doing the SpaceX style. We're iterating, we're seeing what works, expanding from there. Just keep going, keep going, and pour it right back in."
"The liquid oxygen and methane that are going into the second stage go through that quick disconnect."
"Consider becoming part of the SpaceX team at spacex.com/careers."
"Every launch of SpaceX at this point is an old booster." - Adrian Bile
"SpaceX is really the first private company to break through this barrier."
"This is a NASA mission through and through. If it wasn't for NASA's investment, SpaceX would not be here today."
"Starship will be more important for its ability to deliver large amounts of mass to low Earth orbit and be fully reusable. That's the real transformative power assuming they can pull it off."
"The new Raptor is generating something like 230 tons of thrust, the previous one was down about 185. The chamber pressure is well over 300 bar."
"SpaceX is focusing even more attention on the one, the only, the BFR."
"Good morning from Los Angeles. I'm Kate Theis, process improvement engineering here at SpaceX."
"FTS is armed Falcon 9 is in startup and is now controlling dragon is in countdown."
"SpaceX became the first private company to send a spacecraft to orbit and then return it to the earth."
"Huge congratulations to SpaceX and NASA for a flawless start to Crew 3 and the beginning of that new expedition."
"That's the sort of thing SpaceX's deal, they started off with one honestly quite wacky idea, and it didn't go exactly the way they thought."
"SpaceX shows no signs of slowing down! And that’s a good thing!"
"This was a moment that will go down in history, multiple prototypes and test tanks have brought us to this point where we see a complete starship vehicle right there standing on its own."
"It is absurd that SpaceX can build a giant rocket faster than they can Shuffle paperwork."