
Sales Strategy Quotes

There are 728 quotes

"I stopped being transactional like looking at that person as a dollar sign, like I have to sell, I have to complete, I have to transact. And I started being intentional."
"The way you make sales is by giving so much that at some point they ask you to buy, versus showing up and asking all the time."
"Learning the sales is that when you build a relationship based on price, meaning that you're willing to discount, what happens is when the price goes up, the customers find somebody else."
"Changing the way games are sold is a big disruption to everybody...but this is a necessary step forward for the games industry if we want to enable developers to invest in building better games."
"People will buy anything you have for sale as long as the thing that you are selling them is more valuable to them than the money they're paying you for it."
"It's always better to sell again to the same customer than it is to have to acquire a new customer."
"Your job is not to sell; it's to inform, it's to educate."
"It's very important to start getting sales, as soon as your product hits Amazon."
"You're trying to sell too much. Do one thing, make one request, and allow them to do that."
"The fastest way to sell is... you don't need a website, you don't need a logo, you don't need fancy brand, you don't need anything other than the ability to talk to people."
"Finding out what a customer wants and needs is just I can't emphasize how important that is."
"Yeah, it is. I think being able to read the customer... Everyone's different. I think that's super important..."
"To understand their needs and then to seek understanding with the solution."
"Our system of the customer information sheet and asking the appropriate questions is unique."
"If you come to me and you buy a graceland portable building I'm going to give you five percent off through the end of 2022."
"It's a great way of generating leads, clients, sales, and being able to charge a lot more because of that trust that you build up."
"More followers means more eyes and more eyes on a product that you're selling."
"The customer doesn't buy when they understand, they buy when they feel understood."
"Position yourself as their agent, the solution to their problem."
"It's free traffic, which leads to free sales."
"Relatable equals sales in any aspect of life."
"There's no point bringing in leads if you can't convert them into clients."
"The more you go out thrifting the more items you buy the more you list the more you put out there to the marketplace the more you're going to sell."
"Chat is now responsible for 28% of our sales."
"Nothing else beats selling a product that customers actually value."
"It's amazing. The more you deal with rejection, the closer you are to a yes."
"If you want to sell a million records, then you need to meet one million people."
"We tell people when they first start out, the best thing to do is try to sell fast-selling, highly desirable items."
"So there is the only sales strategy you need to know."
"When you're selling effectively, you're getting twice the result in half the time."
"Once your product reaches the first page, you're golden. Follow these steps and you'll make profits."
"Customers don't buy when they understand, they buy when they feel understood."
"That value ladder would generate you a total of $324,700 per year."
"You're not selling, you're helping someone make a decision that's going to help themselves."
"I don't think there's anyone in the country that's doing the level of sales we're doing out of one box truck in a vending business."
"Kia won't tell us how many k-9 hundreds they would like to sell."
"You think you could sell this on the dark side of the moon?"
"Always make sure that your product or your service is of the highest quality you could ever make it, because you do not want to be in the selling business. You want to be in the reorder business."
"It is better to sell old product rather than try and maintain some appearance of quality by forcing a high price."
"Sell a folio and the experience, not the dollar."
"You do not make anything until you sell, ladies and gentlemen."
"The secret to sales is making an offer so good people feel stupid saying no."
"These right here have it, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, man."
"Email follow-up sequence will start selling for you."
"Coupon codes are awesome because you can run sales with them."
"First thing you got to do is you got to learn to sell one product today."
"We have simplified this process literally to unhandcuff entrepreneurs and salespeople."
"In all of our marketing material, we encourage customers to reach out to our dealers and request demos because we know that this leads to higher success rates and more sales."
"The best way to do affiliate marketing is to add free value to people."
"Being helpful and adding value, especially for free, you're gonna make a hundred times more sales."
"Your only job as an affiliate marketer is to drive traffic to the other business's sales page or product page."
"Understand your audience's false beliefs... about the thing you're trying to sell them... their internal ability to do the thing... and then the external fear they have."
"This quick sell is for 9,560 chocolates... That's double the value of the basket itself. That's a spectacular pull."
"Maintaining constant contact with these people allows your brand to remain top of mind and increases the likelihood of a sale."
"Taking no action feels safe, but it's crucial to create urgency in sales."
"I approached it like a business owner, from a sales perspective."
"Businesses are built one customer at a time, one sale at a time."
"On my journey to reaching 10 000 print on demand sales I know you can do... it put in the time put in the effort I believe in you."
"Customers don't buy what they don't buy the what they buy the why."
"It's a lot more when it comes to putting up numbers, about the momentum and sales. It's all about them."
"The net net is you're going to make more sales."
"Community is critical for sales and leadership. It's about creating an anchor in the marketplace and defining the conversation."
"How can we pack when we sell without selling?"
"What makes the most sense for you? I'm not here to tell you what to sell at."
"When a customer comes in, we're gonna both try and sell one of those items to them."
"Focus on quality first. Make sure you're selling a good quality product and everything else will follow."
"Amazon PPC is definitely the most powerful way to get additional sales and expand your reach."
