
Customer Experience Quotes

There are 1197 quotes

"People want a one store experience where their needs are met, no matter where they are shopping or browsing."
"It's just knowing that someone can open a package from you know UPS, and they take out all the paper and then they see the product, and they're just really excited about it, and that kind of gave me a little bit of a rush."
"We are dedicated to creating a quality experience."
"The deep secret is that we don’t intend to have lines ... If you build in enough capacity, the rides don’t go down and it operates at 99% efficiency, you shouldn’t have 10-hour lines. So, 10-hour lines are not a sign of success. It should be seen as a sign of, frankly, failure."
"What we're spending a lot of time on trying to figure out is how do you marry the experience from a transactional one to more of an emotional one."
"We're trying to maximize for the customer experience."
"I've learned through this journey that sometimes it's deeper than the food, it's deeper than the marketing, it's deeper than the customer service."
"It has to be that's fantastic. You know, I'm going to go tell somebody who else. Who do I know who likes good food? I'm going to tell them about a burger or fries. The fries at Five Guys, it has to be that level good."
"A simple, intuitive, and yes, a magical experience for our customers."
"Focus on doing them well and if you do them consistently, you will have the most control over your customer journey and your brand will grow."
"You can give someone the greatest haircut in the world, but if you don't give them a really beautiful blowout that they feel they can duplicate at home, then what is it worth?"
"Better testing means better games, and better games quite obviously means that customers will have a better experience."
"We hoped that the economy would improve the longevity of our game, provide fun and value to our customers, and make it easier for our customers to provide fun and value to each other."
"Tesla will deliver enough cars to enough people that word of mouth from actual vehicle owners will take hold."
"Don't make the Eurostar faster, make the journey more enjoyable."
"I think anthropology gets a lot of points for me because I think they again take those little extra steps to make things just feel a little bit more special."
"Customer experience and employee experience are connected because if your employee experience is superior, they will provide better customer experience."
"It's all about contributing to that customer experience and to that Vibe because at the end of the day that's what's going to get the customers through the door."
"You have unconventional opening hours, we go for a little bit later to make sure we have a one-on-one experience with every single customer."
"We wanted to make sure as soon as somebody walks in our doors they feel welcome and kind of get the vibe of who we are as a brand."
"The point of sale is where the restaurant experience kind of begins and ends but it starts at the supply chain."
"The first time is the hardest time... but if you can ever get them there then they say hey I liked it I'll come back."
"Nobody wakes up wanting a bad experience, okay? That's psychotic."
"I love how they have to get their own order, how cool is that?"
"We wanted it to be totally different than your traditional automotive dealership."
"Most of the time it's like inexplicable, but for it to be so serendipitously service-oriented is really nice."
"I think the customers are going to love this one."
"Starbucks is known for messing up people's names, and the rumor is true."
"Welcome to the Happy Hotel. You are going to love it here."
"Put yourself in the customer's shoes to improve their experience."
"Making them feel special like they're an insider like they have something not everyone else has will make them want to talk."
"The faster you can charge, the better the customer experience is."
"I will not be sailing with MSC again with the exception of three reasons those of which I will be talking about at the end of the video."
"Wagoneer will become a portfolio of SUVs that will redefine American premium and deliver a unique customer experience."
"Avoid merchandise lines with mobile checkout."
"Reimagining customer experience based on collected data leads to exceptional user-friendliness."
"It's kind of, yeah, everybody that walks in here pretty much turns around and walks right back out because it's, it's honestly got kind of a creepy vibe in here."
"We want it to feel amazing when you spend the money to get your car graded we want it to be delivered back to you with first and foremost the utmost professionalism and care yes but also we want it to feel good when you open that box."
"A company's relevance increases in direct proportion to the experience it creates."
"The reason why we're saying this is because you need to take the customer through a journey."
"Sell a folio and the experience, not the dollar."
"Apple is in the business of selling an experience, and everything else is second."
"Ikea Force you through a one-way Labyrinth of dimly lit rooms."
"Customer service to me is at least half the experience, at least 50%."
"Knowing your consumer gives you the ability to give them a more compelling experience and have a connection."
"Every Mazda owner should not just be comfortable in their saddles but they should also feel the same oneness with their cars."
"People are gonna die to come back to eat this food."
