
D&D Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"The lower barrier of entry to TAZ, compared to something with as many episodes as MBMBaM, the narrative appeal of the story, and the rising popularity of D&D brought forth by things like Critical Role and the release of 5e, all led to TAZ gaining an increasingly large fan base."
"Exploring fantastic environments is one of the most evocative, memorable, and truly magical parts of playing D&D."
"Every druid, regardless of their subclass, can use wild shape for infiltration or scouting."
"Spiritual Weapon... has been buffed. Now, whenever you cast the spell using a spell slot of third level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every level above second."
"Supreme Healing: when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points to a creature with a spell that you cast with a spell slot, you don't roll those dice; instead, they just get the maximum."
"Clerics can heal, tank, crowd control, and just generally bitch-slap everybody in their way with their 10-foot spiritual shaft."
"In a perfect world, there should always be at least one person with healing power in the party."
"As long as the grave cleric is conscious, the rest of the party will never die."
"I think that D&D should be an elective course in schools."
"Taverns have been a cornerstone of Dungeons and Dragons campaign, and I feel like we're overdue for a good pub crawl."
"Warlock is the most evocative class in D&D when it comes to roleplay, giving both you and your DM amazing hooks to create a story for your character."
"Warlocks no-clip out of bounds of arcane tradition and speedrun their way to being a full caster."
"Warlocks don't get their magic through main character syndrome like Sorcerers, or by actually working for it like Bards and Wizards, but by making a pact with something."
"Eldritch Blast is the strongest cantrip in the game."
"The best option you can ever take is to take any of the 3,000 Eldritch Invocations that empower your Eldritch Blast."
"Quivering Palm is one of the greatest capstone abilities that you can gain."
"The best roleplaying moments in D&D do tend to stem from the dissolve of disbelief and the hilarity that ensues."
"In the battle to find the true face of D&D, you have to leave pieces of yourself behind."
"I loved the first edition DMG; it's filled with terrible advisements, filled with awesome advice as well."
"The book of nine swords, I thought it was one of the most evocative."
"D&D is a toolkit game, which means that it can cover a wide variety of game types."
"D&D 5e's advantage and disadvantage system rocks."
"So the first subclass that we're going to be looking at today is the arcane archer introduced in xanathar's guide to everything."
"The cavalier fighter subclass excels within its specific area of specialization."
"It all just makes the fighter more fightery."
"It doesn't take away from the fighter at all. It actually adds to it in meaningful ways."
"It feels cool and it feels like it's doing something."
"Negative consequences are a vital part of having a rich, full story in D&D."
"Vecna, Tiamat, and Jubilex are archetypal bad guys in D&D."
"These high-level characters once a D&D character reaches level 11 I consider them to be a living legend."
"We're going to start off this crafting series by starting with some cooking and what better way to start off with some D&D themed cooking by using the official D&D cookbook called the Heroes' Feast."
"You won't have the known option in your table."
"Spells and spell casting can be one of the most difficult things to learn as a new player in D&D."
"Minor Illusion is one of the best and most creative cantrips out there."
"I love rare Frost as a little Battlefield control spell."
"This is one of the best cantrips if you want to combine damage dealing in Battlefield control."
"Few months and then play something else. Now is that what 5th edition is about? I mean I would say no, that is not what it's for."
"Hello everyone! Welcome to this D&D Oxventure! My name is Corazon de Ballena, the human pirate rogue, and I would like to be very clear on this point: the leader of the Oxventure Guild."
"More options for how to play means more D&D."
"Welcome to this very special Oxventure D&D video, the last ever on Outside Xbox, but Oxford DND is getting a brand new home."
"The piety mechanic has the most impactful implications for Dungeons and Dragons going forward."
"Piety is a powerful tool for directing a player-led campaign."
"Some of these spells are very low level spells in D&D... have far more devastating application on the large scale."
"Good escapism is more important than ever, and I think we have some of the best escapism with Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition."
"The importance of getting it is huge because D&D is a very social game."
"I'm ecstatically happy with fifth edition... They just took all of the things that we assumed had to be in Dungeons and Dragons and just went balls to the wall."
"This feels like the film D&D fans would want."
"Welcome to our channel where we cover everything D and D, including advice for players and guides for DMs."
"Welcome back to D&D Beyond and I promised that we had an exciting guest today and did I lie? I did not. Please welcome the one and only Brandon Lee Mulligan to the stream."
"All the classes in D&D are good in their own ways... they all have an important role to play."
