
Societal Cycles Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And weak men create hard times."
"Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men."
"We think this next fourth turning we're currently in, starting in 2008, will probably last till around early 2030s."
"Tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men."
"Good times make weak men, and weak men make bad times."
"Soft times make soft men, and soft men make hard times."
"Hard times make hard men, hard men make safe times, safe times make soft men, soft men make hard times."
"History rhymes; civilizations and societies tend to follow cycles: boom, bust, feast, famine, war, peace, cultural experimentation, a retrenchment back to the old ways of doing things."
"Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times."
"A great positive shift doesn't occur; we will forever be destined to repeat our mistakes on greater and greater scales until we finally do."
"You have generations of people who feel like they're stuck in this loop."
"What creates hard times? Weak men. But we can only hope that these hard times garner strong men again."
"Good times create weak people. Weak people create bad times. Bad times create strong people. Strong people create good times."
"Civilization is not this linear progression; it's a roller coaster of peaks and valleys."
"Like the Maya, we moderns need to find ways to flatten the boom-bust cycle that has plagued all populations across time."
"They're reaching their pinnacle, but civilization works in cycles. They'll drop away eventually."
"Hard times create hard people, hard people create good times, good times create soft people, soft people create hard times."
"If you want to forget, so therefore your children forget, nobody ever learns. The following generations are doomed to repeat the mistakes of our past."
"If we don't practice empathy, all of this stuff just continues in cycles."
"Strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times. Hard times make strong men."
"The great reset is not original it has been tried countless times before this is where the phrase if you don't know history you're doomed to repeat it comes in."
"The 2020s will be the first time these two cycles align in the same decade."
"It's important to remember this that this is a pattern that repeats itself throughout history."
"Hard times create strong human beings, and weak times create weak human beings."
"The New Republic’s struggle to emerge from a devastating conflict, the political gridlock and instability that followed, the bad hand it was dealt, we’ve seen these sorts of things time again here on Earth."
"Hard times make strong men and good times make weak men."
"Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it."
"We're a casualty of our own success. Nothing is new, it's just forgotten."
"Most of all, Dune exposes the cycles of humanity and the constant structure of giving and taking that is present throughout the universe."
"Every season is necessary and frankly even the fourth turning when a lot of old institutions are destroyed that's necessary to rejuvenate us right to rejuvenate our institutions to make them young again."
"Hard times make hard men. Hard men make easy times. Easy times make easy men. Easy men make hard times."
"Weak men create Hard Times, Hard Times create strong men."
"Strong men create good times and Good Times create weak men weak men create bad times and bad times create strong men."
"Good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, hard times make strong men."
"Hard times create strong men, and we're in the good times create weak men phase of this."
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make easy times, easy times make soft men."
"Every generation has to teach good values to the next generation or the bad stuff comes up again."
"We're repeating a cycle, and if we don't stand flat-footed and actually stop it, we're going to give the devil a foothold."
"We've been continually reset and reset and reset."
"Hard times create strong men, and then you have the strong men creating great times."
"A time has come where we are reaching the end of a cycle and the intelligent, civilized, advanced, thoughtful, caring, knowledgeable, compassionate human being is facing a future."
"Hard men create good times because they're hardened and things are tough."
"Tough times produce strong people. Strong people produce good times. Good times produce weak people."
"Hard times make strong people. Strong people make easy times. Sometimes make soft people, exactly. And that's all I'm saying."
"Good times make weak men, and here we are now."
"Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it and those that do are doomed to watch others repeat it for you." - Mike Smith
"The survivors of yesterday are the victims of today, and those who survive today, tomorrow may be your turn."
"It's history, it's just repeating. If anything, that's a lesson we all can learn."
"Hard times make strong men strong men make good times and good men good times make weak men and weak men make hard times delete weak men and there will still be hard times because all men serve weak women or at least the majority."
"We don't have to be a victim of the pride cycle."
"That's the way I see it... it's just going to be an ugly cycle of hyper partisanship."
"We're just going to keep on having this rise and fall."
"Those Souls that lived in those societies will come back."
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make easy times."
"It's like, this is working for them, yeah, but clearly most people are sick of it. That's not a sustainable... like, people really like to forget that every empire, everything, has its time in the sun and then it goes away."
"Hard times make strong men and weak men are all crying."
"Good times make weak men weak, men make hard times, and hard times make strong men, and the cycle repeats all over again."
"Strong men create good times, we're currently dealing with weak men and bad times."
"History repeats itself, and you won't know how to combat it if you don't learn from it."
"Good times create weak men, and they'll stay weak. Weak times create hard times."
"Nothing's changed again, history is just kind of rewriting the same history over and over again."
"Weak people make hard times and hard times make strong people."
"Remember, hard times make strong men without hard times you get weak men who make hard times."
"You know, that adage of 'strong times create weak men, weak men create hard times,' you know, that whole thing is very apt."
"Hard Times lead to tough men, tough men lead to easy times, easy times lead to weak men, and weak men lead back to tough times."
"Strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men."
"Every 80 to 100 years, trust in institutions breaks down because the people in those institutions who we do trust to make our lives better fail."
"Good times make weak people, weak people make bad times, bad times make strong people, strong people make great times."
"Good times breed weak men, hard times create strong men, and strong men create good times."
"Good times create weak men, and weak men make hard times."
"Hard times make tough men, tough men make times soft, soft times make soft men."
"Difficult times create strong people, strong people create prosperous times, prosperous times create weak people, and weak people create bad times."
"Good times create weak men, weak men create bad times."