
Digital Marketing Quotes

There are 1161 quotes

"75% of YouTube users agree that YouTube enhances the traditional shopping journey by delivering unexpected inspiration."
"The sponsor will be worth multiple times what the video will get in AdSense."
"Optimizing your content so that search engines recognize it as relevant to search queries related to your products is what we mean by SEO."
"We doing some business, and Stat got stat.com, you know what I'm saying? We market over here."
"If you go and look at like Mr BEAST's thumbnails...it's why he has videos with tens of millions of views."
"The reason for building a website is so that people can see you out in the world."
"By creating your course and selling it on these sites, you open yourself up to potentially getting millions of views on your course and thousands of potential sales."
"Don't lose the forest among the trees. There's so much you can do in terms of SEO, but we want to make sure you get the most important things first."
"To master the art of social media is extremely important."
"I'm placing a bet on the advertising company's ability to not only spend their dollars properly. They're talking about digital ads; they're talking about connected TV ads."
"The videos are much more powerful than the pictures."
"Remarketing is an absolute game-changer in digital advertising, allowing you to stay in front of your audience and significantly increase your conversion rates."
"The beauty about online e-commerce with Shopify is it integrates seamlessly with your Instagram, with your Facebook, with Pinterest."
"If you overlook email marketing, then that's a huge mistake."
"Your website now becomes the sales vehicle, the 24-hour a day, seven day week sales machine that does everything you want it to do and more."
"I just helped this creator gain 100,000 followers in just 30 days."
"She has shared in interviews that she makes up to and over $100,000 a day from selling her digital courses."
"Now we're living the best moment in history to start your online ROI marketing agency."
"Organic traffic is typically consistent once you're ranking high."
"You have the opportunity to reach massive audiences you wouldn't have access to otherwise."
"Buying backlinks is against Google's guidelines."
"Write engaging content to keep users on our website."
"Their goal is to help showcase brands and products through fun and engaging content."
"Content that your audience wants will never fail to perform well."
"An email list is a must-have for everyone. It's your direct line to your audience."
"DMs are the most overlooked feature on Instagram but it's literally the driving force for your success."
"It's just more people into the machines for ongoing content."
"Stories and IGTV expand reach and engagement."
"You put up content, we find, we put the ads in there and we pay you."
"Install the pixel, then start tagging each product or button to correlate to a certain conversion event."
"Every Advertiser should question fake engagement."
"The new AdWords experience and Google Optimize were built to help you work smarter, so you can build the assistive experiences that your customers expect."
"Creating great ad creative is more than half the game with tiktok ads."
"Putting out content consistently puts you in people's eyes and ears."
"Content marketing at the top is one, your content dictates a lot of the things that you can do with these other marketing strategies."
"His growth on Twitch would automatically funnel viewers through to his content back on the YouTube platform."
"I never use broad match keywords. I only use phrase match keywords, exact match keywords, or the other option is modified broad match keywords."
"You can track all these different pages on your website and include them as conversions."
"Congratulations! Now your campaign is live and you are marketing your specific product or service on YouTube."
"The best thing about blogging for SEO is that once you rank, you'll be getting free, consistent and passive traffic from Google."
"Please make sure that you like the broadcast, everybody go out and hit the like button."
"Step-by-step how to start and run your own digital marketing agency, even if you have no money, no experience and you're just getting started."
"If you're not blogging whether you like it or not you're not gonna end up generating all those extra conversions."
"When you promote a digital product, you pretty much have something that has 100% margins."
"We just got 61 more website subscribers which puts us at 93."
"So when it comes time for you to build that website that you've been procrastinating, turn to Squarespace."
"People generally just won't even care for your work if your individual posts themselves are not engaging."
"If you enjoy our videos and you like what we do, please feel free to like, comment, share, subscribe, all that stuff helps our channels out tremendously."
"Advertising over the last 20 years has become digital. Influencer marketing is human-to-human."
"I still maintain to this day is search traffic."
"Jelly Smack actually generated over a hundred thousand dollars."
"The 60-second content is the marketing. It is the setting up to the longer form."
