
Augmented Reality Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"We believe AR will become the next permanent staple in how shoppers interact with brands and products digitally."
"The defining aspect of augmented and virtual reality is that they deliver the sense of presence, where no other technology platform before has ever delivered."
"The Apple Vision Pro is an augmented reality headset you can buy; it's $4,000. You put it on, everything looks normal, but now your iPhone experience is floating in front of your face."
"I've been covering AR and VR for over a decade. The biggest bet in this space in years has finally arrived: Apple's Vision Pro."
"The whole way you interact with Vision Pro is the newest, most interesting thing here. It's the most different from any other VR/AR headset."
"I still believe dynamic AR content is the goal of visionOS eventually, but it's years away and several headset revisions down the line."
"If you would have told me when I was a kid that when I was 25 years old, I would be laying in the backyard of a short-term rental, ordering a sausage pizza in augmented reality for my wife and literally paying for it with my eyeballs, I probably would have cried."
"Meta's vision...is to enable fully immersive augmented reality."
"VR and AR, which as I'll discuss later, will soon start to converge, are together going to replace personal computers and mobile as the primary ways humans interact with information and with each other."
"Welcome to the age of new realities, virtual and augmented."
"Augmented reality kind of goes the other way; it doesn't want to take you out of the real world, it just wants to enhance it."
"The ultimate aim is not just virtual reality or augmented reality; it's mixed reality."
"From actually functional augmented reality glasses to full-on VR rigs that allow you to feel things realistically to some of the very first holograms anyone can buy, this is the Augmented World Expo."
"A living, shared, everlasting virtual universe that's Meta's vision of the metaverse, achieved through a combination of augmented reality and virtual reality."
"True augmented reality glasses will unlock the kind of experience that lets you chat with friends on WhatsApp and plan a game night, effortlessly integrating your virtual activities with the real world around you."
"China leads in augmented reality, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, drones, mobile apps, 5G, and even bike sharing."
"It's taking everything you do on an iPhone or a Mac but making it come to life around you, which is pretty cool."
"The real application is going to be once we have augmented reality glasses."
"The visor suite features an automatic magnification and image enhancement system controlled by the wearer's eye movements."
"Guys, this park is so cool, they have all the PokéStops and all the Charmanders you could ever need."
"It wasn't artificial intelligence for them, it was augmented intelligence."
"Do you remember when Microsoft thought that augmented reality was going to be the future?"
"Very strong future for VR, very strong future for AR."
"Last but not least, TikTok also offers branded AR filters and lenses as part of their advertising mix."
"So that's my dream software...reality to reality."
"The helmet contains a full heads-up display built into the visor capable of displaying mission-critical and situational awareness data."
"Apple's first foray into the world of augmented and virtual reality."
"I'm more interested in the companies that are using virtual reality and augmented reality."
"Augmented reality is slowly but surely taking you from the step of that mobile phone to the next step of actually wearing a glass or wearing some sort of a device."
"And now, with new features of ARKit 2 and the power of the new iPhone, we are able to craft experiences at a much higher fidelity as well as connect players both digitally and in the physical world."
"It's only a matter of time before we get augmented reality glasses in this same sort of form factor."
"At some point we're going to have the augment reality eye lenses or augmentations and people will say, 'Smartphone, why on Earth would I want something I have to carry around and charge?'"
"Augmented reality is cooler than VR because it includes your personal environment."
"I think the biggest change we're going to see in Google Maps in the coming years is the addition of augmented reality."
"AR is going to be the next frontier in personal expression simply because of the flexibility that it allows for."
"In 10 years, we might all be wearing glasses. Like augmented reality glasses."
"We see AR and VR as an integral part of everything that we do."
"That was a massive hog, man, that was such a cool match, wow!"
"Spatial reality essentially allows you to put these glasses on, or maybe contacts when they get to that point, and the digital assets that you buy, let's say it's NFTs, you can now actually have them in your real world."
"As soon as we give in to augmented reality, we lose life itself."
"Speculation is rife about what other Industries musk might set his sights on with his track record it's not outlandish to imagine musk venturing into areas like augmented reality."
"Imagining a world where our physical and digital realities merge seamlessly."
"It's cool as hell to see virtual worlds mapped onto real spaces."
"The integration of virtual reality, augmented reality into the Learning Management Systems definitely enhances the learning experiences."
"It's kind of like an augmented reality experience, where we used the camera on the Kinect to show you your own living room."