"The rogue embodies scoundrels like Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Tyrion Lannister... the trickster is one of the most powerful archetypes in all of human history."
"From the temples, churches, and holy sites throughout the D&D world comes the cleric, a class that has long held a prestigious rank."
"The wizard may be the king when it comes to the sheer volume of spells he has access to."
"The Paladin serves a cause, takes up a sacred oath, and is directly involved with a life purpose."
"The Monk is nimble and evasive, moving about without need for armor, delivering flurries of strikes."
"The Beastmaster expresses connections and memories with a unique companion, adventuring alongside his faithful beast."
"The Battle Master allows you an amount of versatility to fit your style, balancing simplicity with complexity."
"The Arcane Trickster is not head and shoulders above the assassin or thief, but he is a bit more versatile."
"Multi-classing allows for flavorful combinations like the Paladin Warlock, embodying elven culture."
"Adding two levels of Fighter to anything with spell casting gets you a lot of mileage."
"This is an amazing very well-put-together trans monk."
"There really isn't a bad choice for a cleric subclass."
"It's just not going to stand up to all of the other amazing cleric spell options."
"Well, the forged domain and the life domain are real standouts."
"This has been part one of our look at cleric subclasses in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition."
"If you are someone who has been interested in the sorcerer but felt that the mechanical limitations of the baseline sorcerer were turning you off... give these ones a second look."
"The storm sorcerer offers mostly cosmetic abilities... it doesn't really have the full suite of the storm abilities. It's just wind and lightning, and it kind of forgot to bring the rain."
"The divine soul sorcerer adds the entire cleric spell list to your options as a sorcerer, and that is insanely potent."
"Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition is the greatest tabletop role-playing game ever known in the history of the world."
"If you dare dispute the greatness of D&D, you're not only wrong but you are the opposite of correct."
"These spells have blown our minds in unexpected ways, showing the versatility and creativity of D&D magic."
"If D&D wants to be about more than just killing monsters and exploring dungeons then I want to see the next supplement do better."
"The deadliest encounters I've ever run were deadly by accident." - Unpredictable outcomes.
"How do I start a D&D campaign?" - Getting started.
"Critical Role was able to show everyone just how fun and successful Dungeons and Dragons was capable of being played at the highest level."
"Red hand of doom is rightly considered one of the best adventures for D&D."
"That's the game, that really is one of the best descriptions I've given of what D&D really is."
"I think this adventure is perfect for people who are brand new to running D&D."
"My favorite D&D monsters are mostly aberrations."
"I have always just referred to role-playing as D&D."
"Expand on all the pillars of D&D, including new tactical options in combat, new conditions, new spell mechanics, and many more ways to customize combat at your table."
"The best thing that ever happened to me in D&D."
"Don't be intimidated; building your own world for D&D is straightforward."
"So, you guys, D&D Beyond has become more and more indispensable for me."
"Players have their tokens, there’s a map, the dungeon master’s monsters have their tokens, you move things around… it simulates gridded minis very, very beautifully."
"Alright, I love having music going when I’m playing my D&D games."
"This is a free app that you can get on your android that allows you to find and search and look up spells super, super quick—far faster than flipping through the handbook I might add."
"Probably the greatest dungeon in dungeons and dragons fifth edition."
"The playing of D&D is in itself like a religious experience."
"If you enjoy creating characters in D&D almost as much as playing the actual game itself, then welcome home."
"Eldritch Knights don't use a spell book."
"If you're wanting an introduction into the world of spellcasting or you want a fighter that can use spells but don't want to multi-class, this is the subclass for you."
"Technically, it’s not possible for any single player to win at D&D as it’s a team-based roleplaying game where you’re just supposed to have fun and slay imaginary goblins to get fictional rewards."
"I’m playing Honest Con - Tiefling Warlock of Lathander, merchant lord, capitalist and greedy adventurer. Puts the 'ha' in chaotic neutral."
"D&D is first and foremost meant to be fun for all experience."
"The ability to fly opens up so many creative avenues in D&D fifth edition."
"The more chaotic and daring a player, the more the Ring of Feather Falling is going to make you happy."
"The simple beauty of the staff of healing is that it provides healing spells without having to use one of your prepared spells."
"The deck of Illusions allows you to throw down a random card from a deck and it creates an illusory creature."
"With the bag of holding, you're able to transport heavy or extremely valuable items very easily."
"As a nature cleric, we get proficiency with heavy armor. That lets us start with chainmail, which is great."
"Spiritual weapon is pretty unique among spells in that it can give us damage round after round for a whole minute but doesn't require concentration."
