
Metaphorical Expression Quotes

There are 1171 quotes

"We could have rubble, and everyone could be equal in the rubble."
"That's going to be the first time they're getting a breath of fresh air in over six months."
"At our heart, we're fireflies...no matter how high you go...you'll just be a firefly that went a little bit higher than the rest."
"This feels a lot worse than shooting yourself in the foot; this feels like what happens when you self-emulate."
"Far below, life-laden shadows pulse to the unrelenting rhythm of a beating heart."
"The word 'friend' was like an inquisitively cut diamond, having its ferocity tested by being used to carve initials into the glass of Rarity's heart."
"I'm hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan, like every sparrow fallen, like every grain of sand."
"The beast will not destroy us. We can control the beast."
"Racism is like a river, and we are all in it. Some of us are up to our necks in the river of racism, others are trying to wade to shore, but even if we make it to the banks of the river, we still have the river water on us."
"Steelers-Ravens should be played in a dark alley at midnight."
"The lightning in the sky as well as the lightning on the track."
"If you're in a dark room, you don't know how many cockroaches are in the room... but if you have a really big flashlight, like for example the internet, you see there's roaches [__] everywhere."
"Brush the wrong way and I'mma have enamels bleed; you could be Disney but you wouldn't be able to channel V."
"Throw up that sort of desire, that wish, like they are the cups into the sky."
"There is a birth coming, and it's going to be preceded by birth pangs."
"I was blinded by the Supernova that was Susie."
"He needs to come out with an Iron Fist and crack some skulls"
"Sunlight being the best disinfectant, that's part of it."
"Your disappearance open like an oyster once I get home."
"The bigger the character, the longer the Shadow." - Graham Turner
"The moon is riding the waves of uncertainty. You've been in the dark for long enough, and now you're about to get clarity."
"God only knows what the impact will be as all four of the horsemen of the apocalypse are on the march again."
"Blowing up is like a balloon, it's the thousand breaths that got it to that point."
"Rocket ship to the Moon doesn't stop halfway to take a break."
"It's not the size of the universe, it's how you use it."
"Someone put a leash around your neck and it was like, 'Oh, I guess I gotta go that way.'"
"Ride the sword till it dies, like let's see how far I can go."
"It's kind of a testament to plant a seed and watch how it grows."
"The true non-squirrel ears come through intimidation and resourcefulness."
"God is literally among us, and well, he has powers."
"I inherit the earth like three wise men pulled up to cherish my birth."
"Yo, we lost a lot of boys, yeah, to fight for them burgers, yeah. Burger was a paragraph bro, that was the whole whole book, it was a whole [__] book."
"Hooksy's got the Midas touch right now, everything he calls turns to gold."
"Every possession feels like a football game, life or death."
"Let's make sure she doesn't lose one of the most important jewels in her crown."
"The struggle, the more you tighten your grip... the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
"Let's make one umbrella to just end them all."
"Cotton proved that defeating any radiance was possible."
"You sparkle, that's painting the picture, like the lens flare of a movie."
"Our country is not going to be stolen by bank robbers."
"I tipped that camel over, the straw that broke the camel's back."
"Dude, she's like holding the fortress up right now."
"The best time to plant a reactor was yesterday, and the next best time is today."
"We were here to burn this place to the ground in the best possible way."
"That's like attack of the corporation's right there, that's what that is."
"You're really not catching a falling knife, you're really catching like soft balloons that are coming down that you can kind of like cuddle and and be thankful that you're catching them."
"I filled up that Target with so many holes you couldn't recognize anything on it."
"Janice is on a terror, stop this man if not, you're gonna go down and lose. Now that llama was on a very secure lockbox, but now it's in the bank vault."
"We're actually now, we went so far past Eden, we're actually now back in the garden."
"Against that backdrop, what do I see a lot of other conservatives doing? A lot of them are playing whack-a-mole."
"This land never flowed with milk and honey… but now it flows with blood." - Ambassador Var Attre
"You can't just let things burn. You can't chop off the burning part of a tapestry. If you lose even one thread, the whole thing unravels."
"Your true openness, and I love that idea, this metaphor with Ted being like on a permanent kind of mushroom trip without the psychedelic effect but the idea is that he's in some ways egoless."
"They're going full steam towards the iceberg."
"They're not saying to literally take your children and sacrifice them on an altar they're saying forgo having children make that sacrifice pre-sacrifice."
"The Dutch door is a metaphor for the way the dorsal thalamus opens and closes at different kinds of days."
"We might as well put him out of this nightmare of a dream, right?"
"The Dead Sea is coming alive, it's not so dead anymore."
"A man is naked his whole life, may he be like a lion and stand against the crashing waves."
"Contributing to the whole, the drop of water in the pond kind of thing."
"It's not a law of nature, it's just that some of the fish went through the holes."
"Just act like you don't exist and just drive off a cliff."
