
Fresh Start Quotes

There are 1634 quotes

"That's going to be the first time they're getting a breath of fresh air in over six months."
"Wipe the slate clean and start again. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter."
"We're opening with a clean fridge, healthy attitude, we're hungry to get this place full."
"To reset is to make a new, fresh start due to a change in circumstances, opportunities, or priorities."
"Fresh start. The Fool card is the first card in the deck, so this is a new beginning."
"We're taking that new step in that new direction, and it's a breath of fresh air."
"It's about igniting passion and reigniting the sparks that perhaps have dimmed, creating a fresh beginning either with a new love or within an existing relationship."
"Sometimes the most freeing thing, the most happy outcome, is to be able to just wash it out of your hair, what happened, and move on."
"When you're looking for a fresh start, you almost always want to have affordability and opportunity."
"Every single day that you wake up is a fresh new start, a blank canvas for you to write your own stories."
"Every night is a fresh slate, new faces, new [ __ ] game. It's like literally dying in a video game and then hitting reset and starting again."
"Sometimes it's best to rewind, start over and try again."
"This is a new day, this is your fresh start."
"I gave everything I had for that city for five years, and I'm excited for a fresh start."
"She committed a victimless crime; she stole somebody's identity but she didn't steal money from anybody. She just wanted to start fresh."
"Bankruptcy... is Nature's do-over. It's a fresh start. It's a clean slate."
"I'm leaving this behind. Let's start over; you're my partner, don't worry about them anymore. They're a thing of the past."
"The past is the past and it happened without meaning. Tomorrow is a fresh day of creating new meanings and new consciousness."
"Every Fresh Start is a little bit of fun, so why not?"
"Forget about the past. Make the rest of your life the best in your life."
"This is a fresh start, new beginnings. They want a second chance with you."
"A new year is not just a new year on the calendar, it's also new energy, new opportunities."
"I'm basically I want to just take everything out of here because I just want to brush start."
"An end is a beginning, a chance to do better than before."
"Give yourself a clean slate and make it happen."
"A new dream, the dreamers card is telling you about Fresh Starts in your life here New Beginnings here."
"A new beginning that can lead to more abundance."
"It's really important to clear your energy so that way you guys can just have a fresh start."
"Sometimes a nice fresh start is just what you need."
"It's literally a new beginning and a rebirth."
"They want a fresh start with you, purging everything from the past."
"Stop bringing your past with you. Every new person is a new beginning. It's a new unique set of circumstances."
"The gospel gives you a fresh start, it's real, there's life-changing power."
"They are former inmates, people that went to jail who are getting a fresh start thanks to the landmark criminal justice reform bill that I signed into law."
"There is a new start here, there is hope, there is you starting from the very beginning."
"Approach every day with a clean slate and try to release and let go of any preconceived notions."
"He's jumping right on the rework, that's fresh out of the box, man. What a great pick, what a great pick."
"Economy resets are amazing... They're an opportunity to have a fresh start and a fair playing field for players."
"In being completely honest with who we used to be, it gave us a clean slate."
"Leo, it's a fresh start, a new chapter, love overflowing."
"They feel their passion and magnetism with you Group one but they don't know what that means and so they're curious and they know despite not knowing what it all means they do know that they want this fresh start with you."
"It brought a sense of hype and a fresh start for the community."
"Fresh starts start when we get rid of the stories we're still holding onto."
"I'm trying to start every day as a blank slate."
"This is not just for me to get clean, this is like literally a whole brand new start for me."
"Sometimes that fresh start is just what you need to really be in a great space and be more powerful and more set up for success."
"The full card indicates a new start, overcoming setbacks, and obstacles."
"They see you as someone they want to have a new beginning with."
"Somebody has to say certain things. This country needs to start over."
"If you guys are leaving behind something that caused you some challenges this is really really good for you."
"They realize their actions created injustice, and now they're in a stage of wanting a fresh start."
"Stick with the facts. Don't let them manipulate you emotionally. It's time for a fresh new start."
"If you want a new start, it requires you to have confidence."
"You have to wipe the slate clean in order to have a truly new experience."
"I feel like I'm at a point where I can just kind of start fresh now."
"You're bursting the old bubble and you're gonna be able to breathe."
"They want to move towards a fresh start with you, heading in the right direction."
"Just move on, having yourself a fresh start, moving on solo."
"It's a fresh start for the Fish and Anchor, like a breath of fresh air."
"I'm excited, they're cleaning the slate, that could be a way to do it."
"Mondays are a fresh start to a brand new week, it's like a reset."
"A month of new beginnings... fresh start for everyone."