"One of my favorite things to do with characters is to find fun ways to take advantage of forced enemy movement."
"Harness divine power twice per day if we need it or want it."
"Eldritch Foundry is amazing, I never thought I'd have the perfect mini for my demon born half Elemental cat folk warlock bard multiclass with a bunny wizard familiar."
"Imagine this ability in D&D, undetectable, like a ninth-level spell."
"My character died early on and our DM let me possess my dog to keep playing. I proceeded to play as a charismatic albeit haunted German Shepherd with a katana crudely tucked taped to it for the rest of the campaign."
"One of the things they gave him was a teleportation stone. He decided to see what would happen if he threw it into the ocean. Ended up displacing the whole ocean and flooded the world. Game over."
"The rogue decides to try to sneak into the sanctum and scope out the room. He opens the door and is unobserved. The rogue takes the opportunity to use his knockout poison to try and take out the wizard. It works."
"He jumps onto the wizard so he power bombs the wizard. Rolls to hit, natural 20 if I recall correctly. The wizard is reduced to a bloody pulp, just no longer exists."
"Reckless attack: Advantage on attacks at the cost of enemy advantage."
"Frenzied Rage lets us make an improvised weapon attack with a bonus action."
"Enraged throw: Use a bonus action to throw stuff."
"Tavern brawler feat: Bumping strength and doubling strength bonus for damage."
"Fiend patron: Fiendish Blessing gives temporary hit points."
"Blade flourish: Spend bardic inspiration to enhance weapon attacks."
"Eldritch blast fires three beams at level 11."
"Dark one's own luck: Add a d10 to an ability check once per short rest."
"Plant Growth is the most slept-on spell in D&D fifth edition."
"Speak with Plants provides role play opportunities with a flower, that's great."
"Circle of the Spores is one of the most thematic subclasses ever released in 5th edition D&D."
"The Horizon Walker is a blast to play."
"Natural Explorer is probably a top five first level class feature."
"D&D is cooperative and usually the most optimal thing to do is to be selfless to encourage teamwork to work together and to support fellow players."
"It's a celebration of the 50-year history of D&D and some of these iconic characters, older than some of our players."
"That time the dragonborn fighter dragon feared a green dragon into running away from us like a little..."
"When Vecna kills he consumes. He takes everything from his victims - their memories, their abilities."
"Players getting away with crazy antics is one of the best things about D&D."
"The Quick Toss maneuver lets you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon as a bonus action."
"The ring of protection, on the other hand, gives the attuned wearer a plus one to AC. That's seriously just never not good."
"Love D&D having discovered it regrettably late in my life in the last two years in which I've been both a player and a Dungeon Master the latter of which I much prefer."
"Dungeons & Dragons pretty much defined the role-playing genre as we know it today and has always exerted an enormous influence over the nerdy side of Western culture."
"Welcome to DND Optimized, the show where we optimize character builds for D&D 5e."
"What are the best spells for sustained damage purposes?"
"'Conjure Animals' is just such a strong spell that no druid should ever leave home without it."
"Cloud kill's great, it's a 20-foot radius."
"Dawn does not scale, but it's a huge radius."
"Let's be real, this subclass should really be called the Circle of the Fae."
"Why you should play Circle of Dreams Druid: tremendous healer, fantastic party healing."
"Circle of Dreams Druid features fit into your druid toolbox, each subclass feature is a different tool."
"This game is perfectly valid. There's nothing wrong with playing a D&D game on the sillier end. That is a great way to play. And playing serious? That's also a great way to play."
"Many parents stopped being bothered about D&D was because there was a new evil on the horizon: video games."
"The only way to play D&D wrong is if people are not having a good time."
"Man, needing to scream over multiple 10 person games in order to get your D&D party to hear what you're saying so you can play the game? A game that relies on communication and talking? Wow, that sounds like the dream."
"Wow, you guys are the luckiest players I have ever played D&D with in my [ __ ] life."
"Music and D&D is essential for me not just for combat but I have music in almost every scene to help set the tone. It can make sneaky and suspenseful missions that much more dramatic."
"D&D is a great game with an awesome hook: tell amazing stories with your friends."
"It was an awesome moment in the campaign and the surprise on everyone's faces when they found out this NPC was evil and had me killed is one of my fondest D&D memories."
"So why do I even mention this? Well, if you or someone else in your party has access to the greater restoration spell you can cure yourself of set exhaustion and still get your infinite spell slots."
"...no one is going to need to spend hit dice if we're around and have a minute to spare and a third level spell slot to burn anyways."