"It's never been easier to get your content in front of so many people."
"The single most important thing is to get valuable links from high authority websites for ranking in Google."
"When things are new, whether it's Pandora or SoundCloud, TikTok, one of the best ways to grow your audience is to be new on a good platform and grow with the network."
"Content that provides practical value was one of the key factors to success."
"Meat SEO isn't dead, and in fact, the job of the SEO professional just got more powerful than ever."
"It's a very powerful tool in my opinion and it's a great way to essentially improve your email strategy further on down the road."
"One of the easiest ways to increase your click-through rate is to add brackets or parentheses to your video title."
"Include the current year in your video title."
"The holy grail is writing stuff that gets a ton of estimated visits, a lot of backlinks, and a lot of social shares."
"Links aren't things. A link represents something somebody finds valuable."
"Writing a bunch of helpful posts for your website is a great way to help you show up in Google, because Google wants to display websites that provide really valuable content for certain niches."
"Own your audience and not rent it from a social media platform."
"Every piece of this video is dedicated to making sure that you have a beautiful affiliate marketing website."
"Rank Math is a very powerful plugin and it can really help you get more traffic and optimize your website for all major search engines."
"The game of keyword research has changed significantly."
"Up to $150,000 a month" - Discovering the exceptional in digital experiences.
"Easily collect subscribers, build connections, Drive sale with personalized emails."
"The ranking system is huge, and if you can target keywords that people aren't necessarily using, but people are searching for, that's your golden ticket to getting a video to start taking off."
"Make sure that you're engaging on social media as frequently as you can."
"From 0 to 351k subscribers in a single week—YouTube shorts can make it happen!"
"Earned media: the impact of creators on game growth."
"Don't underestimate the power of having an email list; it's a very important asset for your affiliate marketing business."
"There's an unlimited amount of free traffic available if you just know how to use it and what to do to make this successful."
"I'm going to show you a paid traffic strategy which is going to allow you to get high conversions with very low competition."
"Category pages can be an incredible source of traffic."
"On YouTube, counter-intuitive strategies often lead to success."
"Lookalike audiences are essentially what the name suggests... that's when you're really going to see big big results."
"That single post ended up generating me almost a thousand dollars in a single day."
"Influencers have built a relationship and trust with their audience."
"The power of doing YouTube keyword research right is the chance to get views on your channel 24/7, 365 days a year."
"The benefit of building an email list is I can communicate and build a long-term relationship with them."
"ClickFunnels is what's gonna give me the ability to create these funnel pages, AWeber is what's gonna allow me to build the email list."
"Whiteboard and animated explainer videos are seeing great momentum and traction right now."
"There are a lot of ways to make money on the internet, especially when you have an audience."
"To improve sales, I suggest launching an advertising campaign online."
"I launched Facebook ads for my brand and did over $10 million in sales in the first year."
"Please like, subscribe, click the notification Bell."
"Don't rely on the algorithm, but also build your own audience. It's really, really important."
"Building your own audience is an amazing way to beat the algorithm and not have to rely on the algorithm."
"I'm here trying to give away as much free content as I can."
"Your images play a huge role in the design of your website."
"And now we have a really cool looking website."
"Creating a blog is a much better strategy than constantly paying for ads."
"Everybody's online, everybody's connected to the internet. That's how we got a lot of our initial customers."
"Now, selling my game isn't the profitable thing anymore, it's what I can sell within the game."
"If you don't know how to monetize your content and bring sales to your door, you're kind of like swimming in an ocean and paddling in the same spot."
"Cater content towards your viewers and slightly over that a bit."
"YouTube is a platform for small businesses, and every creator behind every creator are more jobs."
"Organic traffic: the holy grail of marketing."
"Response posts: the easiest way to rank and cater to specific search queries."
"Crafting articles targeting multiple search queries for broader reach."
"Create the content that people actually want and actually need."
"It's all about building the list. You're trying to build up a group of people who are interested in what you have to do."
"Make sure you subscribe to everybody here and also make sure to check out our channel."
"Clickbait is fine as long as you're actually giving me value once you've baited me into the click."