"That's what brings people back, it's the emotional experience."
"You can't blow your marketing load once, and if you blow it too soon and people come and they get a bad first impression then it's twice as expensive for them to come back and give you a second chance."
"Win Air is one of those commuter jet airlines they do not give a [ __ ] they are the most dirty rotten scoundrels in the business."
"If you want to disrupt Valve, you need to focus on making a radically superior customer experience."
"You want to think like Amazon because the one thing that Amazon has relentlessly done is prioritize customer experience."
"If you preorder the game so they can play it first and a lot of those people are not able to play it first because of the server issues that are out of their control, that's not their fault."
"The quality of rides is now partially dictated by the quality of the queue. You can't just place a path down. You need to go full Disney and have the queue be part of the experience."
"I make everybody feel like a superstar when they come to Sabatellos because I'm a superstar, and that's why my name is on there."
"I'm just so excited. I just can't wait to taste his food. I just can't wait to see the reaction of the customers."
"My goal... is that everybody feels like they had a good experience, everybody feels like they were heard."
"Everyone that walks in here legitimately says wow."
"It is the worst thing in the world when you've done all this work on the inspection you you present this car to the customer and guess what the radio has problems because it needs an update."
"Bilgin Yacht's attention to detail, perfection, and their pursuit of what's possible while still providing the ultimate yachting experience leaves me speechless."
"Once FSD is super smooth, not just safe, we will roll out a free month trial for all cars in North America."
"It's deeper than the food, it's deeper than the marketing, it's deeper than the customer service."
"Welcome to the new Anna Vincenzo's. Oh my god, and beautiful."
"I think the value is going to go to the best consumer experience, so the best experience for making payments."
"As the CEO of Strike, I have the thesis that it's going to go to the best consumer experience and the best acquirer relationships."
"Casper understands the importance of truly trying out a mattress."
"Our goal is to give the best possible experience."
"I miss good service, nice friendly... it just be hard nowadays to find people who just like what they do."
"All Josh ever wanted was to hear that he made someone's trip better."
"Opening up an account... took like five minutes two Breeze."
"This guy's taking forever to give me the thing will be open this time around patent Waldo."
"I could hang myself with them, but adapters are not as common as you'd assume, Sony."
"The only people that don't know are the people that ain't ate it. When you eat this burger, all the... you see online, all these Instagrams and TikToks and all these, all that... when you see the burger and you eat that... it all makes sense."
"Thank you UPS, I'm sure this poster that says 'do not bend' right on the packaging will hang up great."
"The checkout is a golden window of opportunity for supermarkets."
"The 'race track' aisle layout: populated by granny's pushing squeaky trolleys."
"You want to change where it says welcome to our store and you want to change it to say free track shipping on all orders."
"You gotta start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology."
"Traeger CEO Jeremy Andrus told me years ago he said we don't sell grills we sell experiences."
"When your credit card expires they don't tell you 'hey your credit card,' they tell you three months later when you go to turn on your TV and your power's off."
"It is a frustration every single time that I go to a movie that says it starts at seven o'clock and I pay to be in there."
"What a surprising experience here with the Polestar 2."
"Give the ones you already have the best possible experience."
"Our goal here is to optimize the shop ability of the store."
"It would be my preference to love this product again."
"When people are excited about an experience they want to tell their friends and that's the best advertising you can ask for."
"The Planet... they create these super store experiences that are absolutely amazing... a huge opportunity in Florida as they're going to expand down Florida."
"If you just got them to enjoy the place, they'll end up shopping and dining."
"Busted screens and dead pixels: a bad first impression."
"It's fume's goal to make switching easy and even enjoyable."
"Denny's... I really like the design of it as well."
"Helix has harnessed years of extensive mattress expertise to bring our customers a truly elevated sleep experience."
"Digital technology is helping passengers and baggage get to their destination on time."
"Proactive customer servicing provides a seamless customer experience."
"If I advertise for anybody on this show and you have a negative experience... I would not hesitate to put down such an ad."
"You are fulfilling that, you're experienced, it's charming, sweet, they make you feel like an individual, they evoke in you a very strong response system that you identify when you were single."
"My experience was a 10 out of 10, super amazing from the doctor to my recovery home."
"It was the magic of it, it was the specialness that you were made to feel special."
