
Women Empowerment Quotes

There are 669 quotes

"To any women who want to succeed in entrepreneurship, you have everything in you already to be successful at whatever it is that you want to do."
"Sometimes, I feel like, as women, we tend to downplay ourselves, we tend to dim our light. We’re kind of conditioned, socially, to be humble."
"If we invest in the women in those communities, you've actually invested in the families and in the communities."
"With the rise of body positivity and accepting your body and the rise of women empowerment and making womenly choices to do what you want with your body, you would think that people would stop lying about certain procedures."
"Creating stronger boundaries is the number one way for most women to improve their lives."
"It wasn't just about selling products. It was about solving my own problems and wanting to help millions of women."
"The more that women empower each other, the more we become in groups, the more we can heal each other."
"We need to all come together because like the post-menopausal woman, there's so much wisdom in a 60-year-old woman."
"The solution to like large population growth happens to be, both historically and from a scientific standpoint, the education and empowerment of women."
"I don't believe in the glorification of murder; I do believe in the empowerment of women."
"We need sane, tough, funky aunts because there's a lot of bad advice being given to women."
"My heart aches for sisters more than anything. It aches for women helping women like flowers ache for spring."
"My goal is to continue to inspire women to financial independence in order to change the world."
"God's original intention for women was not for women to feel like the only way that I can be a full woman is if someone comes into my life and completes me."
"There are no sides, no MLM vs anti MLM. There are no women hating other women. All there are, are vulnerable women in a toxic business structure and concerned women and men who are trying to help them."
"There are so many companies out there doing sustainable things that are great for women and great for the planet."
"Nowadays, the women are more qualified. In my generation, we weren't that qualified, and the young generation, they are qualified now."
"Women like me can't be bullied out of resistance."
"Empowering women has a big economic ripple effect."
"When I hear people say that stupid pop music is empowering to women... I could only think that that is incredibly demeaning and insulting to women."
"I try to support women as much as I can, women either colleagues or junior colleagues senior colleagues to be, you know, a good advocate and a good friend."
"It takes a different kind of man to have to deal with a woman who really has got her own thing."
"It's all about encouraging women mostly to become the best version of themselves."
"Empowering women and giving them opportunities to succeed isn't just the right thing to do or the nice thing to do, it's the smart thing to do."
"We can only address the climate emergency and the many other challenges we face with women and girls at the center of our efforts."
"Because I'm a woman with opportunities, I've been able to do everything and anything I ever wanted to do."
"Ladies, we need to hear the truth. It has arrived. We need to get it from the source."
"Ensure that your daughters know how to make money before she gets married so that she's not dependent on somebody else's money."
"It's so good to see all of you, this incredible phenomenal group of women leaders."
"I wanted to teach my girls how to be women and to be strong independent women."
"Passionate about empowering women." - Great Britain
"Promoting inclusiveness and women empowerment." - Haiti
"Stop giving unworthy men your womb, it's that simple, you're still a queen."
"Women's empathy is a very powerful strength."
"When this garment business started, somehow we're able to attract these women."
"Women are not rehabilitation centers for broken men."
"Jesus, on behalf of every woman and every issue and every destiny and every calling represented in this room, we invite you."
"I want to leave an impact on the world that empowers and inspires young women all across the world."
"You know when a woman steps in, we're 'bout to fix shit up."
"What is one of the hardest things as a successful woman? And it's like you look tremendously younger than what you are."
"I'm all for empowering women to do what they want to do."
"It's not a kick, it's a ministry, and it's most necessary to save a generation of women."
"Just to come together and be all inclusive and share positive energy and woman power."
"Black women need to be honest about what it is they really want."
"It's about women resilience and so as you know that's a cause really close to my heart."
"Educating daughters for a happier future: the transformative power of education."
"I would argue that women have more choices and certainly choices with less pressure."
"Every wise woman gets prepared to earn her own money."