"Make sure to leave a like on it, great way to support the channel."
"Try Squarespace today, no credit card needed and get a 14-day free trial. Use the coupon code 'portfolio' and get 10% off."
"Literally gonna be showing you guys how this company right here actually paid me out 250 just today because I was simply watching YouTube videos on their website."
"More watch time means more promotion and revenue."
"If you want to do any kind of Facebook advertising... then you want to install the Facebook Pixel."
"And hopefully, now we'll be able to see our Facebook Pixel purchase code firing correctly."
"This is how you can install the Facebook tracking pixel with the help of Google Tag Manager."
"If you benefit from this masterclass, please like, share, and hit subscribe."
"Understanding how many people have visited your site, how long they have spent on each page, will give you invaluable insights on your overall website performance."
"Improving it will increase engagement on your site and consequently your traffic."
"In other words, phone number it's not just text on your page but there's actually something pointing to it saying hey Google this is the phone number this is the address so it really aligns everything perfectly."
"Google Analytics is your true business ally, and it's free."
"Your page is now all ready to go, it's now time to start making the most of it and publish a few posts."
"The power of the Internet and the power of connecting with the consumer."
"So there's unlimited options you have: you can use social media with Pinterest and have the actual picture of what the product does, you can use affiliate, you can use email marketing without your own website using leadpages and get response."
"As I was mentioning earlier, it's really crucial to have a blog or to have a website that you can get people to come back to."
"You don't own the relationship you have with your audience, it's owned by the platform."
"All of that effort and all of the hard work that you put in to build those relationships doesn't really amount to anything because you don't control the access."
"Video marketing is trending up—it's increasing a hundred percent per year on mobile devices."
"Thanks to the internet, you can reach millions and billions of people around the globe."
"You can start a YouTube channel, it's free to start a Facebook page, something where now you're putting out content where you can educate people about your product."
"Actual people, lots of people, to our websites."
"Algorithm updates have a tendency to improve our rankings over time."
"The most important ranking factor bar none is relevance."
"I'm going to break down how to start a digital marketing agency with no money."
"Honestly I've made over 10 grand from CPA marketing using Max's bounty."
"Content is King when it comes to affiliate marketing."
"YouTube wants to raise the bar so that the quality comes up so the advertisers will spend more money."
"Mailchimp is honestly a fantastic skill to learn for anybody looking at marketing."
"Sometimes the algorithm is out of your control. You can't choose how many views a video gets. The recipe's changing all the time."
"Your videos need to matter to your target audience, irrespective of its chances of going viral."
"Customer lists are a powerful way to upload a direct audience for either building a lookalike audience or running a remarketing campaign."
"Lookalike audiences can significantly magnify your reach for new customers."
"Ads with a higher click-through rate tend to perform better in the long run."
"Think about things that your target customers might be searching for perhaps names of people. Ok, other influencers related to whatever it is you're selling, the names of other brands. Those can all go here in the keyword targeting topics."
"Create your Google Ads account, create your YouTube channel, and that's really where you want to get started."
"What's gonna perform the best always is gonna be remarketing."
"Funnels and email sequences are what top affiliate marketers use and what I personally use to build my own multiple six-figure business."
"Create eye-catching thumbnails that resonate with your audience. 👀 Use visuals that tell a story. #MarketingTips"
"The three extensions that should apply to pretty much every business are site link extensions, callout extensions, and structured snippet extensions."
"The better that your ad extensions are and your advertisements are it's going to help your overall quality score."
"If I'm sending people to the wrong landing page it's just gonna end up hurting my conversion rate and I'm gonna be driving traffic and spending money for clicks that really aren't worthwhile."
"So essentially what I'm going to do is add more ad groups at this point and then I'll come back to the video and show you essentially my final strategy as I'm getting ready to completely launch my campaign."
"I like to keep my quality score 7 out of 10 or above for all these targeted keywords."
"The higher that click-through rate percentage is the cheaper your cost per click and the cheaper your cost per click the cheaper your cost per acquisition or cost per purchase."
