
Personal Focus Quotes

There are 564 quotes

"Don't pay attention to who is getting it right off the bat or who is doing it perfect... literally just focus on what you are doing and get it done."
"The last 10 days of April and most of May, the focus shifts to family, the focus becomes more internal."
"The key thing about visualization is that you should visualize stuff within you, but don't worry about anything outside of you."
"Focus on your own garden; by doing so, you rob the fires of the civil war of the fuel it needs."
"The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives."
"Most of all, the person you should be impressing upon is yourself."
"We can't make everybody happy, so the very least we can do is focus on our own happiness."
"The most powerful thing that you can do is to focus on you and to raise your own vibration."
"I think it's important that everybody find their way of decompressing and keeping a clear mind so they can focus on their own north star."
"Any man or woman that focuses on your flesh and not what God has deposited in you is not from God."
"Kids do what they're taught to do. That's how kids learn."
"Nobody's thinking about you. They're obsessing about themselves."
"I'm really looking at Dylan to have a big one."
"Stop comparing yourself with others... Focus on your own road, and you'll surpass your peers."
"At that point, I wasn't into anything else. This was just my tunnel."
"For me, first and foremost, I concentrate my energy to ensure that stealing is tough."
"I'm interested in the individual, not in group identity."
"It's not about being in your head, it's just about being in your heart."
"You have to get out of your own head and actually focus."
"The best way to get a girl is to focus on yourself."
"You determine your focus, a decision what you focus on."
"This whole week is gonna be all about your achievement."
"Stay true to yourself and stay focused on whatever it is that you really want in life."
"Tunnel vision and focus on you and only you, and you'll become and do anything you want to do."
"Instead of focusing on the kind of scariness of the future, I'm just gonna focus on bringing you exciting content."
"The more you focus on things you have in your life, the more you will have things that you're grateful for."
"It's all about what you're placing your hope and future on."
"How can I get the attention off of me and what the way that I look like and get the attention on the smile on my face that radiates the joy that the Lord has given me."
"I've always been very focused on my looks because I don't think I'm good at anything else."
"At the end of the day, what I'm trying to remind myself is like, this is about us."
"Life is beautiful but it all depends on what you focus on."
"You're focused on yourself aquarius you're putting your your focus on your career money and business that's your biggest priority and you're withdrawing from somebody hermit card you're kind of withdrawing."
"It's time to focus on yourself; there's a point at which something in your life must be released."
"The only thing there is is the individual and that's what we've got to focus on."
"I'm just a single mom focusing on being a mom."
"The only part of that equation that we have control over is the attention."
"I've been focusing on this over the last year year and a half or so."
"If you give a [ __ ] about a few very important things then the small things cease to bother you so much."
"When you're surrounded by problems all the time, it can make you angry, it can make you edgy, and lose focus on how to fix situations."
"Stay away from the drama and focus on what brings you joy."
"Focus on what you're for more than what you're against."
"I am truly trying to focus on me: Mind Body Soul."
"Look at what you have, stop focusing on what you don't."
"It's time to focus on you and shoot your shot in the direction that you desire to go in."
"Your money and everything is improving big time pisces so just focus on the good stuff and don't let this person get a reaction out of you."
"It's just you and I, or just you and the camera, don't think about that."
"The one thing you can really control is enjoying the process."
"Focus on your gains, not your chafe pains, that's what Pops always taught me!"
"Disconnect from noise to focus on your own path."
"Establish healthy boundaries to focus on yourself."
"This is a time period that is looking like it's just for you honestly."
"Husband material men do not have time to be flossing on social media."
"You need to be in the center of your personal universe."
"I've learned to focus on the good and magnify the good."
"That's not how it works, it's not always just about you Gabby."
"Whatever you want to do, whatever you feel like you can do, focus on that so you don't get bored of it, and the money will always follow."
"Stop looking in the past and focus on your future."
"Everything in my life revolves around Christ."
"Recovery is a slow process and whatever you gotta focus on in your personal recovery, you gotta focus on."
"Having that balance of being a real normal person, not being egotistical, not being overly addicted to the interwebs, and also being able to focus on it, being able to have fun with it, not get stressed out."
"Focus on the love and the positive connections."
"Focus on the positive things and not on the things you can't change."
"When you find yourself fighting to remember how precious the moment or beautiful the day, it's not a lack of time but a lack of direction."
"I'm just sitting back waiting on [ __ ] and you know, it ain't my main focus right now, which it should be, but I got bigger [ __ ] on my plate than that right now."