"Take your time there because this is what is going to sell your product."
"Having a good understanding of your target audience and creating messaging around what they can relate to will exponentially increase the amount of sales that you make."
"They were really selling the crap out of this gun."
"This originally is $1,800 but you get it starting at $97, ladies and gentlemen."
"When it comes to marketing, most people think that you sell features. But actually what you really should be selling, is emotions."
"Products is this king really that's where it all starts if you have great products and you put that products in front of the right audience it will sell."
"There's always something out there for you to sell you just need to find it."
"Your product's title is the most important aspect of your listing - optimize it for visibility and conversion."
"The biggest mistake a salesperson can make is not observing first before they try to to push their agenda."
"Once you have mastered your primary setup, do not deviate under any circumstances."
"Lead follow-up is more important than lead generation."
"Trust is very valuable. It's much more valuable than trying to ask for the sale in the moment."
"Sales cures all. So if you're down to your last thousand dollars... should you spend it on this? Absolutely."
"When you're trying to sell something, you actually should try and make it look attractive."
"We resist selling anybody that's not gonna put us in the meat case."
"Even with short-term sales boosts, overall profit margins were no better than before."
"You want to promote great products that are not only proven to help people but they're proven to sell."
"People will literally pay for your stuff just because they like you without even reading the sales page."
"Create urgency by limiting course availability. Scarcity drives sales. It's about 'why now?'"
"Just keep going. Make sure when you sell one of these shoes, whatever money you get from that, you buy another shoe. That is the best advice."
"Speed of sales is massive... It's a massive key to getting rich."
"This is the key to making consistent sales right here."
"You just have to continuously put your products in front of them until they decide to buy."
"They just came through and just started selling copies all over the place."
"We're so close, all we need to do now is get butts in seats."
"Efficiency, convenience, these are all going to be sales points."
"If the jewelry actually sold itself, there would just be a website."
"People buy from you, love you, adore you, will learn from you if they feel understood."
"You have to believe in the value of your product before you make somebody else believe in the value of your product."
"Sales is about doing... it's a phone call, it's a follow-up call, it's an email, it's a visit."
"A $500 sale to an easy customer is a lot more profitable than a $500 sale to a difficult customer."
"You have to have your products structured, your sales process structured in a way that is desirable."
"Focus on your best customers to increase loyalty and drive more sales."
"Because I genuinely care. It's that simple. I don't need to sell you today, in fact, I prefer not to."
"See more people, see more houses, more likely we're going to get a deal."
"Making a customer is more important than making a sale."
"Being creative and creating products that are designed to have somebody buy not just one, but multiples of it is one of the easiest ways to drastically increase the profits you make when selling online."
"All sales is selling yourself really because they're buying your personality almost as much as they're buying your work."
"Sharing bonus material can help you get more sales."
"Nvidia will happily sell you 3090s all day as many as they can."
"The fact that Blue Eddy is actually selling this at cost to the first 250 people that pledge is pure insanity."
"Vanilla futures are actually looking really good on the stock market, so you should be able to sell this stuff like really easily."
"Go for the biggest sale, the biggest profit."
"Cyberpunk 2077 is 50% off basically on GOG, Steam, everywhere."
"I've made my money by selling what's not popular."
"Are you gonna sell me other things? I got no problem with that if I'm making money."
"There is no better sales pitch than 'get paid more later.'"
"Making an offer so good people feel stupid saying no."
"Why hold a sale at all if you don't want consumers buying a lot of games?"
"Sales and reviews—your ticket to Amazon success."
"Word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising in categories as diverse as skin care and mobile phones."
"Once you actually get, you know, a few sales, then you can actually import and, you know, brand your items and things like that, right?"
"Once you find your winning book, you can go ahead and replicate it over and over and over again to increase your monthly sales."
"With a sales funnel, it's basically autopilot once you set it up."
"Bundling your products is an amazing way to sell your products. My sales always go up whenever I start making bundles of my products."
"Anything can be sold if you're giving people a story."
"Big big ratchet straps so three units of this 15 foot tie down I don't know I don't think I can justify selling these on ten dollar day."
"I know I can sell a physical product or something, you know, some ebook or some eCourse."
"Stop worrying about commissions, start worrying about educating your customers."
"An exceptional offer will make everything else much easier."
"Create an amazing experience for them. You're not just selling a product, you're selling an experience."
"It's no longer give the customers a website and hope they buy. It's bring the customers to your website and make them buy."
"Selling one high-ticket product a day is much better than any low-ticket volume."
"Focus on selling high ticket quality products."
"You want people to call you, that's the secret to high ticket."
"Try adding incentives to your offer to make it more compelling."
"Think speed. You've got to approach what you're doing with a sense of urgency."
"We're a sales and marketing company in the garage space because that's really what it takes to win."
"Digital sales for anybody is a three-front war: search, selection, and delivery."
"We need people to see the product, we need people to click on the product, and we need people to buy."
"Remember you also get a 30 day money back guarantee so you're really not risking anything at all in this."
"There's always been something about Halo 3: ODST that has intrigued so many people within the Halo community."