"Starting over good for you, you're the first one to get that tonight."
"There's no future with this person, it's time to start over."
"It's like you're gonna see things with like fresh new eyes."
"Know when to cut your losses in life. You gotta know when to do it, you move on, you start fresh."
"In wrestling and in life, sometimes the best solution to a problem is to just start fresh."
"It gave me a really unique opportunity to start over so many times."
"You can't go back and change the past, but you can start a brand-new outcome today."
"Release past baggage for a new love that feels like young, first love again."
"They want a fresh start within your connection."
"A hopeful new beginning, settling down energy."
"She had truly thought she could start her life anew, free from O.J.'s interference."
"An opportunity for so much more... fresh start fresh Foundation."
"I'll start all over again like it's the first day, I'm not in here to pre-cook food, I'm here to cook it."
"Every morning is a fresh start, an opportunity to connect new dots and you can point that compass any direction you choose. You are shackled to nothing, bound by no one."
"The universe is trying to give you a fresh start."
"I feel like both parties have the desire for a fresh start."
"They want a reunion, a fresh start, a celebration - intense love for you."
"Going to Houston was like a godsend. It's like a breath of fresh air."
"This is Returnal, we're running fresh file which means it's from blank."
"New year, new season! As we start season two, we are gonna burn down the stiff formalities of the past and just engage in the nerdy group rabbit hole plunge."
"You're starting from experience, not starting from scratch."
"They're struggling without you, wanting you to forgive them, wanting to create a fresh start with you."
"It is not new year, new you, it's just a way to take advantage of a fresh start."
"This seems like a good place for a fresh start. You can call me Fridge."
"I think every wow expansion is in a lot of ways a fresh start. It's a chance to reconnect to be in a level playing field."
"Showing up for something is better than doing nothing at all."
"After everything has fallen apart, it's a new season, it's a new dawn, it's a new day."
"Russell Manny's getting postponed, fresh everything, trash the entire show, everything that he's seen was a dream was a fantasy, hit the reset button."
"Don't take yourself too seriously... this is a new beginning."
"Origins is essentially a reset button on the entire story, a fresh start."
"Just so exciting and fun to start fresh from zero with everybody."
"When God says I have forgiven you for your iniquities for your sins, that means it's gone like the slate is wiped out."
"I've turned a new leaf, honey. New leaf, new who this?"
"You're able to part ways and have a brand new beginning here."
"Season 2 is like younger and fresher and different."
"Never underestimate the power of a fresh start and a new perspective."
"A new beginning, out with the old, in with the new."
"This is a new beginning. This is a new chapter."
"Take advantage of this new opportunity, it really does feel like we all have a chance to really wipe this slate clean right now."
"Sometimes we must realize that what we have done needs to be discarded and we must make a new start."
"The desire for a new beginning, divinely guided."
"Let's make a fresh start of it, figure out how to work better together."
"Recognize this as a new beginning and fresh energy."
"It's not that many people get a fresh start like that."
"They want a fresh hope, a new start with you."
"Break away from the old way of doing things and old situations, starting anew."
"It felt symbolic of something, a new fresh energy wanting to come in, literally the roads being swept clean."
"Never go by the past; every moment is a brand new beginning."
"So now we can start over from scratch. If you made a lot of mistakes before, you can go ahead and start over from where you're working off."
"It's the full restart button like a hard restart and so I'm uh I'm thinking of doing I I've been hankering to get back into short content."
"The time is right for a fresh start and a new beginning."
"Put on a few pounds a year and just creep up on everybody."
"They want to leave the past behind, start over with you, have a fresh start."
"I want to thank Chef Ramsay for giving us this opportunity to start all over again."
"It's a new beginning, it's a new birth, it is a new era."
"2020 introduced us to the reset button. You know when your computer gets a virus, what happens? Right, it shuts down."
"It's never too late to start over. It's never too late if your heart's still pumping."
"The universe wants to turn over, it wants to give you a clean slate, but it's up to you to let it."
"They want to offer a new beginning and create a tangible relationship."
"A better way to start than with a sparkling fresh canvas."
"I want a fresh start in my love life. I just want a fresh start."
"This kind of feels like a fresh start in some kind of ways."
"Every single month, whatever happened last month didn't happen. New month, new target, new goal."
"Reopening day is a fresh start and you know what I expect out of a teamwork help each other out."
"Let me throw that away and start all the way fresh."
"The morning brings with it a freshness, a clean slate that allows us to leave behind the troubles of yesterday and start anew."
"What counts is that I'm here right now for you."
"You're about to get an offer, maybe a fresh new start."
"New year, new start. New Year's resolutions."
