
Constructive Criticism Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"If you're going to attack, you have to also build."
"Every artist learns every day, and a little polite constructive criticism might go a long way."
"Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person."
"It helps to explain why you think something is a bad idea. It helps to explain how a change...hurts you or hinders you."
"Valid criticism is when someone actually gives you feedback, constructive feedback."
"I've learned to be able to take constructive criticism and to accept bad reviews."
"We should be allowed to talk to each other about anything we're unhappy with and not be offended. We have to be willing to listen to constructive criticism on both ends."
"Critiques of your system are very important, even if you like your system, because you should understand the drawbacks so that you can design that system better."
"All criticism is a really good example of showing how shaming men doesn't work or how shaming people doesn't work and it's better to come at them in more constructive ways."
"It's a lot easier to criticize an individual than it is to actually articulate and affirm an agenda and a vision of your own."
"You take feedback constructively instead of personally."
"Sometimes, when you tear something down, even if you think it is terrible, you end up constructing something on its roots that makes the previous terrible look like the work of an amateur."
"Arguing with people on the internet is not the most constructive use of time."
"The hardest criticism to deliver is constructive criticism. It's also the most helpful."
"Please take this as constructive criticism and hopefully anybody else watching will also learn something from this."
"If we're putting ourselves out there like this, at least know that we're doing it for the right reasons and to be just constructive in a kind way."
"Criticism, even if strongly conveyed, as long as it's constructive, it's fair, but it's a whole other thing to resort to insult and threats that add nothing to the conversation."
"Constructive criticism doesn't belittle people, doesn't name call people."
"Your products are amazing. I agree with 90% of what you guys do; 10% is a healthy difference."
"Masculinity can be improved, but you will never get men on board with that idea if the only thing you do is tear down; you also have at some point to build."
"If you guys had any tips, leave them in the comments. Constructive criticism is huge."
"Truly constructive criticism... both praises and points out areas for improvement."
"I appreciate everyone that has put effort into supporting our ideas and trying to give constructive criticism for the content we do."
"Please do not send any hate or threats to the people involved; be constructive, not hateful."
"Disney World is constantly changing, and many times we can get behind the changes being made. A lot of them make sense, but Disney's not perfect, and it's okay to admit that, even as a fan of the parks."
"If you actually want to do something, you have to lead with solutions. If you're just talking about problems, that's called complaining."
"He wouldn't beat around the bush of what's not working with the game; he would call it out and explain how his team is trying to fix it."
"If constructive criticism can make things better, then we're all ears. But disliking the ending isn't a crime against humanity."
"The point of this interaction should not be to point the finger at the person who's wrong."
"Ultimately, it is just a sign of that you like the show enough that you want it to get better."
"If you make them feel stupid they'll withdraw so you got to do it in a way that people kind of empowers people rather than be like you were so wrong look totally no be like look how bet much better off we are now that the truth is apparent."
"Criticize by creating. If you have a problem with someone's point of view, come up with a better idea."
"Criticism is not jumping on you, being nasty about you. It's saying, you know what, Dyson, I noticed you said X, Y, and Z but you didn't say this. Holding me to account."
"Finding a balance to criticize properly but also to show love and a lot of support in different ways."
"It's not about downing our own, it's about holding people accountable."
"It's not about tearing each other down, but holding people accountable."
"Thank you for tuning in, the comments, even the negative ones, even the ones that keep us in check and keep us honest."
"You can critique something that you love. In fact, you should because it's how you grow as a person."
"Keep it respectful, we believe in constructive criticism here and not shameless bashing."
"The ability to take your concept, put it on the table, and objectively be willing to take it apart, invite criticism, even kill the idea if necessary. That's the Detachment you have to have for that to get the nourishment it needs to grow."
"So it's not personal when somebody tries to correct you on something, it's trying to make the world better."
"We need to be very critical of each other in a compassionate way."
"Being told that I was a failure and that my movie sucked was the best thing that could have happened to me."
"Criticism can be constructive, especially when it's not malicious."
"Overall, I'm actually pretty impressed with the land. I think there are definitely still some changes that need to be made, but I think they've done a good job."
