
Technology Application Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"It's not about virtual worlds; it's about making the real world better today by bringing in the best of what the digital world has to offer to the real world."
"As advanced as we've made drones, it's ultimately a resource to fit people's needs."
"I certainly think like, if I was going to be measuring a room, or I want to know the distance between two objects, and I had these things, it could be very useful because it will draw a line between the objects and then just show you the angles."
"Applied technology itself is merely an extension of human attributes which reduces human effort, freeing humans from a particular chore or problem."
"The only way you can combat the bad AI applications is with good applications of AI."
"Blockchain technology is truly disruptive, but at the moment only a handful of use cases really require it."
"It's not the technology; it's the human application of the technology."
"A brain machine interface is where we record from the brain, we apply algorithms to interpret that brain activity, and then we use it to control some kind of external device."
"A great thing you can point someone to and say hey, you know not only do I know how to use algorithms but I also can implement them into this cool visualization tool."
"Cryptography can bring fairness to elections."
"The uses for an IOT comprised of sensors is potentially limitless, which definitely classifies it as a genius invention."
"What problem are we solving, create the algorithms."
"Disney used the Vision API for a game to promote the movie 'Pete's Dragon.'"
"AI recognition, removing distractions, and capturing the best moments."
"Convolutional nets are used for any kind of image classification or even generation."
"We want to maximize both the content and the style."
"Embedded Linux boards go way beyond just being a replacement for a personal computer. It can be found running things like networking gear and lightweight servers."
"Innovation hit me in the second half of my career when I finally understood that the solve was not technology, but the application of technology."
"The protective shoulder and body pads worn by football players work in much the same way."
"NFTs aren't inherently wrong or evil but the application in which they're being used, I would argue, is evil."
"That's a herculean achievement to translate the tech to the front edge of patient-pay healthcare."
"We are currently saving up to 30% in electric cost just by using what we have now discovered."
"We don't need a data scientist for every way that we're going to apply a generative AI solution to a problem. The data science part may actually be a small component of the overall project investment."
"One of the things the Neuralinks allow Pager to do is to play his favorite video game Pong."
"Oil impulse drivers are best suited for tasks and workplaces where precision and low noise are more important than maximum power."
"I think the more interesting question for DLSS3 is its deployment on laptops."
"These results are significant in that they show how modern technology can be used to answer fundamental questions of archaeological importance."
"It's not just a piece of technology that we're using but something that adds benefit and adds value to their process."
"Because we want to be close to the users that we're serving."
"Let's start off in C++ by building a Wi-Fi Scanner with our ESP32 and Chat GPT."
"LSTMs can be applied to almost any problem. Very useful."
"Disney Genie Plus: the latest My Disney Experience edition that helps you maximize your time in the parks."
"Samsung launched its AI-powered recipe app called Food in 104 countries."
"The lidar scanner is not just for photos there are lots of other uses it can help with AR giving you much more precise information."
"Reminders also has a new application inside of watch OS 3 very handy for those of you using Apple's first party reminder service with iCloud."
"The F-150 Lightning will be able to power your home during an outage. Nice big battery in there, hook it up, you gotta like that."
"This illustrates how we can send data from a sensor."
"Blockchain can be used to help people's circumstances."
"Slime molds are literally teaching us humans how to make more efficient computers."
"If it works in space it works underwater of course as well."
"That's the perfect use case of what these things are doing, they're just directing it out at a 45-degree kind of like a wedge at the drone."
"We could reduce the risk by using the computer to figure out all the possible situations long before we went to the wet lab, long before we killed animals and god forbid long before we killed humans."
"We're talking about things that people are doing to empower themselves to do their work better."
"Archeologists have often used the services satellite images to help identify potential excavation sites or other possible locations to find historical artifacts."
"Get good at the basics and this will 100 save you when it comes to night vision."
"Tesla Power Walls actually worked to help some people in this situation."
"So these are the benefits of using these incredible minds that we have that create these algorithms in these predictive analytics."
"Thanks a lot, thank you so much for taking the time to show us how this technology actually applies."
"We have some little computer vision accelerators and tensor accelerators for some of the neural network work."
"Google announced it will use AI to optimize signal lights at intersections in an entire city."
"This will, you know, you can go off grid, depending on what batteries you got for who knows how long."
"PID controllers are everywhere, from the cruise control in your car, to drones that automatically adjust their rotor speeds to maintain level flight."
"We will incorporate 4680 design solutions into many applications... across both energy and vehicle."
"Stay in your lane. Know what tech can do and where to apply it."