"...it's also a great out-of-combat spell to use too since we could just spend 1 minute healing well what would be 120 total hit points on average divided up amongst whoever we wanted to in our group."
"I knew this was going to be silly and I was like oh it's unethical he's going to do some horrible things them no he's just actually a really good DM telling a fun story and getting to overact everything in such a fun way."
"Yeah, this is just making me want to play D and D more."
"The takeaway: Sometimes D&D characters are closer to their players than you initially realize, so please don't outright ignore troubled characters during creation and always check in with your players after tough sessions."
"Death ward is actually pretty great to have for free since it's a buff spell that actually doesn't cause concentration, which is, you know, rare."
"May you always roll high, may your magic items never be cursed, and I hope you have lots of fun playing D&D!"
"If the group isn't having fun, that's essentially playing D&D wrong."
"That was my first big D&D campaign and safe to say I'm still turned off by it."
"This is a tale of the first D&D Campaign which almost made me give up D&D entirely."
"Guy learns from his girlfriend that some random people play D&D, makes a character sheet, writes a two-page backstory, has girlfriend introduce him to the dungeon master, makes dungeon master read the backstory in front of him, tries to insert himself into the game."
"D&D is a collaborative role-play game. Collaboration is necessary."
"The Crypt Chanter: no mindless undead, with an intelligence of 14."
"The Crypt Chanter: a neat little piece of D&D's history."
"deep spawn are one of those monsters that have been around in d d for a really long time but for whatever reason have never really had their chance in the Limelight"
"Hello and welcome to Monster of the Week, the only show on the internet that takes old-school D&D monsters and converts them into shiny new 5th edition monsters for your 5th edition D&D campaigns."
"Session zero refers to a D&D group meeting before they start playing to set expectations."
"No matter what you think is the right way to play D&D if some of the people at your table are miserable, something needs to change."
"But I think the biggest realization I had is that so much of Orion’s behavior wasn’t necessarily toxic for every D&D game."
"That’s why I’ve been making these videos, and if they’ve made it easier for some people to find a way to play D&D with their friends without friction, then I will consider this year well-spent."
"Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition is a fine system and makes for a fine entry point to the hobby."
"Everyone who's ever played a D&D campaign at some point goes, 'You know, this would be really great if it was an animated show.'"
"First impressions are everything and that certainly pertains to D&D as well."
"You gotta have a session zero, it's mandatory."
"D&D requires buy-in, it requires engagement."
"A big part of D&D is losing but also winning and being rewarded for those victories."
"No D&D is far better than bad D&D."
"I want to help make 5e easier to learn than ever before."
"D&D differs from many traditional games in that it is not a combative experience but rather a collaborative one."
"For decades D&D had the reputation as being the exclusive purview of nerds, geeks, and the socially malfeasant."
"D&D should be fun for players and the dungeon master."
"It's a brand new campaign setting for D&D 5e that's drawing inspiration from The Legend of Zelda, Studio Ghibli, and Adventure Time."
"This box set really does come with everything."
"It is absolutely nutty there is no official stat block for leprechauns in D&D fifth edition."
"What started as a Power Ranger toy ended up as a very usable bit of fantasy terrain that is gonna work perfectly for D&D."
"The cosmology of D&D is expansive, encompassing numerous alternative planes of existence."
"The upper end of D&D is not well defined, and actually, I think that's a good thing."
"The only way to play D&D wrong is if people aren't having fun."
"Now, I want you to paint a scene in your mind: You're a D&D character in the middle of a quest."
"Uncharted Journeys by Cubicle 7 is a really outstanding book for handling travel in D&D."
"It's a great adventure; it's a straightforward D&D adventure."
"It's pure and D&D; it just feels like D&D, and I love it."
"Storm King's Thunder is designed to be a very open adventure."
"The stellar dragon is among the most powerful entities in the world of spell jammer and one of the craziest creatures ever put into print in any D&D setting."
"D&D is more than just a role-playing game, it's a powerful learning tool."
"D&D is one of my favorite games, and I look forward to many great campaigns in the future."
"Welcome to Monster of the Week, the show where we dig up old creatures from past editions of Dungeons & Dragons and other role-playing games and bring them to light for use in your current fifth edition game."
"It does regain 10 hit points per round."
"I've been really enjoying D&D lately, and I love to talk about it."
"Well every time we play D&D here with our terrain, that's how I feel, that's how our players feel, and it's awesome."
"Let's play the game that everyone wishes they could play."