"Resilience, the ability to learn from your mistakes, and take on criticism to get better, that's definitely an important aspect."
"Nothing is only as good as your ability to protect it, right? So you can build, but if they can tear it down, then what did you build?"
"We can fix it, we can grow, we can become better people from it, and let's be honest, no good really comes out of just shaming people when they screw up, does it?"
"You can praise a game all you want because you're so happy with it, but without giving criticism in the right places, it can also never really improve."
"There's got to be a more constructive way to get around the problems."
"If you aren't happy with the way things are, please do it in a constructive way."
"Criticism is not mean. It's not mean to say, 'Hey, I think you could be better if you did this.'"
"I think both restaurants took the criticism admirably. I think you really handled not just the positives but the negatives as well, and that's what I love to see how you bounce back."
"I'm not trying to promote negativity, I'm not trying to promote criticism, I'm trying to promote within the fan base, but more importantly the team."
"Progress is about difficult conversations, and I think Manchester United are progressing."
"Politeness and constructive criticism... can go a long way."
"I strongly believe IGP had some very very very strong points in his video which were founded and credible."
"Criticizing me telling me when I'm wrong that type of stuff that's what I want to know."
"Try to divide the criticism that I can actually implement, versus criticism that's like, 'Oh, you know what, there's so many reasons why it can't be this way,' and then I have to deal with that."
"Always looking for constructive feedback so please do reach out."
"Fear that we've gotten so detailed in this conversation that won't feel constructive to a lot of people because it's hard to hear any of it."
"For studios and directors to make great films, they have to hear our constructive criticism that comes from love."
"When you love something, you're able to criticize it."
"What the United States needs to do is to start to be realistic about its policies."
"If anyone ever just tells you that they don't like your art as a piece of constructive criticism, you just don't listen to it."
"It's important to speak out constructively... there were plenty of people who told Sony this is wrong and it had an effect."
"Constructive feedback is always appreciated."
"Being critical helps you recognize what makes something great and how it could improve."
"Most of the feedback was positive and the criticism was constructive."
"I've actually improved from some of the criticism people have given me."
"It's not toxic to express a negative opinion on a character, but making it personal is toxic."
"Negative voices aren't helping to grow any community."
"Listen to constructive criticism; apply it for success."
"Despite my long list of ways that I want Star drops to be improved, all of the reasons why there's things wrong with star drops, I do think they should stay in the game."
"Criticism for the sake of making other people better and for the entertainment."
"I know that both they and their community can take some honest feedback and constructive criticism."
"Criticism is different like if I have a criticism put towards me that makes me look anywhere to go, 'oh yeah it could fix that then that does help me out a lot.'"
"Can we as a community just agree to be a lot less vitriolic to new ideas in the theory space?"
"Take criticism seriously; it helps you improve."
"We need to learn to critique actions and not people."
"Treat people like human beings, not political abstractions. Criticize to uplift and empower, never to tear down or destroy."
"No matter how skilled someone is, the ability to seek guidance and critiques helps them grow further."
"Criticism, when given in good faith and with trusted opinions, is one of the best ways to improve."
"Criticism should be seen as a constructive tool for growth, not something to be feared or avoided."
"An artist who can actually take constructive criticism... that is why her career is skyrocketing."
"Critique is not judgment; it's a detailed analysis, not divine punishment."
"As long as we're proposing feedback in good spirit like that, then this is a good thing."
"Hope you've enjoyed the video if you have any suggestions please do post down below and if you're gonna be negative please do it constructively because otherwise your comment is no use to anybody."
"Let me know what you guys thought in general about all of this try to keep the hate and the toxicity to a minimum."
"It's never in question whether the comments are coming from a place of believing your potential."
"Criticism should be constructive, not fueled by hate and toxicity."
"Constructive criticism is not an assault on personal preference."
"Get ready for better bargains down the road."
"Every review is feedback, every review is potential to be better."
"If people can call each other out on those things, then that's useful."
"What do you do for the community but not poison low vibrational music? Hope, bro, that [expletive] ain't cool."
"Constructive criticism is different to being talked down upon or being sexualized or being used just to be that reasoning to be a pretty face that they can latch onto to make them look better."
"You can love something and still want it to be better."