"The augmented reality function of the GPS worked very well in the city. It's very reliable and very important."
"2020 through 2030 is going to be crazy growth for virtual reality and augmented reality."
"Your brain is the most important thing in the world. Exactly. Go to betterhelp.com/zaneandheath and get 10% off your first month. Thank you Better Help, and thank you for helping all of us."
"Imagine if Pokemon go paired with Pokemon home and the augmented reality Qualcomm classes come together."
"Apple's AR glasses have been a source of speculation for years."
"Get ready for the future of augmented reality as we know it."
"The end result being the average person plugs into the Meta Meta link neural device and they go into a reality of AI generated people and stories and it just feels better."
"Extended reality is blurring the lines between real life and technical life."
"The lidar scanner is not just for photos there are lots of other uses it can help with AR giving you much more precise information."
"Now AR or augmented reality was rumored years ago to be a focus of Apple's and 2020 and it appears that the AR push is going to ramp up once again with iOS 14."
"This will be really interesting I have always loved AR I think it's not even close to its full potential just yet but with iOS 14 we could be seeing that potential possibly being reached."
"Going out into your backyard... you can see little Pikmin running around."
"Infrared radiation: S tier for shoulder cannons leave no survivors."
"Holla Loot is the first AR NFT generator marketplace and metaverse."
"We're on the cusp of our next great era as a species, welcome to the augmented age."
"I think AR is one of these very few profound technologies that we will look back on one day and went, how did we live our lives without it?"
"Hololens 2: may just be the piece of technology that finally brings augmented reality devices to mainstream attention."
"AR could be expected to reshape the process of training for fights."
"Pokemon Go is supposed to capture that going out into the wild, encountering a Pokemon and capturing it, and having that work in the augmented reality kind of space is exactly what people were excited for."
"Augmented reality will augment the real world."
"The Measure app uses augmented reality to measure objects around you... it's excellent for getting a rough estimate."
"This is a revolutionary game, it's more of an AR game than a VR game."
"So the location based games are giving you reason walk. This is the perfect genre to go outside and play a game."
"This is how we imagined Pokemon being in the real world when we were younger."
"Augmented reality essentially merges the physical and the digital world to create new experiences, enhance existing ones, increase efficiency and productivity, and a whole lot more."
"Minecraft Earth will be banished to the history book, vanished to the YouTube videos, and most importantly, banished to your memories."
"Different types of augmented reality: marker-based, markerless, etc."
"Augmented reality has various applications in education."
"Augmented reality can make assessments interactive."
"Augmented reality bridges the gap between virtual and real worlds."
"Augmented reality technology... for visualization."
"By leveraging AI and AR, the U.S Air Force gains a critical Edge in combat scenarios."
"This is a contact lens that provides augmented reality..."
"The Galaxy S22 Ultra has a really cool AR area inside of the camera app."
"New AR scan mode helps a lot, especially when looking for ammo and guns."
"We're seeing companies like Priceline and Expedia, for example, making investments there and figuring out ways to make the travel experience more enjoyable by incorporating augmented reality into whatever travel experience you may be running into."
"The world map is an augmented reality tool that you can use to explore."
"Augmented reality aims to merge the metaverse with the real world, creating a mobile app that will allow for next-generation augmented reality gameplay."
"Design principles for getting started fall into five different categories, which we call the pillars of AR design."
"We also announced support for the Magic Leap SDK. Lots of really cool stuff going on in the virtual world and reality space there."
"The ultimate destination for AR gaming is when you don't need to look at your phone, you just walk around and interact."
"There's also a heavy emphasis on AR on both devices."
"Augmented reality filters and audio tours are included."
"I still think I'm, I like the AR a little bit better, Kat will cast a AR there, their whole idea."
"This is the first thing they're shipping that is an AR consumer product."
"Augmented reality is the thing that I'm most interested in... I think there's a lot of potential."
"Developed and published by Niantic, Pokémon GO uses augmented reality to project images of Pokémon onto the real world."
"It's very convenient as I can see the actual color on my face in the form of an AR image without even touching my face."
"This is probably the first true like actual augmented reality if we're being real, you know? It could be amazing."
"Augmented reality simply adds virtual elements to the real world."
"Virtual objects being able to interact with real objects, this is the future of AR and interesting enough it's already here."
"It's more like something the benefit comes from being able to interact with reality with having the overlay of the digital world."