"They're gonna just add fuel to that fire and make it take longer than it has to."
"It's truly a good Friday. Your portfolio will rise again. It needs to be resurrected."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant. More sunlight, more sunlight."
"Instead of pouring water on the fire, Activision Blizzard seems intent on just pouring gasoline."
"Hell on Earth is where you go if you don't pay attention."
"We have to push ourselves to go deeper, far from the shallow now."
"Betrayal... deeper than demons, dragons tearing at your neck, biting until you plummet."
"Anything you should make it home standing up, you ain't even got to slide in the home."
"The Awakening is like a wildfire that cannot be contained."
"Trust the process, start the process just in general, build your web and you know the bugs will come."
"Spirit has the seed was sown here and lava in a rock whatever the hell this was there was still some remnants of it and you guys aren't going to grow back together."
"It feels like I'm being chained to a cog in a wheel being tested on my willpower and patience."
"Let's be honest but I prefer to destroy my enemy in a battle of wits and by wits I mean struck by lightning. Rest in peace."
"Imagine the Earth as a little spinning top, rotating and wobbling, almost like it’s trying to make up a dance move."
"Fight until hell freezes over and then we will fight on the ice."
"How many units did the human race sell, try 7 billion units."
"This mountain now crater encompasses the sum total of knowledge of humankind."
"It's not progress if you pull the knife out halfway."
"Alien in the Mirror brings refreshing Clarity and Sanity to a topic long shrouded in Smoke and mirror confusion."
"I've been working out spiritually okay, I've been bench pressing in the spirit."
"A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water."
"The other night, I said that Michelle Obama stuck the landing. I think, keeping with that theme, that Joe Biden just hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth."
"He's going to devour them slowly and savor it."
"Pluto is like a volcano deconstructing the Earth."
"Every race has their own peculiar way of sailing through the Stars."
"It's like that first crack, they all start coming."
"I'm gonna earn so much heat I'll make the Sun jealous. I'll burn anyone who even comes remotely close to me."
"There's No Going Back. It's the genie out of the bottle now."
"We're the programmers, so it's like we're in the movie and also creating the movie at the same time."
"Your person feels guided by you; you're like their light bearers."
"What happens in the dark always comes to the light."
"I am a scorched Earth kind of guy. If you wrong me, I will happily drive my car off the cliff if it means I get to hit you on the way down. That's just me, a little bit of Italian in me, if you will."
"Their strength was in their unity, like a single entity."
"The fireworks that come from this, they are going to be overwhelming."
"A smile is worth more than walking 1,000 miles."
"Life has thrown him a bunch of [ __ ] that's way more intense than reading a defense and identifying a blitz."
"Hatred and suspicion is a disease that only goes into remission and never truly dies."
"Let's just drop that and unleash the nuke right there, boom! Nicely done."
"There are too many children is like saying there are too many flowers."
"You can cut down all the flowers but you cannot stop the coming of spring."
"You are what you eat, and if you've been eating the Beast, then you are the Beast."
"A line that's drowning and it's not quite sure if it knows how to swim."
"A just world is nothing without the dinosaurs."
"Living with her dream family, it's kind of like a witch living the regular life, doing odd jobs and getting by that way."
"OverWatch 2 doesn't reinvent the wheel, but damn, it's a nice wheel."
"He'll always be faster. He'll always catch you. And time's always on his side."
"If you're becoming larger but staying in the same place, then that holds back your growth."
"It just keeps shooting itself in the foot over and over."
"MGS2 is essentially the video game narrative equivalent of the pen is mightier than the sword."
"A ticking time bomb for any who traveled aboard."
"Big government versus small government is metaphorical, it's not about the literal size of the government."
"He shifts into a second gear and he's done playing games."
"They're the glue that holds the world together."
"We need a complete cleanup; I hate to use the term drain the swamp, but I do believe that that is true."
"Life is a salad baby and the lord is my vinaigrette son."
"Africa has long been ready for a spark to set it ablaze."
"It's like driving a Volvo through the Grand Canyon."
"The brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn."
"This is a wartime undertaking. It's not hyperbole."
"It wasn't a smoking gun more like a smoking pipe."
"Well, I hear that train coming around the bend... looks like he's coming back again."
"Mekhane's Kiss isn't a superweapon, it's a Hail Mary."
"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack."
"It's a Brave New World now Nancy, they control the door at these points."
"Ed Woodward is playing football manager without emotions."
"That is where we will burn our enemies in the future when we have a criminal gang."
"I was sort of just imprisoned in here to heat the pipes in the boiler, so I go... yeah, let's go."
"Post-nut clarity hits harder when you're having fun with a pig. Personal clarity hits hella hard when you're wrestling them up with a pig."
"If you can start to break the small gears in the machine of the cosmos, some of the larger gears will follow suit."
"The former president's position would be if you're trying to turn the Titanic around and you turn it around too quickly it's going to tip over."