"I just want to talk about the game that I enjoy playing and if a little bit of constructive criticism sparingly used here and there we'll make it a better game in the future."
"Attack the issue and affirm the person. Attack the sin, affirm the identity."
"Constructive criticism, I'm not just roasting them."
"Focus on unethical behavior, not personal attacks."
"Don't drown him in a ton of thumbs down. It's better to debunk somebody with reason and, dare I say it, common sense."
"Let people know what they're doing right and don't be afraid to tell them what needs to be worked upon."
"I think explaining to a person why what they did could be considered problematic... I don't think that in and of itself is a negative thing."
"I think constructive criticism is actionable where you say like this didn't work for me here are the x reasons why it didn't and here's the why reason ways you can fix it."
"It doesn't have to be a personal attack if somebody has power and you're encouraging them to use it responsibly."
"Good ideas have to be backed up with hard work and that accepting criticism you can never go wrong with that"
"You're allowed to be constructive and you're allowed to not like things we do."
"I love America and that's why I criticize it all the time."
"I take criticism pretty well if it's meant to be constructive."
"Criticize his shitty politics, not his weight, speech, or posture."
"There is zero evidence to show that complaining will suddenly make your teammates better FPS players or like complaining is gonna suddenly make you a better player after you spawn up. Like, just stop complaining and just play well."
"How incredibly unsatisfying and disappointing it's a it's best it's almost getting there and I think that it would be neat to see a Saw someday that's like a really great film that takes it seriously and is also good."
"Focus on the people who are there to give constructive guidance."
"We are here to learn from this, not to berate anybody."
"Good faith criticisms feel meaningful and important to me."
"This is pretty damn ugly so I've redrawn it a bit nicer."
"Criticism is completely fine just learn on your own and don't take everything that people say to heart."
"It's never a bad thing to criticize the things you care about."
"You do look bigger on TV that is true and and also but but it could be a learning tool you could get up the next morning and go over it like okay honey see when he did that when he turned around that was good rewind that like more of that."
"I think this is a good idea, but do it in a way that makes you look a bit less egotistical."
"If you can explain your position in a nice way and and actually cite an explanation for like why you think the way you do then I actually like reading your criticism because then it makes [ __ ] sense no he's right that's my ghost."
"I'm not rooting for them to fail, I'm simply rooting for them to try harder."
"You can be critical of a player that you like in the hope that they get better."
"You have to resist the urge to just make constant videos bitching about stuff."
"It's my honest feedback and there's nothing wrong with that. I love the game, I feel that it could be a lot more."
"If I'm doing something bad I want to know about it. Maybe they'll stop doing it, maybe they'll even thank you for helping them be better people."
"I really hope it's clear that my criticism comes from a place of love."
"Excellent feedback and access to everything you need to know."
"Criticism without hope for change is really just selfish content making."
"My opinion is just my opinion, but I try to give it constructively. Not everybody's gonna get it, but I'll respect you for showing up."
"Why tear down what others are doing when we can marry some ideas?"
"You need somebody who looks at your stuff and goes, '99% of what you're doing is good, but what about this?'"
"Never say some things that you consume or see or whatever is bad only say I think it's bad right now"
"Let me know what I got right let me know what I got wrong."
"Australia is obviously doing most things right but if you love something you want to make sure it doesn't hurt itself."
"Having criticisms doesn't equate to animosity; it's about having necessary conversations."
"This should be a relaxing experience where you receive constructive feedback that you could use to improve your city."
"There's nothing wrong with pointing out when something's wrong, while you also have to provide examples of what you believe to be right."
"I am going to be a little bit more stern on the feedback but just know it's all in the service of me wanting Shadowlands to be as good as it possibly can be."
"Criticism should make you better... anybody who's telling the truth there's gonna be criticism."
"Criticism of something that you like isn't a personal attack, so please enjoy the video."
"The content of what he was saying was not abusive, he didn't call her names, he asked her to be a better person."
"She really sees it as an art and she's really, really good at explaining what's wrong with your face without being rude."
"My biggest complaint is always the links are too short which makes it hard to cable manage the links on this guy that's really long."
"Honesty is the most important aspect to include in critique."
