
Social Commentary Quotes

There are 6806 quotes

"I say this with love, but I do think it's time for everybody to get back to having a personality of their own."
"It's just so interesting to me that people want to watch people do anything, literally anything."
"Why can't people just be like, 'Hey, I like you. Do you want to date? If it doesn't work out, stop dating.' I don't get it."
"Sugar baby culture is toxic and it needs to go away."
"You can't eat hate. You can't teach children with your hate. Your hate is useless."
"You get to be privileged and a victim at the same time. Pick one."
"People have no problem with bias as long as you're honest about it."
"If men could get pregnant, you could walk to a pharmacy and get an abortion with a flu shot at the same time, same day."
"Let me make this easier: Can someone go through and tally up every single appreciation day ever? Right, so we know who's been the most oppressed."
"The American dream has just rocked people to sleep. It's actually an American nightmare."
"Society hasn't changed; we've always known this."
"Even though it's way less sexy to be frugal and saving money than it is to be ballin' so hard with bottle service all the time, Rolexes, Yeezys, Lambos, Ferraris."
"Punching up is preferable to punching down because you're not capitalizing on the misery or misfortune of a person for humor, but rather mocking a person in a position of power."
"People love train wrecks. We love watching [stuff] that we shouldn't love watching because it's entertaining and it piques our human intrigue."
"We have been living inside of an Orwellian nightmare."
"Regardless of the verdict, 50% of the world is going to be angry."
"Our forefathers weren't the pilgrims; we didn't land on Plymouth Rock, the rock was landed on us."
"Comedy is not about upholding any value except comedy, and what comedy is, is supposed to poke holes in the status quo and make people uncomfortable."
"American Psycho is a warning more than 20 years after its release."
"I have a lot of feelings about child influencers."
"It's not doctors we lack, or nurses, or factories that can make the masks, the ventilators; it is the system that's the sickness."
"It's the same and and you know the telling them that they're victims."
"Normal people don't focus on race in these ways; they don't look at skin color and see this as the predominant or identifying factor of who you are."
"If it already disturbs you that we're talking about grief the way that Viagra commercials talk about erections, then you're paying attention."
"You never punch down, but punching up, have at it."
"Wish people could learn the phrase 'this is not for me and that's okay'."
"You need more scare tactics... We've run out of macroaggressions."
"It's not right for people to talk about it's not right."
"Our cultures are far too vast and varied to be represented by a single theme."
"It just illustrates that not everybody is meant to be a parent."
"To me, the film is representative of the western world's privilege being attained through the slaughtering and the suffering of other people."
"This is the world we live in. My goal from the start has been to get people talking about this, still going as planned."
"The MAGA weaponization of Pride just shows we've come a long way, but there are many who want to roll all of those rights back."
"People who have the skill set to talk in front of thousands without feeling any shame or embarrassment are all psychopaths, in my opinion."
"We're still going to poke at culture, wealth, consumerism, and ethics and corporations. Parody is a poke."
"Tacoma: 'Rebecca, you are a lot more talented than I previously thought.' Rebecca: 'Yeah well, I'm not as dumb as you guys all think that I am.'"
"You're tweaking 'cause you just heard some gunshots. Where do you live, not America?"
"When the moistest of Jesuses is talking about you and my brother Moist Critical dropped the video, the evil company is starting to collapse."
"It's hard to believe that this movie came out just over 20 years ago, and it's arguably gotten even more relevant to the present issues."
"It's such a thought-provoking sequence. The entire movie is just like packed full of so many social commentaries and so many powerful messages."
"We have to start talking about this stuff. I'll take one for the team. I'll say it how it is."
"The characters are engaging, the world-building is fantastic, and the overall story is a commentary about human ideologies and culture."
"District 9 takes place in South Africa, but it's not an alien 'invasion' movie. The aliens have been there for years, and exist alongside humans as de-valued immigrants."
"The money is ending up in the wrong hands, but this is what happens when you gut the middle class."
"The war on drugs was really about. The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that had two enemies: the anti-war left and Black people."
"We're not paying the lights, but they're paying for first-class flights. Make it make sense."