"These are the captains of the institutions abandoning ship."
"You are a pharmacy of antidepressants and resilience and hope."
"The storm isn't always what rocks the boat, it can be what torments the mind."
"The secret of happiness... happiness might now be bought for a penny and carried in the waistcoat pocket."
"The SEC is now playing like a mom and dad who are getting divorced."
"Every playoff loss stings, some sting like bees."
"We're walking on water, you know. We are Jesus."
"It's like a savings leprechaun. It pops up when you most need it."
"When there's smoke, there's fire. Guess what? The house is burning down."
"Mutually assured destruction is pressing enter, not nukes flying."
"You sewed the wind. For decades to come I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind."
"Patience is a sharp razor, a swallow little buddy."
"Individually we are small jobs together are the ocean."
"He was just like kicking him in the face over and over again. That's not a love gun, that's just you kicking a guy in the face."
"Drug dealers Anonymous, y'all think it's the future."
"We are building a to-do list here, and you're the Casper."
"If the lords will not return to their thrones themselves, let them return as cinders."
"The troop will get crushed like bugs by bugs."
"We all have pieces on the board now and they can't just wipe them off."
"Our exit was the foreign policy equivalent of putting a cake in the oven and then 40 minutes later taking out a live rat dressed as Hitler. It's not just a fuck-up, it's a mind-blowing fuck-up that'll take years to fully comprehend."
"I could not believe the pressure, I thought he was going to pop my head like a zit."
"Waterworld is more poisonous to Hollywood than Kevin Costner's urine." - "Waterworld is more poisonous to Hollywood than Kevin Costner's urine."
"It's blowing in the wind, it's blowing in the wind."
"I'm gonna put Skooma in the front and fuck out this guy, if the tunnel doesn't go through, I'll just go over the top, that's what she said."
"It doesn't mean you have to earn love, it just means you have to be the human air purifier."
"We're heading to the moon and it's exciting."
"Well, John wasn't exactly The Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fucking Boogeyman."
"You got a Mastercard, you got a Visa, you got an American Express from God Himself saying I got your back."
"Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board."
"You're not gonna be on this train to this death march."
"You're going to go from being the meal to sitting down at the table eating the meal."
"Going on the FBI's plane is basically like jumping into the mouth of a great white shark."
"You fell in love with a monster, better luck falling in love with an actual monster."
"There's only one thing you can do with your hand, and it's pull the trigger."
"It tastes like blood from an angel's sacrifice."
"It's like if you have skin cancer and the doctor says, 'Well how about let's put a band-aid on it.'"
"These are the arsonists who want to blame the firefighters." - Unknown speaker
"Shedding your old skin is what shedding anymore."
"Taking a metaphorical load off your shoulders and a literal one off theirs."
"Did you know if you drop a like and subscribe in the next five seconds, nothing will happen but it will put a giant smile on my face?"
"Of all the drugs on the planet, there was one that was his absolute favorite - money."
"It's not the butter on the bread, it's the bread under the butter."
"Truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it, you just let it loose and it will defend itself."
"Knowledge is power, seize him, cut his throat."
"Your energy is quite literally your currency."
"If you can silence the king, you are the king."
"You're on the ship if you choose to miss the boat."
"I'd like to think I'm leaving dead bodies on the court."
"You're not David, all right? Your trouble in life is not Goliath."
"Every Intel nugget you deliver them is like a tiny little animal cracker that they just cherish."
"So many putting soap in the game I came out in the rain like I got on the train drop me off in the hood I came up clean the game so dirty."
"We don't want to be that boat that crashes into the bridge."
"I felt proud of myself, I had stolen the honey of a spasm without impairing the models of a minor."
"Straight in the bin boys, straight in the bin like a hot knife through butter"
"Silence can be agreement, as you know, silent screams."
"I felt like a boss doing that swing copter by the way, like when I was doing that swing copter, I was like, I literally felt like I was walking away from an explosion."
"Dating is like being on the swimming pool full of sharks and you are the dolphin."
"Play the men; they may set us on fire, but we will light a candle that will burn their evil fantasy land to the ever-loving ground."
"We will change a grain of sand and with it, the whole world." - Jonas
"I'm lonely. I've been stuck here so long, others are free to leave, you know. But old Hoodwink must never go."
"If you practice killing bears, you can handle that thing."
"People who are fat are actually rich in energy, they have a big fat bank account of stored food."
"Are you ready to bleed like a janitor? That doesn't sound appealing at all, does it? Ominous."
"The people who think that that is not the eye are the ones who are going to die, you're the ones that go outside and get blown away."
"I'm like trick-or-treating for likes right now."
"Why can't I quit you? Now that's why can't I resume you."
"Exploration is the last bastion of gunslingers in business."
"It's just another cheeseburger if it's done well exactly and then then that's it as long as it's done well you wrapped it differently that's what I'm saying."