"Mind your own business first and foremost; control your energy."
"Do not let it spoil your mood or distract you."
"Whatever you have been thinking about, you've been pouring a lot of thought into, you could actually see those things manifesting for you at the end of the month."
"They always come back, so focus on you. Do what makes you happy."
"Don't worry about what other people are doing... play within your playground."
"Let's just focus on ourselves for a while, not worry about the big world out there."
"Photography helped me focus on the details and stay in the moment."
"Do what you got to do, focus up, don't let any of these BS excuses get in your way, and that's just me being honest with you guys."
"I care too much about what makes me feel good, so get into your selfish era."
"Pick out one or two things that are really important to you and do those really well."
"This person's pretty focused on you, they're thinking a lot about you."
"You might notice yourself kind of detaching, more interested in current events."
"Empress energy isn't about giving anything except to yourself. You're not being asked to offer yourself to others. You're just being asked to nurture yourself to promote self-love, self-nurturing, self-acceptance, self-awareness."
"Just do what you do and don't worry about other people."
"Focus on what you want, not what you don't want."
"You get to choose where you put your focus, and if you are focusing on the good within you, the goodness in the universe, the abundance of opportunities..."
"I need to stop focusing on other people's opinions and what does easy want to do."
"I'm really focused on the culture of it. I find culture really fascinating."
"Pick the things that you think are really important and focus on that and try to make it better."
"Hike your own hike and not in the sense of 'well hike your own hike I'll do what I want' more in the sense of worry about you and what you're doing."
"Focus on getting your needs met and nothing else."
"You will never be able to enjoy what's on your plate as long as you're looking and trying to take off somebody else's."
"Put your happiness first and really focus on what makes you happy."
"They're just hating and they should be worried about their own blessings."
"Don't waste your time trying to live someone else's life. Focus on your own strengths, your own element."
"You've cracked it, focusing on your goals and self-reliance."
"If you can just bear to ignore it and just focus on you, they will end up sabotaging themselves."
"Don't allow anybody to pull you off your path."
"Refinement: focus on what worked, let go of what didn't."
"That when we get up in the morning, we would set the trajectory of our day to make it about Him."
"Is this sense of meaningful moral exploration absent from the film because of the more personal emotional focus?"
"This show will always be my show with 100% of my focus on you."
"But you being a better person is what is the main focus here."
"Focus on you right now, focus on what you can control, start nurturing that connection with Source."
"Focus on self-care, it's the main theme here."
"Let's focus on positive things only from here on out"
"Pay attention to your own path and don't let your energy be stolen."
"You are stuck in your own head, try not to focus too much on material things, shift your attention to what's most important in your life."
"It's too easy to get caught into the distractions of the world."
"Stay focused on the positive, stay focused on what is true for you."
"Focus on what you do want in your life... what you do want to create in your life."
"You have nothing to be afraid of. Most people are so focused on themselves, they won't even notice you."
"Don't let a relationship or a man or a woman take you off your grind."
"On the writing side, it's basically the John show right now."
"She just focused on finding the joy in all these little things."
"Discernment about where you want to put your energy is coming back as a theme here."
"Vision is super important for us at this time. You need to have that big goal, wish, or dream."
"Engage with positivity, focus on what excites you."
"Eliminate things that don't make you happy...focus on what does make you happy."
"Just try being you and focus on being better at you."
"Focus on yourself, focus on getting yourself there first."
"Don't be afraid to become really, really focused on the self for a while to make up for lost time."
"That's all I want, just to be in the moment."
"Focus on not worrying about anyone else other than yourself."
"Be obsessed with one thing which is don't live a shitty life."
"Maintain your focus on what you actually want, the best highest ideal."
"There's something wrong with you if you hyper focus on people's genitals."
"Now my sole focus is on saving the world's biosphere with these new technologies."
"You're falling in love with making money or that's what your energy's going towards."
"You're just in a space of doing what's necessary right now."
"They're more focused on their personal endeavors and successes right now."
"A good life consists of self-directing one's attention most all of the time."
"I focus on it because when you focus on it, you're going to move towards that, you're going to attract that into your life."
"Focus on your path, focus on what you want for your life."
"Let yourself drop into an incredibly relaxed trance where you focus only on the sound of my voice."
"My train always moves because I prioritize myself."
"It wasn't until I made a conscious effort to focus myself and prove myself, what are my blocks, what is my emotional baggage, what holds me back."