"I think we're going to apply this tech in some ways that we haven't even thought about yet."
"This should be a useful feature in the right situations."
"It's not just oh which blockchain is the best which you know which one will be the overarching king but it's more okay this is the way we want to use blockchains they can coexist successfully."
"If we could create objects for education programs, we could use this 3D printer essentially as a tool."
"You don't sell crypto, you sell the application of cryptography and information security."
"Being a data scientist means understanding both business needs and technology services."
"The 7900 is pretty interesting actually for anyone who heavily utilizes multi-threaded applications not just gaming not that exciting there that's normal but for things like the production workloads we do workstation tasks it gets interesting"
"Fake tree instead of the bamboo, that's a great idea."
"Using database technology, you can also monitor data and autonomously take action when required."
"V chain's technology called digital passport tracks the vehicle's data throughout its entire lifecycle."
"All the electronics and sophistication mean you can tackle huge obstacles even if you're not massively experienced off-road."
"Modern slurry pumps are equipped with filters to prevent the spread of infection and ensure the surroundings are kept clean and safe."
"We need to work backwards from use cases that only blockchain Tech can enable."
"Look how much sharper that license plate is. That's pretty cool."
"It actually did pick up on the way to do this."
"We're going to be able to build a PDF and text bot that can answer any of our questions on a given PDF or text file of any length."
"I just encourage you to think creatively and how you can use the servo as part of a project that would do something neat and cool."
"Just use this stamping system to change not only the appearance but also the characteristics of the asphalt."
"When you find a stagnant industry, leverage technology to deliver a 10x better solution."
"Dedicating the most powerful computers to climate change could be like a CERN for climate change."
"Technology can give real solutions to real problems that we have today... the future is here as long as we have courage." - Official discussing drone delivery of medicine
"SpaceX has filed FCC permits to communicate with Starship using Starlink during re-entry to prevent plasma blackouts."
"Gaming is definitely one of those obvious applications."
"It's very convenient as I can see the actual color on my face in the form of an AR image without even touching my face."
"There are a few use cases where you definitely want to use clustering."
"I would like to see massage guns come with programs that help you assess and then apply and use rather than the indiscriminate use of a massage gun."
"So a biologically friendly grease cleanup, instead of using kitty litter in your shop. All kinds of technology out here, guys."
"This is sort of like taking a video game Monster AI computer player that can avoid pretty much anything and applying it to driving."
"You need a domain and then you can use AI in that domain to be the best in the domain."
"...possibly getting a new job possibly getting a raise possibly definitely being feeling more fulfilled and excited about applying these new technologies and software to your job."
"This has lots and lots of different uses, from testing to running a server."
"Ever since I first used an Insta360 camera to reframe to have these creative shots, it's always been about what the possibilities with them could be."
"We're very excited about how we're putting technology to work to improve the lives of our customers and associates."
"That's pretty darn phenomenal that you can take it off the drone just go walk around."
"Natural language processing we talked about in customer service, process automation, and sentiment analysis."
"Finally, some technology that was applied to that was very interesting."
"Healthcare is keeping pace using these technologies to deliver new breakthroughs in healthcare and drug discovery."
"We can use machine learning to try and balance this fight."
"A lot of my projects are based around using a 3D printer."
"For example, I was going to set this up near my cat feeder and I was going to record every time my cat went and got food and kind of track its eating schedule."
"We believe digital is a solution but it needs to be a solution to fix a problem."
"Eventually, this kind of technology could be used in fields like construction or medicine."
"The circuits that we are studying here are not just out of academic interest but really because they have a great application everywhere in today's technology."
"So much of the time we think of what we do only as technology related, but at the end of the day, what we're really being employed to do is to solve business problems, and we're just using technology to do that."
"So what we have with Map 3D is basically Autodesk's answer to utilizing GIS functionality."
"So with that, I think we're ready to run the actual program."
"We don't think about what is going to happen in the next quarter. These problems are real, and there are potentials for companies to use new technology like AI."
"Now that we have this index persisted, we can actually start using this within our bot."
"Now detecting contours alone won't just cut it if you want to build contour-based applications."
"This could be easily applied to a whole heap of other different use cases."
"Thanks for watching, I hope you will be successful running your Simulink models and algorithms on the TI LaunchPad. Good luck!"
"The computers actually drive the arrival and departure boards in their lounges."
"The Vision API lets you label images, identify landmarks, logos, do OCR."
"This technology is used across many industries; we have customers in high-tech industry, 5G, and all the way to aerospace, defense, and automotive."
"The technology is never going to entertain an audience by itself; it's what you do with the technology."