"If we develop something that doesn't give the right experience, we shouldn't just put it out there."
"I am so thrilled for each of you to get this product in your hands, to feel what it feels like on your face, and to fall in love with it the same way I have."
"Product Market fit is when purchases occur easily with little friction."
"You don't need 10,000 people, you need 10. And then you take those 10 and provide them with the best donut they've ever had, including the best experience they've had buying a donut."
"I would do everything that I could to make sure that had a good experience."
"Harrods is always so confusing. Like, it's amazing here, especially when you need a wee, it's a nightmare."
"It's incredible. You have the most amazing looking restaurant and a great tasting menu but if you haven't got the right staff to put it off you're screwed."
"The more you're spending, the more perfect the experience has to be."
"This has been Tesla's strategy from day one: make a superior product and a superior experience and force compel people to make the transition."
"Every customer or perspective customer feels like they matter in every step of the journey whether they buy or not."
"What you get at the end of it is a really good luxury experience."
"It's always the companies that prioritize the user experience and the customer support that end up prevailing long term because the users want to go back."
"Your branding has to match your prices, your service has to match your prices, your experience has to match your prices."
"You want to make it very simple for your customer to make a purchase."
"Zero information being spread at all. And so that's kind of annoying." - Southwest Airlines passenger
"Y'all better not be slow, don't y'all hate them slow ass pumps?"
"This is consumers saying no, and I think a large part of that has been that we feel like cattle."
"When you enter a Tiffany store, you feel the best you ever have."
"Heading into a Tiffany store not only guarantees genuine goods but the experience itself is incredibly luxurious."
"Create Wow experiences for everybody around you."
"It always tastes the same, like in a good way, you know it's gonna taste good."
"Sometimes you don't have a problem with a company, you have problems with people."
"Creating the best possible experience is our top priority. Thank you for your patience." - Hogwarts Legacy Launches on Nintendo Switch on November 14th, 2023.
"Very few of our customers have regular access to a drag strip long enough or a race track to ride a Hayabusa on where they're going to get the opportunity to use that little bit at the top end."
"The right answer is allowing your customers to play the games they want to play where they want to play them and giving them choice about how they build their library and being transparent with them about what our plans are."
"I want everybody to have a great experience."
"Thank you so much for hanging out with me and taking a lot of time to walk around in this big store and look at everything."
"I want them to open the box and feel like they just treated themselves. This is a piece of luxury, a reward that they're giving to themselves."
"Create an amazing experience for them. You're not just selling a product, you're selling an experience."
"It's not about the shiny box that comes in or the marketing, it's post-sales support."
"Just remember one thing it's not about you it's about the experience."
"That's a function of the lack of competition to actually make that experience great."
"I had a super great experience and it saved me a lot of time."
"They really put a lot of care into it, very well packaged."
"The unboxing experience, they really put a lot of care into it."
"They want to spark anticipation, excitement, and joy when customers start their shopping journey."
"It was amazing. I was like all these people are eating our place, you know what I mean? So look, I think it had to do with the chef, the food was phenomenal, his steak and fish dishes were amazing, the plating was amazing."
"That first impression's gotta be a positive one down to the white gloves." - Curtis
"If your customer can watch a whole season of succession on their flight and another season on the way back you're well golden."
"Listen to those people because they're telling you, 'Hey, our experience sucks, and here's what we identify as the problem.'"
"This experience starts the moment you enter."
"Your brand is not just what you make; it's how you make people feel when they watch what you make."
"People will spend money over and over with you if you have a crappy product, as long as you have a good experience."
"One of the best things about coming to this place is their team is very, very educated."
"Why stay at a Disney resort? Clear answer: the theming and quality of the rooms and service."
"Perhaps the best compromise is the original paper Fastpass system."
"Brand expectation is crucial; it's like expecting tacos at a taco joint, not McDonald's."
"Every time we go up to Gary to get our passes, he acts like he is way too busy for us."
"It's infuriating, frustrating, above all, I certainly understand that a lot of people will not enjoy that."
"We were super impressed when we first got the product and unboxed it."
"He wanted to restore Starbucks to its founding principles."
"That was the most seamless check-in process I've ever had."
"When you go into a dispensary you're not sampling the products you're just looking, so you have to, it has to look nice and then the product inside needs to match."