"Balance is key for you to focus on in this reading."
"Keep it simple. Sometimes the simple things in life are the best things in life. Don't worry about what others are doing around you, focus on the basics."
"He's got money being the best. He's got money, okay? We're going to him. Two, no one can, I be honest."
"20s is the one time in your whole life that you can just be selfish, be yourself, focus on yourself and do things just for you."
"I'm a lot more focused on ethics and my impact on others."
"Pick one area... focus on that one area... all the other areas are going to start to slowly improve."
"Without purpose, you scatter energy. Purpose conserves and directs."
"Shift your focus to where you are loved, adored, and empowered."
"Gym intimidation really shouldn't be a thing... everyone's focusing on their own workout."
"It won't be about saving the world or even about saving the city but rather about the player characters' problems."
"Recognize what deserves your time, energy, and attention."
"It is to focus on other things and to acquire the feeling of happiness and joy... do something that you do enjoy and absorb the feeling."
"Longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned about that now."
"Focus on the things you can control... all those things will matter a lot more than specifically the source."
"Lay low and focus on you, especially if you feel like you have a mission."
"Don't worry about everybody else, worry about you."
"This is a time for letting go of what is not important."
"That's the difference between you, Ricky, and everyone else. You get it. You're focused."
"Your angels and ancestors and your spiritual team when it comes to this connection are calling for you to focus on the things that are important to you."
"You're more focused on manifesting your dreams and goals."
"Focus on yourself, your dreams, and your goals."
"Stop complaining, focus your attention on the blessings in your life."
"Find your focus, make it happen for yourself. Focus on making it good."
"You want to be told what to do at that point, and that's the focus that you need."
"Starve your distractions and feed your focus."
"Maintain your higher level goals in your mind."
"Fixations can become a priceless asset... based on the things they desire most in life."
"Spiritual hygiene is going to be key for the year 2020."
"Be focused on yourself, be focused on the things that you want to build this year."
"It's always about taking care of one another and not worrying about all the stuff that's going on around them."
"This is not a time to be using the mind, it's a time to be using your value, your heart."
"Make sure that the only one you're concerned about watching you is Allah."
"I hope this motivates you to maybe even live a healthier lifestyle, get to the gym more, start focusing on you because at the end of the day all you have is yourself."
"I'm not here to make friends. I will eventually when I do the popularity one, but we're not doing that yet so that's fine."
"Just get very, very focused on what I do want in life."
"Focus on joy and shape your life experience."
"You need to focus on yourself right now, come on, let's go."
"It's irrelevant what people say or think. Accept reality and focus on your actions."
"Don't be that person who pays attention to what they don't have, celebrate what they do have."
"Focus on your wishes and desires without getting distracted. Take care of your health and watch out for past health issues."
"Trust yourself, you can make your goals happen."
"Forget all the stuff on TV, social media, everything. Forget it all. Let's talk about you and your day-to-day life."
"If you can just play your own game and stay in your game, you're gonna have a very good chance to beat me."
"You gotta focus on your goals, only things that you want with a date."
"You're focusing on your individual happiness."
"Whatever holds your focus controls your future."
"Success rituals involve focusing on what really matters."
"Put the focus back on you and your loving yourself."
"Focus on what you love the most, what you're called to do the most. Put the energy there and then you'll get more back from that."
"I don't need to focus my attention there, I'm focusing on my growth right now."
"My obsession now is just to get our identity back."
"I was so focused on that line I literally forgot to wish this."
"There's more to life, turn your back to the things that don't matter."
"I worry about what I gotta do, and you know, I've always worried about what I've gotta do, regardless of everyone else and what they're doing. I'm focused on delivering."
"Focus on your happiness, put your happiness at the center of everything."
"More importantly, you need to focus on yourself and your self-happiness."
"Enjoy your life instead of focusing on your body."
"You gotta stay focused on what is important."
"Change the frequency by focusing on your own spiritual path."
"Everything is kind of trivial in our world right now except for our children."
"How do people have time to worry about what you're doing?"
"Find your lane, find what makes you happy, dial in on that."
"Life is a lot more comfortable when you focus on self, get yourself together."
"What makes me happy right now in the moment, nobody else matters."
"Get still, think about what you want, go do some research, focus on your focus."
"You have to think of your own self-worth and focus on you first."
"I aspire to be that level of unbothered and focus on what I'm doing."
"Opportunities are out there for them, they don't even see it because they're looking down all the time."
"Focus on what it is that you do want and hold that in your heart."