"Entire cities have turned into augmented reality zones which can be experienced by using augmented reality glasses."
"The Mario Kart ride fuses augmented reality, projection mapping technology, and elaborate environments to bring the fun of the Mario Kart video game series to life in a compelling ride-through experience."
"Augmented reality empowers people to express themselves."
"I am such a huge fan of augmented reality I think it's just such a fun concept to be able to take the world around you and make it cooler but it's also such a mind trip."
"Augmented reality has huge potential in general aviation and we think it's going to really improve safety and efficiency for general aviation."
"Gaming devices will cause AR to gain popularity."
"No, the Apple push into AR is going to cause AR to gain popularity big time."
"AR truth must be protected at all costs. I agree."
"Augmented reality, so when you do your navigation, it will actually point to the roads that you have to take."
"It's vital that you don't let the stigma of augmented reality prevent you from exploring what could be a glimpse into the future."
"The most important feature will be that you can have augmented reality arrows."
"AR view in the instrument cluster shows the front camera view and real-time arrows for navigation."
"If you love the idea of AR glasses, real AR glasses self-contained, well, take a look because they got me impressed."
"AR is for sure here to stay, and it's crazy that we can get something like this already without any cable."
"How long do you think it's going to be before we're implementing augmented reality into our life in that way in like a social media context?"
"The most distinct feature of this stadium was a video in which an augmented reality Panther jumps around the place."
"It's kind of cool the way they've kind of uh predicted just a little bit augmented reality here."
"Meta is not reinventing the wheel here and I think a lot of that is that Meta's glasses are coming at a time when the technology is finally advanced enough to deliver a good overall experience."
"Smart glasses are the ideal form factor for you to let an AI assistant see what you're seeing and hear what you're hearing."
"The augmented reality system is just unbelievable."
"They have been working on Vision Pro since they've been introducing these AR models"
"We have been talking for a while about playing with glasses that have full AR capabilities, and we've got one that is rumored to be coming internally soon."
"We're going to see what happens when you combine follow focus with augmented reality. You're not going to believe this."
"This makes so much sense, and I think multimodal AI in a pair of glasses is going to be the backbone for the successor to the smartphone."
"The goal of augmented reality will not be to say, 'Hey, look at this cool dinosaur in my living room,' but to project on top of the real world basic but useful information."
"If I can do it, you can do it, okay."
"This is frame, frame sets theater section um artificial intelligence and M mented reality."
"Apple reportedly plans to release AR contact lenses by the decade's end."
"Augmented reality, or AR for short, is all about blending the real and Virtual Worlds to create something entirely new and exciting."
"AR wants to enrich our perception of the real world by using computer-generated images, video, sound, and other details."
"These glasses plug into a phone or laptop and generate an augmented reality screen up to 330 in in size."
"A picture's worth a thousand words. How about a video where you can control the camera and you can walk through space and time and you can layer and filter real information about the real world?"
"Why would I mount the screen on my wall when I can make a screen appear on any wall that I want?"
"Our MAAC AR is going to be bigger, better than ever."
"The beauty of what augmented reality does is it takes those known positions, it figures out where they are in this video, and it shows you even if you can't see it with your eye."
"Adobe Aero... is an app for designers to create and share augmented reality experiences that are interactive and immersive."
"The head-up display not only portrays the right information but also integrates augmented reality."
"So it's very helpful and very good to learn how to use augmented reality and PhotoPills to do that kind of planning."
"Practice your visualization; use augmented reality and photo pills to go out and figure out where things will line up."
"There is a place for AR and VR and XR."
"It's a sneak peek into how virtual and augmented reality are slowly melting together."
"Virtual reality is a way to interact with models before the building exists; augmented reality is to overlay the models with what's existing at the moment to do comparisons."
"We are just beginning to imagine all the ways that AR is going to change our lives."
"I think AR is incredible. I think it's a transformative technology."
"It's super impressive and you have this when you are in VR or AR and you can have on your table a real three-dimensional model of your city and you can interact with it."
"I really like what we're doing with AR."
"The helmet contains a full heads-up display built into the gold reflective polarized visor."
"Augmented reality is not just a technology; it's a way to enhance our understanding of the world."
"When that type of augmented reality matures as a technology, we don't need independent screens anymore."
"This is the story I am looking at, the augmented reality Revolution and what's that going to do to the world of screens."
"We're putting virtual content in front of the real world."