"If you find it super annoying that you have to see Black Lives Matter propaganda and pride flags every time you go to Starbucks, you can thank BlackRock for all of those things."
"My bank sent me 64 copies of the same debit card."
"Every time I get one of these, I especially make sure that the test drive is a joyful one."
"I want somebody to pick it up and go, 'Yeah, that's the one.'"
"Woman claims Taco Bell served her a doorknob in her nachos. At least it's obvious it was tampered with."
"At this store we like to keep the testing As relaxing as possible."
"Service center Apple is one of the best examples for me."
"Just browsing the games available and being surrounded by them was a treat."
"Best Buy is nice and big, you walk in there and browse the games without getting harassed by employees."
"Hopefully it works, hopefully it doesn't glitch out. I know a lot of people have had that issue where it just goes straight to the payment and then you get paid zero dollars for some people."
"It's just so much better, you're not paying these [ __ ] fees, you're not dealing with [ __ ] waiting in line."
"Definitely would highly recommend ordering her for this year."
"Wow, did a freaking bikini model just deliver this car for me? That's a service with a smile, ladies and gentlemen."
"Welcome back to Good Times Realty. I hear you've had some good times."
"Your brand is the experience. There's a reason why when you go to Chick-fil-A, you feel a certain way."
"He loves telling that story and in the end he didn't pay them one cent of their stupid prepayment penalty."
"I make it easy for you when you're working with a professional."
"I feel cheated or for a better term ripped off."
"Give them an experience that'll blow them away."
"Neat little shop... I'll give it an 8 out of 10."
"Nobody's like 'Great gym!' It's all 'They scammed me out of my money!'"
"If you handed me a drink with that amount of foam in it in a cafe I would have absolutely zero complaints, that is delicious."
"You feel happy. You feel thankful. This is something I called quantum leaping in my own coaching practice."
"But we've gotten even better and better at it and I think it's going to create a re-emergent scenario where magic is going to be even greater for our guests when they do come back to our parks."
"Disney wants to do the right thing, they're trying to do the right thing, they're also trying to bring in more guests for more business."
"Have you heard about Doughbrik's prior to this?"
"I really did not appreciate being pressed by the sales guy into giving tens."
"People lost their crap not only because it was canceled, but because they made us wait outside for so effing long."
"I can't think of a single thing that will disappoint you about the experience of owning one."
"21 years of selling cars, I see the frustration levels when my customers... come from other dealers and they're like, 'This dealer just doesn't get it right. They have no idea what they're doing. They're playing games.'"
"When you walk into a typical government entity you get this feeling of nobody is particularly paying attention to me nobody cares if I come or go nobody cares if I buy or don't buy."
"Luxury through human-centered innovation: now the time has come to experience the new S-Class."
"That's why you do it, man. Be like everyone's going to walk, they're going to have withdrawals."
"It's those little details that you don't ask for and you can't put a value on."
"We really have a major initiative at Tesla to get the average time from a car exiting the factory to receiving the check from the customer... to be as short as possible." - Elon
"Performing this migration for hundreds of millions of customers without disruption is exceptionally challenging."
"Every organization has to make that decision is when do you apply those four paradigms in any Journey customer experience or business process."
"It's these little details that just make you feel special."
"The atmosphere is as adorable as you'd expect. It was very, very cute."
"I ordered it at night and woke up in the morning and the guy was like 'hi, here's your thing, you gotta sign for it' and I was like 'holy crap, this is amazing.'"
"I just ordered Taco Bell and I'm not even joking, I just got charged $72 for 10 items."
"We are aggregating all of these cultural institutions together into one space... you can focus on building one hell of a customer experience."
"The biggest updates came with the release of Chapter 4, overhauling chapters one through three entirely."
"How can this experience be the full-on experience for you? Let's personalize it. Let's make it yours."
"It's just done just like that, they're just like here's your car sign into the app and see if you join us in the back seat of Kyle's Model S plaid."
"Wow, look at that, everyone! They gave me an extra chip."
"There's not a single person who would tell you no it's not too long of a wait."
"What kind of dog [ __ ] return is that, bro? You get people to spend 360 euros and you get 36."
"If a Jungle Cruise cast member graces you with the official title of Guest Skipper, you'll receive a Skipper license for free. We're all about the freebies here!"