"Mr. Beast's video where he paid for cataract surgery for a thousand people... implies that people that can't see are handicapped."
"If you as a normal person try tax avoidance, you ain't getting nowhere."
"People are fundamentally the same... it doesn't matter whether you're a hunter-gatherer in Namibia or a banker in New York."
"Our diversity stops being a beautiful thing; it starts becoming meaningless if there's nothing greater that binds us together."
"Jim Henson in the late '80s... wanted to make a sitcom about a messy family in a flawed society that drives itself to extinction."
"The far-left needs people like Destiny who are doing the work to de-radicalize fascists, something I admire about what you're doing, Destiny."
"If 50 Shades of Gray has taught us anything, it's that as long as they are rich, tall, and handsome, it is not creepy to be stalking people."
"Comedy exposes hypocrisy, builds bridges, tells the truth like no other, speaks the unmentionable, punctures vanity, challenges falsehoods, and skewers prejudices."
"Daughters are arguably a lot more useful than they were in Crusader Kings Two."
"I love this place. I'll die for this country, man. And for me to see where we are is lack of information, suppression of information, ignorance at the utmost degree."
"Anti-Semitism is one of the oldest forms of bigotry. It is the OG bigotry."
"Critics generally praised its actions, social commentary, and acting."
"This movie is about this country. We're in a time where we fear the other, whether it's the mysterious invader that we think is going to come and kill us and take our jobs, or the faction we don't live near who voted a different way than us."
"Me and the Pope could probably do with being friends, being friends with the Pope is probably a really, really good idea."
"Talent is equally distributed, and opportunity is not."
"We've got to be very honest about where we are in our country right now because we are at a crossroads, and the future our children will inherit depends on how we respond."
"To be a black person in 2024 in America is to be in a state of complete perplexed confusion about what is wrong with a country that hates your history."
"Star Trek has always been used to talk about commentary."
"Social commentary is fine. It would have been much more compelling if there was this conflict where it's like, 'Unfortunately, you have to go back to where you came from.' It's this hard scene where there's a moral conflict."
"The show isn't saying tech is bad; the show is saying people are effed up."
"The vast majority of us are good and decent, that's why we refer to ourselves as a 'human-kind.'"
"We're living in crazy times, that's for sure."
"We are just consumers, we consume and because of this behavior of consuming things we don't understand, we can be sheep led to slaughter."
"If anyone ever tells you that there's no class system in this country or that we've progressed far from the Victorians, just show them a picture of David Cameron."
"Wealth inequality is something that I've been worried about for quite some time. I think I first started speaking and writing about it in 2010, about a year or so after the financial crisis."
"Christmas is such a conundrum; it may be a festival of unalloyed and undisciplined materialism... but such a narrative is not always the one we choose to hear. Rather, Christmas is a time associated with a focus on the children, humanitarianism toward the underprivileged and vulnerable, and a feeling of nostalgia for good times past."
"The pandemic era was a uniquely exploitative one that revealed many systemic problems."
"Being ‘poor’ isn’t ‘free.’ Being poor is expensive."
"You're literally a white woman from Australia; you live in a bubble and you're pissed that voices that have been silenced forever finally can be heard."
"Damn, that movie was really funny and it was a very subversive and smart take on superheroes, morality, incel behavior, and a ton of other things."
"These videos are not to put anybody down or make anybody feel bad; it's just kind of to highlight some of the issues with modern dating today and things that we as men and women can be doing better to make our lives more fulfilled, more healthy, more happy."
"A new generation does not fall out of the sky... They don't materialize out of thin air... Generations are raised by the generation before them."
"We're obsessed with ourselves but actually thinking critically about ourselves and our own choices and our own lives, that's something that almost nobody in this country seems able to do."
"Stop unfollowing me. If I have a medical emergency, don't you dare kill an ambulance. You better Uber my butt to the hospital because we are not about to pay $5,000 for a ride in the Wii U wagon."
"Human connection becomes the central force of Sex in the City."