"I think us women, we really need to support each other and to get that was just so, no God, I was really pleasantly surprised."
"One of the unique aspects about the impact that the last couple of months have had is to really encourage women out there to keep pursuing their dreams and never give up."
"I love seeing badass women on the red carpet."
"The best way to promote women empowerment is to always be there for each other, to always help each other, to support each other, and mostly to listen to each other." - Malta
"If you want to change the world, we've got to get our women whole."
"If you want to win as a woman right now, it's the best time to. All you have to do is get serious."
"A woman must have money in a room of her own if she is to write fiction."
"There are amazing women role models all over the place."
"Balance is, I guess, the game or pasta is eat more pasta or give women of color more platforms a chance."
"Empower all women because we are more than just our bodies."
"This is the time for women to rise, particularly the black woman, to lead out with holistic wellness because holistic wellness is our culture."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Divas revolution."
"I think that more and more women are kind of accepting what it is that they're good at and just going for it."
"Being the friend who people come to seeking for advice is where that acknowledgment of women empowerment comes from."
"As women, understanding our power to shape relationships and break generational curses."
"We care about you. You're a woman of worth. You matter."
"Empowering women is the true solution to poverty."
"This is true Sisterhood right here, 's to us."
"We can challenge as women how we should dress in the industries where it's predominantly a man's world."
"I feel like women do have the potential to take care of themselves and take care of the world."
"A black woman should not feel beholden to black men under the guise of advancing the race."
"The black woman is the first manifestation of God on earth."
"The black woman is the queen of this planet."
"Let's start supporting women in our communities."
"Like many women of her time, she's discovered that her career has given her the confidence to act more decisively in her own private life."
"The momentum is behind us, it's behind women in the league."
"Confidence is more important than gold and currency."
"You can be the Visionary of your own life, Charter a path in which your daily acts of service, kindness, advocacy, Grace, and fairness become recognized by the next wave of women."
"If you gave a woman a little bit of money and she started a business, the money that she made she would first invest in her children and health and education."
"There is only one cure for world poverty that's ever been found or ever will be, and it's very simple: it's called the empowerment of women."
"And so just know that you're not alone, that there are all these other women that are cheering you on, that there's this community out there, but also that you're making it a little easier for someone else."
"We as women need to look out for each other."
"He's also gonna be part of a lady fight where all the women team up to fight the female antagonist."
"When women learn to conquer their emotions, we're going to conquer the world."
"My true friends are thinking women, we're growing women, we're bold badass women, and those kind of women, well, we ruffle some feathers."
"Well done! I love a woman who catches her own food."
"The opening number is pretty good. The women are looking amazing."
"Eminem's reveal new packaging with female Eminem characters only writing supporting women flipping the status quo."
"We're celebrating women across the country who are flipping the status quo. Help us shine the Spotlight by nominating a women in your life who is breaking barriers and Paving A New Path."
"It's the best and when you think of the power of women what comes to mind phenomenal."
"Let me give a round of applause to the black woman out here in these streets."
"You're not coming from a selfish space because you're clearly educating women on how to be open, how to be submissive, how to understand."
"If I can be an inspiration to young women that want to go to law school and study and work hard then it was all worth it."
"Your responsibility is to build each other up as women."
"We're all friends, and you know us coming together we can demonstrate and you know show women that hey we don't have to have confrontation we can collaborate."
"Women always want to give back, if you teach a woman, she will teach her family, she will teach her community."
"The women in the series are also extremely badass."
"Girls, you don't have to give up big aspirations if you want to raise a family."
"You just need a gang of women around you that you trust."
"This is a situation of glass ceiling being broken."
"Relax your shoulders, center your voice, because... I hate the way that when we get noticed as women, we kind of start screaming and shrieking, and our voices go high."
"I'm living my dream life and I'm helping other women transform their lives that has given me so so much."
"Girls helping girls. I really love filming these girl talks just because I feel so connected to so many of you guys."