"It's almost like a ground zero kind of energy, like a feeling of totally starting over."
"This is the time for beginning, the power to begin."
"One of the biggest parts of self-care for me... is getting into a bed with fresh sheets."
"Starting over or starting fresh can be a liberating experience."
"You have to embrace change. Everything here is fresh."
"Origins was built from the ground up from a design perspective."
"There is a new beginning here starting off for you. There is a new opportunity here starting off for you."
"I'm going to be honest. We needed this breath of fresh air."
"Enjoy the moment and that's what I kept thinking about, even when I was like damn yo, I'm going into 2021 with a blank slate."
"I found a new start and built something they could not touch."
"Maybe a fresh start was exactly what Carson Wentz needed."
"Whenever I go somewhere, go on vacation, go across the country, something like that, I pretty much come back and want to start everything fresh."
"We start from scratch. We start with zero points. Everybody has the same chances."
"Long overdue... it's a reboot, a change... ultimately, it's a positive thing."
"Fresh coffee and bagels too, a new day is waiting for us."
"There's nothing I love more than a fresh start, a fresh mindset, a fresh perspective, and an incentive to get my life together."
"We're going to restart it without the whining and we're going to restart it without the hacking at one another."
"The reset starts here. Time to wreck it Ralph."
"Trust your intuition. It's usually unnecessary worry."
"You have everything you need. It's a fresh new start."
"A reset, like a start over, like a do-over, like a fresh beginning."
"Failure doesn't mean the end, it means a new beginning."
"Open the window to let stagnant energy out and fresh energy in."
"If debt is taking over your life, it's time to get a fresh start with Upstart."
"I left all the bad juju at the front door and walked in fresh."
"New opportunities, new start... lots and lots of newness here."
"It's time to leap into a different beginning, because that's where the change comes in."
"Okay, technically that loss doesn't count... it's starting for real now."
"With this clearing, it's a very favorable initiation of a new direction."
"This is like turning over a new leaf, a new person in your life, but there's like a newness here."
"God is about to give you a second chance and a new beginning."
"Clear out the clutter. It's time to cleanse."
"New year, new slate, whole new thing. Let's go!"
"It's never too late to turn that new page, that fresh corner, that clean slate."
"Start fresh, this moment's different, and you're going to decide here and now, 'I'm ready for that.' It's going to work this time."
"Harold and Edward could now start with a clean slate."
"A new beginning is building up, and this new beginning is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your individuality."
"Bankruptcy is an opportunity to start over again without paying for it."
"This is a reset, propelling forward into New Beginnings."
"Begin again, it does not matter what has happened."
"All it takes is at some point maybe the right decision to scrap everything, start over again."
"Treat it as if this is the first day you've met them..."
"Let the fox X-Men universe die... let's start fresh."
"Sometimes you gotta start fresh, start from the ground up."
"Life can begin fresh and new. The past doesn't need to define you."
"Their intention is good, they want for things to work out, they want a brand new beginning here."
"The promise of a clean slate should be a tremendous incentive."
"This is new love, it's coming on in here, and I feel like this one is beautiful. This is your divine counterpart."
"Welcome to season two of Yu-Gi-Oh Master Saga, where we're on brand new accounts this time around."
"It's like every day is a chance to start fresh."
"Starting from Ground Zero... you're already off to a great start... you got nothing to lose."
"A fresh start awaits, ushering in new beginnings and opportunities."
"The city had an unexpected chance at a fresh start to fix all of the issues with its former infrastructure."
"If the revert gets a bonus of starting a fresh, trust me, the one who has repented to Allah gets a similar bonus of starting a fresh."
"I'm moving across the country, new place, New Start."
"They want a fresh start, but they want to do things right this time; they want to try their hardest to understand what's going on."
"Once that's worked out and that air is cleared, it's allowing that to open up for a new opportunity."
"The Revolution's all about this opportunity to start fresh."
"Your person really wants a fresh start to work on this connection."
"Change the beginning, and then you've already won."
"Every year with the new year... it's just such a good tangible starting point."
"You're creating a clean slate for you, maybe so that you can manifest this love situation, but you want a new beginning."
"We're getting a new boost, a new start here to change our lives more permanently and to transform."
"Starting over, breaking the patterns, the new beginning."
"This is a new day, a new dawn, a new beginning on everything."
"A new start is coming and it's going to be very rejuvenating."
"Let go of resentment. Let's just let go of the past and start this new beautiful future together."
"You have an opportunity here to rebuild from scratch."
"I've been very happy with where I've been able to go as a driver... really proud of the fact... being the fastest qualifier."