"For the vast majority of you, the fight itself will never affect your life even in the slightest. It will be entertaining, sure, but what it does do is set a dangerous precedent of distraction."
"They're hoping that you'll follow the narrative, pick a side, and forget the fact that you're simply a pawn in this game, a delaying game."
"We should be pushing a culture that isn't obsessed with looking at the self all the time."
"Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, two of the world's richest men, two CEOs of the world's most powerful and influential companies, will soon be shirtless in a cage trying to kill each other while the world watches them live on the very devices that continue to make them rich."
"Doing stupid [ __ ] don't make you tough... What makes you tough? [ __ ] just stand on his [ __ ]. That's to me a tough [ __ ] that stand on this [ __ ] no matter what."
"Outside is scary and inside is lonely; we need a third place."
"In America, poor people get screwed unless they own assets."
"Canadians just want to be left alone." - Mr. Roman Babber
"More freedom for one is more freedom for another." - Mr. Pierre Poiliev
"The best thing you could do is not say anything, but they are too addicted to the attention."
"Trust me, usually when people talk about cancel culture, it's because they did some dumb stuff and they're getting dragged for it, and that's life."
"We have more in common than we have differences."
"You can't force people to be less stupid, but amongst ourselves, that's all we can do, right? Try to encourage the people around us to be less stupid."
"No one's forcing anyone. They're asking, and if you don't do it, you're rude. That's how society works, my dude. We live in a society."
"Eating is such a huge and elemental pleasure; what a strangely puny act to want to police it."
"The Truman Show is kind of an interesting one... It's like he is trapped with strangers, he just doesn't realize it."
"The fact that there is this stench of mendacity, the fact that the preponderance of evidence shows there's enough mistrust and distrust."
"They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made."
"At the end of the day, it's taking a look at patriarchal systems and seeing the flaws in those systems and how they negatively impact everyone."
"OnlyFans is the harbinger of our imminent societal collapse because great civilizations collapse when the economy serves not to elevate but to denigrate the population."
"The only cure to OnlyFans is a healthy society, and to cure a sick society, we have to cure ourselves."
"This is an emergency, ma'am, this is a Wendy's."
"Night City was like a deranged experiment in social Darwinism, designed by a bored researcher who permanently kept one thumb on the fast-forward button."
"If people really like this, and it gets bazillions and bazillions of views, look, see, they're more wealthy people rising out of the underworld to take away the houses from the... these starter homes from the poor."
"Not as some kind of oversight or mistake, but as a deliberate and meaningful choice, a statement that entirely fits into the worldview of this story and is sorely needed on a broader scale."
"You know, something? New York City's really falling apart, and between the asylum crisis, the crime crisis, and the housing crisis, some people say the city is finished, but what nobody's talking about is what happens after that."
"I read an article the other day about how more Australians are falling to their deaths while trying to take a selfie... It's never good when you're outshining America in the stupidity department."
"This is the highest number recorded since they started keeping track of these incidents in 2012. I love the fact they even started tracking this stuff."
"There's a sense of loss there that some Black Americans cover with derision toward that culture, partially because we know they have something we can never have."
"Equality doesn't exist here; the poorer you get, the poorer you stay."
"The idea of asking for consent after you've already done the thing is clearly not good; that is not how consent works."
"If all of the land in the country is concentrated in the hands of a few rich individuals, we're essentially headed back to the Dark Ages."
"Shark attacks result in fewer fatalities annually than selfies."
"It's Friday, January 13, 2023, and welcome back to Goodfellows, a Hoover Institution broadcast examining social, economic, political, and geopolitical concerns."
"Dodgeball is a tool of oppression used to dehumanize others, researchers argue. I think they should probably lose their jobs, not because I hate them, not because I give a damn about them in any way, shape, or form. It's because this is a conclusion so ridiculous, I do not think they are qualified for the work that they are supposed to be doing."
"No good deed goes unpunished. This is what you will learn about the Twitch culture."
"Every historical figure who is worth talking about has done something or said something that would get a person in contemporary America fired."
"You're struggling to grab by like Dickensian orphans turned street thugs."