"This is the decade of women championing and supporting other women without judgment. This is happening right now."
"Empowerment... honoring... the multi-dimensional qualities of women."
"I want women to know the full capacity of what they can do, the power that they have."
"I have tremendous faith in female resilience."
"I think the inspiring women series is a fantastic idea and is definitely on our list."
"Every woman wears an invisible crown on her head and should hold it high so the crown does not fall."
"Knowing that I'm going to be the fourth means that I have this opportunity to not only accomplish my dream but also inspire the next generation of women of color and girls of color."
"Don't tell us that we are uneducated. I became a breadwinner, graduated summa cum laude, and I am as empowered as you are."
"When women support each other, incredible things happen."
"This is a farm about celebrating women and celebrating life and really trying to explain to people what an Emerald Triangle small sun-grown craft farmer is."
"The bravery exhibited by the women in this investigation has empowered others to speak up."
"I'm glad I went through this [ __ ] to help me realize and help you learn and help me develop as a woman and I'm saying."
"Women actively encouraged to go after what they want."
"Invest in women as candidates, as changemakers, as leaders."
"Black women are leading the way in starting new businesses."
"I want women to make their own money, no matter if they're in a relationship."
"The best thing that we can do as women is to be women—classy, dignified, respectable women. That's how you win the game."
"It's all about us taking care of each other because it's only going to make us better as women."
"I just want people, especially women, especially, to flourish. That's like my main thing."
"When you remove men from the equation, women can get on really well."
"Queens are just manifesting and actualizing the best version of themselves. Silly women are always looking, comparing themselves, complaining about their situation, and competing with everybody."
"China had been created and showed the wrestling industry and the wider entertainment world that women could be anything they wanted to be if they tried hard enough."
"I don't judge nobody, nobody can judge black women, I told you to show me the black woman that turned a black man into a hashtag."
"Women just have this lane to be fantastic and to be heard and to do it our way and not have to conform or make ourselves small. And it's because of her."
"Single mothers deserve thanks, praise, and love and support for their heroic efforts. Absolutely!"
"Females should take forex trading as another job."
"Empowering women is not just a matter of social justice but also a catalyst for National development."
"Women are being amazing. Women are even doing the stuff where they do the spiritual work."
"The heart behind everything I do is empowering women and keeping you inspired."
"I'm all about women celebrating each other. I'm all about women loving up on themselves and having some girlfriends."
"Shout out to all the women investors out there changing the world."
"Now women are getting on their own, like it's not just rely on a man anymore."
"I think it's young, I think it's adorable, and I think it shows hope to other young women."
"This is not just about Monique, it's about the other black women coming after her."
"Women could be gorgeous and beautiful, strong and powerful, and go out there and just kick ass."
"If you talk about everything if you say you know I want to help uh you know young uh gen Z career women figure life out that is a niche."
"Every girl is naturally beautiful, but the key is to maintain it."
"Feminine confidence really strikes the balance for women, giving us a roadmap for how to invite relationships while remaining centered and confident."
"Empowering women is the single greatest force for positive change."
"There is nothing I love more than women helping women."
"I'm watching our sisters win, start businesses, go to schools, be single mothers, and really rising to the occasion. That's not specifically a comparison?"
"Showing support to women in these moments is crucial."
"When women support other women, amazing things can happen."
"Women empowerment, I'm with that all the way, I grew up in the house full of women."
"It's so important that people start talking about this more and letting girls be aware of the red flags."
"It's a victory for women, they're just so fast now."
"It is possible to achieve it as a woman if you work very hard, you know what you want in life."
"Impact is key; when you empower her, you empower her future."
"Encouraging women to pursue goals: absolutely."
"I really think that as women in this space we need to lift each other up."
"Long hair, don't care, talk your [__] get hit, ladies."
"Women need to be more disagreeable in order to get what they want in the workplace."