"It's not only gonna allow to catch the campaigns that aren't profitable but it's gonna allow you to scale without you doing it manually which trust me it's gonna come in handy."
"Once you get some profitable campaigns it's really easy to scale with these rules and that's why i wanted to show you so you guys can use these every single day while you're running your ads."
"Done is better than perfect when it comes to your digital advertising."
"We recommend all businesses to set up a Facebook pixel on their website."
"With online advertising, you can actually make sure that your customers are finding you when they're looking for your type of content or your business or service."
"Taco Bell rides NFT hype train with collectible digital tacos."
"Facebook and Instagram ads definitely get you cheaper clicks. You may get less specific brand awareness, but the exchange rate is the conversion that you may get."
"Facebook Ads still works? If you just take a look right now... they're still seeing year on year growth on their active user base and advertising revenue."
"Device targeting is fantastic because we live in a mobile world. People are making searches and browsing the internet on their mobile devices now more than ever."
"When it comes to quality score, it can take some time to improve your historic click-through rate. Focus on account structure and make sure your keywords are relevant."
"Allocate your budget accordingly for search and display campaigns. Set a higher budget for search if clicks are more expensive for your keywords."
"Success begets success. The more search traffic you get, the bigger your channel becomes, the easier it is to grow your channel even bigger."
"Even if you have zero views and zero subscribers, this method works."
"For most people that I am talking to with Facebook Ads, until you're spending like over $2,000 a day, you probably don't need to really mess with anything over a 1% look-alike audience."
"Think less about how many new followers you got today and more about who your audience actually is."
"So usually I say that you need to spend at least $20 on an ad set before you can make any statistically significant decision."
"Post content at least two times a week for two years and your life will never be the same."
"Maximize your views, subscribers, and traffic on YouTube."
"I think Twitter ghost writing is one of the best opportunities out there."
"Building your email list is still the single most profitable thing you can be doing as a business."
"His return to YouTube is timed with more merch being produced for his store, meaning it's quite likely the only reason he started making videos again was to drum up attention and advertise for them."
"Some businesses are definitely much better off by running paid advertisements."
"Before we get into today's topics, I'm happy to announce that today's video is sponsored by Scentbird."
"You can create content without ever having to film yourself."
"Sending them an ad that pops up saying, 'Hey, we saw that you signed up for our franchise opportunity,' can convert them into a sale."
"Anyone that can crack into the 40K YouTube Market in any format these days, considering how absolutely oversaturated everything is, is very impressive."
"I want to give you your entire audience so that the more people that have eyes on you, the more people you convert into subscribers and actually earn revenue."
"The one-two punch: titles and thumbnails should work together."
"Thank you once again to Skillshare for being the most loyal sponsor on this channel."
"Always give people a reason to subscribe to your channel."
"Take time to create good channel art. It's your 30 seconds to get their attention."
"The thing about Crowder is, and this is a well-known secret in the industry, he monetizes his own videos to sell more mugs."
"Guys, I collabed with someone for tomorrow's video. If you want to see who it is, you can buy a tier one membership right now."
"Let's turn you into a digital marketing demigod."
"Turn on the tap with social media and opt-in email marketing."
"We've doubled our Instagram followers in just the last couple of months."
"Offer free ebooks in exchange for an email opt-in."
"Facebook advertising and Instagram Story advertising is the most under priced real estate grab of human attention in America ever, period."
"Quality consistent content, I think is king."
"Interest in video marketing is trending way up."
"I have built this channel against the algorithm."
"Andrew Tate has forever changed the game of business, marketing, influencers, and propaganda."
"Now, strategic positioning is the work that I do on my own content on my own channel that helps position me as the perfect partner for that company."
"Create amazing content to potentially grow your audience."
"If they own your eyeballs, well, then they can advertise to you and encourage you to buy their stuff on their platform."
"Now my reason for owning Google stock aside from the fact that they pay me a lot of money as a YouTube creator, is the fact that I am very bullish on the digital advertising space."
"It's all about that engagement, and it's the same strategy Tencent's using."
"You'd be surprised, there's a lot of websites that use the basic ass templates and they just put their own photography and photos on it and it looks great."