"It's my favorite thing when extremely rich people fight and us peons just get to sit back, relax, and grab some popcorn and watch it all break down."
"Everybody's going to say, 'Man, when did it happen?' and you won't be able to point to any individual instance because there wasn't any individual that was at fault. Rather, it was a slow march towards just not having any consumer rights."
"I thought it would be fun to look at those ideas through the lens of a totally different generation and time period."
"It's funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is because people are lining up for food. That's a good thing. In other countries, people don't line up for food; the rich get the food and the poor starve to death."
"I have grown to completely detest hero worship, and a lot of that is because I grew up in the Mormon Church."
"Revealing all of it was their way of setting fire to a narrative they didn't control and letting a new one emerge."
"The majority of the people of paradise are the poor and the downtrodden."
"Satire is the act of using exaggerations or irony to make a point."
"I'm not shocked by this lawsuit; I'm not shocked by the fact that it's happening because Blair just continuously puts herself in the worst situation."
"It's honestly quite a sad story, and I really do wish nothing but the best for the victims of her."
"When you're in your 30s, your friends are just people you know. They're not even people you like, really."
"Humans come first. Let's say it again now, humans come first."
"Cultivating your sense of humor about identity politics would be quite important."
"Dave Chappelle's special, in many ways, is incredibly smart, insightful, and depthfully aware of how Black folks are marginalized."
"Ignoring him and anyone stoking this dumb age war hogwash is the first action to solving all the other problems in this video."
"The thing you are more scared about, being the government, is more afraid than anything is the economy grinding to a halt. So the real power is the ability to stop the economy."
"Our logo actually comes from a street artist named Banksy, who is extremely well known for his graffiti and it really reflects the popular concern for our condition in the world today."
"Satire is supposed to exaggerate the worldview of those who agree with you, to speak specifically to those who don't, with the purpose of preventing them from becoming the characters that you have created."
"What the comedian, the satirist, the humorist is supposed to be doing is poking holes in the popular narrative, not promoting it."
"We're actually making fun of the powers that be and trying to hold that power accountable and poke holes in the popular narrative instead of promote it."
"Jokes are supposed to be, in some way, that it cuts you, makes you sting, but for a healing purpose."
"If you want to be an optimist about America today, stand on your head. My country looks so much better from the bottom up than from the top down."
"She wouldn't have access to all this money if she wasn't born, you know, a byproduct of the lucky sperm club."
"Regardless of what you believe, why are you wishing death on people? That's just crazy to me."
"My book, 'How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps,' is surging up the bestseller charts right now."
"When I say civil war, it's meant to be somewhat in jest, like the cultural issues and social upheaval we're seeing is some kind of big conflict."
"All humor is based on some form of transgression."
"Well, it seems that there is this great vast gap that has now emerged between the so-called elites in our society and everybody else."
"Men are gross. It's also...this happened to another creator."
"It's a good old-fashioned Western without the wokeness, and we need more movies like that, I think, in the world."
"People who are struggling financially don't buy three thousand dollar dogs. People struggling financially don't buy two million dollar mega mansions either. Okay, can we be real here?"
"Dystopias serve as excellent warnings and social commentary."
"We have mass unhappiness, we have breakdown among male-female relationships, people actually are having less sex in many ways than before, pornography uses spiking, and it's all because we've forgotten what sex is designed for, which is intimacy and new life."
"Why do we let the fear of judgment dictate our entire freaking lives?"
"Many privileged college students use 'broke' as a placeholder for 'I simply don't have access to disposable income right now,' which is very different from being broke in the sense that, due to your financial situation, you can't meet your basic needs."
"The easiest way to make it in America is to simply have rich parents."
"I think it would have been so interesting to see the show through the lens of someone who was actually an outsider."
"He has been attacked by people on both the left and the right, which usually means that what you're saying is important."
"They're super positive, it's the exact opposite of the internet."
"These people aren't important, but it's showing us that Jeff isn't a unique case; they're doing this to anybody, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or income."
"Censorship kills. Censorship is the worst... We're talking about censorship, but we're not talking about it enough."
"We are living in an upside-down world where bodies litter the beaches where billionaires bask."