"Speak up, speak up, raise your voice, your voice is the most powerful thing and we, together as women standing shoulder to shoulder, cannot and will not any longer."
"We're going to help equip women to answer the call."
"Shout out to all the women who are doing incredible things."
"I'm not gonna stop making money and I don't expect any other woman to stop making money just because some women got scammed."
"She was a liberated woman in an industry dominated by men."
"Much like grassroots movements, this change starts on an individual level. It starts with each woman who refuses to compromise on a higher standard."
"I want to empower women... and accept my postpartum body."
"It wasn't about a wrestling match, it was about giving women around the world hope."
"Knowing that these young vibrant women were out there for days trying their best to make it out is a sobering reminder."
"A woman should have her own money, even if she's married."
"There are so many women now that that are just killing it."
"I want all black women to know the freedom, the peace that comes from having a significant amount of time in your good years where work is not the center of your life, the focus of your life."
"Women for women International: women have the power to change."
"Now I get why women believe they're the prize."
"Women are a lot stronger than you think, and we're fearless."
"Mary's story stands out... incredible things that come out of giving women and marginalized genders the space they deserve."
"The show isn’t really about their stories, it's about you all, and it's about us, it’s about women today, you know."
"This is a day that women can start important activities and actually be financially successful and winning conflicts."
"You hold the power, believe me. You women hold all power, you just don't know it or a lot of you don't know how to use it."
"If we all band together and love each other and bring women up that we can really get so far."
"This is some of you are literally you have healed three to four generations of women in your family."
"I believe that women, once they're empowered, then you have proper leaders who can be able to change the world."
"Seeing Barbie's success was kind of like when I saw Kamala Harris become the first female vice president of the US."
"Do not mess with Ukrainian women. That is the message."
"I want my channel to be a community of women where we just celebrate each other."
"I am a personal stylist that helps women rise to their highest and best self through style."
"I love the fact that we are concentrating on our women and we're trying to give them the spotlight."
"I feel called to create safe spaces where women can bring all of who they are into a room without fear, without judgment."
"Revolution without women in the middle is no revolution."
"Ronda Rousey condemns WWE in her new book, blasts the company, blasts Vince McMahon, and basically tells all about WWE in the backstage atmosphere in regards to the women."
"Behind every powerful man is a powerful woman because women, for eons, had to work through men."
"Welcome to Fox Sports coverage on the road to next summer's Women's World Cup in France."
"The realm would surely have plunged right back into war if not for the women who made peace."
"I come from women encouraging one another."
"I have had women in my life who not only believe it is important never for us to be invisible at any age, but who support other women, including me."
"Registration is officially open. You can now register for the ultimate sex mentorship course for single women. We are starting our first session on August 14th. Yes, we are doing this live."
"The launch of the home hair coloring brand 'Preference' and its iconic slogan 'Because I'm worth it' resonated with the increasing number of women entering the public sphere and workforce."
"In both instances, both with Eve and Mary, a woman's ascent completely reshapes the trajectory of humankind."
"I do. I'm always looking to move forward with everybody, and he sounds genuine. I am willing to take the next step where we can come together and move forward and help more women."
"Look, I will admit to you right now, being the dad is the best job in the world. Ladies, you got it tough, I'll admit that. So if your wife takes care of your kids, give her a round of applause, man. Women are amazing."
"Intentional community is one of the greatest solutions for women who are facing single motherhood."
"...women could be priests almost 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt."
"For every product purchase, Thrive Cosmetics donates to help women thrive."
"One of my favorite groups of women to work with are girls at a place called The Next Door in Nashville, Tennessee."
"Women are everything, man. Women of the world, and if it wasn't for women, we wouldn't even be trying."
"I support these women getting their heads out of their asses and actually doing something for the company that isn't just ridiculous clickbait."
"I understand women support women. Okay? I support these women getting their heads out of their asses and actually doing something for the company that isn't just ridiculous clickbait."