"We're building the backend for augmented reality to enable developers to build AR experiences as easy as possible."
"If I can teach myself to perceive things out in the world through my peripheral nervous system, you can now have a much more valuable AR system."
"Augmented reality will take a big seat at Facebook Connect."
"These glasses are as Mark Zuckerberg says part of Facebook's journey towards full augmented reality glasses in the future."
"I passionately believe that augmented and virtual reality is the next computing platform, the exponential technology."
"Apple AR glasses... harness the power of augmented reality to overlay things like Siri information, map directions, weather."
"We believe that the profound shift triggered by augmented reality is that all places can be enhanced with immersive content and experiences."
"When the physical world is augmented with digital content, it redefines the way people learn, create, shop, get information, and play."
"For the Pokemon Go lovers, I think I just caught me a Cyborg."
"Gone are the days of bulky smart glasses; with a simple contact lens, augmented reality could seamlessly integrate into natural vision."
"The future may see augmented reality seamlessly blending into daily life, thanks to pioneering efforts."
"Augmented reality has evolved beyond entertainment and has found utility in business contexts where it enhances real-world scenarios."
"Vision Pro has the apps you love and count on every day, but now these apps are freed from the confines of a display and live in your space."
"Vision Pro is a new kind of computer that augments reality by seamlessly blending the real world with the digital world."
"With Vision Pro, you're no longer limited by a display; your surroundings become an infinite canvas."
"I have a feeling this CES is going to be insane for augmented reality technology."
"What if your eyes were no longer your eyes, and somehow AI had managed to create for you elaborate 4D digital eyeballs that can see x-ray, heat detection, and other things?"
"There's also an optional augmented reality head-up display you can get on these."
"Augmented reality has the ability to knock down the language barrier for us."
"Apple genuinely and sincerely believes in the future of augmented reality."
"Holographic communication, you can essentially record like a little video and make them view it with augmented reality in the app."
"AR games can also help people to interact with others."
"This kind of AR games can actually induce the children to get out of their house instead of staring at their computers."
"It can help the local economies to get activated and also help the AR technology to be advanced."
"The navigation with augmented reality, how cool is that?"
"The experience is a lot better when Le Petit Chef is actually running around your plate preparing what you're about to eat."
"The whole industry is shifting towards mixed reality style AR for the time being, and AR really has the potential to change sort of everything and how we live our lives."
"The iPad Pro adds an extra 10 megapixel ultra wide camera, a flash, and a LiDAR scanner used for augmented reality apps."
"Memories brought to life with spatial videos and photos."
"If you're looking for a statement, it's hard to imagine something that will state more than crimson augmented reality glasses."
"The live cockpit professional pack gets you BMW's latest augmented view upgrade for the navigation system."
"These xreel air AR glasses are the best AR glasses that I've personally used."
"This is our augmented reality sandbox."
"This being one of the most comfortable AR experiences I've ever used."
"We should see a whole new set of apps that are able to work with this LiDAR scanner for enhanced augmented reality."
"People are looking for innovation and new things in the AR world."
"The Lynx offers something pretty interesting: more robust AR development, a higher quality VR headset with cutting-edge XR hardware."
"I'm trying to learn this Web 3, and I really do believe AR is a real wave of the future."
"The color pass-through so you can take a peek in the real world while using the headset."
"Volkswagen offers a bunch of new technologies, such as the unique AR heads-up display."
"These glasses project a 130 inch to 210 inch picture inside the glasses that only you can see."
"Meu introduced the world's lightest augmented reality glasses called My View."
"These glasses do a lot of cool stuff: play music, help with directions, make calls, show real-time translations."
"When you have double AR, it looks like you could just grab the hands, just grab everything on the dial; it's like nothing is there, it just disappears."
"Oh my God, AR, that color is so pretty."
"It is clear that Apple wants the headset to integrate into your existing environment and reality."
"The ultimate goal is true augmented reality, not virtual reality."
"We are working so hard on AR at Google because we believe it unlocks a new set of applications that are creative and helpful in ways we can only imagine a few years ago."
"Now one of these figures is virtual... the one on your left hand side is a virtual mannequin placed in AR."
"Augmented reality offers the ability for you to have a digital twin... it allows you to completely interact with a product before making a buying decision."
"AR can be uniquely helpful because it can present useful, important information within the most relevant context: the world itself."
"Augmented reality is different than virtual reality."