"Lots of room to improve upon the current system."
"There's a huge difference between calling somebody out and using constructive criticism versus actually harassing and bullying people."
"We're not trying to destroy their game, we're just trying to make it enjoyable."
"The people who moaned are the people who deserve a pat on the back," remarks Mark.
"Let us show them, let them do the work, we'll critique them."
"Turning negative feedback into something constructive."
"Stop with your insults and try to answer arguments concretely."
"There's a lot of things they could do to improve the game."
"It's not a criticism, it's just an observation."
"A recognized inadequacy is a gift... they've actually done you a favor."
"I take constructive criticism so I will listen to your feedback."
"Maybe we should stop tarring and feathering the very policies we want to see in the world."
"What if some of these criticisms and questions would have come up sooner... helped Bioware make a better product?"
"You can enjoy your game, but there is no reason not to discuss how it can improve."
"Remember positive constructive criticism will get us a lot further than all of the hate unless you just want to absolutely kill the mode."
"Criticism without solution is just complaining."
"Criticism is not helpful unless you're saying it would be more helpful to me if you would do so and so."
"Thou shall not comment online or offline in hatred, spite, falseness, or without any words of criticism that aren't intentionally genuinely meant to be supportive for actual improvements."
"It's hard for me to make a mistake and not have people just abuse me freely, and as I say, you know, Daniel from, I don't think you're necessarily abusing me. I think you raise a very valid point."
"The thing is we complained about the game because we like the game and we want it to be even better. That's always the reason."
"Reserve judgment and criticize constructively."
"Don't just scream dead game dying game broken game, let's talk about what explore specifically what it is so we can get that message across to the developers."
"I'm not mad at you bro. I want you to do better and I can teach you how to do better."
"Nobody's saying it just to be mean, this is about solutions here."
"Genuine constructive criticism is always appreciated."
"It's important to criticize the things we love, not to tear them down but to make them better."
"The key to changing it in a constructive way is to imagine the future that we want to live in."
"We should stop tearing each other down and rather be reassuring in a positive way; try to build each other back up but above all hold the people accountable that did the screwed up thing rather than ridicule the person who got screwed."
"All the criticism in it is out of love, we're really trying to help the people."
"Prayer may help some people feel reassured when they are worried, but to me it makes more sense to spend one's time and energy on more constructive, health-promoting activities." - Stephen Barrett, MD
"I want to see comments like that, smart comments that direct this franchise into the right direction."
"It's not a bad design it's a learning design you don't know what you don't know that's right."
"If you're going to talk about it, you need to have possible solutions. Complaining without action doesn't help anyone."
"Let's keep it with no insults and just talk about the bad quality products they've been doing."
"I think we should celebrate Bethesda's successes and encourage constructive behavior."
"It's important to realize when something doesn't work... but there are more constructive ways of remedying it than just scrapping it altogether."
"I don't disagree with a lot of the tips here."
"I know how negative this video probably came across, but I really didn't mean it to be. I don't want Doctor Who to fail. I want it to succeed and last for countless more years."
"Everybody needs to take criticism. It's something we need to work on, right?"
"Feedback is a gift, and I will receive it that way."
"Your feedback is just like 'I don't like this thing.'"
"Interactions like this need to happen more, and police administrators need to address officers' mistakes."
"Listen to the community, Blizzard: getting slower is never fun!"
"It's not hate. It's critique. It's there to improve you."
"Accept valid criticism, success is shared with good plans and hard work."
"Looking at the negatives is not always a bad thing definitely try and focus on the positives more but you need to be constructive with the things that can be improved."
"We need to do better as a community to voice our concerns in a way that isn't going to be hateful or harmful towards others."
"Cancel culture simply makes everything worse. A course of action that allows for development would make more sense."
"Don't just tell someone they're full of crap. Challenge them with specific things that spark that imagination."
"Take criticism from a place of understanding, from a point of respect."
"I sounded very negative throughout this entire video but I think at the end of the day, that is the solution to all of this."
"Listen to the critique that is actually helpful. Do not listen to the critique that's fueled by comparison."
"When you're not being critical of a specific person, criticism is more likely to be accepted."