"You have to be completely sold on your product or service."
"You've got the win in the sale, run with it."
"If you can capture somebody's attention, you can make money selling whatever it is that you want to sell."
"Selling becomes a whole lot easier when you focus on demonstrating our value and hiring people who are smarter than I am."
"If you want to double, triple, quadruple 10x your sales, you have to get attention."
"Sell when you can. You are not for all markets."
"The cold call is vital because it puts you in control. You're not a victim, you're not waiting for a phone to ring, you're not waiting for an internet lead, you're not waiting for somebody to walk into your business."
"They don't want you to just buy a PS5 and one game, they want you to buy a PS5, a lot of games, a lot of purchases through PSN..."
"Don't forget fro Pack 1 is going to be off sale shortly going from 30 to $50."
"Especially when a lot of people wait, like until their birthday, or a holiday, or for a sale to buy a pack, and so say you're planning on asking for this pack for your birthday in October, well too bad, you don't get the pre-order bonus."
"You're not going in to do an interview. You're going in to sell yourself. You want to control that interview and make it a sales presentation."
"Selling in units can move customers through more quickly, keeping everyone happy."
"Your closing rate is going to increase dramatically just from following these steps."
"Your goal is not to sell or ask for a decision."
"Over the years, I have learned when to walk away from a prospect if a sale is taking up too much of my time."
"One of the most important sales strategies is the ability to walk away from a deal."
"Day three will also be huge for star metal tools this is going to be your biggest prime time to sell these because people will be able to equip them at level 40."
"What you're selling is the hole, not the drill."
"If you can remind customers of what it feels like to have icy toes and achy cold feet, they're going to start looking for a solution."
"My favorite pilot has to be Nova. She's a streamer, she's also Korean, she's a pop singer and she's a badass Mech with missile weapons."
"You're able to discover new combinations and outsmart your opponents."
"Having a funnel full of high qualified prospects and leads... is really important if you want to stay in business."
"Start thinking about the benefits that your product service or opportunity provides... not the features but the benefits."
"Once you actually figure out how much you're going to make, you can figure out who you need to reach out to, who you need to take through your sales process to actually bring in that Revenue."
"Facebook wants you to make sales. Facebook audience insights allows you to create an audience of people who will be most likely to buy your product."
"Created this new thing called information-assisted selling."
"There's never a better time to buy it than right now."
"We're not looking for a salesperson but we do conduct sales at our events in order to drive results for out clients."
"It seems a lot easier right I think you can find eight people who can pay that two hundred and twenty-five dollars on sale versus fifty people who want to pay $400 or $120 whatever it was you see it's just like a game you play with yourself."
"That means that those extras that didn't sell in this quarter are probably gonna be in next go hang on a second."
"Nobody in the world is ever going to buy anything from you until they buy you first."
"90% of all the policies we sell is through Zoom."
"Literally one course sale per day makes you $110,000 per month."
"Consistency is the secret to good sales daily."
"The best way to sell is just to literally get them to care about the thing that you are that they have an opportunity to collect."
"If you truly believe in what you sell, selling is actually very easy."
"Focus on the value because once you focus on the value, then selling any product becomes a lot easier."
"But I would... guess that we're gonna see some pretty big laptop sales at the end of summer."
"It should just have a low volume of sales if it's what people didn't want."
"The key question is how do you discover a customer's true buying motivation."
"Sales is the process of getting someone to accept help."
"So, what I'm going to do now is I'm going to put it into test mode and then I'm going to go through the upsells as well so you can see how the funnel works from start to finish."
"It's all around one and a half to two percent, that's basically where everything is selling off."
"In the role of a salesperson, your job is client advocacy."
"Sales are more based on marketing than quality, so Drake just being Drake, he's going to outdo Donda just because he's him."
"The current version of FSD is an incredible selling tool for new Teslas."
"If you're very honest about what your game is, yes that will cost you a couple of sales but those people would have given your game a thumbs down anyway, so you don't want them to buy your game, just let them go."
"It sold out so fast when we launched it in that case video that our Australian viewers were asleep when it was launched."
"Our job is not to convince people to do things our job is to give people an opportunity."
"Talking to customers sells more comics than anything."
"I didn't even approach it as an album, you get what I'm saying? Or I didn't let everybody know how to get sales at this point once you embedded it once you didn't."
"If you're not even getting past this page then there's no way you're gonna get any sales."
"Have something else to sell people if they had a great time."
"The only way you sell things that people don't want or can feel like they can no longer afford is to lower the price enough that they go, 'Oh, that's such a value I have to buy it.'"
"Becoming a problem finder and problem solver, not a product pusher."
"Expired listings are the single greatest opportunity in real estate right now."
"You want to choose an offer that has got at least a thousand sales and also has got good earnings per click."
"I think play in whatever form is as close as we get to mental health."
"If you know for a fact that your product sells, you will get sales."
"You want to find products like that where everybody's making a bunch of sales so you can just slip in there."
"Consistency is key in sales; once people realize that they can get something from you, they want to keep coming back."