"Raise your children and don't let your children be stupid because that's where that [stuff] stems from."
"There's enough people talking about nonsense out there; I don't need to contribute."
"Metal's becoming global... it's becoming a tool for social and political commentary."
"The rich get richer and the everyday person gets crucified. That's what's happened already."
"Absolutely, but it's not just in law enforcement; it's across the board. It's in housing, it's in education, and it's in everything we do."
"We're living in a centralized world, and you just don't want to get sticky."
"I try to address it using the only weapon I have: comedy."
"The state of the world historically has been replete with evil and horror and brutality, and America, unlike other nations, has fought over time to wipe them away, at home and abroad."
"Advertising occupies a strange place in our collective imagination: we revile it when it interrupts our beloved YouTube videos, we talk about it way too much when it's Super Bowl season, and frequently ignore it unless it features Kendall Jenner single-handedly ending racism."
"The more money you spend, the more you feed consumerism and the more you stay in debt, and that's how 'the man' keeps everyone in line."
"Important people can do important people things; unimportant people can make do with their cage."
"Guns Akimbo is an off-the-walls crazy, violent, ridiculous movie with an underlying message about the anonymity of online behavior, keyboard courage, and the dangers of lack of accountability when it comes to trolling and targeted harassment."
"The absolute audacity to act shocked that Andrew Tate is scooping these guys up after a decade of 'lol male tears' is insane."
"We always seem to have enough to pay for war but never enough to cover the cost."
"It's the perfect fodder for all of the spoiled rich white kids on the internet."
"They told stories about social issues that we are still dealing with today."
"If you're poor right now and you think one day you're gonna be rich and therefore you're trying to advocate for better conditions for the wealthy, you're a [expletive] idiot."
"I cannot go on and rant and rave about how important it is to tell women that they are equal to men."
"Nino Brown giving out turkeys was the first viral moment in what everything would be when it comes to fake charity."
"We can smile nostalgically at how nothing has changed for the Connors, but applying the same truth to the people they represent is heartbreaking."
"The movie is about class warfare, unambiguously, unquestionably."
"White men's roads through black men's homes." - Professor Deborah Archer
"Roads can't be racist. You can't build racism into a road. Roads are made of sand and gravel and asphalt. Ask any road builder; roads cannot be racist any more than toasters or sectional couches can be racist." - Tucker Carlson parody
"The issues are very definitely cultural ones."
"Racism is so American that when you challenge racism, it looks like you're challenging America."
"It's all theater. It's like they get everybody riled up. It's like this team versus this. It's like they just have us basically watching Gladiators in a ring."
"It is unconscionable that we live in a country where people are paying $1,300, $3,000, and up for coronavirus testing."
"If black folks had done the same thing, we'd have been mowed down like dogs."
"I think about something like Persona 5... there's a game that actually said some stuff. There's a game that was actually confronting."
"Good on Joe Rogan and Tim Poole for exposing the insane hypocrisy and stupidity of the Twitter leadership."
"Like Chris Rock said in his pretty awesome stand-up special, if someone wanted your job like 10 to 15 years ago, they would just outwork you. Now, if they want your job, it seems like they're gonna wait for you to say something messed up and then try to expose you."
"If the government was prioritizing people with money and status and leaving out impoverished people like these new Blip refugees, now the Flag Smashers make a lot of sense."
"Writer and essayist Eleanor Penny once said 'Where a reason is needed for criminalizing abortions, a reason will be found.'"
"All politics has devolved into for right-wing voters at this point is owning the libs."
"Woke-ism is a religion. It's got sacraments and holy days and saints and demons and dogmas."
"You do live in the real world. This isn't some kind of cartoon that you've fallen into like Captain Planet."
"America has done a very good job of saying well this is where we're at, so unfortunately this is where we're at: guns have one job - kill."
"Violence is not at all funny, but what is pretty funny has been the incredulity of conservative commentators in the wake of this violence."
"That's why comedy is so important. They go like, 'Oh, maybe I'm the ball.' You know, if they're protesting. So, it's disarmed."